Communicating with Clients

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Communicating with Clients
Part 1: Tips for Welcoming Clients to the Salon
How can you make sure that you do a good job of welcoming clients to the
salon? Write down answers to each of the questions in the space provided.
What things can you say to
make your client feel
How can you use client
profiles to provide a
professional service to your
How do you make sure that
you have asked all the
questions that you need to
for filling in a client profile?
How do you make sure that
you have written everything
down correctly?
How will you make sure that
your personal presentation
conveys a good impression?
What body language can you
use to make your client feel
Part 2: Important Features of Example Greeting with
Write down three important features of the example greeting with Barbara.
For example: The hairdresser is friendly and polite.
Part 3: Suggested Conversation Text - Barbara Button’s
Contact Details
Write an improved conversation text for obtaining Barbara Button’s contact
details. Remember that you need to include enough information in your
conversation text so that you can fill in the contact details section of Barbara’s
client profile. You can make up some of Barbara’s details if necessary.
NB: You will complete the consultation section of the Client Profile later and
therefore do not need to include information about this in your suggested
conversation text.
Part 4: Communication Skills
Using the conversation text below (Barbara Button’s Consultation cont…),
answer the following questions.
Q1. Was Barbara asked a combination of open and closed questions in this
consultation? (Double click the correct box)
Q2. Underline or highlight an example of:
 An open question and write open next to it
 A closed question and write closed next to it
Q3. Underline or highlight a sentence which shows that you listened to
Barbara’s needs. Write listened next to the sentence.
Q4. Underline or highlight a sentence which shows that you gave Barbara
feedback and suggestions according to her needs. Write feedback next to the
Conversation Text - Barbara Button’s Consultation
You: Hello Barbara, I believe you’re having a haircut with Steven today.
Barbara: Yes, that’s right.
You: For our records, how did you find out about Cyber Hair Studio?
Barbara: My next-door neighbour recommended you. She’s always been
impressed by the standard of service she’s received here.
You: Great. As this is your first visit, I’d like to ask you a few questions to
help us care for your hair. Firstly, how much time do you spend on your hair
each day?
Barbara: About 15 minutes.
You: Oh OK. What sort of work do you do?
Barbara: I teach PE at the local High School.
You: So, does that mean that you play a lot of sport?
Barbara: Yes. I run every morning before work and I also go to water
aerobics three times a week. I wash my hair every day so I use Qwikwash
shampoo from the supermarket because it’s quick and easy.
You: You sound very busy! And you know that chlorine is no good for your
hair. With only 15 minutes to look after your hair, perhaps we could look at
how you manage your hair at home. We could also talk about the products
you are using.
Barbara: Sounds great.
You: OK then, can you come through to the chair, please?
When you have completed your work. store it in a safe place, ready to give to your