2012 AGM Minutes

Christchurch Clubs Darts League
Annual General Meeting
Venue N.A.D.S. S & S.C. Tues. 3rd July 2012 Commencing 8.15 p.m.
The meeting opened at 8.25. Bob Luckwell chaired the meeting and welcomed a
total of 12 players & committee members.
No Apologies were received.
The minutes of the last meeting which were listed on website were taken as read
and accepted as a true record carried at that meeting.
Item 4.Matters Arising. None recorded.
Item 5. Hon Secretary Report. A short report from Gary Howlett thanked those
present for turning up. The season was unfortunately spoilt by 2 teams
withdrawing the Kasbah & BBB Cons which lead to the season being sporadic
with many weeks for most without games, hopefully this won’t happen again. GH
emphasised the importance of team reps captains and vice captains to keep
things going and not just give up and let teams disappear we need teams to turn
up weekly with full teams and enter league competitions to keep this league
Finishing of with usual thanks to Alan and Frank for their work throughout
Item 6. League Treasurers Report.
Frank Miles issued income & expenditure info and read through figures etc giving
final balance and current status of league funds. The charity account was given
10% of the income total.
Andy Coy asked if all monies had been paid he was told that Mudeford B still
owed £7. Andy also asked re gift aid concerning charity donations if this was
possible Bob Luckwell added that due to Tax issues this would not be
Frank mentioned that most of the donations in the past had been to local
organisations. Bob L asked all present to have a think about possible causes that
monies could be donated to and let the committee know. Jamie Lamb mentioned
that someone in their team had a relative with Autism they would benefit from a
donation Bob L asked if this could be looked into as the league could possibly do
Item 7.Hon Secretary Statistics Report.
Alan Gooch mentioned the fiasco re teams dropping out and pointed out that if
this happens again we would have to look at reviewing fixtures and possibly
create new fixture list. Alan pointed out that at the time he hadn’t realised the
adverse effect it would have with these teams pulling out and if he had
something would have been done, we can only learn from this. With regards to
the team that hadn’t paid fines who weren’t present Alan mentioned he had
scorecards associated with team signing new player and late card with post date
way after it was due he felt annoyed that yet again the team’s rep didn’t turn up.
Finally Alan offered thanks to Frank and Gary and Bob for effort during season.
Bob L mentioned re turning Mudeford MC B out of league do we want to vote on
it? Alan mentioned that he has to draft next season fixture list so would need to
know soon he felt it would be a bit harsh to exclude them but would email them
with request for fines to be paid by a deadline suitable to him. With the meeting
getting sidetracked Bob L moved meeting onto next item.
Item 8. Allocation of funds to Charity account.
This item had already been mentioned during Treasurers report so remained the
same as last year 10% from club funds to charity. All present happy
Item 9. Election of Executive Committee
Bob L mentioned to all present this is time to elect new or re-elect existing
committee members and asked all present if they wanted to volunteer their
services , with no volunteers the existing committee agreed to stay on another
Item 10. Honorariums.
The executive committee were asked to leave room whilst honorariums were
discussed. A £10 increase was noted.
These were voted at £110 per executive committee member.
Many thanks from the recipients.
Item11 .Proposals. Bob L went through procedure for proposals he would read
the proposals and then ask proposer to explain, any comments from the floor
would be taken and then a vote would be called for. With the absence of
proposer or seconder Proposals 5 & 8 were omitted from meeting.
Proposal 1 Rule change
Change C14 John Ramsier Handicapped Eights Knockout to be played using a single-leg round
robin format if less than eight teams enter. For eight or more teams, this competition should
remain as a straight knockout.
Rationale: When the competition is poorly supported, it finishes far too early using a
traditional knockout and therefore does not comply with the league’s intention to support clubs in
the league by holding competitions that run for the entire evening where possible.
Proposer: Alan Gooch
Seconder: Frank Miles
Rule Change
Alan read through proposal as above feedback firstly from Daniel Walker who
asked if there was anyway it could be played so as to do away with 3 teams
having to play at same time on one board. Alan said not really as it would take
too long. Andy Coy didn’t agree with the round robin format as he felt it favored
the better teams although in the past his team had won it twice. The main issue
here was to get teams to turn up and stay the evening. It was pointed out that
there was no entry fee so this wasn’t an issue as to why teams didn’t turn up.
Bob called for vote 6-3 in favor of proposal.
Proposal 2 Rule change
Amend rule G05 to state that players are not permitted to play in other leagues at the same venue
on the same night.
Rationale: Out format is such that it requires games to be played continuously throughout the
night. Having to wait for a player to complete a game on another board in another league is
Proposer: Alan Gooch
Seconder: Gary Howlett
Alan read through proposal stating that he had seen that other leagues had
similar rules and that it was brought up in particular because One of the teams
entered this season had teams in two leagues and were using players in both
leagues when at home which had caused a delay in match progress which in turn
left team short of players when one of the teams were playing away. Bob called
for vote Unanimous in favour of proposal.
Proposal 3 Rule change
Amend rules C07 and C08 to permit players who have played in the Silver Pairs and Sonny
Willcox Silver Singles to be eligible to also play in the equivalent Open Competitions.
Rationale: The ‘Silver’ Competitions are restricted to give lower rated players a chance to win
trophies. There is no reason for them not to enter the ‘Open’ Competitions if they wish to do so.
Proposer: Gary Howlett
Seconder: Frank Miles
Gary Howlett read through proposal and felt that this wouldn’t hurt anything and it
would benefit some players giving them the opportunity to play in a higher ranked
competition and thus improve their game. Mention of ratings of players moving
up and down making decision sometimes awkward for players to know what
competition they could play in. Bob called for vote decision Unanimous in favour
of proposal.
Proposal 4 Rule change
Amend G11 to state that proposals for consideration at the AGM should be received by the
Committee no later than the General Meeting to be held no later than fours week before the AGM.
Proposer: Gary Howlett
Seconder: Frank Miles
GH read through proposal all happy. Question raised by Alan Hodgkinson
regarding any urgent or really good proposal would we be able to look at.
It was decided to accept original proposal but to add clause to allow for late
proposal entries at the discretion of executive committee on the proviso that they
do not change structure of league. Bob called for vote unanimous for amended
Proposal 5. Omitted due to non attendance by Proposer or seconder.
Proposal 6 Rule change
We currently have play-offs when two or more players share the most 180s (rule P13) and the
most singles wins (P16). We propose to remove this rule and to award trophies/mementoes to all
recipients. This would mean that play-offs would remain only for League, Runners-Up and Gallon.
Proposer: Alan Gooch
Seconder: Gary Howlett
Proposed G. Howlett 2nd Alan Gooch
Alan read through proposal only questions raised were the cost of any extra
trophies Alan answered that these would have to be smaller as appropriate to
number of winners. Bob called for vote Unanimous in favor of proposal.
Proposal 7 Rule change
To change the qualifying requirement for the Invitational Aggregate KO to be the top 16 Singles
Aggregates, rather than the top per team. In the event that qualifying players do not wish to
attend, there shall be a list of reserves who can be invited.
Proposer: Alan Gooch
Seconder: Gary Howlett
Alan read through proposal most present felt that the lower teams should be
represented in this competition. After discussion it was agreed that the top 16
players with highest aggregate would be invited to play as well as the best
aggregate players (and equal) from all other teams. Bob called for vote decision
unanimous in favor of proposal.
Proposal 8 Omitted due to non attendance by Proposer or seconder.
Item 12 League Entry and Competition entry fees. Bob mentioned that with
current funds there was no need to change anything so fees to remain the same.
All present Happy.
Item 13 League Entry Applications. Alan accepted entries from representatives
present and said he would chase up those that were missing.
Item 14 Any Other Business
Gary Howlett mentioned about the perpetual trophies being refurbished with a lot
of these trophies on presentation night being left behind by winners was it really
worth spending out on refurbishing. After discussion most felt that as most
perpetual trophies were taken we should continue to replenish trophies.
Andy Coy asked about a possible competition for new players in league Alan
Gooch pointed out that this would not work as there would be new players of all
standards so the better players would have advantage over players that have
just started playing. AC mentioned a U21’s comp AG pointed out again this
would have the same outcome as Andy’s previous suggestion.
Gary Howlett mentioned the Gallon that as some teams didn’t like it was it worth
considering replacing with two times Fours games where if team won both Fours
they would get bonus point. After brief discussion most people present felt that
this still favored the better teams so best left as it is.
Mike Walton Mentioned that he had a problem during season with a chalker
calling out what double his team member had left of which he duly hit however
the 26 he was originally going for having hit a double 4 (8) which left 18 on which
chalker had said double 7 (14) instead of correct double 9 (18) and immediately
scrubbed off chalk board/ scoreboard before anything could be done Mike
mentioned that his team did not complain at time.
Gary Howlett stated that each team is supposed to check scores as they go but
rarely do so, also Mike should have said something at time and got scores put
back and if scores could not be remembered have the leg replayed. GH added
that this is a problem that can happen and there is not a lot rules can do to solve
problem teams just need to keep eye on games. Mike W asked re calling out
Alan G mentioned that we are running a friendly league with some new players
who are going through learning process of game so we can not really enforce
Alan Gooch with one last item of business mentioned that as it stands we could
have 9 teams in the league next season and according to rules as written we
should be looking at playing each other 3 times, he added that he felt we should
still run as per usual thus making season 6 weeks shorter.
All present happy with this GH added that perhaps a longer break around
Christmas would be appropriate Alan Mentioned he would more than likely put a
couple more Competitions around Christmas to see how that works. Bob L added
that we would leave this to Alan to sort for next meeting.
Next Meeting Tues 7th August
Meeting Closed Time not noted.