Meeting Minutes 17Nov09

Christchurch Clubs Darts League
Committee Meeting
Venue N.A.D.S. & S.C. Tues 17th November 2009 Commencing 8.15 p.m.
The meeting opened at 8.20. Bob Luckwell chaired meeting and welcomed a
total of 15 players & committee members.
Apologies received. None
The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted as a true record carried
at that meeting.
No Matters Arising.
Item 5. Match Fixture with Dorset County Youth. Alan asked for Rhino’s input he
stated he had team available with a mixture of male and female players for
fixture date of 11th June. Rhino suggested that a player from all teams in league
should play and said he would organise letter to each team with the fixture being
held at the East Christchurch Club, he would also arrange a dart board and MC
on that evening. Rhino also mentioned that possibly with the availability of a PC
on which the scores could be logged and recorded. Alan mentioned this was a
first for the league and mentioned the possibility of using game to raise funds to
support the youth team as an ongoing aid for funds required. Also this would be
a good opportunity to play on a raised stage and good experience for players
selected. Bob finalised all happy for Rhino to do letter Alan to see letter first and
then send out to teams.
Item 6. Re-arranged Games Alan mentioned game between Go Nads and
Mudeford V2.3 he explained existing rule and asked team reps what was
happening he wanted a date for the re-arranged game from both teams. Bob of
Mudeford said they had originally agreed to replay game on a free week but had
not been able as yet to raise a team for the available free week Fridays, he felt it
wasn’t his fault and added that the Go Nads had originally asked to re-arrange
the game. After a brief discussion the decision was to play a so called double
header game at Mudeford Mens Club with the Go Nads taking role of home team
with two gallons played on night Bob from Mudeford was happy and all was
Item 7. Late Scorecards. Alan was not happy mentioning that in 9 weeks he had
already had 6 late cards and felt this was not acceptable there was no reason for
this. He had looked at other leagues and seen that fines were considerably
harsher with a £10 1st offence being doubled for second offence. He asked the
Mudeford V2.3 about missing card Bob said he couldn’t find card Alan asked
John Wilkinson from Parley if he could let him have result John said he would
organise and send in copy, Alan asked all to try and make sure the cards are
returned on-time.
Item 8 Denny Parrett. Frank mentioned funds raised at £285 Gary offered a big
thank you to Tracy Parrack for her role in fund raising.
Alan mentioned that the Denny Parrett Trophy was falling apart and wasn’t
entirely happy how charity funds were being directed into main account and
nothing happening. The shield had been around for thirty years and needed revamping. A suggestion of donating the trophy to the DP family possibly in a
refurbished state and a new trophy purchased. Bob Luckwell asked if we were
keeping trophy name suggesting the Xch Darts League charity shield with funds
raised being allocated at AGM with say 2/3 of going to charity and rest to league.
Most present happy to refurbish trophy prior to donating to DP family.
Matt Woodhouse mentioned why change name as the Ringwood league had
similar named trophies still ongoing and felt it should stay as it is.
After discussion it was decided that Frank Miles would speak to DP family and
see what they say re trophy and for us to possibly think of a new name for next
Item 9 Any Other Business. Frank mentioned funds re Rhino’s youth team
league he had paid out £826.27 with league funds at £3095 Rhino mentioned
there were 4 away games left. Bob asked after Rhino’s plans for next season.
Rhino mentioned that his role as manager had changed to being the chairman
and that Garry Rendell was now the new manager they had had a fund raiser
and things were looking a lot better than the last two seasons. Bob asked re the
June 11th fixture against youth teams what was happening to funds raised that
evening, Rhino mentioned the possibility of returning some funds back to the
league. Bob felt that this wouldn’t be required and funds should be kept by youth
team to help towards next season all present were happy with this decision.
Item10. Competition Draw and Venues. This would be done when meeting
Next Meeting Tues 18th May 2010
Meeting Closed 9.05pm.
Next Meeting Bob Luckwell said that next meetings would be at similar stages
as per previous season Dates would be on Fixture list.
Meeting Closed 8.50pm.