From: Membership Secretary Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service Association COS Health / DGMS (RAF) Nimrod Block RAF High Wycombe High Wycombe HP14 4UE Email: 05 January 2012 Dear Member DATA PROTECTION ACT 1. The Data Protection Act has been amended to reflect current thinking on the possible consequences of retained personal Data. The PMRAFNS Association complies with the current regulations but it is now incumbent on the Association to inform you of what personal information we keep, in what format we retain the information and who has access to the facts. This letter aims to explain these points and seeks your confirmed acceptance of the Association’s responsibilities in relation to the Data Protection Act 1998. 2. The essence of the 1998 Act is to offer more ‘protection’ to the individual whilst allowing organisations to function. You should read carefully and note the following: a. Information on you is retained for the sole purpose of the PMRAFNS Association. We do not knowingly pass personal details of any sort to a third party without your consent. b. Electronic records are kept by the Membership Secretary and the Deputy Membership Secretary only. c. Other elected PMRAFNS Association Committee Members may from time to time be given personal details in pursuance of specific duties in relation to the association only. d. Membership details are retained for two years after a lapse in membership. e. All personnel and contact information provided on the application form are retained for the duration of the individual membership by the membership secretary and her deputy. 3. For the purpose of the Data Protection Act, PMRAFNS Association Committee members holding the following positions are nominated as Data Controllers: a. Membership Secretary. b. Deputy Membership Secretary. c. AGM & Reunion Coordinator. d. Treasurer. 1 e. Deputy Treasurer. f. Special Events Co-ordinator 4. You have the right to request details of any information the PMRAFNS Association hold on you by applying in writing to the Membership Secretary giving as much detail as possible on your request. A response will be returned to you within 21 days from receipt. 5. You should be aware that authorised details printed in the Membership List might be sent to Association Members residing out side the United Kingdom. In these circumstances the Association whilst making every effort to comply with the Data Protection Act can not be held responsible for any disclosure by a third party. 6. Association members must give their written informed consent to the PMRAFNS Association allowing personal information to be stored and used for the stated purpose. Failure to give this consent will result in the member being removed from all databases. In these circumstances, the PMRAFNS Association cannot guarantee individuals will receive all correspondence in a timely manner. 7. You are now requested to complete the attached Data Protection Act proforma and return it to the Membership Secretary. 8. Thank you for your continued support of the PMRAFNS Association. <Original Signed> FM McGLYNN Sqn Ldr Membership Secretary <Original Signed> TP PHILLIPS Retired Member Membership Team <Original Signed> P PYBIS Flt Lt Deputy Membership Secretary <Original Signed> EMA CAMP Cpl JNCO Membership Team 2 To: Membership Secretary Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service Association COS Health / DGMS (RAF) Nimrod Block RAF High Wycombe High Wycombe HP14 4UE Email: DATA PROTECTION ACT 1. I have read and understood the information sent to me by the Membership Secretary to the PMRAFNS Association in relation to the Data Protection Act 1998 and I agree to the following information being kept by the Association: a. Surname. b. Initials. c. Maiden name. d. Date of Birth. e. Post Nominal’s. f. Dates of Service; - Start date: g. Home Address. h. Work Address. i. Email Address. j. Payment method. End of Service date: 2. I understand that personal information will only be used by the PMRAFNS Association in pursuance of their lawful business and in good faith. 3. I confirm that I have read and understood the terms of this subject form. Signature: ........................................................................... NAME (Please Print): ........................................................ Date: ............................................................................... Please return this proforma to the Membership Secretary annually. 3