1. Database
Add details of new members
Delete details of members who leave
Change members’ details as necessary
2. “Attendance Sheets” file
Add new members’ names
Delete names of members who leave
Print out sheets before wed. meetings ( unless a willing helper is able to head a team
of members to tick off names at meetings, in which case send them the Attendance
file and they will print the sheets before meetings)
3. “Database Changes” File
This lists all new members’ names and addresses, all changes to members’ addresses
and all members who leave.
This list is sent on request to the committee member who arranges for U3A NEWS to be
sent to members by a company.
4. “Attendance at Meetings” file
Add number of members who attend Wednesday meetings.
By using the “save as” facility, keep a trail of all files, especially the main database, and
back these up regularly onto a U3A memory stick.
Send database to committee 3 times a year or on request.
1. Send Membership Application Forms to anyone who is interested in joining. They
can be handed out at wed meetings, but potential members must complete them at
home and send them to the Treasurer, who will deal with them and try to persuade
them to pay the first year by cheque, and set up a standing order to start a year
from the date of joining.
2. The Treasurer then sends the SO Mandate to their bank and informs the Memb.
Sec. of their details, so that a membership pack can be sent to them, and a
membership card if a SAE is sent. If the member has set up a SO, no date is put
on the card, but if they haven’t set one up, put an expiry date on the card.
3. Two New Members’ Coffee Mornings have been held a year—Maybe this is
something the vice president could take on in the future.
4. If a new member has set up a standing order, inform the Treasurer of their
membership number.
1. The Attendance Sheets are ticked, and a clicking gadget used, as members arrive,
to :- check that everyone IS a member, to welcome people, and to ensure that
when the number approaches the number of seats available, new entries are
informed there is standing room only.
2. Hopefully a willing helper will be happy to organize a team to do this.
1. Send out subscription forms after Christmas to all members who have not signed
the SO form.
2. Send out a letter also thanking members for setting up a SO, otherwise people
forget they have done this. This may not be necessary however in the future, as
members become more familiar with having paid by standing order.
3. The Treasurer deals with all cheques and SOs and informs Memb. Sec. of
4. Memb. Sec. adds all this information in the “subscription columns” at the end of
the database.
5. On March 1st, delete the details of all members who have not renewed their subs
and send a letter telling them they are no longer members.
When members who forgot to pay contact you to say they wish to remain a
member, send them an Application form to rejoin. In which case there is no need
to send the new members’ pack to them.
6. Send the list of non payers to the Coordinator of the Groups so they can circulate it
to all the group coordinators, who must ensure that they do not attend study
7. Every month the Treasurer will check our bank statement and tell the Memb. Sec.
which SOs have been paid in, so this can be put onto the database. A facility has
been added to the database to enable us easily to check which SOs are overdue, the
Memb. Sec. can inform the Treasurer re these and HE can contact the member.
1. Committee meetings
2. New members’ coffee mornings
3. Annual co-ordinators’ meeting in September.
Following this meeting, meet up with the Coordinator of the Groups, who has
collected attendance lists from the groups. Go through the lists checking that
everyone is a member from the database. It is then the Coordinator’s job to ensure
that any person attending a group who is not a member is asked to leave the group
or join the U3A.
4. Information usually given at the above 2 meetings :a. Please don’t act as a go-between for potential new members, as they need
to refer themselves to the Memb. Sec., who will deal with all enquiries.
b. Please inform the Memb. Sec. if any of your details change – tel no.
address, email, etc.
c. Visitors may attend 3 wednesday meetings, but only paid up members
may attend study groups.