Sarah’s Dance Academy 117 W. Pulaski Street – P.O. Box 66 Pulaski, Wisconsin 54162 (920) 822-7400 Sarah’s Dance Academy welcomes all dancers and their parents to the Spring 2010 Dance Season! This season will run 6-week or 7-week segments with classes beginning on Monday, March 29, 2010. We are delighted to begin our sixth year of Spring Dance Programs. Please read the following information over carefully: Studio Policies and Procedures Calendar of Events and Tuition Chart Class Schedules Registration Form and Medical Release Combination Class meets for 60 minutes per week for 7 weeks. This class is for ages 3 years old through adult. Combination Classes for students ages 3 to 6 will consist of 30 minutes of Tap and 30 minutes of Pre-Ballet; for ages 8 and above, 30 minutes of Tap and 30 minutes of Jazz/Hip-Hop. Pom-Pon Class focuses on isolating the body with sharp movements using pom-pons. This class meets for 45 minutes per week for 7 weeks. Are you also interested in making your School Dance Team next year, then check out our new Dance Team Prep class. Technique and Flexibility Class is geared to build the dancer’s flexibility and skills, such as turns, leaps, and jumps, while perfecting skills and building your core, arms, shoulders, and legs. This is a must for dancers that want to advance to the next level in dance, or for those dancers with the goal of making one of our Performance Troupe Teams and/or their high school dance teams. This class will be offered in 7-week segments and meets for 45 minutes each week. Fairy Tale Dance Class will be offered in 7-week segments and meets for 40 minutes each week. This is for students that are preschool age (3 to 5 years old). During the initial week a fairy tale story is read, and then students learn PreBallet dance movements with music pertaining to the story. The following week the students put on costumes (over their leotard/tights) and perform their routine. This class is an excellent dance class for beginning little dancers. It is a fun and rewarding experience for the children to dress up and perform! The Fairy Tale costumes are provided for each student at each performance. Two-Year-Old Movement Class will be offered in 6-week segments and meets for 30 minutes each week. A parent attends this class with their child. This fast-paced, fun-filled class introduces your child to easy movements and gives them the opportunity to be a part of a dance class with the help of Mom or Dad. Ballet I, II, III, IV and V. Classical Ballet is fundamental for all dance classes. Ballet provides the basis for all forms of dance and should be taken first, or concurrently, with Tap or Jazz classes. Ballet teaches proper technique, posture and terminology. Students are grouped together by age, skill level and experience. Classes labeled Ballet incorporate technical skills and performance skills. Ballet Technique is a class for aspiring dancers who wish to develop an understanding of dance movement. Ballet Technique classes are 60 to 90 minutes in length for 7 weeks. Most dancers over the age of 6 should take a Ballet Technique Class in addition to their regular Combination Class. Hip-Hop Dance Class will be offered for 7-weeks and meet for 30 minutes each week. Hip-Hop consists of high-energy street movements as seen in your favorite music videos. The focus is on isolating the body while popping some tricks may be added. (Also check out the All Boys Hip-Hop and Adult Hip-Hop Crew classes.) This class is for ages 7 to adult. Please remember that proper dance attire is strictly enforced for every student. Please see the Spring 2010 Studio Policies and Procedures sheet for a list of proper dance attire. Registrations are due by March 22, 2010. Please keep in mind that all class schedules are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. A place in class will not be reserved without a completed Registration Form and the accompanying Registration Fee. Feel free to call the Studio at (920) 822-7400 with any questions concerning the attached information. All phone messages are checked periodically during the day and your call will be returned promptly. Join in the fun this Spring at Sarah’s Dance Academy! Sarah’s Dance Academy believes in building strong relationships with children, families, and communities. We promise to provide a fun, healthy, and safe environment for all ages, cultures, and skill levels. As professional dance instructors, our goal is to provide high quality educational dance while at the same time providing each student with self-worth and the ‘love of dance’. “You're revelation is the tune I dance to." – The Message, Ps. 119:77 Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 STUDIO POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Studio Policy Classes will begin March 29, 2010. Please enter Studio A from the rear entrance and our new Studio B and Studio C from the front entrance. A $15.00 Registration Fee is due by March 22, 2010 with this completed Registration Form. Please remember that class schedules are filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Please choose the class you are interested in, the day of the week, and the time that it meets. We will try to schedule the classes as close to your requested times as possible. Please note that classes are subject to change will out any notice. You will be notified with your exact class times the week of March 22, 2010. A place in class will not be reserved without a completed Registration Form and the accompanying Registration Fee. All Registration Fees, Class Fees, and Costume Fees are payable with no refunds or adjustments. All classes must be paid on the dates that they are due. Payment must be made in the form of cash or check, no credit cards will be accepted. There is a $30.00 charge for returned checks, followed by payment in cash. Please note that if a payment is 1 to 30 days late, there will be a $10.00 Late Fee charged monthly per-student per-class, in addition to the designated Tuition Charge. If your account becomes 60 (sixty) days late, your child will be temporarily suspended from Sarah’s Dance Academy until all tuition and late fees are paid in full. Please notify the Studio if there are any special circumstances concerning payments. Dance Shoes and Attire All Classes: Hair must be pulled away from the face. Combination Class for ages 3 to 6: Black tap, black ballet. Combination Class for ages 7 to adult: Black taps or jazz-tap shoes, black stretch jazz boots shoes. Combination attire for girls: Any color leotards, tights, skirt (optional), unitards, or dance pants/shorts. Combination attire for boys: Dance pants and a tight fitting solid color tee shirt. Private Lessons or Hip-Hop Class: Leotard, dance pants/shorts (no baggy clothing or jeans), and boys will wear the same attire as Combination Class. Two-Year-Old Movement Class: Wears the same attire as Combination Class but with black ballet shoes. Fairy Tale Dance Class: Black ballet shoes, leotard, and tights (a shirt is optional). Ballet Class: Black leotards, pink tights, skirts of any color or pattern, and pink leather or canvas ballet shoes. No “Dance Paws” are allowed in Ballet Class! Hair must be pulled away from face and in a tight bun. Please remember that proper dance attire will be strictly enforced beginning the first day of class and continuing through the end of dance season! All dance attire is now sold in our new store Dance-N-It located next to Studio B and C. Class Observation Parents, family, and friends may observe there dancer’s class time at the last class. Class Observation is not permitted at any other times, thank you. Cameras and/or video cameras will be allowed during Observation Week only. Attendance and Absences Please call the Studio at (920) 822-7400 if you will not be at class. Attendance is critical for the classmates and the dancers. If you must miss a class due to sickness or a family obligation, please contact the Studio as soon a possible. Classes missed cannot be made up. Please be prompt for class and in proper attire. All classes will begin and end at their scheduled times. If you are not in proper attire you will be asked to sit out, and if you are late for class you must ask the instructor permission to attend class. There is no reimbursement or class time made up due to your absence. Weather Policy If the Pulaski Public School System cancels or dismisses classes early due to weather conditions, all dance classes will also cancelled for that day. Please use your best judgment! Recommended Classes If you are you interested in auditioning for one of our Performance Competition Troupe Teams this Summer, we recommend taking a Ballet, Technique and/ or Combination class to help improve your technique skills this Spring, before auditions in June. Please contact Miss Sarah for more information or for any questions regarding the Performance Competition Troupe Teams at (920) 822-7400. New Dance Facilities and Dance-N-It Apparel Store Due to a large number of new enrollments, Sarah’s Dance Academy is expanding our Studio. Our newest facilities will accommodate a full dancewear store and two full studio rooms. The new Dance-In-It Apparel Store along with Studio B and Studio C are located across the street from our current Studio (Studio A) at 114 West Pulaski Street. Please enter Studio A from the rear entrance and Studio B and Studio C from the front entrance on West Pulaski Street. Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 TUITION SCHEDULE A $15.00 Registration Fee is due by March 22, 2010 to hold placement for class. Multiple Class Discount: 5% discount is applied to the second class taken 10% discount is applied to the third class taken Family Discount: First Child: 100% tuition Second Child: 5% discount on the second child’s tuition Third Child: 10% discount on the third (or more) child’s tuition Discounts DO NOT apply to Private, Semi-Private, or Troupe Teams. Please refer to the Spring Studio Policy and Procedures for payment information. CLASS Full Payment 1 7-Week Classes: Hip-Hop Boys ....................................................... 30 minutes per week Hip-Hop Girls or Coed .......................................... 30 minutes per week Adult Hip-Hop Crew ............................................. 30 minutes per week Ballet I .................................................................. 60 minutes per week Ballet II ................................................................. 60 minutes per week Ballet III ................................................................ 75 minutes per week Combination ......................................................... 60 minutes per week Pom-Pon .............................................................. 45 minutes per week Flexibility, Conditioning &Technique .................... 45 minutes per week $68.00 $68.00 $68.00 $85.00 $85.00 $100.00 $78.00 $75.00 $75.00 6-Week Classes: 2-Year-Old Movement .......................................... 30 minutes per week $65.00 Adult Exercise 6-Week Classes: Pilates ................................................................... 30 minutes per week Conditioning and Reshaping ................................ 30 minutes per week Ballet ................................................................... 30 minutes per week $35.00 $38.00 $40.00 Open Studio Time Open Studio Time is for any student of Sarah’s Dance Academy that wishes to work on their dance material on his or her own time. You may check out the Studio at the rates listed below. The Studio may be shared with up to 6 persons at the below rates (per person). There WILL NOT be an instructor available during these times. You may use Sarah’s Dance Academy stereo equipment, but you must bring your own music. Any students under 13 years old must have an adult with them. Please sign up at the front desk or call the Studio for openings. School Dance Teams may also check out the Studio for open studio time. Please call the Studio for rates and other amazing opportunities for School Dance Teams! Open Studio Time: All ages ................................................................. 30 minutes per person All ages ................................................................. 60 minutes per person 1 $10.00 $20.00 Full Payment ...................... Payment is due on or before your first day of class, the week of March 29, 2010 Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 DANCE CALENDAR March 29, 2010 ........................................................................................... Classes Begin April 3, 2010 ................................................................................................ End of 6-Week Classes May 10, 2010............................................................................................... End of 7-Week Classes & End of Semester Please keep in mind that if Pulaski Community Schools are cancelled or dismissed early due to the weather, all of Sarah’s Dance Academy classes will also be cancelled for that day. Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 CLASS SCHEDULES All dance classes that will be offered for the spring 2010 Dance Season are listed below by age and category. Miss Sarah will determine placement in class by the student’s age and ability. Choose classes by the time preferred. Please list your first and second choice of preferred times on your Registration Form. All Registration Forms and fees are due by Monday March 22, 2010 in order to reserve your class time and placement. Keep in mind that all classes are reserved in the order that they are received. Please remember that a $15.00 Registration Fee is required with each completed Registration Form (per student). A place in class will not be reserved without a completed Registration Form and the accompanying Registration Fee. Please contact the Studio directly if you cannot find a time that works for you. All classes are subject to change without notice! 7-Week Classes 7- Week Classes 6-Week Classes Boys Hip-Hop I Tuesday 6:00 - 6:30 pm Tap & Pre-Ballet (3 to 5 year old) Monday 5:00-6:00pm 2-year-old Movement Tuesday 6:00 - 6:30 pm Boys Hip-Hop II Tuesday 6:30 - 7:00 pm Tap & Jazz (6 to 9 year old) Tuesday 7-7:45pm ADULT EXERCISE CLASSES: Hip-Hop I Monday 4:30 - 5:00 pm Jazz or Pom-Pon & Hip-Hop (10 to 13 year old) Thursday 7:30-8:30pm Hip-Hop II Monday 6:00 - 6:30 pm Adult Hip-Hop Crew Monday 7:30 - 8:00 pm Ballet I Call for class times Ballet II Call for class times Ballet III Call for class times Tap & Jazz or Hip-Hop (14 to 17 year old) Friday 7:45-8:45pm Pom-Pon I (7 to 9 year old) Thursday 6-6:45 Pom-Pon II (10 year old to Adult) Thursday 6:45-7:30 Flexibility, Conditioning and Technique Beginner Monday 6:30 - 7:15 pm Intermediate Monday 7:15 - 8:00 pm Advanced Tuesday 3:45 - 4:30 pm Pilates Tuesday 3:30-4:00pm Conditioning and Reshaping Wednesday 8:00 - 8:30 pm Ballet Monday 3:45 - 4:15 pm Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 REGISTRATION FORM $15.00 Registration Fee is due by March 22, 2010 with this completed Registration Form. Please remember that class schedules are filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Please choose the class you are interested in, the day of the week, and the time that it meets. I will try to schedule the classes as close to your requested times as possible. You will be notified with your exact class times the week of March 22, 2010. A place in class will not be reserved without a completed Registration Form and the accompanying Registration Fee. All Registration Fees, Class Fees, and Costume Fees are payable with no refunds or adjustments. Student Name _________________________________________________________ Student Age _________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Town/Village/City of _______________________________________ State WI Zip Code ___________________ Home Phone (_____) ______________ Work Phone (_____) ______________ Cell (_____) _______________________ Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) _______ /_______ /__________ Email Address _______________________________________ Parent Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Returning Student or Previous Dance Experience ______________________________________________________ How did you hear about our Studio? ____________________________________________________________________ I give Sarah’s Dance Academy permission to use dance photographs and/or videotapes for advertising use. ______Yes _____No Class Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ First Choice Class Day and Time _______________________________ AM / PM Second Choice Class Day and Time _______________________________ AM / PM Additional Class Name _____________________________________________________________________________ First Choice Class Day and Time _______________________________ AM / PM Second Choice Class Day and Time _______________________________ AM / PM I agree with the information stated in the Studio Policy and Procedures for Sarah’s Dance Academy . Parent Signature _____________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Sarah’s Dance Academy Spring 2010 MEDICAL RELEASE FORM Student Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________ Work Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _______________________ Primary Physician or Clinic Name ______________________________________________________________________ Known allergies and other pertinent medical information ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recognizing the possibility of physical injury that is associated with dance, I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify Sarah’s Dance Academy and its associated personnel, against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant’s participation in this program. Further, my child has received a physical examination by a qualified physician and has been found to be physically capable of participating in this program. In case of an injury or illness and a parent cannot be reached, the staff of Sarah’s Dance Academy may authorize medical attention be given to the student listed above. Therefore, I grant Sarah’s Dance Academy permission to obtain any needed medical attention for my child. Parent Signature ____________________________________________________ Date _________________