Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 934 Highway #8, Box 10130, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5R1 Ph: 905-643-1637 Email: Website: Parish Office Hours: Tuesday 9a.m-12Noon; Wednesday to Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. PASTOR: Rev. Edward J. Mahony SECRETARY: Ilaria Paletta MASSES: Saturday 5:00p.m; Sunday 9:00a.m. & 11:00a.m. CONFESSIONS: Saturday Evening - Before Mass; Sunday Morning – Before Masses BAPTISMS: Sunday - Make appointment TWO WEEKS in advance of desired date FUNERAL RITES: When a death occurs in your family, please advise the Pastor or Parish Office and we will assist you in making the liturgical arrangements. For information on Catholic Burial, call 905-522-7727 SCHOOL: Principal: Mr. M. Laskowski; Secretary: Mrs. M. McEniry 190 Glover Road, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5J2 PH: 905-523-2332 CHILDREN'S LITURGY: During 11:00am Mass. For children JK to Grade 2 only. (September to June) NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you and your family to Immaculate Heart of Mary! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Mahony. Call the Parish Office to register. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS WHO ARE WITH US TODAY. MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU! QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Go forth and, like the Samaritan woman, proclaim to others that you have met Jesus the Messiah MASS INTENTIONS – MARCH 27- APRIL 2, 2011 TUESDAY 9:00A.M ST. JOSEPH & ALL THE SOULS IN PURGATORY – Antonia Mungo WEDNESDAY 9:00A.M GIULIO DIVITANTONIO – Norina Caterini THURSDAY 9:00A.M DANKA PETRETIC – Mary Boich FRIDAY 9:00A.M. GIUSEPPE CIUFFREDA – Maddalena D’Ignazio LINDA MARTINO – Pino Martino & Family SERGIO TURCHET – His Family ALIVIA ZIVKOVIC – Family ALFONSO & IDA FILIPPETTO – Family STATIONS OF THE CROSS WILL BE EVERY FRIDAY EVENING AT 7P.M. DURING LENT. This is a good time to come out and spend some time with Our Lord. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP will meet here on TUESDAY APRIL 5, 2011 BEGINNING AT 7P.M. For more information please call Marylou Spence 905-662-4886. Everyone is welcome! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC BROADCASTING COUNCIL sponsors the National Catholic Mission 2011 on VisionTV. Program 1 of “The Heart of the Matter” will be broadcast on Monday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Program 2 will be broadcast on Tuesday, April 19 at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. SATURDAY LADIES APPRECIATION NIGHT – MAY 6, 2011 AT IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CHURCH. As part of the Mother’s Day weekend, the Knights of Columbus would like to offer the Ladies of our parish and community an evening to relax, a catered meal and some entertainment. A nice glass of wine also doesn’t hurt!!! Dinner will be plated and served by the Knights and this event is for LADIES ONLY. Sorry, no men or children. Cocktails and Antipasto Buffet from 6PM to 7PM and Dinner at 7PM by Vincent's Catering. The Menu: cheese filled tortellini with home made tomato sauce, romaine and mixed greens salad with Italian vinaigrette, roast beef au jus, oven roasted chicken with risotto and mixed vegetables, coffee, tea and dessert. After dinner we are featuring Hamilton’s own Spirit of the King. Perry Furlotte has been singing and performing as an Elvis Tribute Artist since 1998 for fundraisers, parties, anniversaries, barbeques, stags and showers. Please visit his website for more information: TICKETS $15/PERSON, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE 905-643-1637 OR JOHN LARMOND 905-643-9985. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TIFFANY ROSE SPRING GALA – SATURDAY, APRIL 9, LIUNA GARDENS. Master of Ceremony: Mike Bullard; Music by Advantage Music & Vision. Cocktails: 6p.m.; Dinner 7p.m. Tickets: $45/person - call MARTA 905-643-1396 ALL PROCEEDS TO HOMEFRONT CANCER SERVICES, PLEASE READ THE FLYER. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE FROM CATHOLIC CEMETERIES … Families are reminded to kindly remove all winter wreaths and decorations from their lots at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Resurrection Cemetery, Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, St. Augustine’s Cemetery, St. Thomas Cemetery and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery by APRIL 1, 2011, to facilitate the spring cemetery clean up. Any wreaths or decorations remaining after April 1 will be removed and discarded by cemetery staff. For information, please call the Cemetery Office 905-522-7727 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS – SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011 will be celebrated with Bishop Douglas Crosby at the Cathedral of Christ the King at 2p.m. for couples married 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years in 2011. Please note, space allows room for Anniversary Couples only, those married 60 years or more may bring 1 guest) . To participate, please see the poster on our Bulletin Board or call the Parish office at 905-643-1637 ext. 221 forms must be received by April 30, 2011. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE PERMANENT DIACONATE is an ordained ministry if service within the Roman Catholic Church. Men, married or single, ages 31 to 60 years are eligible to apply. It requires a great commitment of time and energy on the part of the candidate and, it married of his family. As with all vocations, the Permanent Diaconate is a call from God and for those whom he calls, and for the Church that they are called to serve, it is a great blessing. For further information contact the Permanent Diaconate of Hamilton 905-528-7988 ext 2258; email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R.I.P: Please remember in your prayers the repose of GIANFRANCO PIRO, who passed away this week, his funeral took place Saturday. ****** Please remember the repose of DOMENICO CHIARAVALLOTI, the father of Lina DiVincentis from our Parish. May the Lord of Peace be with the Families PARISH HALL RENTAL FOR MAJOR EVENTS, please call ALBERT MARRONE 905-643-3605. 5:00P.M STEWARDSHIP for the WEEKEND OF MARCH 19 & 20, 2011- $4442.50 (Envelope users Only) Please pray for priests, religious workers & volunteers throughout our Diocese – March 27-April 2, 2011 Sunday: Third Sunday of Lent; Monday: Fr. George Stortz; Tuesday: Fr. Robert Kiffman; Wednesday: Jesuit Fathers Upper Canada Province; Thursday: Fr. Daniel Miehm; Friday: Fr. Mark Morley; Saturday: Fr. Edward Hinesberger Please remember in your prayers the sick of our Parish.