Constitution of Boston University Panhellenic Association Panhellenic Council ARTICLE I. NAME 1. The name of this organization shall be the Boston University Panhellenic Association. The Panhellenic Association and Council may be referred as “Panhel” 2. For the purposes of the Constitution of the Boston University Panhellenic Association, a fraternity shall be defined as any sorority or women’s fraternity. 3. The name Panhellenic Council is defined at the administrative body of the Panhellenic Association (as defined in Article VI). ARTICLE II. OBJECT The object of the Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain fraternity life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to: 1. Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life. 2. Promote superior scholarship as basic to intellectual achievement. 3. Cooperate with member fraternities and the university administration in concern for the maintenance of high social and moral standards. 4. Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and policies as well as in accordance with the rules and regulations of Boston University. 5. Act in accordance with such rules established by Panhellenic Council as do not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP There shall be two classes of membership: Regular and Associate 1. The REGULAR membership of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all chapter members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference fraternities at Boston University. 2. The ASSOCIATE membership of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference colonies or pledged chapters. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS 1. The officers of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be President, VicePresident of Programming, Vice-President of Judicial Affairs, Vice-President of Finance, Vice-President of Philanthropy, Vice-President of Chapter Development, Vice-President of Public Relations, Vice-President of Campus Affairs, Vice-President of Scholarship and Academic Affairs, and Secretary. 2. The officers shall be from fraternities holding regular membership in the Boston University Panhellenic Association. Members of fraternities holding associate membership shall not be eligible to hold office. 3. The officers shall serve for a term of one year, the term of office to begin no later than the final day of the spring academic term. 4. Any officer failing to perform her duties as outlined shall resign or be subjected to a Judicial Hearing if it is determined necessary by a quorum of the Boston University Panhellenic Council. A successor shall be appointed by the Boston University Panhellenic Executive Board through an application process. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS 1. REGULAR The Boston University Panhellenic Association shall hold at least one regular meeting monthly. 2. SPECIAL A special meeting of the Boston University Panhellenic Association may be called by the President when necessary and shall be called by her upon the written request of any regular or associate member fraternity at Boston University. 3. JOINT The Panhellenic Council shall meet with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at least once an academic semester. 4. The delegate from each regular or associate member fraternity shall be responsible for notifying her chapter members of all regular, special and joint meetings of the Boston University Panhellenic Council. ARTICLE VI. THE PANHELLENIC COUNCIL The administrative body of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be the Boston University Panhellenic Council. It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic Council to administer all business related to the overall welfare of the Boston University Panhellenic Association and to compile rules governing the Panhellenic Association, including membership recruitment and the new member period, which do not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member fraternities. 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Boston University Panhellenic Council shall be composed of one delegate and one alternate delegate from each National Panhellenic Conference fraternity chapter at Boston University and from such National Panhellenic Conference fraternity colonies or national sororities at Boston University as the council may approve for membership. 2. SELECTION OF FRATERNITY DELEGATES. Delegates to Panhellenic Council shall be selected by their respective fraternity chapters to serve for a term of one year. Whenever possible, the alternate delegate of one year shall be the delegate for the succeeding year. 3. FRATERNITY DELEGATE VACANCIES. When a fraternity delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the fraternity concerned to select a replacement within two weeks and to notify the Panhellenic Council Recording Secretary of her name, email address, and telephone number. When a meeting of Panhellenic Council occurs while a delegate vacancy exists, the alternate delegate of the fraternity concerned shall fulfill the duties of the delegate in all cases. 4. OFFICERS. The officers of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall serve as the officers of its Panhellenic Council. These officers shall serve as the Executive Board of the Panhellenic Council and shall have powers and duties as are prescribed by the Bylaws of the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 5. MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Panhellenic Council shall be held at a time and place established at the beginning of each college term or semester. (a) SPECIAL MEETINGS of the Panhellenic Council may be called by the President when necessary and shall be called upon by her upon the written request of any member delegate of the Panhellenic Council. (b) QUORUM. Two-thirds of the member fraternities shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 6. VOTING. (a) The voting body of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be its Panhellenic Council. (b) The voting members of the Panhellenic Council shall be delegates of each fraternity holding regular membership and associate membership on certain voting issues. If a delegate is absent, the vote of her fraternity shall be cast by its alternate. If both delegate and alternate are absent, the vote may be cast by a member of the fraternity, preferably the fraternity President or a fraternity Vice-President. (c) Two-thirds of the voting members of the Panhellenic Council fraternities shall be required to establish or alter membership recruitment rules and to allow chapter colonizations. A majority vote shall be required to carry all other questions. 7. VOICE. The alternate fraternity delegates to Panhellenic Council and alumni advisors shall have voice but no vote. ARTICLE VII. PANHELLENIC ADVISOR 1. The Panhellenic Advisor shall be appointed by: (a) The Administration 2. The advisor shall serve in advisory capacity to the Boston University Panhellenic Association and its Council. ARTICLE VIII. STANDING COMMITTEES Such standing committees and special officers as may be necessary to carry out the work of the Boston University Panhellenic Council shall be appointed by its Executive Board to serve during the tenure in office of the Board which appoints them. ARTICLE IX. UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS AND POLICIES 1. All members of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall act in accordance with fundamental Panhellenic policies established by National Panhellenic Conference in the UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS (The Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College Panhellenics Agreements, Agreement on Questionnaires and Constitutions and the Jurisdiction of a College Panhellenic Council) and in accordance with the rules and regulations of Boston University. 2. The rules set forth by the National Panhellenic Conferences shall serve as a guideline for the Boston University Panhellenic Association rules, regulations, and policies so as they do not conflict with the rules and regulations of Boston University. ARTICLE X. VIOLATIONS 1. Violation of any regulations of this Constitution or its related Bylaws, of membership recruitment rules, or rules concerning matters other than membership recruitment, of the National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS (The Panhellenic Compact, Standards of Ethical Conduct, College Panhellenics Agreements, Agreement on Questionnaires and Constitutions and the Jurisdiction of a College Panhellenic Council) shall be the occasion for penalties established by the Boston University Panhellenic Council. 2. Any dispute growing out of the violation of Panhellenic Association rules and regulations shall be adjusted through arbitration conducted by the Judiciary Committee of the Boston University Panhellenic Council. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting fraternity delegates of Boston University Panhellenic Council, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting. Bylaws of Boston University Panhellenic Association and Panhellenic Council ARTICLE I. FINANCE 1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be from June 1 to May 31. 2. CONTRACTS. The signatures of the Vice-President of Finance and the Panhellenic Advisor shall be required to bind the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 3. CHECKS. All checks issued on behalf of the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be signed by the Vice-President of Finance and the Panhellenic Advisor. 4. PAYMENTS. All payments due to the Boston University Panhellenic Association shall be turned into the Vice-President of Finance, who will record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 5. MEMBERSHIP DUES. (a) Amount. The dues of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity shall be an assessment per member and new member. The amount of such dues shall be $8/member and $10/new member. (b) Time of Payment. The dues of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity shall be payable on or before two weeks following the conclusion of the membership recruitment period. ARTICLE II. SELECTION OF OFFICERS 1. The selection of all members of the Boston University Panhellenic Council shall be determined through an election process to be held no later than one week prior to the conclusion of the spring academic term. The process will consist of an application, speeches and voting by fraternity chapters in good standing. 2. RESTRICTIONS (a) Any fraternity member running for the position of Boston University Panhellenic Council President must have served for at least one semester on the Boston University Panhellenic Council Executive Board. Any other interested fraternity members must petition the Boston University Panhellenic Council at least two weeks prior to voting and be approved by the executive board. (b) Any fraternity member running for the position of Boston University Panhellenic Council Vice-President of Judicial Affairs must have participated in formal membership recruitment as a fraternity member. Any other interested fraternity members must petition the Boston University Panhellenic Council at least two weeks prior to voting and be approved by the executive board. (c) The office of Panhellenic Council President, Vice President of Judicial Affairs, and Recruitment Director must be occupied by members of different chapters. Exceptions must be petitioned to the Panhellenic Council Advisor and approved by a majority of the Panhellenic Council. (d) No fraternity shall hold more than two executive board positions. Once a fraternity has two members filling positions, all others running shall be removed from the slate. 1. This does not include recruitment positions. *AMENDMENT: In the event of a tie during Panhellenic Council Executive Board elections the outgoing Panhellenic Council Executive Board, excluding the President, will each cast a vote. If that vote also results in a tie the outgoing Panhellenic Council President will cast the deciding vote as to who shall be elected to the office in question. APPROVED 4/13/2005 ARTICLE III. OFFICER DUTIES Executive Board The President shall: 1. Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic Council. 2. Call and preside at all regular meetings of the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 3. Preside at all regular meetings of the Panhellenic Council and call and preside at its special meetings. 4. Call and preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Executive Board. 5. Conduct all meetings in coordination with the National Panhellenic Green Book. 6. Review and approve all Panhellenic Association contracts involving the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 7. Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic Council Committees with voice but not vote except in instances of a tie. 8. Report as required to the National Panhellenic Conference Area Advisor. 9. Maintain complete and up-to-date President’s file which will include a copy of the current Boston University Panhellenic Association Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; the current Panhellenic Association budget; the current NPC Manual of Information and related materials, current Panhellenic correspondence and materials received from her NPC Area Advisor; her copies of the College Panhellenic Reports to the Area Advisor and other pertinent materials. 10. Be responsible to hold joint meetings once an academic semester with the Inter Fraternity Council (IFC); in which the IFC and Panhellenic Presidents preside over the meeting. 11. Maintain the integrity of the Panhellenic Association through her leadership. 12. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Programming shall: 1. Perform the duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve, or at her call. 2. Work with the Vice-President of IFC to organize Greek welcome back events, New Member Retreat (for Spring semester only), Greek Week, and other Greek bonding activities. 3. Events can be either open to the University community or to the Greek community only or to the Panhellenic community only, at the discretion of the Vice-President of Programming. 4. Work with the Panhellenic Vice President of Public Relations to publicize events. 5. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Judicial Affairs shall: 1. Preside over the Judiciary Committee. 2. Conduct all Judicial proceedings in adherence to the National Panhellenic Green Book. 3. Serves are Parliamentarian during regular and special meetings. 4. Keep up to date with new NPC resolutions out every October and present them to the Panhellenic Council to determine relevance to the Boston University Panhellenic Association. If deemed relevant they must be presented to fraternity members for a vote to be placed into the bylaws. 5. Enforce the absence and excuse policy at all mandatory Boston University Panhellenic Association events. 6. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Finance shall: 1. Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 2. Be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget and, following its approval by the Panhellenic Council, for providing a copy to each Boston University Panhellenic Association member fraternity. 3. Receive all payments due to the Panhellenic Association, collect all dues and give receipts. 4. Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 5. Maintain up-to-date financial records; give a financial report at each regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and an annual report at the close of her term of office. 6. Monitor finances on youdo at BU website at least once every month. 7. Attend one Allocations Board mandatory meeting per semester to guarantee the Panhellenic Council’s eligibility for funding. 8. Work with other Vice-Presidents to ensure that all events planned are within the Boston University Panhellenic Association budget. 9. Sign Boston University Panhellenic Association check and contracts once approved. 10. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Philanthropy shall: 1. Plan and implement monthly Boston University Panhellenic Association wide service events and/or fundraisers. 2. Maintain a file that records past and present projects, goals, and relevant contacts. 3. Develop/update a philanthropy handbook and guide that includes basic information and a description of each philanthropy event. 4. Provide resources and information for chapters who are developing a new philanthropy. 5. Develop and distribute a calendar of all member fraternity philanthropy events each semester. 6. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Chapter Development shall: 1. Hold chapter meetings with the executive boards of each affiliated member chapter each semester. 2. Work with the Vice-President of Judicial Affairs to investigate hazing allegations. 3. Work with the Vice-President of Programming in planning the new member retreat. 4. Meet with any colonies during their probationary period (time before they become a chapter) to ensure they are up to Panhellenic standards and act as a liaison between the Student Activities Office and the new colony. 5. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Public Relations shall: 1. Publicize all Boston University Panhellenic Association sponsored events (philanthropies, membership recruitment, etc) by coordinating with appropriate vice-presidents, the recruitment team, IFC, and SAO. 2. Create and/or maintain the Boston University Panhellenic Association website. 3. Develop a newsletter containing all Boston University Panhellenic Association events, chapter philanthropy events, and any other matters of importance to the Greek system at Boston University at least once per semester. 4. Act as a liaison between the Boston University Panhellenic Association and any media outlets and/or publications. 5. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. The Vice-President of Campus Affairs shall: 1. Attend all Boston University Student Union meetings and represent the best interests of the Greek Consortium. 2. Present relevant and important information from Student Union meetings to the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 3. Work with the IFC VP of Campus Affairs on all collaborative projects. 4. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. 5. Being in the intermediary between Greek Life and Student Union, while making sure to voice the opinions and or deal with complaints of those within the Greek Community. The Vice-President of Scholarship and Academic Affairs shall: 1. Act as a liaison between each chapter and the academic resources provided on campus and shall inform each chapter of news pertaining to these resources; this includes but is not limited to any resources that become available to students, changes in office hours for the Writing Centers, upcoming campus speakers, etc. 2. Ensure that each chapter submits all affiliated sister’s grades to the Greek Advisor, who will make a record of each chapter’s performance. 3. Help all chapters falling below the All Student Average at Boston University by providing information about all resources available on campus. 4. Encourage all qualifying members of each sorority to apply to honors organizations, such as The Order of Omega. 5. Organize an academic recognition per each Fall and Spring semesters. 6. Encourage academic excellence as a staple to the creation of all Greek organizations. The Secretary shall: 1. Keep an up-to-date list of the Panhellenic Council members and call it at all Council meetings. 2. Keep full minutes of all meetings of the Boston University Panhellenic Association, the Panhellenic Council, joint meetings with IFC, and a record of all action taken by the Executive Board. 3. Keep current statistics concerning the number of initiated members and new members of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity (rosters). 4. Maintain an up-to-date file which will include the minutes of the meetings of the Boston University Panhellenic Association and its Panhellenic Council from date of its organization; copies of all contracts made by the Panhellenic Council; current correspondence. 5. Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Panhellenic Council unless provided otherwise. 6. Develop and maintain a listing of contact information for the Panhellenic Council and each member fraternity’s executive board. 7. Perform all other duties related to this office. Membership Recruitment The Recruitment Director shall: 1. Be responsible for organizing and overseeing Formal and Informal Recruitment. 2. Working with chapter Recruitment Chairs and the Panhellenic Council to run Recruitment as smoothly and efficiently as possible. 3. Organize Recruitment Chair meetings, three Open Houses, and a Recruitment Rules meeting, as well as organize all Recruitment-related issues such as advertising, finance, infractions, parties, and bidding, with the assistance of the Recruitment Team and the Panhellenic EBoard. 4. The Recruitment Director will be selected by the current Panhellenic Council and serve during the following year. 5. Recruitment Director shall not be in the same chapter as the Panhellenic Council President and Vice President of Judicial Affairs a. Expectations may be with a majority vote from the Panhellenic Council The Head Recruitment Counselorshall: 1. Be in charge of selecting, training and overseeing Recruitment Counselors before and during recruitment 2. Attend all recruitment events and assist Recruitment Director or Recruitment Marshall in anyway possible 3. Conduct formal Recruitment Counselor ceremonies and processes during Formal Recruitment. The Recruitment Marshall shall: 1. Offer assistance to the Recruitment Director via the ICS system. She should have a thorough knowledge of the system itself and provides the chapters, Recruitment Counselors, and Potential New Members with guidance during the selection process. 2. Keeps in contact with the ICS advisor throughout Recruitment and works closely with the Greek advisor during use of the ICS system. 3. Assist with any projects that the Recruitment Director gives her in regards to set up of Recruitment, and Marshall’s ongoing activities and parties for proper attendance and conduct. ARTICLE IV. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The executive board shall: 1. Appoint all Standing and Special Committees and their Chairmen and, in making these appointments, recognize representation from all member fraternities. 2. Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council when advisable and such other business as has been approved for by action by Panhellenic Council vote. 3. Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council through the Secretary and record the action in the minutes of the meeting. 4. Attend all mandatory events and meetings unless excused by the President. ARTICLE V. STANDING COMMITTEES The Standing Committees of the Boston University Panhellenic Council shall be Judiciary and Membership Selection (Recruitment). Committees to be considered depend upon size and the needs of each Panhellenic Council. The Standing Committees shall serve a term of one year with such term of office to be the same as the members of the Executive Board. The President shall call a meeting of the Executive Board to appoint committee chairmen and members. Each chapter shall hold no more than one Chairwoman position per term in the Standing Committees. 1. Judiciary Committee (a) Membership. The Judiciary Committee shall consist of the Vice-President of Judicial Affairs as Chairwoman, the members of the Executive Board except for the President, and the Panhellenic Advisor. (b) Duties. It shall be the duty of the Judiciary Committee to deal with the violations of the Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Rules and membership recruitment regulations of the Boston University Panhellenic Association. 2. Membership Recruitment Committee (a) Membership. The Membership Recruitment Committee shall consist of a chairwoman and no less than two members plus the Panhellenic Advisor. (b) Selection. The Panhellenic Recruitment Director, Head Recruitment Counselor, and Recruitment Marshall shall be selected through an application process where interested members apply, are interviewed, and selected by the Executive Board. The outgoing members of the Membership Recruitment Committee may participate in the interview process with a voice but no vote. (c) Duties. This committee shall be responsible for all Panhellenic Council matters related to membership recruitment. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing and developing membership recruitment rules with the Vice-President of Judicial Affairs, submitting them for discussion and approval to the Panhellenic Council (before the end of the term preceding the formal membership recruitment period), and distributing copies of them when approved to the delegates of the member organizations. Following each membership recruitment period, the Chairwoman of this committee shall present a full report, including recommendations, to the Panhellenic Council. ARTICLE VI. ADMINISTRATION OF MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT 1. Membership Recruitment will be run by the Recruitment Director who will be appointed by the out going Panhellenic Council. The rest of the committee will consist of the Head Recruitment Counselorand Recruitment Marshall. The committee will be overseen by the Panhellenic Council President and Greek Advisor. 2. Informal Membership Recruitment (a) An early fall recruitment shall be held for those chapters with membership below total. (b) The National Panhellenic Total System shall be followed. (c) A formal Continuous Open Bidding (COB) selection process shall be used. (d) Every regularly enrolled new member, initiate, or affiliate of a chapter shall be counted in Chapter Total. a. A list of pledged, initiated, or affiliated shall be filed with the President of the Panhellenic Association and with the Panhellenic Advisor before the first day of classes in each semester. b. Any depledging, termination or other change in membership shall be reported to the President of the Panhellenic Association and the Panhellenic Advisor no later than one week after it has occurred. 3. Formal Membership Recruitment (a) An early spring semester recruitment shall be held. (b) The National Panhellenic Conference Quota-Total System shall be followed. (c) The preferential bidding system shall be followed. (d) Chapters which do not fill basic quota during the formal membership recruitment period may continue to bid and take new members to quota in COB even though reaching quota puts them over total. (e) Chapters which do fill basic quota during formal membership recruitment may continue to bid and take new members in COB to total. (f) All membership recruitment events shall be held in a place as designated by the Panhellenic Council and Membership Recruitment Committee. (g) Every regularly enrolled new member, initiate, or affiliate of a chapter shall be counted in Chapter Total. a. A list of pledged, initiated, or affiliated shall be filed with the President of the Panhellenic Association and with the Panhellenic Advisor before the first day of classes in each semester. b. Any depledging, termination or change in membership shall be reported to the President of the Panhellenic Association and the Panhellenic Advisor no later than one week after it has occurred. ARTICLE VII. NEW MEMBERS AND INITIATION 1. A woman must be a regularly matriculated student to be eligible for recruitment and new member status. 2. A Panhellenic Association member fraternity may not issue an invitation to membership or formally accept a new member during any school recess. 3. A new member may be initiated whenever she has met the requirements of the fraternity of which she is a new member. ARTICLE VIII. HAZING All forms of hazing, bid day and/or pre-initiation activities which are defined as hazing shall be banned. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation with or without consent, whether on or off fraternity premises, which recklessly, intentionally or unintentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or creates risk of injury, or causes discomfort, embarrassment, harassment of ridicule or which willfully destroys or removes public or private property for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a chapter or colony of an NPC member fraternity. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; wearing, publicly, apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes; participating in treasure or scavenger hunts; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual, or the regulations and policies of the member fraternity, Boston University and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And all member groups will affirm their policies on hazing and inform their membership of this NPC position on hazing through mailings and through their inter/national magazines. ARTICLE IX. VIOLATIONS 1. Violations of the Panhellenic Association rules and regulations shall be occasion for penalties established by the Boston University Panhellenic Council. 2. Any dispute arising out of the violation of the Panhellenic Association rules and regulations shall be adjusted through arbitration conducted by the Judiciary Committee of the Boston University Panhellenic Council. ARTICLE X. RULES OF ORDER The Boston University Panhellenic Association and its Panhellenic Council shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised except in matters specifically provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENT These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting member fraternities of Panhellenic Council, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting. *AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE II: In the event of a tie during Panhellenic Council Executive Board elections the outgoing Panhellenic Council Executive Board, excluding the President, will each cast a vote. If that vote also results in a tie the outgoing Panhellenic Council President will cast the deciding vote as to who shall be elected to the office in question. APPROVED 4/13/2005 *AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE II: The office of Panhellenic Council President, Vice President of Judicial Affairs, and Recruitment Director must be occupied by members of different chapters. Exceptions must be petitioned to the Panhellenic Council Advisor and approved by the Panhellenic Council. No fraternity shall hold more than two executive board positions. Once a fraternity has two members filling positions, all others running shall be removed from the slate. This does not include recruitment positions. *AMENDMENT to ARTICLE VI: Membership Recruitment will be run by the Recruitment Director who will be appointed by the outgoing Panhellenic Council. The rest of the committee will consist of the Head Recruitment Counselor and Recruitment Marshall. The committee will be overseen by the Panhellenic Council President and Greek Advisor. *Approval of revised by laws: December 2010