
Friends of Cultercullen School

Minutes of the Meeting, Monday 4


November 2013

In Attendance

Susan Watt (Joint Chair), Nicky Strachan (Secretary), Fiona Massie (Treasurer), Miss Campbell (Head Teacher), Kearsley Davidson, Kirsty

Kemp, Lindsay McKenzie, Mae Campbell, Dawn Anderson,


Cath Smart (Joint Chair), Jane Brebner, Tracy Mitchell, Shona Gray, Alistair Reid, Elaine Reid, Alison Gibson, Mark Gibson,

Angela Douglas, Judith McKenzie

1. Welcome and Introductions

Mrs Watt welcomed everyone to the meeting

2. Minutes of the meetings on 9 th September 2013 and 25 th September 2013

The minutes were approved

3. Matters arising from the Minutes i) There was no update on the use of Planning Gain money for the purchase of ‘Art’. To be discussed at the next meeting.

ACTION: Mrs Smart to update at next meeting. ii) The School Website is now up and running. Miss Campbell will update the groups’ section, the office will update the events area, teachers will update class sections and Mrs Kemp/Mrs Brebner to update parent section. Miss Campbell confirmed that she is currently investigating introducing facebook.

ACTION: No further action required.

The football club enquired about the use of social media for communication.

ACTION: Mrs Strachan to provide guidelines to football club iii) Miss Campbell informed the committee that the initial resources for Active Literacy have been provided to the school and an order for additional resources has been placed (approximately £200). Storage solutions for the packs are also being considered. Mrs

Watt confirmed that up to £300 had been agreed for purchase of resources and Miss Campbell was to update once this had been reached and investigate whether additional funding was required. Miss Campbell also highlighted the need for additional computer resources. Mrs Strachan and Mrs Watt confirmed that the Udny Community Turbine provide funding to facilities out with the area.

ACTION: Mrs Strachan and Mrs Watt to provide information

Mrs Strachan raised the possibility of the school placing an order for packs for parents to keep at home. Miss Campbell confirmed that parents will be required to pay for the additional packs, however this should be purchased through the school but this would be investigated.

ACTION: Miss Campbell to provide an update at next meeting

(iv) Miss Campbell confirmed that a cheque from Infinis Wind Turbines for £2200 has been received. This will be used to purchase a bike shed for the school and additional equipment for the silver shed, following an application put forward to the committee in

September 2013. Miss Campbell was thanked for the work undertaken in putting this forward.

ACTION: Miss Campbell to provide an update at the next meeting v) Examples of the labels that are being used to label items purchased by Friends of Cultercullen were provided. Thanks were given to Mark Kemp for arranging the labels. All items purchase with funds provided by Friends of Cultercullen will be labelled accordingly.

ACTION: No further action required.

(vi) Miss Campbell informed the committee that she will continue to represent the school at the Infinis Wind Turbine meetings and they are happy for her to be the representative for the school. The committee agreed, as following investigation, it was confirmed that the Infinis Wind Turbines states that is should be a “representative of Cultercullen School”

ACTION: Miss Campbell to provide updates as required.

(vii) It was agreed that a request should be put out for a parent representative volunteers to attend committee meetings.

ACTION: Mrs Strachan to email request to parents.

(viii) The arrangements for the end of term Christmas parties were discussed. The P1-P3 party will take place on 18 th December at 1330 hours. Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Kemp will assist with this party. The P4-P7 party will take place on 19 th December at 1315 hours. Mrs

Davidson and Mrs Watt will assist with this party. Mrs Anderson will arrange the food for the parties. Mrs Watt will contact Santa

Claus. Mrs Edwards has kindly offered to arrange the presents for the children.

ACTION: Identified parents to assist with Christmas Party


(ix) Miss Campbell confirmed that the School Christmas service would take place at 0930 hours on Tuesday 17 th December 2013, prior to the school attending the pantomime. Miss Campbell requested that the committee arrange the decorating of the hall and

Christmas tree and will confirm the date of the Christmas Lunch, with the aim of decorating the hall/tree prior to this.

Mrs Watt is contact Mr Sinclair regarding obtaining a Christmas tree.

ACTION: Mrs Watt to co-ordinate obtaining and decorating Christmas hall/tree

4. Chairperson’s Report

(i) Mrs Watt provided the committee with an overview of a meeting she attended along with the chairs of the other Parent Councils in the area that was hosted by Aberdeenshire Council Education Department and attended by the Director of Education at Meldrum

Academy on Thursday 31 October 2013. These events are planned to occur on a 6 monthly basis, which are aimed at improving communication on relevant education items with parents/carers and obtaining feedback from them. The following was discussed:

(ii) A draft leaflet was distributed re the use of Standardised Assessments, which was introduced two years ago for classes P1, P3, P5 and P7, through literacy, numeracy and thinking, throughout the school year. The council requested feedback from parents/carers by 15 th November 2013 to Marjorie Temperley on Marjorie.Temperley@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

. Miss Campbell provided a summary of the assessments. If any parents want additional information or individual feedback on the assessments then she is happy to provide this and parents should feel free to contact her.

ACTION: Parents are to be issued with the leaflet on Standardised Assessments and encouraged to provide feedback

(iii) Mrs Watt confirmed that Aberdeenshire Council have requested feedback from parent/carers on producing a Pupil Survey to address Learning, Wellbeing and Feelings on the School. It was proposed that a group would be setup, consisting of council officials and parents, to produce a questionnaire, which would then be sent to parents for agreement before being issued to pupils.

The information would then be collected by the Council and issued in a report.

ACTION: Mrs Watt to contact the Council with agreement but highlighting parents/carers must see it before issue

(v) Mrs Watt also confirmed that she has provided the Council with the relevant bank account details for the annual payment.

(vi) Following her attendance at this meeting and discussion with other Parent Council Chairs, Mrs Watt highlighted the high level of communication at Cultercullen School between the teachers and parents and thanked Miss Campbell for encouraging parent involvement in the school.

5. Treasurer’s Report

(i) Ms Massie had prepared a document showing the recent expenditure and income. The current balance is £2809.56. There are still a number of outstanding items to be paid from the account including bus fees for swimming attendance (£300). New Bank accounts for the Friends of Cultercullen School and a Fundraising account have been set up at Clydesdale Bank in Ellon with Mrs

Watt, Mrs Strachan and Ms Massie being authorised signatories on the account.

(ii) It was decided that the school should be re-reimbursed for the cost of the Critter Capers event (£60). It was agreed that this shall be paid from the Fundraising account as the Parent Council account is still being organised.

(iii) Following discussions on purchasing of items for the school, Miss Campbell is to investigate if the school has any preferred suppliers that may provide items at a lower price than other providers.

ACTION: Miss Campbell to update at the next meeting

(iii) Ms Massie confirmed that £278 from the £370 for tickets had been received from parents/carers for payment of the Pantomime tickets. Following discussions, it was agree that Miss Campbell would ask Ms Cruickshank to provide a further request towards funding from the parents/carers.

6. Head Teacher’s Report

(i) Miss Campbell provided the committee with an outline of the comments received during the recent ‘Meet and Greet’. She has used these comments to create an action plan to address the points identified. The feedback was generally very good and highlights a few areas that could be considered for improvement mainly in relation to the provision of additional equipment in the school. Mrs Watt suggested an additional meeting of interested parents to further discuss the action plan.

ACTION: Mrs Watt to arrange a meeting to discuss the draft Action Plan in January/February 2014

(ii) The Student Council has considered the points raised at the ‘Meet and Greet’ and have drafted a set of School Ethos/Values and

Aims. A copy is attached with the minutes. It was discussed and agreed that these should be adopted.

(iii) Miss Campbell provided a Community Planning document, listing events such as a cinema meeting and letting out the school to outside bodies, to highlight possible events to improve links with the school, to the community.


(ii) Miss Campbell asked for suggestions for a local charity that the school could become involved in fundraising for and volunteering activities with. Mae Campbell suggested Archies or Rachel’s House for consideration. Mrs McKenzie confirmed that her employers have a list of charities and would investigate all local options.

ACTION: Mrs McKenzie to consider options for local charities.

(iii) Miss Campbell indicated that she is trying to find options for local companies/business leaders to provide the older children in the school with an opportunity to develop Business skills. Mrs Kemp discussed activities that are carried out in some schools in

Aberdeen City Council region and following discussion it was agreed that she would investigate and provide feedback.

ACTION: Mrs Kemp to provide feedback to next meeting

7. Fundraising Report

(i) Mrs Watt confirmed that 12 tables had been taken by local businesses and raffles sourced from local companies, with a list produced at the meeting. Tickets would be issued to parents/carers for purchase before the event, along with posters and flyers produced and distributed prior to the Fayre. The following was discussed and agreed:

The school will be open from 1830 hours to 1930 hours on Friday 15 th November for tables to be laid out and also at 0900 hours

on Saturday 16 th November 2013, for stall holders to set up.

Mrs Strachan to ask parents for donations towards the Lucky Dip, Tombola and home bakes, with items being left at the school on Friday 15 th November 2013. She would also ask for parent’s help at the event.

 Ms Massie to purchase 4 raffle books for the Tombola and also the raffle held on the day

 Mrs Strachan is currently awaiting return of the licence to produce raffle tickets, which will then be printed and distributed to all parents/carers for selling prior to the raffle event to be held at Christmas Service on Tuesday 17 th November 2013.

Parents/Carers will be asked to return slips and money raised from the sales to the school.

Mrs Watt to issue tickets to parents/carers this week, asking for the money raised to be returned to the school by Friday 15 th

November 2013 and distribute posters and flyers to various locations.

(ii) Bags to school to be issued to parents, with a return date of 29 November 2013 to the school, for collection on 2 nd December 2013.

8. Date of next meeting

Friends of Cultercullen School next meeting will be on Monday 3 rd February 2014, 6.30 pm in the staff room. All parents/carers are warmly welcome.

