King’s Cliffe, Apethorpe & Woodnewton Nursing Association Notes made from Minute Book covering the period February 1927 (when this Association was formed) to July 1948 (when the Association was wound up following the introduction of the National Health Service). Committee at February 1927: President – Lady Violet Brassey Hon Sec & Treasurer – Miss Elsam Committee members: (King’s Cliffe) – Mrs Lyman, Mrs Edgson, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Richardson, Miss King, Miss Normanton, Miss Robinson; (Apethorpe) – Mrs Ashby, also Vice-President, Mrs Miles, Mrs Mallard, Mrs Pike; (Woodnewton) – Mrs ConradWells and Mrs F Collins. Ex-Officio – Dr J J Ross-Mackenzie [Abbreviations used from this point on for village names: A = Apethorpe, KC = King’s Cliffe, W = Woodnewton.] Committee meeting January 14 1927, Village Hall, A, attended by all committee, plus Rev C Woodruffe, A, and Miss Lee from Northampton [presumably the Northants Nursing Assoc.]. Agreed Miss Lee to engage a Nurse for the proposed district; salary £140 per annum. A and W to contribute £20 each per annum, and KC £80 per annum, exclusive of grants. Remaining £20 to come from grants from Min of Health, Board of Guardians, Northants Nursing Association (NNA), etc. A bicycle and nursing equipment to be provided. Nurse to be in residence on February 1st. Miss Normanton and Miss King joined the committee. Committee meeting April 28th 1927, Old School, King’s Cliffe. ‘Cost of installation’ of the Association estimated at £30: £15 as grant from NNA, remainder split A & W £3.15s each, KC £7.10s. Lady Brassey proposed meeting to plan fundraising events. Mrs Burdett and Miss Hawkes joined the committee. Public Meeting, May 17th 1927, Schoolroom, KC, to receive suggestions and plan fund-raising event for the Association. July 7th, a Jumble Sale and tea in Mrs Maslin’s garden and paddock (Drayton Hse, KC), dancing, competitions and sideshows in evening. If wet, to move to the Village Hall. Meeting of KC collectors on Nov 7th 1927 – a whist drive to be arranged in KC Village Hall for Nov 24th. A further whist drive was held on February 2nd. Committee meeting April 23rd 1928 at Apethorpe Hall. Review of accounts for first 14 months. Two cases raised where non-member nursing fees had not been paid: all fees must be paid over to the Association and receipts given. Mrs Ellis of KC to be asked to audit accounts. First AGM on April 26th 1928, Village Hall, Apethorpe. Accounts reviewed; committee elections, all re-elected except Mrs Lyman. Mrs W Walker elected in her place. After the meeting, excellent tea kindly provided by Lady Brassey [as was her habit] was enjoyed by about 100 members of the association. Committee meeting May 11th 1928, Village Hall, Apethorpe. Increase in Nurse Mills’ salary; NNA required £5 per annum increase in nurses’ salary at end of first and second years of service. New salary £150 pa. Complaint made by KC committee re the nurse attending non-members and neglecting to collect fees, also as to who should decide what constituted a ‘necessitous case’. Letter to be sent to Nurse Mills. Complaint by W committee at Nurse Mills’ failure to call in the village on three days weekly as agreed. Letter to be sent to Nurse Mills accordingly. AGM May 11th 1929, Village Hall, Apethorpe. Satisfactory progress and increase of 50 in membership. Committee meeting January 6th 1930, Old Schoolroom, KC. Meeting to decide on appointment of Nurse Hunt in succession to Nurse Mills: “all agreed it was desirable to make a change”. Agreed unanimously. Salary to be £140pa, rising by £5 annually for two years. Committee meeting May 22nd 1930, Village Hall, Apethorpe. Balance in bank over £200, some to be put on deposit. Nurse Mills to be written to asking for settlement of her account. Also Nurse Hunt to be written to regarding her not complying with a ‘matter of attire’. Mrs Burns-Lindow and Dr Whitehead to be asked to serve on KC committee. [Dr Ross Mackenzie’s successor as KC doctor]. AGM May 11th 1930, at Village Hall, Apethorpe. Accounts reviewed: income £168. 8s.5d; expenditure £178.6s.1d. Membership same as last year. Loss of Patroness, Mrs Howes, was referred to; letter of condolence to be sent to the family. [Mrs Howes had been a generous supporter of the local nursing association, and had paid for a house – now 48 West Street - to accommodate the nurse.] Tea again provided by Lady Brassey, but fewer attended meeting “owing no doubt to the very stormy afternoon”. Committee meeting May 6th 1931, Village Hall, Apethorpe. Nurse Hunt to receive £5 increase in salary, and one calendar month’s holiday in September – a temporary nurse to be in charge. AGM May 6th 1931 at Village Hall, Apethorpe. Satisfactory year’s work. Mrs Collins, W, stood down from committee. Mrs BurnsLindow, KC, elected Vice-President. Committee meeting April 5th 1932, at Village Hall, Apethorpe. Miss Elsam, the Association’s Secretary, had died: tribute paid by Lady Violet Brassey and thanks to Miss Pallin for doing the secretary’s work in the latter part of the year. Mrs Burdett appointed Secretary and Mrs Ellis Treasurer. Mrs BurnsLindow, Vice-President, resigned from committee due to ill health. Nurse Hunt to have holiday during August, a temporary nurse to be applied for. Second year £5 increase in Nurse Hunt’s salary, now £150 per annum. Miss Collins of W to join the committee. Now only five on KC committee; someone to be asked to join. AGM April 5th 1932. All considered satisfactory, and followed by tea! Committee meeting July 19th 1932 Nurse Hunt had met with an accident on April 13th; receiving only half-pay whilst off duty. Committee to make a special grant to her of £3.3s. Ecclesiastical Insurance were unable to renew the accident policy for nurses: Nurse to be insured under the Workmen’s Compensation Act. Also agreed to take out a Sickness Insurance Policy. Committee meeting November 25th 1932 To consider proposed ‘re-grouping’ of districts: A & W to join with Oundle and Cotterstock; KC to join Easton. No decision made – committee to think it over. [No further reference to this proposal]. Committee meeting May 17th 1933, Park Street schools, KC. Lady Violet Brassey unable to attend, but committee to write to her re A & W share of deficit caused by nurse’s accident and the extra to be paid for insurances. AGM followed: Association now had more members than in previous years. Everything considered satisfactory. Committee members for year commencing April 1st 1933: President – Lady Violet Brassey Vice-President – Mrs Ashby Hon Sec – Mrs Burditt Treasurer – Mrs Ellis Committee members: (King’s Cliffe) – Mrs Walker, Mrs Hill, Miss Hawkes, Miss Normanton; (Apethorpe) –Mrs Miles, Mrs Mallard; (Woodnewton) – Mrs Wells, Mrs Pike and Mrs D Collins. Collectors: Apethorpe – Mrs Miles Woodnewton – Mrs Wells, Mrs Collins King’s Cliffe – Mrs Walker, Mrs Chapman, Miss Ellis, Miss Robinson, Miss Hawkes, Miss Edwards, Miss Longbottom. AGM April 23rd 1934, Methodist Schoolroom, KC. Accounts reviewed, very satisfactory. Mr Portess had audited. In the year, Nurse Hunt had made 3,680 visits; including 17 Midwifery and 3 Maternity cases. Nurse Hunt’s holidays agreed for month of September; relief nurse to be secured. AGM May 20th 1935, Park Street Schools, KC. Accounts considered satisfactory. [Annual ‘Quotas’ paid by A & W into the Association; £48 10s each for this year.] Nurse Hunt requested a weekend in early July and month’s holiday in September. [Presumably, the nurse was expected to be on call at weekends, except whilst on holiday.] AGM May 14th 1936, Park Street Schools, KC Mrs E Elliott offered to take on the Secretary-ship: duly appointed. Names of (KC) collectors for 1936-37: Miss Hawkes, Miss Bollans, Miss G Elliott; Mrs Chapman, Mrs Bollans, Miss Edwards. Committee meeting June 25th 1936. Nurse Hunt to do holiday cover at Bulwick in July, in return for which Nurse Kitchen from Bulwick would cover for Nurse Hunt in August. Committee meeting July 23rd 1936 Invalid chair kindly given by Mr Love. Chair to be stored by Mr Portess. New bicycle for nurse ordered from Mr Bould. Committee meeting December 17th 1936, Park Street Schools, KC (all committees present). Proposed re-groupings discussed. Decided unanimously that Nassington and Yarwell should be accepted in the association, on condition that they paid a substantial quote each year (unspecified amount). [Presumably the proposal went ahead ...] AGM May 29th 1937, Park Street School, KC. All satisfactory. AGM August 3rd 1938, Park Street School, KC. Mrs Skells was Yarwell representative: no-one attended from Nassington. Nurse on holiday, not at meeting. “Nurse Sherratt’s agreement was read”. Agreed that Nurse Sherratt should have the use of the car to convey her patients to the Clinic. [Unclear who Nurse Sherratt is and which clinic this refers to.] Letter to be sent to Miss Crocker (NNA) to make some arrangement to increase subscriptions from Nassington. [Presume there was a problem?] AGM July 1st 1939, School, KC. New nurse, Nurse Windross, “not present owing to duties but happy and proving satisfactory in the district.” Miss Normanton, long-standing committee member, had resigned as leaving the district. Mrs Love to take her place. AGM August 14th 1940, Schools, KC. Good attendance, all villages being represented. Nassington had decided to withdraw from the association. Mrs Skells (Y) suggested Nurse should only go to Y when called, unless attending maternity cases, to save petrol and running expenses of the car. This was also decided for W and A. New members proposed for the committee: Mrs Salt, Mrs Harman Brown, Mrs Bould and Mrs Walker. AGM June 25th 1941, Park St Schools, KC. Mrs Elliott wished to resign from position of Secretary. Miss A Hawkes appointed in her place. If some Nassington members wished still to belong to the KC & District Association: letter of thanks to Mrs Kelham (from N) who had offered to collect subs. Committee meeting July 16th 1941, at Mrs Ellis’ house, Park St, KC. No reply from Mrs Kelham re Nassington members re-joining. Garden Fete to be held in Mr Love’s garden (at the school): wet weather, but a great success. Committee meeting September 3rd 1941, Mrs Ellis’ house, KC. Letter from Mrs Crocker, NNA Superintendent, saying holiday nurse would cover Nurse Windross’ holiday: salary £3 3s per week, plus board & lodging, laundry, N.H. stamps and fares. Funds insufficient for this: Mrs Crocker would put before her county committee and expected an additional grant of £1 per week would be made. Fund-raising dance arranged for September 12th – well-attended, £8 10s raised. Nurse Macdonald sent here on supply for 18 days to take charge of two septic cases: salary paid by the county. Committee meeting November 12th 1941, Mrs Ellis’s house, KC. Nurse Windross back from holiday “feeling much better after rest and change”. Mrs Kelham (N) had secured two collectors in Nassington and about 50 members wished to re-join. Dance arranged for December 19th: a splendid success. AGM June 8th 1942, Park Street School, KC Treasurer, Mrs Ellis, unable to attend due to a serious illness. Nurse Windross had paid 2,793 visits during the year. Year’s receipts £350 10s 7d, expenses £376 11s 10½d. Deficit due to not receiving full quota from Y and N. Letter from NNA requesting support for Flag Day for County and local association on September 19th. Mrs Abbott to be invited to serve on the committee. Committee meeting July 17th 1942, Mrs Ellis’ house, KC to plan Garden Fete. Held in the school and Mr Love’s garden on August Bank Holiday Monday, August 3rd: £53 raised – a great result. Committee meeting September 29th 1942. Mrs Ellis had died: condolences passed to Miss Ellis. Mrs Ellis had been Hon Treasurer for many years. Miss Mary Ellis agreed to take her place. Flag Day had raised £11 6s 8d: 75% to local association; 25% to county association. A dance was discussed, but deferred due to shortage of bands for music. AGM July 8th 1943 at Park St Schools, KC. Balance sheet showed receipt of £396 17s and expenses of £337 18s 11d: a very satisfactory balance in hand. Nurse Windross had made 2,521 visits in the year. Letter from NNA requesting a Flag Day for county & local associations on September 4th. Due to shortage of petrol, suggested that members and patients in A and W be asked to phone Nurse Windross when required, instead of her making 3 weekly visits to these villages. Committee meeting March 8th 1944, at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. The Rushcliffe Scheme of the new rate of salary and emoluments for Nurse was presented. A rise of £35 for the year from April 1st 1943, plus uniform money to be paid by 31st March 1944. The new salary of £270 pa plus uniform and price of laundry to take effect April 1st 1944. Increased cost to be borne: Government 50%, County Council 25%, District NA 25%. Dance to be held on April 1st. Cheque for £16 5s received from Nassington WI, the result of a benefit dance. Committee meeting March 28th 1944, at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. Letter from NNA: Nurse Windross’ holidays from April 15th to 28th would be covered by Nurse Sough. Her fees £4 4s, laundry 3/-, H & I stamps, board & lodging and travelling expenses. Discussed: as there were no maternity cases and no serious illnesses, committee proposed to try and manage without cover, if the Bulwick nurse could be on call, if needed. Dance held on April 1st, a great success, £30 9s 6d being cleared. Committee meeting April 24th 1944, at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. Dance planned for May 5th. Held and was success, raising £13. Proposed and agreed that Maternity and Midwifery fees be increased: Midwifery fee for subscribers £2.0s; Maternity fee £1 10s. Midwifery fee for non-subscribers £3 0s, Maternity fee £2 10s. Further fundraising events planned for August Bank Holiday 1944: Dance in Village Hall Monday August 3rd – raised £28 15s 3d; Garden Fete Tuesday August 4th 1945, Mr Love’s garden raised £64 4s 4d. Committee meeting September 3rd 1945 to discuss cover for Nurse Windross’ second two-week holidays in September. No maternity cases, and committee would do without a relief nurse, Nurse Gibbs [Bulwick] had consented to be on call in case of emergency/maternity. AGM June 29th 1944, at Park Street schools, KC. Several outside members unable to attend because of transport difficulties. During the year, Nurse Windross made 2,296 visits, 12 maternity cases, 8 midwifery and 80 general nursing. Finances very satisfactory: receipts £463 9s 4d, expenses £346 6s 6d. Proposed that £150 for depreciation of nurse’s car be put on deposit. Flag day planned for September 16th 1944. Committee meeting March 7th 1945 at Miss ellis’ house, KC. Arrangements again agreed for Nurse Windross’ holidays to be taken in April, when there were no maternity cases. Nurse Gibbs, Bulwick, to be on call for emergency case of maternity; Miss wootton (nurse) for any general sick nursing. Dance in village Hall March 19th 1945: Mr Len Cooke to provide music. £17 10s 5d raised. Another dance held on July 1st raised £21 0s 8½d. AGM July 12th 1945, at Park Street Schools, KC. President, Lady Violet Brassey, unable to attend due to ill health: good wishes sent to her. Nurse Windross reported her year’s visits: general 487; monthly 180; midwifery 211; antenatal 394, casual 748: total of 2,020. Another very satisfactory balance sheet: receipts £561 3s 3d, expenses £375 11s 3d. Letter from Mrs Crocker, County Superintendent, thanking committee for gift of £2 2s towards her retirement present. Miss W M Williams had been appointed as County Superintendent and Non-medical Supervisor of Midwives, commencing November 13th 1945. [Date written as 1944, but must be incorrect.] Flag Day for September 15th. Letter re domestic help for non-maternity cases was discussed. So far, no offers had been received. Maternity cases discussed: agreed booking fee of £1 for maternity cases, to be deducted from fee when case completed. Lapsed subscriptions discussed: agreed that lapsed members must pay 5/- fee before rejoining. Garden Fete to be arranged for August 4th 1946, in Mr Love’s garden: various stalls, bowls, skittling, darts and competitions. Held and, despite stormy weather, raised £65 9s 5d. Emergency Committee Meeting held April 10th 1946 to discuss letter from Northampton re The National Health Service Scheme. Most of the committee were present. After discussion, agreed to write to Mr Tiffaney, M.P., “asking him to bear in mind the following: that the County Nursing Association and the County Council were working well, also The Queen’s Nursing, in training nurses and supervisors very efficiently. Also our own Nurse Windross was working exceedingly well.” Letter sent to M.P. Answer received: it would receive attention. AGM July 8th 1946, Park Street Schools, KC. All present very sorry to hear of Lady Brassey’s prolonged illness. The Honourable Mrs Bernard Brassey had been asked if she would take over duties of President: she had written to say she would and would help the association in any way she possible could. Letter from S Tiffany, M.P. in answer to one sent to him re the County & District Nursing Health Bill: he had written to Lady Wickham on the same matter. Letter from Northampton re Midwifery, Maternity and Child Welfare fees: suggesting uniform fee of £1 10s for members and £2 10s for non-members for both Midwifery and Maternity. Another healthy surplus of income £695 16s 10d against expenses £474 6s 2d. Nurse Windross’ work for the year included 371 general nursing visits, 222 maternity, 261 midwifery, 517 antenatal, 14 post-natal and 673 casual; a total of 2,058. 17 clinics. Attended 14 Midwifery cases; 11 maternity cases, and 10 hospital cases [presumably maternity?] who had antenatal visits. 6 cases taken for the Bulwick District, as cover for their nurse. Red Cross Medical Board offered some extra supplies, such as bed pans, feeding cups, rubber sheets, etc – gratefully received. Flag Day to be hald on September 7th. Mr & Mrs Paine had held a whist drive in aid of the association. Proposed that Miss Chapman, Miss Gale and Mrs Robert Hill be asked to join the committee. Committee meeting July 17th 1946 at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. Garden Fete to be held on August 5th (Bank Holiday) in Love’s garden. Great success, with £85 16s 2d being raised. General District Committee meeting November 19th 1946 at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. “Nearly a full committee attended”: A – Mrs Ashby, Mrs Miles, Mrs Mee; W – Mrs Wells & Miss Collins; Y – Mrs Melton; KC – Mrs Bould, Mrs Chapman, Mr Love, Mrs Walker, Miss Gale, Miss Robins, Miss Ellis and Miss Hawkes. The Honrble Mrs B Brassey unable to attend “owing to the critical condition of Lady Violet Brassey”. Letter from Miss Williams, Superintendent at Northampton telling of resignation of Nurse Windross on December 1st 1946: all very sorry to hear. Committee to decide which type of nurse they wished to employ in future – whether Queen’s Nurse or General District Nurse Midwife. Decided on General District Nurse Midwife, as not possible to pay more than at present. [Implication being that Nurse Windross was not a Queen’s Nurse either.] Presentation to be made to Nurse Windross, each village contributing. After the meeting, committee heard of the death of their President, the Lady Brassey, and a letter of sympathy from the committee was sent to Lord Brassey and to the Honble Mrs Bernard Brassey. Special General Committee Meeting April 12th 1947, at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. Nearly all committee present and Miss Williams, County Superintendent, attended to explain details of suggested Centralisation Scheme. She said it would be much better for the local associations to join up with the County. Asked about funds, Miss Williams said she thought the Reserve Fund would not be touched, though the County might levy a charge of 10% in an emergency. Proposed and carried unanimously that Mrs Bernard Brassey be made President of the association in place of the late Lady Brassey, which she kindly accepted. A slip of paper inside the front of the Minute Book and headed ‘Names of KC & District Nursing committee, must date from after the death of Lady Violet Brassey in November 1946, when her daughter-in-law, the Honourable Mrs Bernard Brassey, took over the role of President. Officers listed as follows: President, Honble Mrs Brassey, Apethorpe Vice-President, Mrs Ashby, Apethorpe Mrs Miles and Mrs Mee, Apethorpe Mrs C Wells and Miss Collins, Woodnewton Mrs Poole, Nassington Mrs Melton and Mrs Lock, Yarwell Mrs Chapman, Mrs Walker, Miss Gale, Mrs Bould, Mrs Love, Miss Chapman, Mrs Salt, Miss robins, Miss Ellis, Mrs Harman-Brown, Miss A Hawkes, Secretary and Treasurer Emergency Meeting April 16th 1947, held at Northampton, to decide on the Centralisation Scheme. Mrs Brassey (President), Mrs Miles (A), Mrs Wells (W) and Miss Hawkes (Hon Sec) attended the meeting and recorded decision to join the County. Overall voting was: 38 associations for; 4 against; 3 did not vote. Questions asked about the “New Health Service Bill”, but answers not known at this stage. AGM June 24th 1947, at Miss Ellis’ house, KC. Accounts showed another satisfactory year: receipts £714 17s, expenses £458 6s 7d. This was in spite of heavier than usual expenses, due to increase in Nurse’s salary paid before end of March. Nurse’s cases were: Midwifery 353; Maternity 167; ante-natal 416; post-natal 30; casual 574; total 1,961. Mr & Mrs Paines thanked for £22 donation from whist drive. Garden Fete to be held on August Bank Holiday, as usual; proposed that Nurse Windross’ presentation be made then, but later postponed as Nurse wished it to be done in private. Letter of June 12th re Centralisation was read and discussed thoroughly. Proposed and carried unanimously “that we should stay out of the Centralisation Scheme, and carry on as we are for the time being”. [This appears contrary to the vote on april 16th at Northampton.] Letter to be sent without delay to Miss Williams (County Superintendent) and Mr Lloyd (County treasurer) advising of committee’s decision. Flag Day to be held July 19th. (Held and £12 5s raised: 25% sent to County, remainder kept for local association.) August 4th 1947, Annual Garden Fete held in Mr & Mrs Love’s garden. Mrs Bernard Brassey opened the Fete wising it success “as it might be the last the Association would hold”. £57 12s 1½d raised. Notes re purchase of new car for nurse In May 1947, a new car, an Austin 8H.P. (Priority) had been ordered for the nurse from S & W Motors, Northampton. Several letters sent asking them to speed up delivery! October 30th, letter from S & W Motors saying the 8H.P. and 10H.P. were no longer available from Austin. New models were: A40 Devon – 4-door saloon, price £416; A40 Dorset – 2-door saloon, price £403 5s; and a 16H.P. saloon car £671 11s 3d. A40 Devon was decided on and ordered. Miss Williams advised of decision and asked to speed up delivery. On November 11th, Miss Williams rang to say she considered the “Devon” too big and expensive for the association to run and had heard (that day) of a “New Standard” 8H.P. car, which could be supplied quickly if ordered that day from Douglas Garage, Northampton. This was done! Price £396 10s. Order with S & W Motors duly cancelled. December 16th 1947, Nurse Windross and Miss Hawkes collected and brought the car home. The Standard firm required the car to be taken in to the Douglas Garage, Northampton, for service, as it was difficult to get spare parts if required. Letter had been received in May 1947 from Northampton offering 3 different options re provision of a car: local committee had decided on the option that they continue to own the present car, the total running costs being defrayed by the County council. The County Council to buy another car when necessary. Committee Meeting on July 8th 1948 at Miss Ellis’ house – the final annual committee meeting. Present: Mrs Brassey, President; committee members – (A) Mrs Miles, Mrs Mee; (W) Mrs Wells and Miss Collins; (N) Mrs Poole and Mrs Newton; (Y) Mrs Melton; (KC) Mrs Harman-Brown, Mrs Chapman, Mrs Salt, Mrs Love, Mrs Walker, Miss Robins, Miss Chapman, Miss Gale, Miss Edwards, Miss Ellis and Miss Hawkes (Sec and Treasurer) Mrs Ashby (vice-President) and Mrs Bould unable to attend owing to illness. Accounts showed a satisfactory balance, even after purchase of the new Standard car: receipts £1,129 13s 11½d, expenses £970 4s 2½d. Letter from Northampton: re funds and accounts, District Nursing Associations top defer making plans for at least 3 months after July 5th. Presentation to Nurse Windross – a purse and £46 10s -, collected from the 5 villages – as mark of appreciation of her services for past 9 years. Mrs HarmanBrown [wife of the KC doctor] spoke of high regard in which Nurse was held and her unfailing help to Doctor in their work together. Nurse Windross expressed her pleasure with the gift: she had been very happy here. Various thanks expressed to fund-raisers and to Mrs Brassey for her kindness and interest in the association. Meeting closed “with light refreshments which everyone seemed to enjoy”. Signed by A Hawkes, Hon Sec. No further entries in the Minute Book.