IFC Executive Board Applications

2016 IFC Executive Board Application
Applications are due by 12:00-noon on Friday, November 20th, 2015
Please submit applications to the SLIC front desk in SLP 316 or you may submit a scanned copy
via email to victoriavaldes@sandiego.edu
Obligations and Responsibilities for all IFC Exec Officers
**Your signature guarantees that you will adhere to the expectations listed below.**
1. This position is a yearlong commitment lasting from the installation ceremony on
December 10th, 2015 through the end of the fall 2016 semester. Applicants planning on
going abroad in 2016 need not apply. Some officers may be expected to help with the
planning and execution of formal recruitment in the spring of 2017.
2. All officers must have and maintain a 2.8 cumulative GPA throughout their term of
3. All officers must attend ALL IFC Executive Board meetings (time and day TBA) and IFC
Council meetings at 1:00pm on Thursdays.
4. All officers must attend a minimum of 1 weekly meeting with their advisor. Meeting
times will be determined according to the schedules of the officers.
5. All officers MUST attend the Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values Western
Conference (April 7-10, 2016).
6. ALL officers are committed to a weekend retreat experience. Council officers must
attend one weekend retreat of their choice. Retreat options are as follows:
a. Ultimate Greek Adventure (February 5-7, 2016)
b. Men’s Retreat (February 19-21, 2016 or EMPOWER Retreat (February 26-28,
2016) **pending on IFC or Pan Application
c. Greater Than Yourself retreat (September 2016)
7. All officers are committed to a Council day retreat each semester (Spring and Fall, Dates:
8. To be eligible, candidates must be in good standing within their chapters for a minimum
of one full semester prior to holding an IFC position.
9. All officers MUST hold an office hour a week in the Student Leadership and Involvement
10. All officers will serve as Rush Monitors during fall and spring recruitments.
11. All officers MUST develop and/or maintain transition materials and execute a formal
transition with their successor
12. If officers are not fulfilling their obligations, then they shall be subject to removal from
office under a 3-strike policy. Not fulfilling any of the above mentioned obligations will
result in a strike. After 3 strikes, an officer will go under review by the delegates. Bisemester assessment of Executive Board members will also be conducted by presidents
and delegates to assess performance in conjunction with the fulfillment of job duties
and advancement of IFC goals and provide feedback.
Applicant’s Signature
I CONFIRM THAT THIS MEMBER IS (and has been for at least 1 semester) IN
President’s Signature
Please RANK the IFC positions listed below in preferential order:
_______Vice President, Membership
______Vice President, Programming
_______Vice President, Administration
______Vice President, Communications _______Vice President, Wellness & Standards
______ Vice President, Philanthropy and Community Service
Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper:
 Name:
 Phone & Email:
 Fraternity Affiliation:
 Class Standing:
 Major & Cumulative GPA:
 Chapter and/or IFC Experience (list offices held, committees, etc.):
 Work, Extracurricular, and/or Academic Experience (list):
Answer the following questions within a paragraph:
 In your opinion, what is the purpose of IFC and why do you want to be a leader for this
 What is the most significant challenge facing the Greek Community and how would you aim
to address it as a campus leader?
 What is one value of your fraternity chapter that you feel particularly passionate about and
how do you feel that you exemplify that value?
 What goals do you have for IFC and what would motivate you to achieve them as an officer?
Elections Timeline:
Interviews will be held in 15-minute intervals on Tuesday, December 1st and
Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 during dead hours. All applicants must be available
by phone between 8:00-11:00pm PST on Wednesday, December 9th. The IFC
Executive Board installation ceremony and meeting will take place at 1:00pm on
Thursday, December 10th.
As President you shall
a) Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Interfraternity Council;
b) Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the USD Interfraternity Council and
the IFC Executive Board;
c) Appoint all committee chairmen in consultation with the Executive Board and with the
concurrence of the IFC;
d) Act as a representative from the Interfraternity Council at conferences, meetings, and all
other functions;
e) Act as co-chair of Greek Discipline Board (please see the Greek Guidelines for a more
detailed description of the President’s responsibilities in disciplinary matters);
f) Organize and conduct IFC slating and elections;
g) Maintain a complete and up-to date President’s file which will include copies of the
current USD Interfraternity Council Constitution, Bylaws, and Discipline Procedures; the
current IFC budget, the NIC Interchange Manual, and other related materials; current
correspondence and materials received during his term of office;
h) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
i) Perform all other duties pertaining to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a
one-hour weekly advisor meeting.
As Vice President for Membership you shall
a) Perform the duties of the President if he is absent or unavailable to perform his duties;
b) Plan, coordinate, and execute all recruitment and formal recruitment activities to be
conducted by the IFC;
c) To preside at meetings of the IFC Recruitment Committee (composed of Recruitment
Chairs from the member fraternities);
d) To organize and submit for approval of the Council, a master plan, budget, and
rules/guidelines for the IFC recruitment program;
e) To compile name, address, GPA, and other information about prospective members to be
distributed to the fraternities;
f) To compile and publish a master recruitment calendar and IFC recruitment information
g) To conduct and regulate all formal recruitment activities in accordance with approved
Recruitment Guidelines and to perform all other duties related to recruitment;
h) Will remain in office throughout the duration of spring recruitment;
i) Newly slated Vice President of Membership shall assist previous Vice President of
Membership in all efforts of Men’s Spring Recruitment;
j) Handle and maintain the recruitment database/management system and all recruitment
k) Work with the advisor to review eligibility of all PNMs;
l) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
m) Perform all other duties pertaining to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a
one-hour weekly advisor meeting.
As Vice President of Programming you shall
a) Be responsible for all programming committees;
b) Be responsible for planning and implementation of the annual Greek Week with the
Panhellenic Vice President of Programming, including the philanthropy or service day with
the Panhellenic VP of Philanthropy and Community Service;
c) Be responsible for planning and implementation of the annual Greek Life sponsored Fall
programming with the Panhellenic Vice President of Programming;
d) Be responsible for planning and implementation of the annual Greek New Member
Induction and any other programs planned by the IFC or jointly sponsored by IFC and
e) Be responsible for an annual evaluation of IFC programming to be conducted each Spring
f) Coordinate alumni programming during Homecoming;
g) Be responsible for social programming, including Intramural activities, an academic bowl
per semester, and Fraternal Olympics;
h) Be in charge of all IFC sponsored philanthropy and service events;
i) Serve as the IFC community service liaison, duties including at least one all-Fraternity or
all-Greek service event per year;
j) Serve as a co-chair for the Greek Philanthropy Board with Panhellenic Council VP of
k) Attend and facilitate regular Greek Philanthropy Board meetings;
l) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
m) Perform all other duties pertaining to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a
one-hour weekly advisor meeting.
As Vice President of Communications you shall
a) Develop an annual Public Relations plan to be approved by the Council by the second
week of the spring semester;
b) Create and maintain the IFC website (Some web site design experience required);
c) Be responsible for IFC and general fraternity relations with the following groups: faculty,
administration, and staff;
d) Be responsible for all aspects of planning and implementation of any IFC events designed
to promote fraternity image with faculty/administration, unaffiliated students, or alumni
(i.e. Homecoming Greek Alumni Reception);
e) Be responsible for all IFC publicity, including posters, fliers and other publicity for
recruitment, educational programs, Greek Week, etc., and serve as a resource for
member fraternities in publicizing their own activities;
f) Be responsible for specific duties regarding recruitment, to include the all-Greek
recruitment t-shirt, promotion of information sessions, and postings on the Greek Life
g) Be responsible for IFC relations with the media, including the VISTA and all San Diego print
and broadcast media; write press releases for IFC events to obtain media coverage;
h) Conduct ongoing evaluation of the Greek public image and assume leadership for IFC's
programming to meet challenges and correct weaknesses which are thus identified;
i) Be responsible for any correspondence which is related to public relations;
j) Keep records of all publicity and events planned during his term in office, including
evaluations and attendance records;
k) Serve as the a delegate to the following: AS Senate and AS Budget Committee; also be a
Panhellenic Council Liaison;
l) Appoint and be in contact with AS Student Issues Board and Torero Program Board
m) Create, maintain, and distribute a calendar of major USD events;
n) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
o) Perform all other duties related to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a onehour weekly advisor meeting.
As VP Administration you shall
a) Keep a typed impartial record of all proceedings of the Interfraternity Council in a minute
book which shall be open to any member for inspection;
b) Conduct roll call and keep a record of attendance at meetings;
c) Send out meeting details and agenda items at least 24-hours prior to each IFC meeting
and distribute detailed minutes to all relevant stakeholders in a timely fashion after each
IFC meeting;
d) Prepare the IFC meeting room with the correct specifications (i.e. plaques, IFC
Creed etc.);
e) Carry on all correspondence of the Interfraternity Council;
f) Chair the application, selection, and distribution processes for IFC scholarships;
g) Collect, take charge of and disburse when authorized, any funds or monies acquired
by the IFC;
h) Present a proposed semester budget, which shall be approved by the vote of the Council
before the end of the previous semester;
i) Take care of obtaining check requests and securing the signature of the IFC Advisor;
j) Monitor the expenditures of the IFC for conformance to the approved budget;
k) Be responsible for planning and implementation of the annual Greek Leadership
l) Submit a report to the Council at each regular meeting as to the income, expenditures and
balance of the IFC account;
m) Maintain and change, as needed, the IFC bylaws and constitution;
n) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
o) Perform all other duties related to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a onehour weekly advisor meeting.
As VP Wellness and Standards you shall
a) Host roundtables each semester with Chapter Presidents, Chapter Risk Managers,
Standards Chairs, Social Chairs and/or any chapter officers relevant to risk, wellness or
b) Organize educational programs, events, and speakers throughout the year with the
Panhellenic Vice President of Health and Wellness;
c) Serve on committees/taskforces aiming to combat critical issues facing the Greek
d) Maintain open communication with chapters to ensure the safety of its members;
e) Train and update chapters on all relevant risk management policies and changes;
f) Ensure all IFC sponsored events follow risk management policies;
g) Host a mock GDB trial, with the aid of the GDB advisor, that all chapter presidents will
h) Work with representatives from campus partners to ensure the mental and physical
safety of fraternity members;
i) Sponsor events that promotes health and wellness;
j) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
k) Perform all other duties related to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a onehour weekly advisor meeting.
As VP Philanthropy and Community Service you shall
a) Be responsible for planning and implementation of the annual Greek Week philanthropy
day with the Panhellenic Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service
b) Be in charge of all IFC sponsored philanthropy and service events;
c) Serve as the IFC community service liaison, duties including at least one all-Fraternity or
all-Greek service event per year;
d) Serve as a co-chair for the Greek Philanthropy Board with Panhellenic Council VP of
Philanthropy and Community Service and perform all duties related to this position,
including: planning, budgeting, reserving rooms/other areas, obtaining permits (if
needed), and implementing/cleaning up the actual event.
e) Coordinate philanthropic events for Greek Community, as well as the greater USD
f) Report other USD-affiliated and/or local community service programs/events to the
Fraternal community, including both the Executive Board and the General Council.
g) Create and maintain transition documents and execute a formal transition to train his
successor; and
h) Perform all other duties pertaining to this office; to include one weekly office hour and a
one-hour weekly advisor meeting.