Curriculum Vitae - Oakland University

Curriculum Vitae
1. Biographical Data
Name: Linda Esther Schweitzer
Department: Chemistry
Rank: Associate Professor, Director of Environmental Science Program
2. Education
University of California,
1998 Ecotoxicology
Los Angeles, School Public Health
and Env. Chemistry
Minors in Civil Engineering (UCLA SEAS)
and Pathology (UCLA School of Medicine)
University of California, Santa Barbara 1985 Environmental Biology
College of Arts and Sciences
Environmental Health Toxicology
3. Professional Experience
a. Teaching Experience not as a graduate student:
Oakland University
Oakland University
Rank/Title and Date
Associate Professor 2006-present
Assistant Professor, 2000
Full/Part Time
Full Time
Full Time
b. Graduate Student Teaching Experience:
Teaching Assistant, Spring 1993, Fall 1995, Fall 1997 Part Time
c. Other relevant professional experience
Biophysica, Inc.
(La Jolla, CA)
Rank/Title and Date
Director of Drug Development
1/2000 – 7/2000
Tetra Tech EMI Inc. Senior Toxicologist
(San Francisco, CA)
Biophysica Foundation Research Associate
(La Jolla, CA)
d. Oakland University Appointment Record
Rank and date of initial appointment: Assistant Professor, August 15, 2000
Date of reappointment: Assistant Professor, August 15, 2002, August 14, 2005
Rank and date of promotion:
Dates of Spring/Summer teaching:
Dates and types of leave:
e. Oakland instructional record: (evaluations available for all courses listed below)
Fall 00
ENV 484 Environmental Toxicology
Winter 01
ENV 373 Water Resources
Fall 01
ENV 485* Fate and Transport
Winter 02
CHM 413* Aquatic Chemistry
Fall 02
ENV 484 Environmental Toxicology
Winter 03
ENV 373 Water Resources
Fall 03
ENV 485 Fate and Transport
Winter 04
CHM 413 Aquatic Chemistry
Fall 04
ENV 484 Environmental Toxicology
Winter 05
CHM 685 Health & Environmental Chemistry
Fall 05
ENV 485 Fate and Transport
Winter 06
HC 208* Global Environmental Health
Winter 06
ENV 373 Water Resources
Summer 06
ENV 390 Directed Studies
ENV 470 Environmental Health Internship
Fall 06
ENV 390 Directed Studies
ENV 470 Environmental Health Internship
ENV 484 Environmental Toxicology
Winter 07
Chem 413 Aquatic Chemistry
ENV 390 Directed Studies
ENV 470 Environmental Health Internship
Summer 07
ENV 390 Directed Studies
ENV 470 Environmental Health Internship
Fall 07
ENV 486 Toxic Substance Control
ENV 470 Environmental Science Internship
Winter 08
ENV 485 Fate and Transport
ENV 470 Environmental Science Internship
Fall 08
ENV 373 Water Resources
Winter 09
CHM 413 Aquatic Chemistry
CHM 158 Labs
Fall 09
SCI 100
Summer 2009
ENV 308 Environmental Studies
Winter 10
Summer 10
Fall 10
Winter 2011
Fall 2011
Summer 2011
Fall 2012
ENV 350 Environmental Analytical Chemistry
ENV 373 Water Resources
ENV 486 Toxic Substance Control
ENV 470 Environmental Science Internship
ENV 375* Introduction to Apiculture and Sustainability
ENV 308 Environmental Studies
CHM 410 Environmental Chemistry
ENV 308 Environmental Studies
ENV 373 Water Resources
Fate and Transport
HC 208 Sustainability Science
ENV 413 Aquatic Chemistry
ENV 375 Apiculture and Sustainability
ENV 308
ENV 373 Water Resources
* Newly developed course
4. Research, Scholarship, Publications, and Related Activities
a. Doctoral dissertation:
Bioavailability and Toxicity of PCBs to Sea Urchins
b. Master’s Thesis:
Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Urban Runoff Waters
c. Books published or in press: (book chapters, only):
Suffet, I.H., Pederson, J., Schweitzer, L., and Hunchak-Kariouk. 1997. Influence
of pH on the association of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl with sediment pore water
dissolved organic matter, in S. Drozd, S. Gonet, N. Senesi, J. Weber (eds.); The
Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection,
Wroclaw, Poland, IHSS 641-644.
Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. “Urban Water Quality”. 2007. Encyclopedia of
Water Science. Stanley W. Trimble (ed.). Marcel Dekker, New York.
Professional reports:
Carpenter, D., Sinha, S., Bingham, M., Schweitzer, L., Keenan, S., Vaccaro,
L, Graham, R., Higuchi, R. Using and Integrated Approach to Restore a
Natural Flow Regime in the Clinton River. Report to Michigan Sea Grant.
Sept. 30, 2012.
2. Schweitzer, L. Hydrophilic Xenoestrogens: Responses and Oxidative Removal.
Final report to USEPA GLNPO. 2008.
3. Opfer, J., Richardson, M., Schrameck, R., Schweitzer, L., and Sinha, S.
Development of Delisting Criteria in the Clinton River Area of Concern. Final
Report. August 22, 2006.
4. Restoration Criteria for the Clinton River Area of Concern: Phase I Final
Report. Oct. 30, 2005. Opfer, J., Richardson, M., Schrameck, R., Schweitzer,
L., Sinha, S.
5. Schweitzer, L. and Baskaran, M. PCB contaminant profile in a sediment core
from the Lange and Revere canals in St. Clair Shores. May 20, 2003.
Prepared for the City of St. Clair Shores, MI.
6. American Water Works Association Research Foundation and KIWA.
Prepared by: Atasi, K., Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Chen, T. 2003. Taste
and odor materials evaluation workshop. Project #2715.
7. Schweitzer, L. and Bay, S. “Toxicity of PCBs in Two Species of Sea
Urchins”, in Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, annual report
1997-1998. SCCWRP, Westminster, CA.
d. Articles published (peer reviewed, journals only)
Tabe, S., Yang, P., Zhao, X., Hao, C., Seth, R., Schweitzer, L., Jamal, T.
2010. Occurrence and Removal of PPCPs and EDCs in the Detroit River
Watershed. Water Practice and Technology. V5(1);1-6.
van Hees, E.H.P., Chopin, E.I.B., Sebastian, T.M., Washington, G.D., Germer,
L.M., Domanski, P., Martz, D., Schweitzer, L. Distribution, sources, and
behavior of trace elements in the Clinton River Watershed, Michigan. Journal
of Great Lakes Research 36 2010. 606–617.
Yue, C., Seth, R., Tabe, S., Zhao, X., Hao, C., Yang, P., Schweitzer, L., and
Taher, J. 2009. Evaluation of Pilot-Scale Oxidation of Several PPCPs/EDCs
During Drinking Water Ozonation Treatment. Water Science & Technology:
Water Supply Vol 9 (No 5); 577–582.
Short-lived Radionuclides (210Pb, 7Be, and 137Cs) as Tracers of Particle
Dynamics in a River System in Southeast Michigan. 2008. Limnology and
Oceanography, V53(5); 1934-1944. Jweda, J., Baskaran, M., van Hees, E.,
Schweitzer, L.
S. Y. Jasim, S. Ndiongue, B. Johnson, L. Schweitzer, D. Borikar. 2008. The
Effect of Ozone on Cold Water Coagulation. Ozone Science and Engineering,
Jasim, S.Y., Irabelli, A., Yang, P., Ahmed, S., and Schweitzer, L. 2006.
Presence of Pharmaceuticals and Pesticides in Detroit River Water and the Effect
of Ozone on Removal – A Review. Ozone Science & Engineering Journal;
Volume 28, Issue 6 December 2006, pages 415 – 423.
Oestman, E., Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Corado, A. and Suffet, I.H.
2004. Effects of chlorine and chloramines on earthy and musty odors in
drinking water. Water Science and Technology; Vol 49(9); 153-159.
8. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. 2004.
Utility Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution
Systems for Effect on Taste and Odor. Water Science and Technology; Vol
49(9); 75-80.
9. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. 2004. Materials
used in drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor.
Water Science and Technology; Vol 49(9); 219-226.
10. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2004. Olfactory and chemical analysis
of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Environ Sci
andBio/technology V00; 1-11.
11. Forrester, G.E., Fredericks, B.I., Gerdeman, D., Evans, B., Steele, M.A., Zayed,
K., Schweitzer, L.E., Suffet, I.H., Vance, R.R., and Ambrose, R.F. 2003.
Growth of estuarine fish is associated with the combined concentration of
sediment contaminants and shows no adaptation or acclimation to past
conditions. Marine Environmental Research 56:423-442.
12. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H. and Suffet, I.H. 2002. Effect of Oxic
State on Nonpolar Organic Contaminant Distribution, Mobility and
Bioavailability in Sediments. Israel Journal of Chemistry 42 (1): 109-118.
13. Schweitzer, L., Suffet, I.H. and Bay, S. 2000. Dietary assimilation of a
polychlorinated biphenyl in adult sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus) and maternal
transfer to their offspring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Vol.19
(7); 1919-1924.
14. Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. Exposure assessment of taste and odor
standards used in the method of flavor profile analysis. Water Science and
Technology V40 (6); 209-216.
15. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ye, Q., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. The
environmental fate and mechanism of formation of 2-ethyl-5,5’-dimethyl-1,3dioxane (2EDD) - a malodorous contaminant in drinking water. Water Science
and Technology V40 (6); 217-224.
16. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. The formation,
stability, and odor characterization of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane (2EMD).
Water Science and Technology V40 (6); 293-298.
17. Noblet, J., Schweitzer, L., Ibrahim, E., Stolzenbach, K., and Suffet, I.H. 1999.
Evaluation of a taste and odor incident on the Ohio River. Water Science and
Technology V40 (6); 185-194.
18. Schweitzer, L., Hose, J., Suffet, I.H., and Bay, S. 1997. Differential toxicity of
three PCB congeners in developing sea urchin embryos. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry V.16 (7); 1510-1514.
19. Hunchak-Kariouk, K., Schweitzer, L., and Suffet, I.H. 1997. Partitioning of
2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl by the dissolved organic matter in oxic and anoxic
porewaters. Environmental Science and Technology 31, 639-645.
20. Sovak, M., Terry, R., Douglass, J., and Schweitzer, L. 1991. Primary
carboxamides, nonionic isotonic monomers. Investigative Radiology, Vol. 26.,
Supp. No.1.
e. Oral presentations (presenter in bold):
1. Schweitzer, L. Ramdan, H., Chopin, E., Burrows, M., Van Hecke, N.,
Jasim, S. Removal of Pharmaceuticals and other Chemicals of Emerging
Concern by Conventional and Oxidation Processes Used in Wastewater
Treatment Plants within the Great Lakes Basin. IOA Milwaukee, WI. Sept.
23, 2012.
2. Van Hees, E. and Schweitzer, L. Deposition, mobilization and possible
sources of polychlorinated biphenyl spills into canals and drains in St. Clair
Shores, Michigan. Abstract accepted for Geological Society of American
Annual Meeting Portland 18-21 October 2009.
3. Schweitzer, L. and Ekstrom, A. Copper based product for controlling algae
and destroying geosmin. Abstract and Presentation: 2007 American Water
Works Association Annual Conference and Exhibition (ACE), Toronto,
Canada 28 June 2007.
4. Zhao, X., Tabe, S., Hao, C., Jasim, S., Schweitzer, L., Yang, P. Occurrence
of bioactive pharmaceutical compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals
in the Detroit River Watershed. NWRI ScientificAssessment Report Series
No. 8. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Canadian
Environment:Research and Policy Directions Workshop, Ontario, Canada 7
March 2007.
5. Jweda, J., Baskaran, M., van Hees, E. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Pb-210
and Be-7 as Tracers of Sediment Resuspension Rates in Clinton River in
Southeastern Michigan. Presented at AGU Oceanic Sciences Conference,
Honolulu, HI, Feb. 20-24, 2006.
6. Makowski, B. and Schweitzer, L. Off-Flavors in Bottled Water from
Carbonyl Compounds. Presented at the International Water Association
Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October
2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.
7. Carter, A., Ahmed, S. and Schweitzer, L. Sources of Taste-and-Odor in the
Detroit Drinking Water and Effect of Conventional Water Treatment Versus
Ozonation on Off-Flavors. Presented at the International Water Association
Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October
2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.
8. Jasim, S.Y., Irabelli, A. Schweitzer, L. Pharmaceutically Active
Compounds and Pesticides Presence in Detroit River Water and Effect of
Ozone Treatment on Removal - A Review. Presented at the International
Ozone Association, Sept. 13, 2004, Windsor ON, Canada.
9. Jasim, S.Y., Hua, W., Letcher, R., Schweitzer, L., Lemieux, F., Maxloum,
S., Krantzberg, G., Burrows, M. Endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs):
Presence in water supplies and effect of treatment process on removal – a
Great Lakes region concern. Presented at the 2003 American Water Works
Association Water Quality Technology Conference, Philadelphia, PA,
November 1-6, 2003.
10. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., Suffet, I.H. Effect of aeration of
anoxic sediments on the distribution, mobility and bioavailability of
2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Presented at the 2003 American Chemical
Society, Environmental Division, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003.
11. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2003. Olfactory and chemical
analysis of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Presented at
the International Conference on Taste and Odor in Drinking Water, June 56, 2003, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.
12. Baskaran, A., Jose, R., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid
extraction of contaminated sediments for broad-spectrum analysis.
Presented at the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.
13. Ekstrom, A., Greig, E., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid
extraction of fish tissues for the analysis of organic chemicals. Presented at
the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.
14. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., and Suffet, I.H. Nonpolar
organic contaminant association with humic substances in anoxic aquatic
sediments: effects of aeration on PCB distribution, mobility, and
bioavailability. Presented at the 20th International Humic Substances
Society, Boston, MA, July 21-26, 2002.
15. Suffet, I.H., Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., and Lin, M. Role of sediment
dissolved organic matter in nonpolar organic contaminant distribution,
mobility, and bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America, Charlotte,
NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.
16. Oestman, E., Schweiter, L, Tomboulian, P., Corado, A., and Suffet, I.H.
Effects of chlorine and chloramines on earthy/musty odors in drinking
water. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium
on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in
Barcelona, Spain.
17. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. Utility
Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution
Systems for Effect on Taste and Odor. In press Water Sci Technol. Sixth
International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic
Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
18. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. Materials used
in drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor.
Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Offflavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona,
19. Kong, J. and Schweitzer, L. The Effect of UV Disinfection Process on
Natural Organic Matter and Taste and Odor Characteristics of Drinking
Water. In preparation for Water Science and Technology. Presented at the
Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the
Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
20. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M. Supercritical fluid
extraction for the isolation of hydrophobic organic compounds from aquatic
suspended sediments. Pacific conference of the 34th ACS Western Regional
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 28-31, 1998.
21. Schweitzer, L., Lin, M., Bay, S.M., and Suffet, I.H.. 1998. The effect of
aeration and disturbance of anoxic sediments on the bioavailability of
hydrophobic organic chemicals on a sediment-ingesting organism.
Presented at 216th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston,
MA. August 23-27, 1998.
22. Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. An exposure assessment of taste and odor
standards used in the method of flavor profile analysis. Presented at the
International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International
Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct.
13-16, 1997.
23. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ye, Q., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The
environmental fate and mechanism of formation of 2-ethyl-5,5’-dimethyl1,3-dioxane. Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality
(IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic
Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
24. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The formation,
stability, and odor characterization of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane
(2EMD). Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ)
Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment,
Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
25. Noblet, J., Schweitzer, L., Ibrahim, E., Stolzenbach, K., and Suffet, I.H.
Evaluation of a taste and odor incident on the Ohio River, PA. Presented at
the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International
Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct.
13-16, 1997.
26. Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M., Ruth, E., Froines, J., Stenstrom, M., and
Suffet, I.H. Trace hydrophobic organic pollution runoff from nonpoint
sources into Santa Monica bay during dry weather flow. Presented at the
1994 American Chemical Society Symposium in San Diego, CA March 1318, 1994.
f. Book reviews (none)
g. Abstracts published:
1. Jweda, J., Baskaran, M., van Hees, E. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Pb-210 and
Be-7 as Tracers of Sediment Resuspension Rates in Clinton River in
Southeastern Michigan. Presented at AGU Oceanic Sciences Conference,
Honolulu, HI, Feb. 20-24, 2006.
2. Makowski, B. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Off-Flavors in Bottled Water from
Carbonyl Compounds. Presented at the International Water Association
Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7,
2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.
3. Carter, A., Ahmed, S. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Sources of Taste-and-Odor in
the Detroit Drinking Water and Effect of Conventional Water Treatment Versus
Ozonation on Off-Flavors. Presented at the International Water Association
Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7,
2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.
4. Jasim, S.Y., Hua, W., Letcher, R., Schweitzer, L., Lemieux, F., Maxloum, S.,
Krantzberg, G., Burrows, M. Endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs): Presence
in water supplies and effect of treatment process on removal – a Great Lakes
region concern. Presented at the 2003 American Water Works Association
Water Quality Technology Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1-6, 2003.
5. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., Suffet, I.H. Effect of aeration of
anoxic sediments on the distribution, mobility and bioavailability of 2,2’,4,4’tetrachlorobiphenyl. Presented at the 2003 American Chemical Society,
Environmental Division, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003.
6. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2003. Olfactory and chemical analysis
of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Presented at the
International Conference on Taste and Odor in Drinking Water, June 5-6, 2003,
Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.
7. Baskaran, A., Jose, R., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid
extraction of contaminated sediments for broad-spectrum analysis. Presented at
the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.
8. Ekstrom, A., Greig, E., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid
extraction of fish tissues for the analysis of organic chemicals. Presented at the
2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.
9. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., and Suffet, I.H. Nonpolar organic
contaminant association with humic substances in anoxic aquatic sediments:
effects of aeration on PCB distribution, mobility, and bioavailability. Presented
at the 20th International Humic Substances Society, Boston, MA, July 21-26,
10. Suffet, I.H., Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., and Lin, M. Role of sediment
dissolved organic matter in nonpolar organic contaminant distribution, mobility,
and bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 2125, 2001.
11. Oestman, E., Schweiter, L, Tomboulian, P., Corado, A., and Suffet, I.H. Effects
of chlorine and chloramines on earthy/musty odors in drinking water. Presented
at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the
Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
12. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. Utility
Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution Systems
for Effect on Taste and Odor. In press Water Sci Technol. Sixth International
Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment,
October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
13. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. Materials used in
drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor. Presented at
the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the
Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
14. Kong, J. and Schweitzer, L. The Effect of UV Disinfection Process on Natural
Organic Matter and Taste and Odor Characteristics of Drinking Water. In
preparation for Water Science and Technology. Presented at the Sixth
International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic
Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.
15. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M. Supercritical fluid extraction
for the isolation of hydrophobic organic compounds from aquatic suspended
sediments. Pacific conference of the 34th ACS Western Regional Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, Oct. 28-31, 1998.
16. Schweitzer, L., Lin, M., Bay, S.M., and Suffet, I.H.. 1998. The effect of
aeration and disturbance of anoxic sediments on the bioavailability of
hydrophobic organic chemicals on a sediment-ingesting organism. Presented at
216th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA. August 2327, 1998.
17. Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. An exposure assessment of taste and odor
standards used in the method of flavor profile analysis. Presented at the
International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium
on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
18. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ye, Q., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The environmental
fate and mechanism of formation of 2-ethyl-5,5’-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane.
Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth
International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris
France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
19. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The formation, stability,
and odor characterization of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane (2EMD). Presented
at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International
Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 1316, 1997.
20. Noblet, J., Schweitzer, L., Ibrahim, E., Stolzenbach, K., and Suffet, I.H.
Evaluation of a taste and odor incident on the Ohio River, PA. Presented at the
International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium
on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.
21. Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M., Ruth, E., Froines, J., Stenstrom, M., and
Suffet, I.H. Trace hydrophobic organic pollution runoff from nonpoint sources
into Santa Monica bay during dry weather flow. Presented at the 1994
American Chemical Society Symposium in San Diego, CA March 13-18, 1994.
Research in progress (funded)
NSF STEM Grant ($25,000) awarded January 2011. Sustainability and
Creativity Zone on Campus: Organic Farming and Historic Farm
Preservation. Co-PI with Fay Hansen, Professor of Biology.
Collaborators (currently active)
Fay Hansen, Dept. of Biology. Oakland University (NSF STEM).
Donald Carpenter, Lawrence Tech University (Sea Grant).
Dr. Ed van Hees, Department of Geology, Wayne State University.
Manuscripts submitted or in preparation
1. “PAHs in the Clinton River Watershed”
2. “Microarray Human Keratinocyte Multiparameter Testing of
Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water”
k. Grants and Contracts:
Extramural - Funded
1. USEPA/IJC. Effectiveness of Wastewater Treatment Plants for the Removal
of Chemicals of Emerging Concern. $39,000. Role: PI.
NSF STEM Grant awarded January 2011. Sustainability and Creativity Zone
on Campus: Organic Farming and Historic Farm Preservation. ($25,000)
Co-PI with Fay Hansen, Professor of Biology.
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA): Hydrophilic Xenoestrogens:
Responses and Oxidative Removal. $47,368. 2004-2007. Role: PI
Earth Science Laboratories, Inc. Removal of Natural Organic Matter from
Surface Waters and Removal of Disinfection Byproducts and Taste-and-Odor
Compounds from Drinking Water by Application of Algaecide. $18,000
2005-2006. Role: PI.
5. American Water Works Association Research Foundation. “Pharmaceuticals,
Personal Care Products and Endocrine Disruptors --Occurrence, Fate and
Transport in the Great Lakes Water Supplies and the Effect of Advanced
Treatment Processes on Their Removal”. $60,000 Role: co-PI.
6. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA): Clinton River AOC preparation
for sediment remediation. $74,839. Start date: 10/1/03. End date: 10/31/05.
Role: PI, had 3 co-PIs.
7. City of St. Clair Shores. “PCB contaminant profile in a sediment core from the
Lange and Revere canals in St. Clair Shores”. $5,000 contract – funded. Start
date: 1/31/03. End date: 4/31/03. Role: PI, had one co-PI.
8. Dow Chemical Monitoring Project”. Contract from St.Clair Channelkeeper.
$2000. Start date: 6/07/02. End date: 6/26/02. Role: PI
9. AWWARF Co-PI Tetra Tech MPS Detroit. “Taste and Odor Materials
Evaluation Workshop” Total award including in-kind: $104,672; total for
Oakland University: $9,610. Start date: 5/10/01-5/9/02. Co-PI.
10. Merck/AAAS Undergraduate Science Research Program.
“Novel Extraction of Organic Contaminants from Aquatic Tissue”
Total award including in-kind: $20,000. Start date 5/1/01. End date 8/15/01.
Share for Linda Schweitzer as co-PI: $4000 (student + supplies).
Role: Co-PI
American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Application of
biofilm-membrane technology for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
$150,000 – not funded. Pre-proposal, only; submitted 02/03. Role: co-PI (one
of four).
American Water Works Association Research Foundation. Membrane cleaning
techniques for nanofiltration and microfiltration implementation in drinking
water treatment. $150,000 – not funded. Pre-proposal, only; submitted 02/03.
Role: took secondary lead in writing the proposal (co-PI).
USEPA. “Sediment Remediation Assessment Project: Detroit River Area”.
$105,000 – not funded. Submitted: 2/15/02. Role: took secondary lead in
writing the proposal (co-PI).
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Identification, quantification,
and reduction of nonpoint source pollution in Lake St. Clair. $112,307 – not
funded. Role: took secondary lead in writing the proposal (co-PI).
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
“Reconstruction of Historical Contaminants and Particle Flux in the Arctic
Ocean.” $ 258,187– not funded. Submitted 11/07/01. Role: took secondary
lead in writing the proposal (co-PI).
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Implementation of Nonphysical Improvements in MDEQ Approved Watershed Plans Regarding
Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Detroit River. $ 213,656 – not funded (not
evaluated due to budgetary considerations – program eliminated). Submitted
8/17/01. Role: took secondary lead in writing the proposal (co-PI).
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Illicit discharge and elimination
(IDDEP) for Oakland County Drain Commissioner drains in the Clinton River
watershed. $46,259 – not funded (not evaluated due to budgetary
considerations – program eliminated). Submitted 9/01. Role: took secondary
lead in writing the proposal (co-PI).
NSF Equipment (LC-MS) Grant. Acquisition of a Liquid Chromatograph-Mass
Spectrometer. PI’s Mike Sevilla, Amanda Bryant-Friedrich, John Seeley, Linda
Schweitzer. Total requested: $164,498 – not funded. Submitted 7/9/01. Role:
minor role in writing the proposal (co-PI).
1. Oakland University REF Program in Biotechnology. Removal of
Pharmaceuticals from Surface Waters by Ozone. Total $6500- not funded.
02/16/2003. Role: sole effort in writing proposal
2. University Research Committee Faculty Research Fellowship. Transport of
Environmental Contaminants from Sediment Resuspension Events in
Freshwater Systems. Total: $8500. – funded. Start date: 5/01/01. End date:
8/01/01. Role: PI
3. Educational Development Grant (OU). Chemical Equilibrium Modeling
Software for Interactive Learning Approach. Total $513.50- funded.
Role: PI. Start date: 5/4/01-3/30/02.
5. Public and University Service Record
Names of Activity
Role in Activity
Public Service:
Science Advisor,
Macomb County
Water Quality Board
2005-present Make recommendations for
policy decisions
Member, Board of Directors
2005-present Participate in advocacy for
environmental stewardship
and sustainability in the
business community.
Member, Board of Directors
St. Clair Channelkeeper
2001-present Participated in fund-raising
events, conducted pollution
Member, Clinton River AOC
Remedial Action Plan Public
Advisory Council.
2003-present Serve on technical committee
for remedial activities for the
Clinton River and coauthored draft delisting
Member, Macomb/St. Clair
2004-present. Aid in development of water
Inter-County Watershed Management
monitoring system
Great Lakes Commission Technical 2002
Advisory Committees
Served as technical advisor
for monitoring and data
management of Great Lakes
water quality.
Professional service:
City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Consulting: ECT, Inc.
Consultant on water quality
for municipality
Restoration Clinton River
c. University service:
Participated in Parent Orientation Breakfast, July 21, 2001.
Mentored one student in Mentor Alliance Program, Year 2001.
Serving as elected member of the University Senate, Fall 2001-present.
Senator on Subcommittee of Campus Development and Environment
AAUP Executive Committee member, 2002-present.
d. College of Arts and Sciences service
Committee of Instruction (2006-2008)
Institutional Biosafety Committee. 2003- 2/14/08.
Faculty Professional Development and Research Leave Committee for 2005-06
Served as recruiter for new CAS students at “Go for the Gold” events, Nov. 2005
and Nov. 2002.
Women Studies Executive Committee. 2003-2006.
Reviewer for proposal for new program for Chief Academic Officers Group of the
Presidents Council of State Universities of Michigan.
Biostatistics Position Search Committee for Mathematics and Statistics, Spring
e. Department of Chemistry/Environmental Science service:
Director, Environmental Science Program 2007-present
Served on FPAC (committees for reappointments) of Professors Seeley and
Dembinski, once each.
Serve on Environmental Health Advisory Council (2005-present).
Overseer of GC/MS instrument including trouble-shooting and assisting
instructors using the GC/MS (2004-present).
Internship Coordinator. Oversee Environmental Health internship program to
increase OU student learning and job training, aiding in community service and
forming partnerships with OU and community (2003-present).
6. Other Activities Relevant to Application for Tenure or Promotion:
1. Faculty advisor for Oakland University student group, SPIN (Students
Participating in Nature) now called, “Environmental Society”. Environmental
advocacy and stewardship organization on campus.
2. Reviewer for journal, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
3. Reviewer for journal, Water Science and Technology.
4. Reviewer for grant proposals for American Water Works Association Research
5. Serve on Advisory Committees for projects funded by American Water Works
Association Research Foundation.
6. Invited speaker/presenter at the following lectures/events:
“Environmental Sustainability at Oakland University”. Michigan Women’s
Association Conference, Oakland University, April 2, 2005.
“Environmental Forensics”. Earth and Environmental Science Seminar Series
in the Wayne State Department of Geology and Wayne State Environmental
Science Program, March 7, 2005.
“Impacts on Water Quality: Aquatic Health.” Seminar on Local Water Impacts
from Fertilizers and Soil Erosion, Sponsored by Macomb Water Quality Board
and Macomb County MSU Extension. Macomb County, MI. June 2, 2004.
“Protecting the Watershed of Lake St Clair - Science and Advocacy,”
Environmental Quality Forum, Oakland University. April 11, 2004.
“A Rose is a Rose – Odor Recognition Test with Taste-and-Odor Standards”.
Workshop organizer/participant for workshop, “Fundamentals in Taste and
Odor – Back to Basics” Water Quality Technology Conference. Nov.10, 2002,
Seattle, WA.