A Brief Overview of the Project v. 1.1
Dr. Robert Schmieder
Cordell Expeditions
Last update: 21 November 2014
Free download at www.heardisland.org
Heard Island
Photo: Eric Woehler
Radio science
The radio world centered on Heard Island
Solar cycle sunspot number progression
Satellite-linked real-time communications
Real-time web connection (science) www.heardisland.org
Images of activities
DXA – The real-time log server
The DXA book
Available from KK6EK
The volcano effectively blocks radio signals
To reach Central and West NA, we need a second station
Environmental science
Search for communities of life supported by fumeroles near the summit of the volcano
Obtain aerial images using remote airborne cameras
Flyable camera
Search for new species as particulates in water and air
Wet-dry vac
Anderson Impactor
Next-Generation Impactor
Search for new species of in the terrestrial environment
Foraminifera Tardigrada
Document environmental debris
Plastic Bonal
Measure vortex winds shed from mountains
Roller vortices
Search for the reported new species of killer whales
Pitman et al.
Heard Island Expedition Team (20 Nov. 2014)
Onsite (traveling) team
Organizer, Expedition Leader
Robert W. Schmieder , KK6EK
Damien Gildea (Mountaineering)
Dr. Eric Woehler (Biology)
Louis-Philippe Loncke (Exploration)
Benjamin Weiland (Exploration)
Prof. Rohan Clarke (Env. science)
Fred Belton (Env. science)
John Weigel (Env. science)
Jodi Fox (Geology)
Dr. Grahame Budd (Exploration)
Gavin Marshall (Env. science)
Martin Rietze (Env. science)
Robert Pitman (Marine science)
Christian Eichenauer (Film)
Glen Pacey (Env. science)
Adam Brown K2ARB (Communications)
Eleanor Forbes (Health and welefare)
Mui-Kim Hoon (Campsite)
Joan Boothe (Documentation)
Amateur Radio
Martti Laine OH2BH
Dr. Dave Lloyd, K3EL
Jacky Calvo, ZL3CW
Alan Cheshire VK6CQ
Dr. Willy Reusch HB9AHL
Dave Farnsworth NJ2O
Max Mucci I8NHJ
Dr. Bill Mitchell AEØEE
Vadyn Ivliev UT6UD
Hans-Peter Blattler HB9BXE
Dr. Carlos Nascimento NP4IW
Gerhard Richter DJ5IW
Offsite (support) Team
The Fourteen Men
Jim Smith, VK9NS and Kirsti Smith, VK9NL
Honorary Expedition Leaders
Mr. Jean-Michel Cousteau
Prof. Joseph Taylor, K1JT
Advisory Board
Prof. Harold Heatwole (Biology)
Prof. William Miller (Biology)
Dr. Mary McGann (Biology)
Robert Anderson (Biology)
Ms. Viola Krebs (Social networking)
Mr. Alan H. Nichols (Expeditions
Mr. Yasuo “Zorro” Miyazawa (Funding)
Dr. Don Walsh
Rich Holoch, KY6R
Dr. Dean Straw, N6BV (HFTA)
Mr. Peter Bourget, W6OP (DXA)
Mr. Tom Schiller, N6BT (Antennas)
Mr. John Miller, K6MM (Pilots)
Ed Cox KE3D (WiFi)
Dr. Anders Jepsen (Financial)
Don Greenberg N1DG (Financial)
Full Project Plan: www.heardisland.org
Dr. Robert W Schmieder
Cordell Expeditions
4295 Walnut Blvd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 934-3735 e-mail: schmieder@cordell.org
Website: http://www.cordell.org