Partner Search Form 1. Project Proposal Information Project proposal Title Project proposal Acronym Call identifier Topic(s) Funding Scheme Keywords Abstract (Max.2000 words) NEW EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS TO CAPTURE CO2 FROM THE FLUES GASES GENERATED BY THERMAL POWER PLANTS. CESCOT FP7 – ENERGY – 2011 – 2 ENERGY.2011.5&6.2-1: Optimizing the integration of CO2 capture into power plants Collaborative Project with a predominant demonstration component CO2 Capture, power plant, More than 70% of the today electric power is produced by thermal power plants (TPP) which use carbon based fuel for generating the thermal power. The fuel burning processes are accompanied by the generation of large quantities of solid and gaseous pollutants contained in the flue gases. The current processes to capture and entrap the pollutants from the burnt-up gases are sequential. In a first step, the solid pollutants are entrapped and next, in a sequence of steps in specialized additional installations, the gaseous pollutants such as CO2, SO2, NOx, etc. For entrapping the pollutants, the entire gas flow is treated in special installations. To make such installations it is necessary to have large investments and civil work. The operation of such an installation requires high costs and a large consumption of materials and energy. Among the pollutants that need to be captured and entrapped, CO2 is raising special problems due to the large quantity and volume of gas that need to be processed for to be retained. The project will include researches for the development of a new procedure to capture the pollutants, including CO2 from the TPP flue gases. The new procedure consists in the sequential ( in-step) entrapping of the pollutants in a fraction of the initial flow. Concentration of the pollutants is accomplished by the in-step application of some suction forces on the sides of a lamellar gas jet. The new procedure may be applied along with the classical procedures of CO2 entrapping in order to make it more efficient, i.e an important reduction of the gas flow to be treated is obtained. 1 Project Description (Main Work Packages) Capturing and entrapping CO2 from the TPP flue gases is a high priority issue considering that such Thermal Power Plants are among the greatest CO2 pollutants. The today procedures to concentrate and entrap CO2 are expensive, energy consuming and require great investments and operation costs. The project proposes a new procedure to entrap and retain the pollutants by exclusively employing physical methods. The procedure consists in the concentration of the gaseous pollutants – CO2, SO2,NOx – in a residual flow and the separate retain of the dust by collecting into a bunker. The balance of the gas flow containing concentrations of pollutants below the allowable limits stated in the provisions in force, are released to the atmosphere directly. Pollutant concentration and entrapping is made in a simple system made-up of several modules connected in series and parallel so that the pollutant concentration may be in steps , in a residual flow. The gas flow to be treated in the current step, is getting reduced than the gas flow treated in the previous step and it consists in the gas flows with the pollutant concentration above the allowable limits collected from the previous modules installed in parallel, in order to assure some large treatment capacities. A de-polluting module consists of several sub-modules so made to provide the flow of a lamellar gas jet which is subjected to various controlled de-pressure levels which separate the components in the flue gases. At each separation level the gas jet thickness is re-made-up so that the trajectory of the particles which get separated from the gas jet be minimum .The dust is collected in a sub-module in the lower part and evacuated by a sneck. The separation process is favoured by the sequential reduction of the gas flow to be treated. The residual gas flow which is concentrated in pollutants, may be stored in underground storage facilities or may be efficiently treated for the sequential retain of the pollutants by known classical methods, due to their low volume. Considering the simplicity of the procedure, it may be used as a first step in the current process of depolluting in order to enhance the efficiency. The project is developed in several Work Packages: WP1 – Analysis of the current procedures for CO2 entrapping from the flue gases; WP2- Concept and design of a module for pollutant concentration and entrapping; WP3- Construction and experimenting a model for the pollutant concentration and entrapping employing physical methods; WP5- Experiments with the model of pollutant concentration and entrapping along 2-3 months period for different flue gases and the analysis of the experiment 2 results; Current Consortium (Partners, Organization Type) Deadline for Responses WP6- Design of a prototype of a pollutant concentration and entrapping module for an average power TPP; WP7 – Dissemination of the research results. Universities, Research Institutes, SMEs with experience in machining, manufactureres and operators of thermal power systems and flue gas de-polluting equipment which are to be part of a consortium dealing with the sequential development of the research: concept, mathematical modeling, design, model construction, experimets,analysis of results and improvement of models,dissemination of results. September,3oth,2010. 2. Profile of the Partners Sought Organization Type Research Centers, Universities, SME Required Skills and Expertise Experience in mathematical modeling, experiments, I&C in the domain of thermal power production and flue gas de-polluting equipment, I&C associated to thermal power production systems, dissemination of results. Partner or coordinator. Role in the project Other Requirements Looking-for partners: universities, research centers, manufacturers and operators of thermal power systems and flue gas de-polluting equipment, I&C for thermal power production systems for making-up a Consortium. Partners in Romania may participate in all stages. Domains which are not fully covered are: mathematical modeling, experiments (specially the I&C )and analysis of results. The Consortium shall assign the tasks for each pertner after its establishment. 3. Project Proposer Information Name of the Organisation Organisation Type Country Fields of Activity Contact Person SITON Research/Design ROMANIA 1. Research, design, project management. SERBAN VIOREL 3 Position in the Organisation Tel. Head of the Technical Creation and Research Team. Email URL 40722615672 Previous FP Projects Participated 4