Saint Mary/Saint Monica Catholic School Council Meeting January 16, 2012 7:00PM Attendance: Administration: B. Moreau, J. Flynn, T. Mucha, W. Sweetland, R. Harris, J. Valdez Council: M.E. Dunn, K. Salm, C. Conan, C. Pedersen Parents: J. Sansom, E. Huculak Opening Prayer – Mary Elizabeth Dunn St. Mary Business Meeting 1. Approval of October minutes – C. Pedersen, M-E Dunn 2nd 2.. Principal Report 2.1 St. Mary - Bill Moreau Administration is already planning for the 2012/2013 school year; Alberta Government will release budget mid-February, and will allow for decisions to be made regarding staffing; A letter of intent will go out mid-February to students / families regarding enrollment for next year; Report cards will be out in March; School deficit is lower due to restored funding, goal for next school year is to be out of deficit; Mr. Moreau will attend St. Monica Parent-Teacher night to encourage parents to transfer to St. Mary for grade 2. A letter of intent will also be given to current Grade 1 families to get a sense of student numbers for Grade 2 next year; 2.2 March 15 – student led conferences at St. Mary Julie Valdez – Health and Wellness Conference April 28th, 2012 from 8:30am – 2:00pm St. Mary will host the Health and Wellness Conference. Following the format of Arts Alive Conference and Young Authors Conference, this event will focus on nutrition, fitness and technology. A parent session will also be offered. An information sheet will be available late February / early March. Ms Valdez has received a $5000.00 Wellness Grant to be used towards honorariums for this event. In addition, this grant will be used for the purchase of 2 blenders and 3 roasting pans for the kitchen, set-up for the Snack Shack. Funds were also provided to the enrichment programs. February 4th St. Mary will host the Volleyball tournament. Snack Shack is open now, first recess and lunch recess. 2.3 Wendy Sweetland – Faith Formation Day Friday, February 24th, St. Mary students will participate in ‘A Seed of Hope – a Life of Grace’, faith formation day. This day will be a conference style approach where the school will come together to celebrate our faith. There will be many presenters, and sessions, as well as a parent session. Costs related to this event total $2406.70, and SAC has agreed to support this program with a $1000.00 contribution. The Knights of Columbus have also been approached for a donation, however an amount has not yet been determined. Discussion on the implementation of the student pretzel snack was discussed, with a decision made that the cooking enrichment class will prepare the pretzels, and parent volunteers will be solicited to bake them. 3. Treasurers Report – Claude Conan Fundraising has brought in additional funds – Magazines $3300.00 Poinsettias $1400.00 There is minimal fundraising done in the second half of the school year. The December casino was very successful, with amounts to be announced soon. CIP Grant will be applied for to match casino money, Claude will begin application process. 4. Jeff Sansom, Capital Power, has donated $500.00 towards St. Mary as well. Updates 4.1 Casino – Jeff Sansom The casino in December was very well attended, and we will see final totals very soon. Jeff thanked all the volunteers for their time and efforts. The Fall 2013 casino will be run by Jeff Sansom as well, however, he would like to have a successor to transition to. 4.2 Casino funds will be available late February, early March. Community Spirit Grant – Terry Mucha It came to light that a society needs to make the application for this grant, not the school. Therefore, the fundraising society will make the application. As well, financial statements need to be submitted as well. To date, $4500.00 has been donated, which now will be pooled with the proceeds from donations up until September 2012, when application can be made again. St. Mary will have another campaign this spring to bring awareness again to the families that this campaign is ongoing for the next 3 years, and to gain more donations. 5. New Business 5.1 Grade 5 Math Club – Konrad Fassbender Proposal of a Grade 5 Math Club to begin in February. Students have been approached and have responded with enthusiasm. This would be a ‘demo project’, and if successful, can be used to have additional clubs in the 2012 / 2013 school year. Premise is the build on existing math skills, and to work towards two math competitions – Mathematica and Kangaroo math (each is grade specific). With the intent of meeting on every second Thursday, at 12:00pm, the Club will meet for 7 sessions. Math competitions: April 18th (Mathematica) written at St. Mary, March 25th, Kangaroo Math (at Concordia College). Discussion: Logistics of number of students, teacher on site, transportation of students after Club has ended – all need to be figured out. Letter of interest / permission will be sent home with interested students. Motion to adjourn Next meeting: Monday, February 13th, 2012 at 7:00pm in the St. Mary Library