St. George CSCC Meeting Minutes Tuesday 8th September 2015 In Attendance: Heather Tremblay, Susan Poelzer, Brenda Suru, Lorraine Harasymchuk, Karla Kennedy, Robin Flaman (vice principal), Lisa Domoslai (principal), Erin Heppner, Angela Neumann, Janell Morin, Barbara Brennan 1) Call to Order: 7:30pm Welcome, Introductions 2) Approval of Agenda Karla made the motion to approve the agenda, Lorraine seconded. All voted in favour. MSC 1 3) Approval of Previous Meeting’s Minutes Barbara made the motion to approve the minutes of May 25th, 2015, Lorraine seconded. All voted in favour. MSC 2 4) Treasurer’s Report The Statement of Income and Expenses for August 1st 2015 – September 8th 2015 was shared with the committee. Please find the report included with these minutes. Erin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Opening balance $5196.89 Closing balance $5187.89. Karla seconded. All voted in favour. Motion carried. MSC 3. 5) Principal’s Report Principal’s report is attached. Mr. Wald has been offered a donation of 300 hamburgers, so the teachers are going to put on a barbecue as part of Meet The Teacher night on the 15th. To help with this, Lisa requested $300 from the CSCC to purchase other supplies. Lorraine made a motion to authorize up to $300 from the regular council funds for the Meet the Teacher barbecue. Karla seconded. All voted in favour. Motion carried MSC 4 Lisa also asked for permission from the school council to access the opening balance of the school based account: $2000 for physical education equipment, $3500 for furniture for the grade 7 classroom and $400 for an author’s visit to grades 4-8. Barbara made a motion to authorize St. George School to use $5900 from their school based funds Opening Balance/Carryover Account for the above listed items. Erin seconded. All voted in favour. Motion carried - MSC 5 As part of the principal’s report, Lisa shared the progress reports from last year’s goals in the learning improvement plan (see attached). 6) Additional Reports Parish Liaison – Father Matthew has changed the time of morning mass to 8:00am, he is hoping the high school students might attend before school. LHCA – the community association needs volunteers to run it’s programs. See the Association newsletter for details. Room Parent Coordinator – Sign up sheets were available at the AGM, they will also be put up outside each classroom for Meet the Teacher night to help attract the attention of possible volunteers. 7) Old Business: Spring Social – The Spring Carnival went very well, good reports from lots of people, and the older students have said that they would be interested in helping out next year. The Carnival raised $785.30. Magazine Campaign - The magazine campaign will start on Friday 11th September and run until October 2nd Schools Win Twice – The campaign will start on October 7th. Heather said she would contact Trina Ward to make sure she’s still happy to run things. Babysitting - Getting new babysitters for the meetings was discussed. Lisa is going to ask the classrooms to see if anyone is interested. We would like to have a list of alternate babysitters to help in situations where one can’t make it to a meeting. Kaitlyn Suru can still babysit it was need her. 8) New Business Positions on the CSCC - Elsa Guenther has had to step down from the council so we need a new treasurer. Barbara volunteered, which means we need a new vice chair. The positions as they stand are: Char – Erin Heppner Vice Chair – Vacant Treasurer: Barbara Brennan Secretary: Janell Morin Room Parent Co-ordinator – Angela Neumann LHCA Liaison – Vacant Gift Co-ordinator – Vacant Magazine Campaign Co-ordinator – Barbara Brennan Schools Win Twice Co-ordinator – Trina Ward Social Events Co-ordinator – Lorraine Harsymchuk Babysitting Class Co-ordinator – Vacant Once we have the vice chair position decided, an e-mail motion and vote will accept the four positions of Chair, Vice Char, Treasurer and Secretary to the council. The other vacant positions will be assigned at the next meeting. The meeting dates for the rest of the school year were discussed. In order to fit in with everyone’s schedule, three dates have so far been decided: Monday October 26th, Tuesday November 17th and Monday 11th January. 9) Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.