October 16, 2010 - Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club

October 16, 2010
The Board of Directors of Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club Condominium Association,
Inc., held its regular business meeting on Saturday, October 16, 2010, at the offices of the
Association. President Bob Mericle called the meeting to order and declared the first order of
business to be to open the nominations for President of the Board of Directors. Wendy Crothers
nominated Norm Breen, seconded by Bob Wheeler. All approved. Mr. Breen accepted the
Norm Breen took over as President and opened nominations for Vice-President. Wendy Crothers
nominated Bob Ford, seconded by Bob Wheeler. All approved. Mr. Ford was not present, but
Mr. Breen assured the Board that he would accept the nomination.
Nominations were opened for Secretary. Norm Breen nominated Wendy Crothers, seconded by
Harry Ballance. All approved. Mrs. Crothers accepted the nomination.
Norm Breen suggested that, unless someone already on the new Board is interested in being
Treasurer, we should wait until the run-off election between Don Coker and Dick Harmon to
appoint a Treasurer. Bob Wheeler was skeptical about going for so long without a Treasurer.
Jim Lilley made a motion to keep the current Treasurer, Don Coker, through the December
meeting. Seconded by Ed Presson; all but Don Coker approved. The motion was amended to
have Mr. Coker serve through the immediately upcoming election. (When asked for his approval,
Mr. Coker accepted that arrangement.) Thereafter, the motion continued, Keith Jones is to take
over the Treasurer’s job until the December Board meeting. Seconded by Jim Lilley. All
approved.  Bob Wheeler explained a change to the minutes of the August 2010 meeting, in
which Anne Zickus had voted “Present” to one motion. Mr. Wheeler noted that, according to
Florida condominium rules, a vote of “Present” or even an abstention is not valid but must be
recorded as a negative vote. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the August minutes as
changed. Seconded by Beverly Abrams. All approved.
President’s Report: No report.
Vice-President’s Report: No report.
Secretary’s Report: No report.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Don Coker explained, in short numbered steps, ways to prepare
the 2011 preliminary budget, which will be voted on at the December Board meeting:
1. To project year-end reserve balances for each Phase.
2. To determine reserve requirements.
3. To establish initial CREST (Concrete RESToration) funding ― $75 thousand each Phase ―
distributing transfers of funds within phase reserves.
4. To determine monthly reserve contribution.
5.To merge reserve contributions with operations budget. (See preliminary 2011 budget.)
6.To determine monthly maintenance fees per unit, based on reserve contributions plus
operations fees. Estimated result: Such monthly fees for five years, including the money for
the concrete restoration fund, should be: for Phase I, $376; for Phase II,$374; for Phase III,
$371; for Phase IV, $386.
General Manager’s Report: Keith Jones reported that some Comcast users had received
corrected bills for the digital boxes.  The maintenance crew is still working on the Phase II
walkovers; Phase III and IV walkovers are completed.  Mr. Jones is waiting for approval from
the County Overlay Review Board to begin construction on the pavilion at the south end of the
property; he hopes construction will start work by October 28.  The dunes have been cut back 
Racquetball doors will be replaced in January.  Maurice Brown will investigate the problem of
finding suitable fiberglass screen doors.
President Norm Breen announced that the Board will appoint new committees at the December
meeting, where the final 2011 budget will be an action item and the question of owners’ keys
will be discussed.
Communications: The Board received a letter from Gael Morgan, owner of unit 463, who is
upset about her WIFI reception. The consensus of owners attending the meeting was that she
might try to solve the problem by getting a wireless signal expander for her unit.
The next Board meeting will be held on December 11, 2010, at 9:a.m.
The meeting adjourned at 12:25p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wendy Crothers, Secretary