Homecoming 2014 - Core Project Management Group 14 October 2011 1. Core Project Management Group Role of the Group Remit of the Group Membership of the Group 2. Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) Programme Group (JDep) Marketing and Communications Group (DH) Business Engagement Group (JS) Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) 3. Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4. Risks and Issues 5. Project Timelines and Milestones. Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 1 - 14/10/11 Present - Stuart Turner (Chair), Joanne Deponio, Jenni Steele, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Marie Christie, Basis Haddad, Kari Coghill Apologies - None, all members present No. Item Action By and Date 1 Core Project Management Group Role and remit of the Group - It was agreed that the role of the group should be as outlined in the paper to Strategic group as follows • To oversee the day to day management of the project • To co-ordinate all outputs for other groups • To take responsibility for reporting processes to Strategic Group • To take actions from Strategic Group and allocate to appropriate groups or individuals • Design staffing structure for project • Put in place processes for all staff recruitment, secondment and placement. • Manage all HR issue relating to the project • To develop a top level budget for Homecoming 2014 from financial year 2011/12 to financial year 2014/15 • To liaise with all project staff and group leaders in managing and controlling budget spend • To reforecast budget as required • To monitor spend across all areas Monitor role and ST - ongoing It was agreed that this should be reviewed regularly as the project progresses. remit Membership of the Group - It was agreed that the current membership is correct. 2 Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) - Meeting scheduled for September was postponed due to CSR and need for clarity on ministerial lead. Both now resolved so agreed to progress with a new meeting date. Fergus Ewing keen to have a Ministerial meeting with four related ministers in November (now 14 December). Agreed Establish date for JDep - that Strategic Group should happen before this. Strategic Group will be asked to sign off information and proposals to be taken to ministerial group. Need for a separate approach to determine how Mr Ewing feels about ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ as the overall proposition. Agreed that Denise Hill will speak to Malcolm Roughead and then liaise with Basil Haddad on this. next Strategic Group Determine how use of ‘SWTW’ can be raised with minister 24/10/11 (set for 16 Nov) DH - 21/10/11 Programme Group (JDep) - Group will have its first meeting on 3 November. Original aim was to have programme approach agreed by end of year. There is a need for programme content to be ready for Expo in Spring 2012. Approach of ‘signature’ events reflecting the five themes has been accepted in principle. Programme group to develop thoughts. Convene Prog Group and report back on outcomes JDep - 3/11/11 Marketing and Communications Group (DH) - First meeting will be set following initial meeting of Programme Group Convene Marketing and Coms Group Business Engagement Group (JS) - First meeting will be set following initial meeting of Programme Group. Jenni Steele still considering membership. Finalise membership and convene Business Eng Group DH - 30/11/11 3 Confirm SG rep on Evaluation group BH - 21/10/11 Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) - First meeting set for 3 November. Basil Haddad noted that there will be an internal SG meeting to discuss approach to evaluation. Stuart Turner asked that conversations on evaluating Homecoming (and Ryder Cup) be held at relevant meetings. SG representative for both Homecoming and Ryder Cup evaluation groups is still being sought JS - 30/11/11 CSR lays out £5.5m budget for Homecoming 2014 Fergus Ewing has been identified as lead minister for Homecoming 2014 Two initial jobs (Homecoming Manager and Ryder Cup/Homecoming Programme Manager will be advertised within the next week Group meetings are being initiated as noted above Progress with job advert ST - by 21/10/11 Templates for risk ST - by Risks and Issues It was agreed that there should be a risk register and an issues log. Templates for these to be developed in time for next meeting of this group. 5 7/11/11 Create Project Milestones and Actions document ST - 28/10/11 Seek dates for meetings for next six months ST - 28/10/11 Project Timelines and Milestones. 6 register and issues log to be developed It was agreed that there is a need to further develop the Project timeline and milestones as listed below. It was agreed that this would be created as a separate document, owned by the core Project Management Group and discussed and updated at Group meetings. Date of Next Meeting / Meeting Frequency It was agreed that meetings should be held monthly at present It was agreed that ST would arrange for dates to be found for the next six months. Key Milestones and Actions Action Agree initial membership of all project teams and ask leaders to accept their role and convene first meeting Engage with Stirling Council and partners on Bannockburn 700 and its positioning within Homecoming 2014 Commence recruitment for two initial staff members First meeting of all project teams held and each group remit refined Budget confirmed (following Spending Review) Agree deliverable outcomes and targets against allocated budget for Ministers approval. Two staff recruited Signature events approach developed and key stakeholders consulted on this Events Programme structure and timelines developed and key stakeholders consulted on these (including industry) Signature Programme approach agreed and ready for implementation Responsible Date Core Group July 2011 (completed) Ongoing Core Group and Scottish Government EventScotland Project team leaders (Chairs) Scottish Government Homecoming 2014 Strategic Group and Scottish Government EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland Aug / Sept 2011 September/October 2011 September 2011 September /October 2011 October 2011 November 2011 November 2011 December 2011 Homecoming 2014 - Core Project Management Group 21 November 2011 Role and remit of the Group Project Updates from Group Chairs Key items of Progress to Report and Record Risks and Issues Project Timelines and Milestones. Date of Next Meeting / Meeting Frequency Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 2 - 21/11/11 Present - Stuart Turner (Chair), Joanne Deponio, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Marie Christie, Basis Haddad, Kari Coghill Apologies - Jenni Steele No. Item Action By and Date 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 1 2 Role and remit of this group will be raised with new Homecoming staff when they start Strategic group meet took place 16 November 2011 and update is below Programme Group met on 3 November, and update is below Marketing and Coms group will meet after ministerial meeting on 14 December Business engagement group will meet after ministerial meeting on 14 December Update on staffing to be provided under item 3. Templates produced and will be discussed under item 4 Milestones document first draft was produced and circulated with the notes. It was agreed that there was a need to determine what the use of ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ would be. To be considered under Marketing and Coms Group update in point 2. Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) - Strategic group received updates and agreed the outline approach for the presentation to ministers on 14 december. Also agreed the concept of using Scotland Welcomes the World as an overall strapline. Malcolm Roughead updated the strategic group on the ‘Winning Years’ and highlighted that it is a shorthand way of referring to the opportunities over the next three years. Presentation from NTS on Bannockburn was interesting but highlighted that their event ambitions are limited at present. JDep and P Bush to follow this up in meeting with R Maxwell at Stirling Council. Programme Group (JDep) - What will be key areas? Need for programming strategy which outlines purpose of the year and what makes it stick together. Context in terms of C Games and Ryder cup is important. Need to develop meetings with key individuals to pull together. Framework - community engagement and business engagement in objectives which was not the case in 2009. This may reduce focus and therefore available spend and ROI on events Update on 15 Dec Update on 15 Dec DH - 15/12/11 JS - 15/12/11 Update at next meet JDep 15/12/11 3 and marketing aspects. JDep plans to work on framework for Programme with input from MC and ST over next few weeks and circulate a discussion document in advance of the next meeting of this group. Marketing and Communications Group (DH) - SWTW is a suite of messaging rather than an actual brand. The vision will be that SWTW is a verbal message given by C Games and R Cup. Not one unifying theme but aspects which are interrelated and cross promoting. Ryder cup concert may be titled ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’? Digital requirements need to be considered as a priority. DH to discuss with colleagues in digital and report back to next meeting. Business Engagement Group (JS) - No update. Group will meet early in new year. Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) - Helpful, several people new to Homecoming. Need to take a view on how to evaluate economic impact. Link economic impact from HS 2014 to C Games and Ryder Cup. Same company working on all 3? Joint evaluation? How we plan to evaluate the year will be discussed in detail in advance which may be better. Jacqui Souter has already raised the need for cross referencing of evaluation with Ryder Cup. Contacts have also been made in Scottish Govt Team working on evaluation of Commonwealth Games. LT will convene a second meeting of the Monitoring and Evaluation Group in due course but needs objectives to be completed by other groups in order for measurement sections to be completed. Key items of Progress to Report and Record Interviews for Homecoming Manager and Programme Manager were held week commencing 14 November. Across the two posts 9 candidates were interviewed. A second stage of interviews will be held shortly with a view to making appointments in next two weeks. Programme Group and Monitoring and Evaluation Group have met and started to develop their areas of work. Process of engaging with NTS, Stirling Council and Clan Societies around 2014 has commenced. Graduate post in EventScotland has been identified as a Homecoming resource. Document circulated JDep 12/12/11 Update at next meeting DH - 15/12/11 Ensure objectives are fully reviewed and finalised ST - 20/12/11 4 Risks and Issues 5 Draft and circulate risk Register ST - 9/12/11 Send and risks and issues to ST All - 12/12/11 Draft plan Discuss and report back Draft initial timeline ST - 15/12/11 DH - 15/12/11 Project Timelines and Milestones. 6 ST introduced the risk register which is in the format used by ES and Ryder Cup and also used for Homecoming 2009. All agreed the format and ST agreed to work with colleagues on an initial risk register in advance of next meeting. ST introduced the risks and issues log as the immediate way of capturing any risks and issues raised by group meetings or individuals. This will be stored on the EventScotland folder in sharepoint. It will be the responsibility of all group chairs to add risks and issues. These will then be either added to the risk register or given to an individual to mitigate or manage. The format was agreed and ST asked that all members of this group send through any immediate risks and issues by 12 December. Staff needed. - recruitment plan to be drawn up in draft Digital marketing strategy - freelance or contract basis, discussions needed internally to determine best way forward Programme funds announced by March 2011 with deadlines later in the year. Need to work out timeline to lead to this announcement and also for programme launches Criteria for programmes to be developed by programme group Key players need to be engaged. To help new staff in this task it is essential that a list of key contacts is developed. This to be brainstormed on 15/12/11 Creative Scotland role in Homecoming to be considered and strategy for engaging CS and their activity planned through 2012-14 work developed. Need to ensure that the advantages of Homecoming are presented. All to add in milestone dates. ST to ask CF (Graduate) to convert milestones to an excel document for ease of reference and adding info. St Andrews menu should be considered in helping to make St Andrews a potential major food and drink event. Date of Next Meeting 15 December 2011at 1pm, EventScotland Board Room. Key Milestones and Actions (This is to be converted to an excel document) JDep 15/12/11 Criteria drafted JDep - TBC Initial thoughts on Creative Scotland engagement Add milestones Doc converted Consider in programming MC - 15/12/11 All - by 15/12/11 ST - 15/12/11 J Dep - TBC Action Responsible Date Agree initial membership of all project teams and ask leaders to accept their role and convene first meeting Engage with Stirling Council and partners on Bannockburn 700 and its positioning within Homecoming 2014 Commence recruitment for two initial staff members First meeting of all project teams held and each group remit refined Core Group July 2011 (completed) Ongoing Budget confirmed (following Spending Review) Agree deliverable outcomes and targets against allocated budget for Ministers approval. Two staff recruited Signature events approach developed and key stakeholders consulted on this Events Programme structure and timelines developed and key stakeholders consulted on these (including industry) Signature Programme approach agreed and ready for implementation Core Group and Scottish Government EventScotland Project team leaders (Chairs) Scottish Government Homecoming 2014 Strategic Group and Scottish Government EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland Oct 2011 September/October 2011 September 2011 September /October 2011 December 2011 Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, 24/2/12 No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from previous meeting 2 Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) Programme Group (JDep) . Marketing and Communications Group (DH) - . Business Engagement Group (JS) - . Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) - 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones. 6 Date of Next Meeting Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2- Core Management Group, 24/2/12 Present - Stuart Turner (Chair), Joanne Deponio, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent, Tom Chambers, Marie Christie, Jenni Steele No. Item Action By and Date 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting #4 2 JDP circulated the draft programming strategy outline in lieu of last meeting however there have been updates. LT and ST objectives and roles of subgroups against milestone objectives, gaining strategy group approval. To be carried forward Mike Cantly presented to the cabinet on the 22 February, presenting to junior ministers next Wednesday, also presenting to the government next week. There may be an opportunity to present to special advisors ST and TC went to the Tourism Innovation Group (JPD raised issue last meeting). Lot of info already there, no real overlap, however need to pull together with external partners (e.g. Scottish Enterprise). TD taken ownership of risk documents and management JDP 2014 WW1 events, possibility of one at the end June and on the 4th August, however other peoples responsibility not ES TC will update on Stirling 2014 in meeting KH Next meeting KH Next meeting Project Updates from Group Chairs - Strategic Group ST o Last meeting went well, very productive. Discussion on how “Scotland Welcomes the World” connects to Homecoming and connecting the Winning Years to SWTW. o Issues raised over the conflicting messages over Winning Years, Homecoming and SWTW. Confusion over whether the Winning Years is SWTW or is used to build up to SWTW. Need for timeline to indicate change between Winning years and SWTW KH to share communication between John Mason and Barbara Clark to clarify ST raised issue that Core Management group should lead the strategy group on SWTW message DH to pick up with Barbara to clarify position and invite her to following Core Management group meetings - - - - DH Programme Group JDP o Last meeting discuss programme strategy which was sent to the strategy group. o Objective to showcase Scotland on an international stage o TD and TC to update process procedures o Was suggested by Iain Munro of Creative Scotland that signature events should include all themes. MC raised issue that programme should achieve overall aim of project and the feasibility and balance of programme could be affected. Should look at opportunities over the year and objectives rather than specific themes. TC to lead on Funded Events guidelines, develop with Programme group next week JDP to amend Programme Strategy to incorporate Iain Munro’s comments Need for definition of Homecoming and what that means DH suggested that it the theme of Home is the glue holding events and themes together. TC raised issue of the need for differentiation between SWTW and HC. TC to further define the concept of Homecoming and its objectives, and how themes glue together for next week. No specific dates had been agreed for HC, Strategy Group agreed to run from Hogmanay to Hogmanay. Issue raised on how to use the programme group moving forward. Marketing and Communication Group DH o Next meeting 6/3/12 o Discussing audience segmentation and messaging for SWTW. DH raised the issue of whether the group actually needs to meet every month LT There is a possible Homecoming announcement for Scottish Tourism Week (on the 6/3/12), more comms activity should happen after therefore monthly meet fine There is also going be a session for exhibitors at Expo to share the road to Homecoming LT also raised issue over the proposed Irish Homecoming plans and announcement on St Patricks Day. By next meeting TC JDP TC JDP WB 27/2/12 - - - Digital Media Sub Group LT o First meeting discussed the fit of HC digital comms into wider VS dgital comms and how HC links into project. o Chelsea Charles set up meeting however there is difficulty in setting up meetings. Digital Media want HC contact Issues raised over the co-ordination of groups and what resources are needed. MC raised issue over urgent need for Marketing and comms strategy, stating the objectives, key messages & requirements. Resources then mapped out TC mentioned need to identify gaps and resources and how best to fill/utilise them DH suggested that DH, TC and BC set up a meeting to clarify Marketing and comms messaging The need for someone to drive Homecoming in Digital Media on a day to day basis was highlighted. Issue of staffing budget arose with KH stating that any constraints should be identified for discussion on how to best resolve. Business Engagement Group JS o Joanne Blanusa from the growth fund is to join the group (the growth fun which was due to finish in 2014 has now been made a core VS fund) o Completed customer segmentation, can now make info more practical for different businesses about WYs/HC and what they can do. o Expo opportunity to promote industry comms Discussion arose about how to engage all businesses sectors and the need to involve groups/associations and how they can in turn involve their members The need for an established strategy on how to approach industry partners and expand current partnerships was highlighted DH reminded the group that in HC2009 the First Minister made the big partnerships happen and while UK &Ireland Marketing can achieve partnerships with Tiso and Highland Spring, need to choose who would make the best impact. The need to involve local communities discussed and define route to local communities (through DMOs, regional groups etc) and what is in turn is expected from them. Potential tie-ins with Ryder Cup and Glasgow 2014 TC TC Ongoing By next meeting By next meeting JS - - - 3 Monitoring and Evaluation Group LT o Revised Monitoring and Evaluation document, international profile measure added, however there are still points to be included. LT to circulate. o They have not met since 1st meeting ST raised issue of the over complicated strategy paper, not everything can be measured. ST to circulate Games Legacy Evaluation to show how they plan to measure against their aims The use of multipliers was discussed and whether HC would be measures using them or input output tables .KH said there was a need to agree on measurement before HC. JDP suggested that for the moment do both as they’re not embedded and can do at the end. Decision comes from strategy group and LT still defining By next meeting ST TC 2 EventScotland posts had been advertised with 48 applicants for the 2 roles. However also looking at individuals who applied for the Tom’s role. Interviews will be held on 8th and 9th March Risk and Issues TD 5 By next meeting LT Key Items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Paul approaching Scottish Enterprise about a 2 year secondment post to develop partnerships and liaising with businesses Actions: Developing a plan to target segments and pulling together of resources and organisations Risk register - Using same format, just updated, using heat cluster to flag immediate risk. Need for systematic review/ showing what process is in place on risk actions. Ongoing discussions with Stirling JS raised issue of potential drowning of businesses toward Homecoming as too much is asked of them and the saturation of ideas which could cause them to lose interest. It was decided that for reporting to the group the mitigating actions were to be reported so that actions could be delegated Project Milestones TD issued milestone document which is replacing existing spreadsheet, still TD Carry Forward TD Carry forward 6 work in progress. Ability to sense check with group diaries and see if there are any risks arising. New doc allocates ownership to milestone. Aim to get milestones structured now. JDP raised issue that after 13/3/12 questions will be asked For next meeting/ end of March, milestones will be structured and TD will report back on tools they have developed Next meeting TC On going AOB TC Stirling 2014 - paper issued to council about what they want to achieve (now in public domain). Issues arising over the scale of ambition of the Clan Gathering, no detailed costing. o Issues with Stirling council, budget was thrown out, new budget being submitted on the 1/3/12. TC working with Stirling Council to try and establish a detailed proposal and cost by 1/6/12. o ST raised issue that if there wasn’t an announcement soon and Stirling council changes idea could get thrown out. HC needs a clan gathering but questioned raised over whether Stirling can achieve that o The need for a default position was raised, JDP stated that there ideally should be an announcement on signature events to industry in August o TC working with Stirling Council planning and engagement but also highlighted the need for a full time resource for event o Challenge also finding site LT Going to be a press release on 6/3/12 and a speech from the First Minister, developing a Homecoming core script which can be used for Q&As, JDP suggested using the Q&As from June ’08 as basis. Depending on Stirling Council use script for Winning Years conference TC will be chairing future meetings from now on and will carry out a review of group structure and roles and whether they are ultimately needed. 7 TD Date of Next Meeting 30 March 2012 at 1300 - 1500, EventScotland Boardroom TC 1/3/12 LT 1/3/12 TC On going Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 4 - 26/1/12 No. Item Notes and Actions 1 2 Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) Programme Group (JDep) Marketing and Communications Group (DH) Business Engagement Group (JS) Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones. 6 AOB 7 Date of Next Meeting Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 4 - 26/1/12 Present - Stuart Turner (Chair), Joanne Deponio, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent Apologies - Marie Christie, Jenni Steele No. Item Action By and Date 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 3 # 2 Marketing and Comms group had their first meeting this morning (26/01/12) JDP has completed a draft programming strategy outline which she is taking to the Programme Group meeting later today (26/2/12). JDP will circulate to Core Management group when alteration have been made and agreed. LT and ST will now sit down and discuss the objectives and roles of the subgroups before the measurements can be agreed at the monitoring and evaluation group meeting. The Key Milestones document was circulated and CF will re-circulate the link. The strategic group met on 23rd January. Overall, it was a positive meeting. Key points from the meeting are: Discussion around how the messaging around 2014 will work. Agreed that there has to be consistency on how Scotland Welcomes the World is used Agreed that it would be beneficial for a presentation to be made to the full cabinet with Mike Cantly leading this. Tentative date of 22 February was put forward. Kevin Hanlon to follow up. A meeting was held with Stirling Council and ES are offering assistance and guidance to them. ST will call Deborah to offer help and assistance. Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) The strategic group met on 23rd January. Overall, it was a positive meeting. Key points from the meeting are: Discussion around how the messaging around 2014 will work. Agreed that there has to be consistency on how Scotland Welcomes the World is used Agreed that it would be beneficial for a presentation to be made to the full cabinet JDP By next meet LT and ST By next meet CF 03/02/12 KH By 22/2/12 ST 01/03/12 Programme Group (JDep) The programme group meeting is being held later today (26/01/12). In advance of this meeting JDP has drafted a stepping stones document to the programme group for comment and revision and this will come to the management and strategic group upon revision. JDP will circulate. Marketing and Communications Group (DH) with Mike Cantly leading this. Tentative date of 22 February was put forward. Staffing Update as follows: Tim Dent started at ES on 09/01/12 and Tom Chambers will join ES on 06/02/12. Having the same staff budget as 2009 is a challenge. The most urgent staffing appointments were identified as programming staff and it was suggested that an early appointment of someone to manage the programme should be advertised in February. The rest is still a working progress. Held an internal meeting this morning (26/01/12) and will hold a meeting within the next month for the wider group. At this morning’s meeting, the group considered: Looking to share the Scotland Welcomes the World presentation and the strategy around it. Beginning the audience segmentation process. Starting work on the key themes and products grids to underpin each of the HC14 pillars. Additional milestones to add to the agenda. The possible need to announce signature events around August 2012. Chelsea Charles is organising a digital sub group. LT proposed using social media to create early world-wide awareness and buzz of HC14. Business Engagement Group (JS) JS updated through e-mail that the group members have been nominated and only waiting for a rep from HIE. The group have had discussions and would prefer to JDP By next meet have ‘virtual’ or email group updates for the moment, at least until Spring due to other more urgent project deadlines and that we meet when we have enough detail to discuss - given the members are scattered around Scotland, I want to ensure any meeting will be productive for them to give up the best part of a day. Once there is a definitive steer on Scotland Welcomes the World branding and messaging, this will be circulated to all group members. Winning Years Conference: The members of the group have all been invited to the Winning Years conference on 13 March, as the final event in Scottish Tourism Week. JDP raised the issue of the event organised by the Tourism Innovation Group for businesses to maximise the opportunities from Ryder Cup and Homecoming. It was agreed that this could potentially disengage the businesses as the opportunities are not yet clearly identified. It was further agreed that ST would call and get more information on the seminar. Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) 3 The group have not met to give an update. However, LT met with Anita Morrison and Gillian Moffat and discussion included the need for the major events (Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup as well as the Major Homecoming events) to be acknowledged in the evaluation of the year of Homecoming. Including shared activities and outcomes. ST suggested that it would be possible to link the Major events in questions in questionnaires. LT re-iterated that the objectives and measures need to be in place before they can share. Key items of Progress to Report and Record Most of key items to update have been covered throughout agenda points one and two. Additionally, the Winning Years Conference is taking place on 13 March 2012 and it is the view that some key announcements will be made there around the year of Homecoming. It was agreed that the name for the funding applications for Homecoming will need to be considered. JDP highlighted that the programme for HC09 was lunched 14 months previous to ST the kick off and the group agreed that it is important to have the criteria for applications for funding ready for the Winning years conference in March although we do not have to open for application then. JDP 4 Risks and Issues 5 The risks and issues are currently bound up in timelines. Major : appointment of staff The Gathering event is not very clear at present. Danger of not having enough to say publicly at the Winning Years Conference. TD can take ownership of the risk documents. Re-iterated that it is important for ALL CHAIRS to be copied into group minutes and important to flag any Risks and Issues. The use of standardised meeting and agenda grids was agreed. TD 26/1/12 CF 03/02/12 Project Milestones. 6 JDP re-iterated that VS had a meeting with Stirling council. They intend to put a report to the committee on the 1st March to host the Gathering event and there is intention for alignment of the Gathering event with the Stirling Highland Games. KC informed that Historic Scotland had a meeting with Stirling council, scoping out what Stirling could offer as products. A major issue identified was that Stirling has relatively poor visitor infrastructure. Re-iterated that the intention of this document is a capture exercise for TD and Tom Chambers so that they can use and go forward with it. CF will send the link to all group members. Discussion was had around the structure and it was agreed that the current set up will stay the same for the time being but may change in the future. AOB KC shared that they had been asked by Fiona Hyslop about the possibility of creating events around WW1 in 2014. ST suggested that if the events were to happen, they should be around commemoration and not celebration. CF will check dates of when Britain declared War. ST reminded the group of the interest from the Diaspora tapestry group and announced that there will be a meeting with the Diaspora tapestry team and ES on February 16th. Also, the Scottish Government may be able to find some money in the short term in order to allow this project to progress. KC suggested that Historic Scotland could tie in with this project by offering tapestry workshops. Tom Chambers to follow this up when he starts. 7 Date of Next Meeting 24 February 2012 at 1130am - 1.30pm, EventScotland Board Room. CF 030/02/12 Tom Chambers 29/2/12 Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 6 - 30/3/12 No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 5 2 Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group (ST) Programme Group (JDep) . Marketing and Communications Group (DH) - . Business Engagement Group (JS) - . Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) - 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones. 6 Date of Next Meeting ? 2012 at 1300 - 1500, EventScotland Board Room. Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 6 - 30/3/12 Present - Tom Chambers (Chair), Stuart Turner, Joanne Deponio, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent Apologies - Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Marie Christie, Jenni Steele No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 5 2 KH Mike Cantly presented to junior ministers and some special advisors. Also presenting to Scottish Government department directors and has written to the opposition cabinet. ST 2013 platform for HS2014 and YoNS messaging should be for HC. Need to discuss change over from WYs/YoNS to SWTW/HS2014 TC to circulate Programme Strategy and define event guidelines. By 27/4/12 Prog strategy will be sent to Strategic Group and be signed off TC, DH and BC had discussion about messaging moving forward and how to resource going forward JS - Targeting segments plan? Next BE group meeting on 11/4/12 LT - M&E group, next meeting set up. JDep commented that the events programme has to return greater than 8:1 to compensate. ST Fed back to the Scottish Government, Beginning of March starting to look at how to reference HC, Ryder Cup for legacy LT - Core Script - been sent to Fergus Ewing for Scotland Week. JDep taken budget breakdown out of core script as it has not been announced Project Updates from Group Chairs Strategic Group ST o o o Haven’t met since 07/02/12, next meeting on 27/04/12 ST suggested as fewer meetings are needed, members could be kept informed via an eblast. TC suggested that quarterly stakeholder meetings would work better with emails used to keep info fresh and momentum going. JDep recommended that every 3 CPM group meetings Paul Bush and Malcolm Roughhead be invited. Programme Group JDep o o o Haven’t met since 02/03/12 however TC has now completed the Programme Strategy N.B. Scotland is now host to all pipe band championships in 2013,2014,2015 JDep raised issue of how the PG moves forward. ST stated that once the programme strategy is finalised, group is no longer needed. TC suggested that once the strategy is Action By and Date TC By next meet JS Carry forward o Marketing and Communications Group (DH) - . o o o o o o o By next meeting TC 30/4/12 TC By next meeting TC meeting Linda McDowell from Scottish Enterprise next week to align activities. Not met since 3/11/11 Meeting with Scottish Government on 16/4/12 End of April stakeholder mapping/comms plan will be complete JDep suggested that if planning to use existing VS brand tracking etc, should establish monitoring system now Key items of Progress to Report and Record TC Monitoring and Evaluation Group (LT) o o o o 3 TC - DH pulling together and establishing roles. DH, BC, LH and TC discussed how to pull resources. DH is planning to have monthly meetings until plan is complete VS should drive messaging as they have the channels - Risk of ownership and who does the extra push. TC to talk to Vineet Lal (Brave manager) over how to co-ordinate VS marketing TC has concerns over managing of delivery therefore the inclusion of Paul and Malcolm in core group is necessary. Need a dedicated Homecoming marketing resource to co-ordinate. TC checking resources and capacity issues - Digital media biggest risk as for HC09 there was dedicated ES resource, is it needed again? DH pushing Chelsea Charles to keep meeting with subgroup. By end of April, need to have marketing strategy agreed BC created message deck. SWTW message deck pushing forward to include Glasgow 2014 and Ryder Cup. TC and LT developing VS/ES milestone event mapping/comms plan. Will share once complete Business Engagement Group (JS) - . o agreed, group could change into funding panel/advisory group. TC proposed that a meeting be scheduled for after the Strategic group TC and TD have completed project management tools Recruitment o Have filled Events Prog role, starts 16/4/12. Signature Event role not filled, need to re-advertise o Dedicated HS2014 marketing resource needed, need to decide whether dedicated PR is needed. o TC pulling forward HC administrator recruitment o Discussion arose over whether recruiting a PR agency would be appropriate, ST stated that with VS PR team being so large, wouldn’t be viable, JDep reminded group that in HC09 having a TC 30/4/12 4 Risks and Issues 5 Since last meeting risk register has been developed includes format changes, monthly updates ownership for individual risks and ‘by when’ dates TD will circulate document once amendments are made TD By next meeting TC 16/4/12 Project Milestones. 6 London based agency didn’t achieve aims End of May all strategies should be signed off and move onto delivery Meeting with Stirling on 29/3/12 was well attended however Stirling doesn’t have internal capabilities. Looking to appoint a consultant to establish a business case and delivery. Looking to get paper to council on 1/6/12 to get signed off. By mid-May Stirling will have appointed 2014 project co-ordinator ST raised issue that homecoming communication between Stirling and government should go through TC only. Issue also raised over the risk of level of aspirations vs. capabilities After Easter TC will circulate comms plans - looking to build up partner activities Date of Next Meeting 11 May 10:00 - 12:00, Portobello Meeting Room, 8th Floor. Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 7 - 10/05/2012 No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 6 2 Updates a) Strategic Group Update b) Marketing Group Update c) Paper to ministers 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones. 6 AOB 7 Date of Next Meeting TBC - but to be moved to bi-monthly. Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 7 - 10/05/2012 Present - Tom Chambers (Chair), Stuart Turner, Joanne Deponio, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent, Marie Christie Apologies - Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Jenni Steele No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 6 2 TC: Programme strategy has been circulated to Strategic Group for updates and comments; Sam Hunt is to developing the signature programme Paper to ministers 17th May needs to address business engagement. Business Engagement group still needs to meet. JDep remarks full attendance and engagement could be challenging in peak periods TC met with Veneet Lal to discuss how Brave and HS2014 could be aligned and related Marketing strategy and audiences have not been agreed; after a discussion, it is agreed that HS2014 audiences are domestic and international and need to be included in the plan Comms Plan draft to be discussed with Janice MacGregor to review milestones for PR and comms strategies (delivery, alignment, messages and timeline); stakeholder mapping underway (Jenny S and Barbara C). Updates d) Strategic Group Update Aims Discussion on SWTW TC Concern over ‘Scot’s pride’ in the current political climate. Relevant for discussion with Ministers on 17 May; Discussion about sensitivity of this issue: JDep ‘pride’ is not an objective in HS14 and it was a weakness HS09; ST ‘pride’ should be coupled with SWTW and avoid political connotations; JDep the message should focus on pride in terms of Scotland’s welcome and what it offers to the world. e) Marketing Group Update TC: MG met this week and will meet again in July; points discussed : audience development, channels and key messages; Marketing plan to be finished by end of May (Denise Hill); further support by new HC marketing manager Gillian Swan. f) Paper to ministers TC Core programme strategies to be presented to ministers next week (17th May); rationale of programme, business engagement, measures and updates are key elements (to present especially to Fergus Ewing) KH regarding HC14 strategies, measuring the economic impact of HS14, timeline and plans; more solid plans need to be presented to Ministers to manage expectations; - measures to be discussed on 17th May. ST comments on the current reporting structure; information needs to circulate constantly between strategic groups, VS and government; KH remarks that Strategic Group must report consistently back to ministers to keep them informed; MC suggested visuals and images need to be included in presentations and reporting to government. 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record a) Recruitment TC Signature Event role not filled; alternatives may be necessary; Marketing Manager: Gillian Swan is starting in June; Project Executive still to be appointed. (Update Sam Hunt now Signature Events Manager and Stephen McLean joining as Events Programme Manager in July) b) Stirling clan 2014 TC and Stirling will be appointing a consultant this week to develop a business case for Clan 2014; aim to send draft business case to be sent to Stirling Council before Council Meeting on 29 June; final report to be finished by September/October ST remarks that the report might need to expand to cover other areas if ES and ScotGov are commissioning. c) Glasgow 2014 TC, MC working on how to mix the cultural program and HS14 and identify where the opportunities for HS2014 lie TC Feedback from CCQPR presentation; Funding - needs to kick-start in July; by end of May responsibilities and timeline must be set JDep remarks that the Culture Division of ScotGov in not strategically involved in HS14 and YoCS - Issue raised over how HS14 is positioned the summer celebrations and winter festivals; when and where is the appropriate time to communicate HS14 messages in line with the Cultural Programme MC ES needs to be leading HC14 and drafting the tender ST approach to sports programme could be applied to cultural programme; partners around the table advising the government on what could and needs to be done. 4 Risks and Issues TD headlines from the International Risk Management Seminar: a) Current ES risk management processes are in line with event best practice b) Importance of collaboration with event organisers on risk management - needs to be at an appropriate level c) Importance of contingency planning in the form of table top exercises d) Importance of risk management being part of and embedded into the culture of the organisation i.e. it is everyone’s job. TD Risk register update: ‘Event fatigue’ impacting on public and business engagement - only new risk since last meeting - ST highlighted need to consider business fatigue mitigating actions likely to be different to public fatigue. 5 Project Milestones. TD showed the current project plan with key project milestones across the various work-streams. 6 AOB TC Core PMG to meet bimonthly from now on KC Brave and YoNS pressure - what is the timeline JDep remarks that consistent communication is needed to remind ministers that priorities at present are on Brave and YoCS KH Indicators could be aligned with the economic impact study of HS09. 7 Date of Next Meeting TBC - but to be moved to bi-monthly. Action Confirm date of next meeting Comms & PR plan draft to be discussed with JM Appointing Signature Event Manager and Project Executive Initials TC TC TC Due Date ASAP 15/05/2012 - Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 8 - 17/08/12 Present - Tom Chambers (Chair), Stuart Turner, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent, Marie Christie, Jenni Steele No. 1 Item Notes and Actions from Meeting 7 2 Group updates: - Marketing and Communications - Programme - Business Engagement - Monitoring and Evaluation Key items of Progress to Report and Record - Recruitment - Stirling Clan 2014 - Glasgow 2014 and Creative Scotland 3 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones 6 Date of Next Meeting Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 8 - 17/08/12 Present - Tom Chambers (Chair), Stuart Turner, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Kari Coghill, Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent, Jenni Steele, Barbara Clark Apologies - Marie Christie No. Item 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 7 Date confirmed for meeting - Complete Communications & PR plan draft to be discussed with JM - continually updating Appoint Signature Event Manager and Project Executive - Complete 2 Group updates: Marketing and communications Gillian has joined team as Marketing Manager - workshop set-up on 24th August for a brainstorming session for all marketing & communications, looking as lessons learned etc. By end of Sept, an updated marketing plan will be established with more detail. We will have a separate GDPP for marketing and communications Gillian has been working with Chelsea from a digital perspective, work still ongoing. Plans are for one main hub within VS site which will then point to separate sections for ES, .ORG, consumers etc KC - HS using same model and has good feedback through Brave campaign DH - Scotland House update - Homecoming themed pre-promotion along with Ryder cup and Commonwealth Games. Marketing interest meeting in September looking to put Homecoming on agenda - Gillian to attend and update on our strategy model. Linda Macalister organising for 16th/18th September. DH - finished ancestral research and shared with Bruce Durie Actions - DH & BC to provide concise high-level summary of findings from this research and circulate - press release will also follow TC - Scotland welcomes the world - DH action to pull together document on how to use the message. BC to attend workshop in two weeks time to look at messaging Industry rep 5th September, 12th September - mike Malcolm, minister - winning years - how is Scotland welcomes the world going to fit into this - LT action will develop some lines regarding evaluation from last time BC - FOI & enq. from Economist regarding Homecoming Programme TC - Focus has been on funded programme - two workshops & webinar, one coming up, ETAG workshop in September TC - received positive feedback from pre-application process TC - looking at programme to ensure even spread across regions and year. Also looking at how Glasgow’s cultural programme will fit through discussions with Leoni Bell with the intention of having someone from that group to sit on our programmed group. Glasgow are primarily focusing on 40 days before Games through to end of festivals in Edinburgh. Conversations about Glasgow co-funding signature events in particular Hogmanay and John Muir. TC - Advice from Creative Scotland not to have two funding rounds but there might still be scope for additional events once the programme has been established. TC - Homecoming team are monitoring pre-apps to ensure we have events in each local authority - if we are missing events in certain area, regional partnership directors can help with this KC - programme to be developed from 1st world war so this will have to be considered for HS14. TC - Enquiry process - if applicants are rejected we will be following normal EventScotland procedures but we will also advise of alternative funding opportunities and make them aware of Partner Programme. Business Engagement JS - big meeting set for 5th September encompassing focus years, homecoming, what comes next, Malcolm will be attending and 30 key partners - good cross section of industry. Networking lunch with presentation from TC - HS14, MS - Year of Natural & MR. TC - hope to get feedback from partners with what their milestones are, not just ours. TC - Programme of engagement with top 100 organisations plan to be established this month Monitoring and Evaluation Group last met at end of June - working session with grid on screen aiming to arrive at a final set of objectives and targets. KH - no spec drawn up as yet for economic impact for Commonwealth Games. 3 Key items of Progress to Report and Record Recruitment TC- full team in place Stirling Clan 2014 Rebecca will be leaving at end of month and Tara Kildare has been appointed to look after HS14 in general. Two issues: who is going to lead strategically on this? How can we pull together their marketing communications plan? We will provide good level of support without delivering the event itself. ST - need to discuss whether external resources should be brought in to Stirling council to help them manage the risk TC - Stirling partner group meeting on Tuesday where we can discuss getting some one in charge and collating focus Glasgow 2014 and Creative Scotland TC - Need an aligned message and programme with HS14, we have made a strategic move to give higher weighting to events out with the Glasgow timings 4 Risks and Issues TD - Stirling Clan 2014 - need to work closely with project coordinator post, encourage Stirling to appoint director TD - Very high risk - macro economic matters, High risk - negative coverage of HS14 5 Project Milestones TC - Marketing plan needs to be established by end of September How are we going to fully engage communities - need to re-look at this Education - no objective around this but can be used for engagement of communities KH - Education - attended legacy for learning group meeting. Looked at how Ryder Cup used educational materials. Given success of Olympics and how legacy has worked, ministers are looking to review this looking at lessons learns. 6 Date of Next Meeting Early October - exact date TBC ACTIONS DH & BC to provide concise high-level summary of findings from this research and circulate - press release will also follow DH to pull together document on how to use the message of Scotland Welcomes the World KH to confirm if economic impact for Commonwealth Games will be assessed using indicators applied by Ryder Cup and Homecoming TC & TD action - rework education stream of planning doc and re-issue for feedback Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 2 - Core Project Management Group, Meeting 9 - 02/10/12 - Ocean Point, Duddingston Present - Tom Chambers (Chair), Stuart Turner, Denise Hill, Leon Thompson, Marie Christie, , Kevin Hanlon, Tim Dent, Jenni Steele, Barbara Clark Apologies - Kari Coghill No. 1 Item Notes and Actions from Meeting 8 2 Updates: - Marketing and Communications - Programme - Business Engagement - Monitoring and Evaluation Key items of Progress to Report and Record - Stirling Clan 2014 - Glasgow 2014 and Creative Scotland 3 4 Risks and Issues 5 Project Milestones 6 Date of Next Meeting AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 PROGRAMME GROUP (MEETING 1) EventScotland Offices, 5th Floor, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Thursday 3 November 2011, 3pm-4.30pm 1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 2. Update on strategic planning for Homecoming Scotland 2014 3. Role, remit and membership of the Programme Group 4. Open discussion including: Positioning of H2014 events programme within overall 2014 landscape Existing proposed framework document 5. Existing projects already initiated 6. Timelines, priorities and next steps 7. AOB 8. Date of next meeting Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 3 - Programme Group Meeting 2 - 26 January 2012 EventScotland Boardroom, 5th Floor, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH Present: Joanne Deponio (chair), Tim Dent, Stuart Turner, David Taylor, Ian Sirrell (rep Kevin Hanlon), Malcolm MacGregor, Ian Gardner, Gareth Cheeseman, Marie Christie, Kay Livingston. Apologies: Kevin Hanlon, Mark Stewart, Vicky Miller. Notes No. Item Action By and Date 1 Notes and Actions from Meeting 1 2 Notes agreed and all actions completed. Agreement on Role & Remit of Programme Group The Group discussed the Remit circulated with the agenda for the meeting. It was agreed the following amends would be made: - The first bullet would be amended to read “To provide guidance and input to the development of the Programme Strategy” - The fourth bullet point would be amended to read “To advise and approve detailed assessment criteria, timelines and funding allocations for all event programmes” Agreed that the group would discuss initial ideas around programming and Tom Chambers could explore and develop these ideas with internal and external stakeholders. It was agreed a further approach would be made to SNH, Scotland Food & Drink and sportscotland to invite them as years of focus strategic partners to participate in the Programme Group. It was also agreed that each member of the group would send a line through to JDP on their organisations specific JDp To be cirulcated with meeting notes. JDp In advance of next meeting All 10 Feb contribution in order for this to be included in the remit. 3 Programming Strategy ST brought attention to the diagram at the back of the programming strategy document to highlight that although this has been approved, it is a principle and therefore changes can be made. Discussions took place on the relevance of ‘through positioning Scotland as an international stage’ (para 2.3). It was agreed that more suitable phrasing would be ‘to enhance Scotland’s profile as an international stage.’ It was agreed point 5 in para 2.3 would be amdended to read “Deliver a co-ordinated programme linking with Ryder Cup 2014 and Commonwealth Games. Discussion took place on how ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ will be used in 2014. It was noted that Malcolm Roughead will present on this topic to the Strategic Group on 7 Feb and this would be shared with the Programme Group. It was noted that para 2.3 would benefit from additional points which directly relate to the community and business engagement objectives. MC raised the issue there is no specific project objective around enhancing Scotland’s international profile. DT raised the question of whether partner events are required to meet the criteria for HC14. JDP confirmed the partner events programme would be as inclusive as possible but with some screening to ensure events are relevant to the themes of the celebration. Discussion was held on the thread to connect the events which will create the programme. It was agreed the thread running through the programme should be ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’. There was discussion around the need to ensure if this was JDP 1 Feb JDP 1 Feb JDP next meeting JDP 1 Feb JDP 1 Feb 4, the connecting thread that communications included clear messaging explaining the relevance of calling the year Homecoming Scotland ‘Signature events’ are defined as events which are a key driver for international visitors. It was agreed that the principle that each theme has a signature event may not be the most effective in achieving the tourism revenue objective. It was also suggested that the position could be taken that the ‘active’ element of 2014 is already covered by the Ryder Cup and Commonwealth Games. It was agreed that the Homecoming Manager would need to take forward the elements highlighted in the Programming Strategy paper before this issue could be resolved. It was agreed that RC2014 and G2014 are considered signature events of H2014, although in messaging terms only. Ie. they will not receive funding from H2014 A discussion took place on the delivery of the Communication & Education Programme. It was agreed this would be led by partners and if the budget allocation against this was confirmed as staffing resource that this should move to the overheads/staffing budget. If this budget is consequently higher than the cap suggested by Scot Govt this needs to be addressed directly. KL informed that EducationScotland are involved in the Games Legacy Plan and that she chairs the Legacy for Learning group. KL suggested that this group could be explored as a group for H2014 Community Learning. IS asked when the signature events programme is likely to be announced. JDP stated that the Comms and Marketing group are looking for it for August 2012 due to imperative for international marketing. MM noted that people travelling for ancestry would take two year to plan the trip. Measures & Targets, Risks & Issues, Project Timelines and TC 13 March TC Ongoing TC Ongoing as part of budget planning KL By next meeting. 5, 6 Milestones. 7 JDp 1 Feb JDp ASAP AOB 8 Due to time, it was agreed that points 4, 5 and 6 would be carried over to the next meeting. KL noted that it would be important to build measures and targets into the strategy document as question around them may be raised. MM updated on ancestral activity. The latest activity is that Stirling Council is giving serious consideration to holding a Gathering type event. The Standing Council is planning to hold another Clan Convention in H2014, likely to be in Stirling or Edinburgh. The Group agreed a Clan event was essential as the signature event under the ancestry theme. JDP noted that EventScotland had a meeting with Stirling Council and they are due to submit a report to Committee on the subject of a Gathering type event March 1st. MM offered spread any marketing messages through ancestral channels and highlighted that the ancestral business would be aided by a gathering announcement by May. Date of Next Meeting : Around 20 Feb - a Doodle will be circulated. Homecoming Scotland 2014 Group 3 - Programme Group Meeting 3 - 2nd March 2012 th EventScotland Boardroom, 5 Floor, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH Agenda No. Item 1 Welcome & apologies 2 Matters arising and actions from Meeting 2 3 Programming Strategy - Signature Programme Funded Programme 3 Timelines, priorities & next steps 4 Measures & targets 5 Risks & issues 6 AOB 7 Date of Next Meeting Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting Briefing Note In advance of Thursday 21 June 2012, 12.00 - 1.30pm, Portobello Suite, Ocean Point One Purpose Consider the best way to monitor and evaluate Homecoming Scotland 2014 against agreed objectives. Objectives of the session 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify What will be measured How we are going to measure it Who will take ownership for each element Develop targets. Session format 1. Introduction - Overview, Tom Chambers 2. Background - Current state of play - Homecoming Scotland 2014 objectives, outcomes and targets - Leon Thompson 3. Agree broad parameters - Tim Dent Economic Impact - Additional tourism revenue - number of events, attendances, length of stay, spend Promotion: PR/Social media - awareness, tone, reach Participation: Domestic participation + legacy and social benefit e.g. education, community engagement, partner engagement Collaboration: Businesses signed up, using Homecoming tools/materials and participating. 4. Interrogate draft framework (below) and agree specific monitoring and evaluation activities - Tim Dent 5. Next steps: How do we combine all elements into a final HS2014 report and who will do this? How can outcomes be knitted into an overarching report (Commonwealth Games/Ryder Cup), to help ‘tell the story’ of 2014? How do we ensure there is no double counting of Commonwealth Games or Ryder Cup impacts AND double counting within HS2014 programme Timeline to procure consultants and next steps. Draft - Homecoming Scotland 2014 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 190612 Programme objectives What How Who Yes/No 1. Economic impact - Number of spectator attendances/overnight stays -Spectator average spend (including accommodation) - Event outcome reports, surveys and consultants methodology Consultants - Conversion - visitors influenced to travel as a result of marketing campaigns TNS equivalent - online conversion study ‘value of additionality delivered by visitors who responded to the campaign and accessed information provided by VistScotland’ -Survey; The GBTS and IPS surveys measure overall TNS or others Outcome: Deliver an 8:1 ROI on a budget of £5.5m. Target: The events programme will generate a minimum of £44m Do we need to breakdown by Signature, Funded and Partner programmes? 2. Promotion Outcome: Generate a positive impression of Scotland and the HS2014 celebrations around the world. Target: Tone: 70% of tone is favourable/positive Reach: HS2014 campaign message to reach more than XXm people across target markets. 3. Participation Outcome: The people of Scotland supportive and engaging positively with Homecoming by attending events. Target: Increased tourist visits (by international and domestic visitors) Spectator profile age, origin, socio-demographic Value/number of supplier contracts won by Scottish companies - possible? -Survey -% won by tier 1 contractors -% won by tier 2 sub-contractors Accommodation occupancy compared to baseline -Scottish Accommodation Occupancy Survey (Will be able to obtain overall Scotland level occupancy on a monthly basis. - Press cuttings - Social network traffic and tone; visits to website; transfer rate to partner websites; click throughs, bounce rates; time on site and other metrics - What level of detail required? - Press cuttings - Media measurement PR, digital and social media impact: tone and reach PR : Advertising Equivalent Value - build up from 1 January 2013 - discuss validity (2009 - £154m) Increased awareness among Scots of Homecoming Scotland 2014 - Omnibus Survey (supplier tbc) Awareness of the ‘Scotland’ brand - and enhanced reputation and credibility of Scotland- ‘The Perfect Stage’ and ‘Scotland welcomes the world’. -At event and/or post-event spectator survey, sponsors, corporate hospitality and decision makers/influencers survey. Brand tracker with quarterly results - Consumer responses/approval of TV ads Number of groups engaged with Outcome reports Event listings Number of partner events recorded Local authority research and Legacy for Life data Lasting and positive engagement with diaspora Domestic attendances at HS2014 events Partner engagement - LA’s/national agencies involved Community engagement Number of schools using and engaging with HS2014 VisitScotland volume & value of tourism to Scotland so could be used to determine whether there is an increase in tourist visits in 2014? Consultants Consultants/ Scottish Enterprise? VisitScotland Vocus Media Measurement VisitScotland Vocus Media Measurement VisitScotland Consultants VisitScotland VisitScotland Consultants EventScotland Consultants EventScotland 300 partner/community events Others? 4.Collaboration Outcome: Businesses using the Homecoming brand as part of their promotions and products Target: x businesses signed up as part of the HS2014 campaign. educational resources Number of businesses ‘signed up’ - define Value in kind - validity? Number of international tour operators developing HS2014 packages Other? Legacy - increased capacity of the Scottish events industry. How? VisitScotland registration/toolkits downloaded Marketing equivalent to purchase VistScotland monitoring VisitScotland Consultants VisitScotland AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 MONITORING AND EVALUATION GROUP VisitScotland, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH (Portobello Meeting Room) Thursday 23rd August 2012, 14:00 - 16:00 1. Review current objectives 2. Update on alignment of HS2014 evaluation with Commonwealth Games and The Ryder Cup 3. Update on Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee evidence session (12 September) 4. AOB 5. Date of next Meeting 2014 CO-ORDINATION MEETING 4 OCTOBER 2012, 10.00-11.00 ROOM GW.08, ST ANDREWS HOUSE AGENDA “Fit” with overall 2014 events; Safety and security; Volunteering; Ticketing; Collective resourcing; Collective risk; Ministerial group / collective governance. 2014 Key Events Co-ordination Group (Officials) 4 October 2012, 10.00-11.00, St Andrews House Attending: John Mason, Director of Business, Scottish Government Francesca Osowska, Director of Housing, Regeneration, the Commonwealth Games and Sport Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive, VisitScotland David Grevemberg, Chief Executive, Glasgow 2014 Malcolm Pentland, Head of Tourism and Major Events Team, Scottish Government Note/Action Points: 1. Agreed that the senior officials’ group should aim to meet on a monthly basis and with relevant Ministers (Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism and Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport) on a quarterly basis. Given recent ministerial reshuffle, FO to confirm whether the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing should also be invited. Actions: MP to liaise with JM's Office in setting up next meeting of the officials' group for a date after 5 November and a date for officials and ministers for December. FO to confirm whether or not Mr Neil to be invited. 2. Agreed that the group should routinely consider the following areas: Safety and security; Volunteering; Ticketing; Sponsors; Collective resourcing; Collective risk; Ministerial group / collective governance; Transport; Media and Marketing 3. Agreed that a complete timeline for key events in 2014 needed to be developed. This should build on the existing timeline that VisitScotland manages for the 2014 Ryder Cup to include the Commonwealth Games and Homecoming. The timeline should also include other significant events, conferences and summits and key dates relating to First World War commemoration activity (in time, it may also need to show a pre-referendum purdah period). The timeline will be an important tool in showing that clashes are being avoided, in developing a wrap-around programme for the year and in demonstrating the significant pressure on resource in 2014. Actions: MR to circulate an adapted version of the existing Ryder Cup timeline and all to populate by 26 October. 4. On safety and security, there was interest in whether there are variations between what the police are doing/saying in relation to the Ryder Cup as compared to the Commonwealth Games and agreement that there was a need to ensure the approaches around safety and security are fit for purpose, consistent and that messaging around this is considered on a broad 2014 basis. Action: Work with police to date in relation to Ryder Cup and Commonwealth Games to be compared. 5. On volunteering, it was agreed that there would not necessarily be competition for volunteers between the Games and Ryder Cup (and some individuals may volunteer for both events) but that there was sense in co-ordinating in terms of the timing of calls for volunteers and that this should be considered and planned into the timeline. More thought also to be given to sign-posting to potential volunteers and to the possibility of shared training for volunteers around providing a hospitable welcome to visitors/spectators. The Volunteer Guidelines provided for the 2010 and 2012 Ryder Cup competitions are to be shared. Actions: JM to share the Volunteer Guidelines from Medinah with others and MR to source and share the Volunteer Guidelines from Celtic Manor with others. 6. On ticketing, discussion confirmed that there are significant differences between the events and their audiences. Action: JM and FO to make this point to the SG’s Executive Team. 7. On sponsorship, opportunity in relation to BMW and the supply of vehicles for the events identified. RCE has secured sponsorship with a fleet of 250 cars. Glasgow 2014 need 1,000 cars and are progressing discussions with BMW. MR in discussion with Emirates with a view to securing a broad sponsorship for all of 2014. 8. On resourcing, SG is in the process of ensuring the lessons from the Olympics (and the operation of a Hub in Edinburgh, a Resilience Room Glasgow and Scotland House in London) are being learned and work is on-going. DG highlighted that a C3 Workshop would be taking place and that those involved with Gold Command for the Ryder Cup could attend that. Action: DG to provide details on the C3 workshop. 9. On risk management, JM highlighted the work being done by Tim Dent (EventScotland) on the Ryder Cup. Agreed that DG and FO (and/or others) should attend a presentation by Tim on this. Actions: DG and FO to advise who should attend Ryder Cup Risk Management presentation from a Games perspective and JM’s office to liaise with Tim on dates etc for a presentation. 10. On marketing, MR commented that it would be good if, from January next year, the group could work collectively on securing all the point of entry sites for the duration of 2014. Action: Marketing and promotion to be discussed in more detail at the next meeting. Malcolm Pentland Tourism and Major Events 9 October 2012 MINUTES OF MEETING HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP VisitScotland Boardroom, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh Wednesday 12 January 2011, 3pm-4.30pm Present: Henk Berits Eddie Brogan Paul Bush Barbara Clark Joanne Deponio Iain Herbert Denise Hill Stephen Leckie Paul McLaughlin Stuart Ogg Malcolm Pentland Malcolm Roughead Leon Thompson Stuart Turner National Trust for Scotland Scottish Enterprise EventScotland VisitScotland EventScotland Scottish Tourism Forum VisitScotland Tourism Leadership Group Scotland Food & Drink sportscotland (representing Stewart Harris) Scottish Government VisitScotland EventScotland EventScotland Apologies Stephen Duncan Bruce Durie Kenneth Fowler Stewart Laing George MacKenzie Historic Scotland University of Strathclyde Scottish Natural Heritage Scottish Development International National Archives Scotland Item 1: Welcome, Introductions & Apologies Item 2: Context A handout was circulated which included slides on the mandate letter; the focus years; and the proposed remit and role of members of the Homecoming Scotland 2014 Strategic Group. Copies of the mandate letter can be requested from Joanne Deponio. [Copy of handout included with circulation of minutes] Action: It was agreed that clarification of roles, responsibilities and accountability; and consideration of options post 2014 would be incorporated into the draft remit of the Strategic Group and circulated to members. Item 3: Project Development Objectives & Targets Following discussion it was agreed the objectives of Homecoming Scotland 2014 (HS14) should be focused, simple and measurable. It was agreed four objectives would be drafted around each of the following: Economic impact Growth of international visitors Events and community activity Engaging and mobilising Scottish businesses There was agreement the measurement of objectives would be complex in 2014 and consideration will be given to measuring the impact of all activity in 2014 and specific HS14 activity. This will be progressed when the objectives are confirmed. Action: EventScotland and VisitScotland will draft the objectives and Iain Herbert and Stephen Leckie will give consideration to the final objective and potential measures for industry engagement.. Themes There was agreement the following themes should be developed for HS2014: Food & Drink Active Creative Natural Ancestry It was agreed that each of the above should have subsets which highlight some of Scotland’s key strengths. For example Food & Drink could incorporate whisky; Active could incorporate golf, mountain biking, sailing; Creative could incorporate design; and Ancestry could incorporate Commonwealth. Each of these subsets could be used to determine events, product development and marketing initiatives. Action: EventScotland will develop the themes and subsets and circulate round to members in advance of the “Road to 2014” stakeholder event on 21 February Framework for events programme The proposed framework for the events programme was approved. It was decided that it was the role of the group to agree the signature events. Each of the themes should aspire to have one major event in 2014. Programme of engagement and communication Communications around HS2014 will commence following the Scottish Parliament elections which will be held in May. This will focus on both knowledge of the year and commitment of actions to contribute towards achieving the project objectives. It was agreed case studies should be identified to demonstrate how businesses can maximise the opportunities presented by Homecoming Scotland 2014. Item 4: Stakeholder event Leon Thompson provided an overview of the format and content for the event on 21 February 2011 at the Macdonald Holyrood Hotel in Edinburgh. Action: The invite list will be circulated round the group and members are requested to feedback additional individuals and organisations to be invited. Item 5: AOB No AOB Item 6: Date of next meeting(s) It was agreed that the next Strategic Group meeting should take place March/April. Action: Joanne Deponio to circulate date in due course. MINUTES OF MEETING HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP Conference Room 2, Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ Wednesday 16 November 2011, 2.00pm - 4.00pm Present: Barbara Clark Richard Davidson Joanne Deponio Stephen Duncan Bruce Durie Denise Hill Carly Lamberty Stephen Leckie David McAllister Iain Munro Stuart Ogg Malcolm Pentland Malcolm Roughead Leon Thompson Gordon Todd Stuart Turner Davina Williams James Withers VisitScotland Scottish National Heritage EventScotland Historic Scotland Ancestral Tourism Group VisitScotland National Trust for Scotland (representing Henk Berits) Scottish Tourism Forum National Trust for Scotland (representing Henk Berits) Creative Scotland sportscotland Scottish Government VisitScotland EventScotland Scottish Enterprise (representing Eddie Brogan) EventScotland National Records of Scotland, (representing George McKenzie) Scotland Food & Drink Apologies Henk Berits Paul Bush Marie Christie Steve Grimmond Stewart Laing George McKenzie David Taylor National Trust for Scotland EventScotland EventScotland SOLACE Scottish Development International National Records of Scotland Creative Scotland Item 1: Welcome, Introductions & Apologies Item 2: Minutes and Matters Arising from Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2011 were approved. All actions relating to amendments to paper were made. Action: All to forward significant moments known in 2014 to JDeponio to enable mapping of anniversaries and existing events. Item 3: Project Development Update on Presentation to Ministers Presentation to Fiona Hyslop, Shona Robison, Stewart Stevenson and Fergus Ewing on 14 December on Winning Years incorporating H2014, Ryder Cup, London 2012 and Years of Focus. Purpose to get buy-in and approval for Scotland Welcomes the World message and overall aim and objectives for H2014. Meeting as a result of trilateral ministerial meeting. Fergus Ewing confirmed as H2014 Minister with Fiona Hyslop retaining Bannockburn Celebrations within her portfolio. Winning Years is metaphor for next 3 years. All roads lead to 2014 - need to maximize opportunities. Core budget from Scottish Government for H2014 is £5.5m Additional budget identified for Winning Years within VisitScotland’s grant in aid which can be levered/deployed in support of H2014. Group agreed the National Trust for Scotland should be considered as part of the presentation team given the profile of Bannockburn Celebrations. Group agreed on approach to presentation. BD suggested it may be worth coordinating the finalisation of the ancestral tourism plan which will be presented to Ministers with the presentation on 14 December. IM informed the group that Creative Scotland has received a request from Scottish Government Culture Division for an outline of the impact of the spending review on Games Legacy. It was agreed other agencies receiving similar requests from Scottish Government will work on a coordinated response. Action: LT to consider NTS representation Update on Progress of Project Implementation As stated earlier in the meeting, the Ministerial lead for H2014 has been confirmed as Fergus Ewing and the core budget has been confirmed at the Spending Review as £5.5m core. Recruitment for Homecoming Manager and Programme Manager underway. Group structure agreed at last meeting has been implemented and first meetings are taking place. Need to understand how H2014 and 2012 - 2014 National Cultural fit together. IM provided an overview of the Plan and the framework it provides for all cultural activity 2012 - 2104. Creative Scotland has allocated £14m to additional 2012-2014 activity - primarily mass participation and signature events. Discussion on practical mechanisms for bringing together the cultural activity which Creative Scotland will be supporting in 2014 and H2014 activity to take place and be reflected in the H2014 Programming Strategy. Item 4: Update on 2014 Activity Already Initiated Presentation on Bannockburn Celebrations Presentation by NTS on Bannockburn Celebrations and new Visitor Centre The new Visitor Centre is a partnership between NTS and Scottish Government (through Historic Scotland). NTS are currently at stage 2 of a £4m Heritage Lottery Fund - decision expected end of January 2012. Key dates include: - Soft launch March 2014; - Visitor Centre opening 23 / 24 June 2014; - Major re-enactment 28 / 29 June 2014. Action: JDeponio to progress discussions with Stirling Council around how the Bannockburn events sit within the wider Stirling 2014 celebration plans, in particular the Gathering-type event. Partner Updates BD - Major family history / genealogical event likely to take place in Glasgow in 2014. JW - early stages of feasibility of Scotland Food & Drink Expo for 2013 (a week-long series of event with international buyers). This would have potential to build for 2014. SD - internal structures in place for Historic Scotland to look at activity and opportunities for 2 year events plan for 2013 and 2014. Very commercially focused over this time. HS - good to get H2014 in planning of Local Authorities. HS keen to discuss how that is achieved. BC - Comms plan being created with Scottish Government Culture Division on Winning Years. Includes Winning Years conference event during 2012 Tourism Week. Will include workshops and Local Authorities will be key to that. JD - H2014 funding applications will also help provide strong hook for communicating H2014. Could work well coming on the back of Winning Years conference. SO - Community Sports Hubs will provide an opportunity for community engagement for people of Scotland in 2014. Pertinent with Active Scotland. DW - National Records of Scotland has records relevant to anniversaries and strands in 2014. Email to teams in the organisation could help identify opportunities e.g. digitise WWI soldiers’ wills. RD - focus for SNH is currently on Year of Natural Scotland in 2013. There may be pontetial to bring together the large number of recreation events which take place to generate greater impact and communication. Iconic species and landmarks also provide potential for public engagement. John Muir Trail (name tbc) will be a route from Dunbar to Loch Lomond. The feasibility is being looked at for launch in 2014 (anniversary of John Muir’s death). IM - Focus on Year of Creative Scotland which will also build momentum for H2014. The London 2012 Festival programme in Scotland was launched earlier this month. Fiona Hyslop will make an international announcement on 29 November about the Year of Creative Scotland whilst in Canada. A domestic announcement on new elements of programming for 2012 will take place on 12 December. Creative Scotland has commissioned Leith Agency to develop a participation communications message - what culture means to people of Scotland and participation in it. The plan is to roll it out in Spring 2012. ‘Net Gains’ event will take place in Pitlochry to help broker practical ideas to develop product and packages which bring together culture and tourism sectors. The second deadline for the £1m YoCS Culture and Tourism investment programme is January 2012. SL - the STF will support partners in communicating H2014 messages to the tourism industry the earlies opportunity. Item 5: AOB No AOB Item 6: Date of next meeting(s) It was agreed that the next Strategic Group meeting should take place the first couple of weeks in February. Action: Joanne Deponio to circulate date. MINUTES OF MEETING HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP Conference Room 2, Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ Wednesday 16 November 2011, 2.00pm - 4.00pm Present: Barbara Clark Richard Davidson Joanne Deponio Stephen Duncan Bruce Durie Denise Hill Carly Lamberty Stephen Leckie David McAllister Iain Munro Stuart Ogg Malcolm Pentland Malcolm Roughead Leon Thompson Gordon Todd Stuart Turner Davina Williams James Withers VisitScotland Scottish National Heritage EventScotland Historic Scotland Ancestral Tourism Group VisitScotland National Trust for Scotland (representing Henk Berits) Scottish Tourism Forum National Trust for Scotland (representing Henk Berits) Creative Scotland sportscotland Scottish Government VisitScotland EventScotland Scottish Enterprise (representing Eddie Brogan) EventScotland National Records of Scotland, (representing George McKenzie) Scotland Food & Drink Apologies Henk Berits Paul Bush Marie Christie Steve Grimmond Stewart Laing George McKenzie David Taylor National Trust for Scotland EventScotland EventScotland SOLACE Scottish Development International National Records of Scotland Creative Scotland Item 1: Welcome, Introductions & Apologies Item 2: Minutes and Matters Arising from Last Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2011 were approved. All actions relating to amendments to paper were made. Action: All to forward significant moments known in 2014 to JDeponio to enable mapping of anniversaries and existing events. Item 3: Project Development Update on Presentation to Ministers Presentation to Fiona Hyslop, Shona Robison, Stewart Stevenson and Fergus Ewing on 14 December on Winning Years incorporating H2014, Ryder Cup, London 2012 and Years of Focus. Purpose to get buy-in and approval for Scotland Welcomes the World message and overall aim and objectives for H2014. Meeting as a result of trilateral ministerial meeting. Fergus Ewing confirmed as H2014 Minister with Fiona Hyslop retaining Bannockburn Celebrations within her portfolio. Winning Years is metaphor for next 3 years. All roads lead to 2014 - need to maximize opportunities. Core budget from Scottish Government for H2014 is £5.5m Additional budget identified for Winning Years within VisitScotland’s grant in aid which can be levered/deployed in support of H2014. Group agreed the National Trust for Scotland should be considered as part of the presentation team given the profile of Bannockburn Celebrations. Group agreed on approach to presentation. BD suggested it may be worth coordinating the finalisation of the ancestral tourism plan which will be presented to Ministers with the presentation on 14 December. IM informed the group that Creative Scotland has received a request from Scottish Government Culture Division for an outline of the impact of the spending review on Games Legacy. It was agreed other agencies receiving similar requests from Scottish Government will work on a coordinated response. Action: LT to consider NTS representation Update on Progress of Project Implementation As stated earlier in the meeting, the Ministerial lead for H2014 has been confirmed as Fergus Ewing and the core budget has been confirmed at the Spending Review as £5.5m core. Recruitment for Homecoming Manager and Programme Manager underway. Group structure agreed at last meeting has been implemented and first meetings are taking place. Need to understand how H2014 and 2012 - 2014 National Cultural fit together. IM provided an overview of the Plan and the framework it provides for all cultural activity 2012 - 2104. Creative Scotland has allocated £14m to additional 2012-2014 activity - primarily mass participation and signature events. Discussion on practical mechanisms for bringing together the cultural activity which Creative Scotland will be supporting in 2014 and H2014 activity to take place and be reflected in the H2014 Programming Strategy. Item 4: Update on 2014 Activity Already Initiated Presentation on Bannockburn Celebrations Presentation by NTS on Bannockburn Celebrations and new Visitor Centre The new Visitor Centre is a partnership between NTS and Scottish Government (through Historic Scotland). NTS are currently at stage 2 of a £4m Heritage Lottery Fund - decision expected end of January 2012. Key dates include: - Soft launch March 2014; - Visitor Centre opening 23 / 24 June 2014; - Major re-enactment 28 / 29 June 2014. Action: JDeponio to progress discussions with Stirling Council around how the Bannockburn events sit within the wider Stirling 2014 celebration plans, in particular the Gathering-type event. Partner Updates BD - Major family history / genealogical event likely to take place in Glasgow in 2014. JW - early stages of feasibility of Scotland Food & Drink Expo for 2013 (a week-long series of event with international buyers). This would have potential to build for 2014. SD - internal structures in place for Historic Scotland to look at activity and opportunities for 2 year events plan for 2013 and 2014. Very commercially focused over this time. HS - good to get H2014 in planning of Local Authorities. HS keen to discuss how that is achieved. BC - Comms plan being created with Scottish Government Culture Division on Winning Years. Includes Winning Years conference event during 2012 Tourism Week. Will include workshops and Local Authorities will be key to that. JD - H2014 funding applications will also help provide strong hook for communicating H2014. Could work well coming on the back of Winning Years conference. SO - Community Sports Hubs will provide an opportunity for community engagement for people of Scotland in 2014. Pertinent with Active Scotland. DW - National Records of Scotland has records relevant to anniversaries and strands in 2014. Email to teams in the organisation could help identify opportunities e.g. digitise WWI soldiers’ wills. RD - focus for SNH is currently on Year of Natural Scotland in 2013. There may be pontetial to bring together the large number of recreation events which take place to generate greater impact and communication. Iconic species and landmarks also provide potential for public engagement. John Muir Trail (name tbc) will be a route from Dunbar to Loch Lomond. The feasibility is being looked at for launch in 2014 (anniversary of John Muir’s death). IM - Focus on Year of Creative Scotland which will also build momentum for H2014. The London 2012 Festival programme in Scotland was launched earlier this month. Fiona Hyslop will make an international announcement on 29 November about the Year of Creative Scotland whilst in Canada. A domestic announcement on new elements of programming for 2012 will take place on 12 December. Creative Scotland has commissioned Leith Agency to develop a participation communications message - what culture means to people of Scotland and participation in it. The plan is to roll it out in Spring 2012. ‘Net Gains’ event will take place in Pitlochry to help broker practical ideas to develop product and packages which bring together culture and tourism sectors. The second deadline for the £1m YoCS Culture and Tourism investment programme is January 2012. SL - the STF will support partners in communicating H2014 messages to the tourism industry the earlies opportunity. Item 5: AOB No AOB Item 6: Date of next meeting(s) It was agreed that the next Strategic Group meeting should take place the first couple of weeks in February. Action: Joanne Deponio to circulate date. AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP MEETING 5 VisitScotland, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH (please report to VisitScotland reception on 7th floor) Tuesday 7 February, 1.30pm-3pm 9. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 10. Minutes and actions from last meeting For accuracy Matters arising 11. Update on Ministerial Presentation 12. Update on Focus Years Year of Creative Scotland Year of Natural Scotland 13. Presentation on how ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ will work in 2014 14. Update on Project Development a. Staffing b. Programming Strategy c. Stirling Clan event 15. Partner updates 16. AOB 17. Date of next Meeting AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP MEETING 6 VisitScotland, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH (please report to VisitScotland reception on 7th floor) Friday 27 April, 10am -12noon 18. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 19. Minutes and actions from last meeting For accuracy Matters arising 20. Programme update Events Programme Strategy Signature Events Update Timelines Governance Update 21. Partner updates 22. AOB 23. Date of next Meeting MINUTES OF MEETING HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP VisitScotland Boardroom, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH Friday 27 April 2012 10:00 - 12:00 Present: Malcolm Pentland Malcolm Roughead Margaret O’Connor David Taylor Henk Berits Eddie Brogan Tom Chambers Marie Christie Barbara Clark Tim Dent Bruce Durie Steve Grimmond Kevin Hanlon Leon Thompson Davina Williams Marilyn Bibby Denise Hill Richard Davidson Laura Cheyne Scottish Government VisitScotland VOCAL (representing Heather Stuart) Creative Scotland (representing Iain Munro) National Trust for Scotland Scottish Enterprise EventScotland EventScotland VisitScotland EventScotland Ancestral Tourism Group SOLACE Scottish Government EventScotland National Records of Scotland, (representing George McKenzie) Scottish Tourism Leadership Group (representing Stephen Leckie) VisitScotland Scottish Natural Heritage Historic Scotland (representing Stephen Duncan) Apologies Paul Bush Stuart Turner Joanne Deponio Stephen Leckie George McKenzie James Withers Stuart Ogg Iain Munro Stephen Duncan Heather Stuart Kenneth Fowler James Withers EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland Scottish Tourism Leadership Group National Records of Scotland Scotland Food & Drink sportscotland Creative Scotland Historic Scotland VOCAL Creative Scotland Scotland Food and Drink 1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES 2. MINUTES AND ACTIONS FROM LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 07 February 2012 were approved. Action: ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ needs more work - to be carried over to next meeting All other actions were completed. 3. PROGRAMME UPDATE a) Events Programme Strategy TC discussed plans to deliver the 2014 programme. Signature Events programme is about telling the story of Homecoming throughout the year using themed events and tying in with Ryder Cup and Commonwealth Games. Currently in discussion with Glasgow Life and Creative Scotland to map out the cultural programme to go alongside the Commonwealth Games - working closely with them to align events. MR raised questions over the economic impact of these events, mention needs to be made in minister’s notes and make the financial objectives more explicit. TC looking at 2014 across the 3 major programmes - Homecoming, Ryder Cup and Commonwealth Games and how to align these in a way so they don’t clash and compete for space. Discussion on who target audience are took place as documentation only reflects International Marketing at present. Action: paper to be updated to reflect the economic targets that the programme will deliver Action: paper to be reviewed to ensure it is explicit in who the target markets are taking into account the three separate groups (Local, UK & Ireland and International). b) Signature Events Update Hogmanay launch - looking into dual initiative, TC working through this with Glasgow Life and Creative Scotland to co-ordinate. Burns events can create huge media and PR opportunities. Celtic Connections generating lot of interest and demand, TC discussing this with Glasgow Life to determine best fit (Ryder Cup in Chicago this year also presenting some opportunities). ‘Who do you think you are?’ live show - interest to bring it to SECC and to work alongside historical/ancestral groups - steering group is underway to work on this project as there is the potential to draw big audiences. John Muir events in April: lot of work on Year of Natural Scotland in 2013 leading into 2014. Idea to make April 21 (Muir’s birth date) a national holiday, with the John Muir Trail opening on 21 April 2014 - potential to be a stand out signature event. May will likely be whisky month with both Scottish Whisky Association and Scotch Whisky Experience involved in early discussion with the latter developing the draft programme. Diageo may be involved with helping to build the programme. June - Bannockburn will create many opportunities, leading into July which will also be the time of the Clan Gathering. Matters in Stirling are progressing with Clan Gathering business case tender document issued 30 April; this will position the business case for investment. It will also to help determine who to target and why and recommend other programme elements to maximise the impact of this event. Planning the cultural programme for the Commonwealth Games will begin this year - after London Olympics. Focus on community and local elements. TC and MC are to enter into discussions with Edinburgh Festivals and discuss strategic development with Glasgow. Food and Drink fortnight in September may well develop into a month of focus, Scotland Food and Drink to lead on this. Ryder Cup in 2014 held in Scotland, strong Home of Golf message - emphasis on trying to draw in as many people as possible with complimentary events in order to attract more than just golfers.. Looking at ways to shape and develop St Andrews day. Important to work with partners to avoid diary clashes in the events programme and ensure there is the capacity for events in terms of capacity, (bed space) and travel and infrastructure. c) Timelines 30 September is currently deadline for funded programme applications - TC mentioned that there was a plea from the Local Authorities to extend this but explained that as the launch of the HS2014 programme will begin in April 2013 the deadline needs to remain as there is a lot of planning and coordination to happen beforehand to ensure the events programme is sufficiently developed for the guide. d) Governance TC & TD working on draft document to explain the roles of all the groups within HS2014 and how they work. Deloittes recently carried out an audit of EventScotland’s 2014 planning and project management processes - feedback was very positive and they acknowledged that systems are working well. The project groups currently in place are; Strategic Group/Core Group/Programming Group (this will slightly change focus to concentrate on funding assessments). Others are: Marketing and Comms Group; Monitoring and Evaluation Group; Business Engagement Group. Strategic Group currently meets quarterly the others are likely meet monthly, initially. Risk Register - TD has updated and revised the risk register Effective risk management is crucial to successful delivery of the Homecoming programme. A stronger document has been created based on the VisitScotland template. Risks have been redefined - and accountability for actions assigned to individuals. Intention for future meetings is to provide a summary of risks; flag very high level risks to the group and any risks which have increased in score in the period. Action: Summary sheet of very high and high risks to go out with the minutes from this meeting. 4. PARTNER UPDATES Scottish Government KH - Provide ministers’ updates on planning which keeps everyone informed and provides an opportunity to feed back on opportunities for the year. HS 2014 touches across all portfolios so important to manage across the broader ministerial team. MP - Ministers are now beginning to think beyond 2014 to the themed years of 2015 and beyond and will be looking for ‘year of...’ proposals to go forward in the near future. National Trust for Scotland HB - Looking to put Stirling back on the map with Bannockburn, currently working with local council over potential infrastructural and capacity issues. Looking towards a soft opening in November 2013 and probably have a few opening events over a period of weeks to include all stakeholders. Anniversary of Bannockburn is key opening Scottish Enterprise Working on Year of Natural Scotland Business Engagement - Wildlife Tourism Guide is near completion and the idea is to use it as a platform to encourage businesses to build programmes around it. Aim to get more businesses to get more value out of their events. Ryder Cup used to target major programme of business development. Creating programme to help clubs improve the quality of their offer and take the quality of golf tourism up a level. Creative Scotland Encouraging sector to respond to HS2014 and discussed how best to engage with Local Authorities. Themed year’s events support may lead to extended life for some projects coming up over the next 2 years. Discussion over how to get important information regarding the stakeholders and chief executives and how it is necessary to have one central contact to allow for easier dissemination of information. 5. AOB TC & LT comments on purpose and aim in terms of the idea of generating pride within the Scots goes back to 2009 when this was a key objective, discussion over why a tourism initiative would focus on pride of a nation. Scope to rework the ‘pride’ concept to show that Scots should be proud ambassadors of Scotland which fits in with tourism objectives and promotional activity. Discussion over generating pride within the Scottish Diaspora regardless of where they are in the world and for non-nationals generating a feeling of affinity and positive engagement with Scotland. MR - Interested to find ways to appeal to a diverse audience to avoid accusations of being too narrow in scope. End of the year should ideally encompass the previous 4 themed years and build upon them to create something effective. St Andrews events in 2009 morphed into ‘Winter Festivals’. MC and TC are in discussion over how to build on this. 6. NEXT MEETINGS (all at Ocean Point One, Edinburgh) 2pm, Weds 22 August, 2012 10am, Friday 23 November, 2012 10am, Friday 1 March, 2013 AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP MEETING 7 VisitScotland, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH (please report to VisitScotland reception on 7th floor) Wednesday 22nd August 2012, 14:00-16:30 Present - Siobhan Clark, Barbara Clark, David Taylor, Denise Hill, Bruce Durie, Henk Berits, Iain Munro, James Withers, Kenneth Fowler, Kevin Hanlon, Malcolm Pentland, Richard Davison, Steven Grimmond, Stuart Ogg, Tim Dent, Margaret O’Connor Apologies - Chris Taylor, Eddie Brogan, George MacKenzie, Heather Stuart, Leon Thompson, Marie Christie, Stephen Duncan, Stephen Leckie 24. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 25. Minutes and actions from last meeting For accuracy Matters arising 26. Programme update Signature Events Update Funded Events Update Marketing and Communications Update Business Engagement Upcoming milestones 27. Partner updates 28. AOB 29. Date of next Meeting - 23rd November 2012 - 10:00-12:00 AGENDA HOMECOMING SCOTLAND 2014 STRATEGIC GROUP MEETING 7 VisitScotland, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JH (please report to VisitScotland reception on 7th floor) Wednesday 22nd August 2012, 14:00-16:30 Chair - Stuart Turner Present Barbara Clark Bruce Durie David Taylor Denise Hill Henk Berits Iain Munro James Withers Kevin Hanlon Malcolm Pentland Marc Crothall Margaret O’Connor Richard Davidson Siobhan Clark Steve Grimmond Stuart Ogg Stuart Turner Tim Dent Tom Chambers Kari Coghill Apologies Eddie Brogan George McKenzie Heather Stuart Kenneth Fowler Leon Thompson Malcolm Roughead Marie Christie Paul Bush Stephen Duncan VisitScotland Ancestral Tourism Group Creative Scotland VisitScotland National Trust for Scotland Creative Scotland Scotland Food & Drink Scottish Government Scottish Government Scottish Tourism Alliance/TLG VOCAL (representing Heather Stuart) Scottish Natural Heritage EventScotland SOLACE sportscotland EventScotland EventScotland EventScotland Historic Scotland Scottish Enterprise National Records of Scotland VOCAL Creative Scotland EventScotland VisitScotland EventScotland EventScotland Historic Scotland Stephen Leckie Scottish Tourism Leadership Group 30. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies 31. Minutes and actions from last meeting For accuracy Page 3 - re: John Muir noted as ‘National Holiday’ - should be ‘National Day’ Matters arising Scotland Welcomes the World - Ongoing Actions surrounding economic matters - actioned. 32. Programme update Signature Events Update TC - Sam Hunt leading on Signature Events. Currently have eight or nine events which will be reviewed. A joint launch will be taking place at Hogmanay with Glasgow’s 2014 Cultural Programme.. There are plans to put out a tender document for creative organisations to come up with concepts for Hogmanay - in particular ideas that will fit within cultural programme but extend to Homecoming. John Muir Steering Group (third meeting this week) working on activity based around 21st April (his birthday) with anticipated opening day of John Muir way. YON looking forward to 13/14 to ensure continuity throughout Homecoming. May - Whisky Month - Working with Scottish Whisky Experience. Steering group to be set up building on existing events including Spirit of Speyside and Islay Festival. There is also a potential of incorporating World Whisky Day which would have to be moved from April. June - Bannockburn including opening plans for reenactment. July - Stirling 2014 - Ministers continue to provide support for the event - Rebecca Maxwell at Stirling will be leaving at end of August. A meeting will be taking place next week to further develop plans with the Glasgow Cultural Programme and how Homecoming will sit within this. September - Food and Drink focus - enhancing and supporting Food and Drink fortnight. There are plans for a potential opening and/or closing event. Ryder Cup - This will include a concert in Glasgow which Sam Hunt will be leading on. Also looking at how we can engage with golf clubs as host for an international campaign. October - MOD will be taking place in Inverness as well as Shore to Shore/Struileag - has a good strategic fit with Gaelic focus. Looking to bring these together under wider banner. BC - Observation that the programme is not as full either side of summer TC - There is a three-year Winter Festivals plan which will help to develop the programme around these times. There will also be the funded programme to help fill out the programme for these months. ST - EventScotland are also working on other events with growing International Engagement. Additionally there will be focus on events such as Burns Night which may not drive international tourism, but will definitely enhance engagement and will be part of the Homecoming Programme. DT - book week running this October TC - A challenge faced is that we don’t know when the referendum will be held, which may have a bearing on the programme. ST - All partners are encouraged to submit any ideas for original and new events. Funded Events Update TC - This is the first time we are doing a two stage process, something we are trialing from lessons learned from HS2009 & YoCS. Homecoming are asking for pre-applications which outline what the event is and how it may fit with HS2014 aims and objectives. Two workshops have taken place, in Stirling and Inverness and one webinar has taken place with another planned for the end of August. Lots of positive feedback received and it has helped Event Organisers to create the best full application possible. So far, we have received 62 preapps, 31 full applications have been issued, 4 events have been advised against applying and have been directed to the most suitable funding bodies. The deadline for the full applications is 30th September 2012 and as such we will be doing a reminder in early September. Events are being monitored by month and local authority to ensure an even spread. There will be some flexibility with regards to ideas that arrive post deadline as we have a ‘managed’ programme in place. This gives us the flexibility to ensure an even spread of events, but also include new and additional events at a later stage. There is also a Partner Programme for events that do not receive funding. Marketing and Communications Update DH - Gillian Swan has been appointed as Homecoming 2014 Marketing manager. Gillian used to be Ancestral Tourism Manager. She is currently working on milestones and a date for next the next Marketing and Communications meeting Relatively little consumer activity at the moment with focus on establishing the Programme. There will be a big push on main site in October with the full pages being ready for launch in April. Homecoming will also feature in the main guide for 2013 in the ancestral spread. At present moment, strategy is via intermediaries. Working with gatekeeper database - Travel Trade (world travel market October/November). Also looking at Scottish industry - reassuring them of longer lead-in time. An online toolkit will be developed for industry with the first iteration will be up for Oct/Nov - this will be a selection of materials for their own pre-promotion Expo 2013 will also have a focus on Homecoming In March there will be an industry event launching ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ as part of tourism week. There has been a major piece of ancestral tourism research carried out 2012 in anticipation for 2014. Aim to use finding of this study going forward. Currently working on a summary which will be shared with group. BD - notes some errors on VS website ST - Glasgow 2014 - VS will be targeting markets that Glasgow wouldn’t ordinarily target (North America and Canada etc) Denise Hill is also on Commonwealth Games group where they will see how they can dovetail and complement each event. All activities in the year will come under ‘Scotland Welcomes the World’ banner, encompassing Commonwealth Games, Ryder Cup, ES, VS, Homecoming. TC - postcard has been created with three logos and images HB - Scotland welcomes the world is also a focus on good customer service and great hospitality Question was asked in relation to focus on App development in response to the success of London 2012? DH - There will be a large digital focus building on social media tools and Apps will be considered as part of this. Business Engagement TC - A meeting will be taking place with 25-30 key industry representatives looking at three elements; YON, feedback from Homecoming 09 and beyond 2014 (Malcolm will be presenting this). Jenni Steele will focusing on Scottish Tourism Alliance and how we can work with them and align understanding of focus years. Looking to engage with top 100 organisations that aren’t necessarily involved in VS already. Global scot network - how this can be used ST - Beginning to look at ‘on pack promotion’ Was identified that in 2009 the First Minister writing to businesses has been successful in the past and should be used again. ST - Success of Scottish athletes in the games will be celebrated and we will capitalise on Olympics/ambassadors throughout Glasgow 2014. Sporting events out with the Commonwealth Games will still be celebrated and be part of programme throughout the year. Upcoming milestones TC - Closure of Funded Programme - 30th September 2012 Preparation for International Travel Trade events November/December - Allocate funding and make awards Looking forward after this to launch in April Risk Register TD - Summary of Risk Register - Score from last quarter is indicated in brackets. Three risks: macro economic matters failure of high profile HS 2014 EVENT due to cancellation etc - this was flagged from Stirling event where key person is leaving their post who was leading on event, what can we do to ensure there is no vacuum? Milestones overrunning - we have a number or procedures in place to monitor status of milestones Economic Impact - For funded events, this will be calculated on an event specific basis. Question used will be determined once consultants appointed but will be focused around “Was this even the main or only reason you came to Scotland”. Most important factor is not to double up on data. TD - A shared issues log has been implemented to capture shared issues with Ryder Cup and Homecoming ST - ES sit on Risk Group for Glasgow 2014 & Scottish Government involved too, ensuring we have a good overview. 33. Partner updates BD - Next Ancestral Steering Group meeting - 11th September 2012. George MacKenzie leaving NAS - Anne Slater will replace him in this role. TC - ‘Who do you think you are’ - ongoing work - high on our agenda KH- Update paper on Homecoming issued to cabinet prior to recess in mid June. A key outcome will be ensuring MSPs and Ministers all have Homecoming in their sights. MR& KH in discussions on how we engage wider Scottish Government in Homecoming and will feedback to Strategic Group. DT - Year of Creative going well, still a lot to come - ongoing with Historic Scotland - working on plans for Year of Natural with key opportunity through John Muir. In 2014 CS will join with Glasgow life overseeing cultural programme . Framework has been out there for some time but there will be an open fund as well as commissioned work. £1m going into homecoming activity John Muir will continue into 2014 - Hogmanay 2014 - project involving bridges, light and digital technology. RD - NTS - Apps being developed around public journeys around Scotland but also working with Young Scot. Awareness of John Muir is relatively low in Scotland so hoping there will be high level support for 21st April (John Muir Day) and this will be supported by the Big Day Out in 2013 - hoping that transport providers provide free or reduce fees for public transport. Margaret - VOCAL - Conference will take place on 25/26 October addressing opportunities for local government to plug into activity (e.g. Torch relay). John Muir Way passes through 12 local authorities so looking at how LA’s can get involved. Update: Heather Stuart will be attending meetings from now on. MC - STA - 5th September - open meeting for members in Glasgow to address Year of Natural for businesses. Scottish Tourism Week dinners - want to make it a big showcase event. JW - SF&D - Food and drink fortnight coming up - Food and Drink opportunities will come through showcasing throughout the year - if any partners hit stumbling blocks on building on Food or Drink themes, contact James. HB - Projects ongoing are Bannockburn, Stirling, joint marketing with Wallace monument etc there is an aim to drive tourism and ensure a smooth, seamless experience. Challenges are faced by event organisers with long lead-in time. SO - There will be a major parade after Paralympics of successful Scottish Olympians. It is anticipated that team Scotland will perform well in 2014 but depends on funding streams that come out of Olympics. Some sports have done well so might get additional funding for Rio so watching what comes out of that. Sport Scotland starting to look at wider outdoor sports - will need to make links through activity that is part of Scottish Tourism Alliance strategy. KC - Historic Scotland - Working on funded event applications with upcoming deadline. Speaking with Bruce Durie about family footsteps which took people around historic properties still in early planning stages. 34. AOB TC - Ryder Cup have been looking at procurement opportunities with Commonwealth Games TD - Weather might be added to risk register as it has just been logged in The Ryder Cup version. HB - Iain Gardner at NTS is leaving in September. Please inform Henk if there is a void on any of the groups he has been sitting on. If you know anyone who has worked closely with Iain, there will be a reception at the Georgian house next week. 35. Date of next Meeting - 23rd November 2012 - 10:00-12:00 Actions Denise Hill to distribute Ancestral Research Summary to group members Tim Dent - Share risk register mitigations with group members Risk register to be included on agenda from now on KH - to feedback info from discussions with Malcolm about involving wider government within Homecoming. Points to consider All group members to look at anniversaries over the next five years and feedback All organisation representatives are encouraged to cascade key points from these meetings