IU Hapkido/Self Defense Club Constitution

The club shall be known as the Indiana University Hapkido/Self Defense Club.
The object of every member of this club shall be to advance and encourage the study of
self defense and the self defense martial arts, to promote the true spirit and code of the
martial arts: Honor, Fighting Spirit, Integrity, as well as to promote safety awareness at
Indiana University and in the Bloomington community.
Article I: Membership
1. Participation in the proposed organization must be without regard to arbitrary
consideration of such characteristics as age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender,
marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
2. This organization is open to anyone interested in learning Hapkido.
3. Full time membership shall be contingent upon paying dues.
Article II: University Compliance
This organization shall comply with all Indiana University regulations, and local, state,
and federal laws.
Article III: Executive Officers
1. The executive officer positions shall be President, Treasurer, Vice President and
the Public Relations officer.
2. Executive officers must be enrolled as students at IU Bloomington.
3. Executive officers will be required to attend club practices a minimum of one
night a week on average throughout the semester.
4. Officers shall be elected in the spring semester and take office during the summer,
holding office for one year.
5. Office vacancies shall be filled by a consensus vote of the current club officers. If
an officer wishes to resign he/she simply needs to inform the President and
resignation will be effective immediately. If the President wishes to resign he/she
must inform club officers and instructors; the Vice President will assume the
office of the President and the Vice President vacancy shall be filled.
6. Officer meetings will be held as needed, at a minimum of one per semester. The
President is responsible for calling meetings. The President must call an officer
meeting at the request of two or more other officers.
7. If an officer is not performing his/her duties he/she may be removed from office
by a unanimous decision of the other officers. From the time said officer is
informed of the decision there shall be a two week probationary period during
which the officer can be reinstated by a show of good faith. After that time
period, the vacancy shall be filled as described above.
8. Responsibilities of the executive officers are as described below:
a. President: The President is responsible for the smooth administration of
the club. This includes (but is not limited) to ensuring that the activation
process is completed in a timely manner, filing the classification report,
making sure club meets classification requirements, filing the allocation
request in conjunction with the Treasurer, and placing room requests for
belt tests and the United States Hapkido Federation seminar. In addition,
the President shall preside at officer meetings.
b. Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for club’s monetary funds. This
includes paying instructors, collecting dues, selling club gear, taking care
of funds for equipment purchases and filing an allocation request.
c. Vice President: The Vice President shall preside for the President when
he/she is unable to fulfill his/her duties. In addition, the Vice President
shall be responsible for turning waivers into the office and for inventory
and maintenance of club gear, including sorting the equipment cabinet.
d. Public Relations: The Public Relations officer shall be in charge of
communications between officers and the general members of the club
including sending emails to the club email list announcing club activities.
The Public Relations officer shall also serve as the liaison between club
and the general public including organization of information tables for the
club at community activities and maintenance of the club display case near
HPER 171.
Article IV: Advisor
The club advisor shall be responsible for oversight of club activities. In the event of
irresolvable conflict amongst officers, the advisor shall be the final arbiter.
Article V: Meetings
1. There shall be a minimum of one general meeting per year; this meeting shall
coincide with officer elections.
2. Quorum for a general meeting is ten active members or one-half of the active
members of club, whichever is fewer.
3. Meetings shall be called by the President and announced during club practice
times and email notification sent at least one week prior to the meeting.
4. General membership meetings shall be presided over by the President.
5. Meetings can be forced by the written notification to the President of at least three
club members. At least a week must elapse before the meeting is held but no
more than two weeks shall pass. Notification of club members for emergency
meetings is the same as above.
Article VI: Elections
1. Elections shall be held once a year during the spring semester at least four weeks
before the end of the school year.
2. Candidates for office must submit an application to the current President by the
announced date, typically a few days before elections.
3. Voting shall be conducted at the start of a club meeting by show of hands.
Quorum is described as above.
Article VII: Non-Hazing
Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects
another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or psychologically, to anything
that may engender, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the persona as a condition of association
with a group or organization, regardless of the person’s consent or lack of consent.
Article VIII: Dues and Budgets
1. Members shall pay dues each semester and during the summer if they wish to
remain active. The club officers shall set the dues for each academic year at the
start of the fall semester.
2. Dues shall be collected once a semester, where both summer sessions combined
are considered a semester. Members need to pay dues within attending their first
three club sessions per semester. The limit of three excludes open mat time.
3. Dues shall be collected by the Treasurer.
Article IX: Finances
1. The Treasurer shall be in charge of financial affairs.
2. The club will maintain a SOA account and remain in accordance with all SOA
policies and procedures.
Article IX: Amendments
1. Amendments shall be emailed to the club list, announced at club practices and
posted on the website a minimum of two weeks before voting shall take place.
2. In order for an amendment to be ratified, quorum must be met and two-thirds of
present members must agree to the ratification.
3. After approval by the club, constitution and amendments must be submitted to the
Assistant Director of Club Sports and Intramural Sports.
Amendment I: Non-executive officers
1. In addition to the four executive officer positions, other available positions shall
include Philanthropy Director, Social Coordinator, Demonstration Coordinator
and Webmaster.
2. These positions shall be filled in the same manner as the executive officer
positions. If not filled during elections, the President may, with approval of the
executive board, appoint people to fill these positions during the school year.
3. The procedure for removal of an officer holding one of the additional officer
positions is the same as described for executive officers.
4. The President has the authority to create additional positions as needed and
appoint people to fill the positions.
5. The description of additional officer positions are listed below:
a. The Philanthropy Director is in charge of the club’s community service
b. The Social Coordinator is responsible for organizing social activities for
the club. These typically include the spring picnic and Thanksgiving
c. The Demonstration Coordinator is responsible for arranging
demonstrations that the club organizes.
d. The Webmaster is responsible for maintenance of the club website.
Amendment II: Club Instructors
1. The job of the club instructors shall be to provide a safe and welcoming
environment for training Hapkido and to provide instruction such that club
members learn the material required for rank requirements under United States
Hapkido Federation and to further self defense knowledge and awareness of the
club members.
2. Club instructors shall be paid from dues collected by the club.
3. New club instructors shall be appointed as a joint decision between the Executive
Board and current club instructors. If no decision can be agreed upon, the club
advisor will have the deciding vote.
4. If club members feel a club instructor is not fulfilling his/her duty, the issue shall
be taken to the Executive Board. If the Board decides the issues warrant action,
they shall go to the club advisor. The advisor will approach the instructor in
question and mediate. If no resolution is reached and the club officers and
advisor are in agreement, the instructor may be removed.