here - Central Michigan University

The purposes of this non-profit unincorporated organization, is to promote diversity, educational, and cultural
awareness through the study, viewing and production of films. Furthermore, to offer members special learning
opportunities both in and out of the classroom; and to instill a commitment to the highest ideals and principles of
students with an intent to pursue a career in but not limited to, Broadcast and Cinematic Arts, Theatre, Journalism,
Communication, and any other related field.
I. Name
The name of this organization shall be The Film Society.
I. Membership
Voting membership shall be limited to students in good standing of Central Michigan University. Membership shall not
be denied for reasons of age, race, color, creed, sex, national origin or sexual preference. The organization’s faculty
adviser shall be a member of the College of Communication and Fine Arts faculty.
I. Officers
The elected officers shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Student Broadcast Executive Council
Representative, and Student Government Association Representative. Officers shall be elected in accordance with
the provisions of ARTICLE VII.
II. The President
A. The President shall preside at all general meetings including meetings of the Executive Council
B. He/She shall perform all duties incident to that office and shall execute the programs and projects formulated by
the Executive Council.
C. He/She shall have the power to create sub-committees.
D. He/She shall be responsible for ensuring that the Constitution is upheld to the highest power.
E. He/She shall set the agenda for each formal meeting.
F. The President will be required to attend all formal and informal meetings of The Film Society and to vote on any
and all issues proposed, thereof.
III. The Vice President
A. The Vice President shall be responsible for the administration of committee activities as outlined and approved by
the Executive Council.
B. The Vice President shall preside at all general meetings in the absence of the President. Should the President
resign from office, be unable to perform their duties, or no longer be qualified to serve, the Vice President shall
automatically succeed to the Presidency.
C. He/She shall serve as the chairperson of the constitutional committee and act as authority on the Constitution.
D. The Vice President will be required to attend all formal meetings of The Film Society and to vote on any and all
issued proposed, thereof.
IV. The Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the organization, shall provide for the safekeeping of all
monies, and shall report regularly to the officers and members as to the financial condition of the organization.
B. He/She shall not disburse any monies without the specific approval of the Executive Council.
C. He/She shall plan and organize fundraising for The Film Society.
D. The treasurer shall be the Student Budget Allocation Committee (SBAC) representative. He/She shall handle and
submit any paperwork for the distribution of monies to the SBAC.
E. The Treasurer shall preside at all general meetings in the absence of both the President and the Vice President.
Should the Vice President resign from office, be unable to perform their duties, or no longer be qualified to serve, the
Treasurer shall automatically succeed to the Vice Presidency. During formal meetings the Treasurer will be required
to vote on any and all issues proposed, thereof.
V. The Secretary
A. The Secretary shall prepare the agendas and minutes for each formal meeting.
B. The Secretary shall keep all papers of The Film Society and shall maintain the membership list and take
attendance at all formal meetings.
C. He/She shall execute the duties of the Treasurer in their absence.
D. The Secretary will be required to attend all formal meetings of The Film Society and to vote on any and all issues
proposed, thereof.
VI. The Student Government Association (SGA) Representative
A. The Student Government Association Representative shall attend all Student Government Association general
board and House of Representatives meetings.
B. He/She shall report to the executive board and general board of the state and status of the Student Government
C. The Student Government Association Representative shall execute the duties of the Secretary in their absence.
D. Should the Student Government Association Representative resign from office, be unable to perform their duties,
or no longer be qualified to serve, the President may appoint a member from the general board to fill the position.
E. The Student Government Association Representative will be required to attend all formal meetings of The Film
Society and to vote on any and all issues proposed, thereof.
VII. The Student Broadcast Executive Council (SBEC) Representative
A. The Student Broadcast Executive Council Representative shall attend all Student Broadcast Executive Council
B. He/She shall report to the executive board and general board of the state and status of matters of SBEC.
C. The SBEC Representative will be required to attend all formal meetings of The Film Society and to vote on any
and all issues proposed, thereof.
D. Should the SBEC Representative resign from office, be unable to perform their duties, or no longer be qualified to
serve, the President may appoint a member from the general board to fill the position
VIII. The Faculty Advisor
A. The Faculty Adviser shall serve as consultant to the executive board officers and members on all matters of
programs, subjects, and policies. The Faculty Adviser shall specifically be consulted on:
1. All requests for space needs on university property.
2. All requests for permission to solicit funds on any university property.
3. All requests for university support for off-campus travel.
I. Executive Council
A. The voting members of the Executive Council shall be the President (who shall serve as chairperson), the Vice
President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Student Government Association Representative, and the Student
Broadcast Executive Council Representative.
B. The Executive Council shall have the power and duty to direct and manage the affairs of the organization subject
only to such limitations as is imposed by this Constitution or by vote of the membership. The powers and duties of the
Executive Council shall include but not be limited to:
1. Setting the annual dues.
2. Passing on the President’s selection of a qualified member to fill any vacancy on the Executive Council arising by
reason other than the completion of an elective term of office.
C. Each Executive Council member shall be individually responsible to the President and the rest of the council for
their personal representation of the organization and for other board-related duties. The Executive Council shall be
individually responsible for increasing membership, promoting the study of film, proposing programs and projects,
and otherwise fostering the goals and purposes of The Film Society.
I. Committees
Committees shall be a principal means of accomplishing the goals and purposes of the Film Society.
A. The President may appoint special committees as shall be determined by the Executive Council or the
B. The committee chair shall explicitly indicate duties of a committee upon appointment.
C. All committees shall submit verbal reports of their activities to the Executive Council at each meeting of each
academic year. Interim committee reports shall be submitted at the direction of the President.
D. Any committee that fails to perform its assigned duties may be declared discharged by the President
and another committee chairperson may be appointed by the President.
E. All committees shall be discharged at the end of the academic year.
F. Committee members shall be appointed by the Executive Council.
I. Meetings
A. General and special meetings shall afford the membership an opportunity to evaluate the organization’s
performance and to provide direction for the future.
B. The organization shall hold at least three general meetings per semester.
C. With advance notification of the membership, the President with the consent of the Executive Council may call
special meetings.
D. Introduction of business for consideration or action by the membership shall be open to all members.
E. The Executive Council shall ensure that films are shown at a minimum of once a semester.
F. Twenty five percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
G. The Executive Council shall meet a minimum of one time per month.
I. Elections
All members in good standing shall be eligible for election to the Executive Council.
A. Officers shall be elected at the last general meeting before the close of the regular academic year.
Each term of office will commence with the election and extend through the following academic year.
B. Nominations for all officers shall be submitted for consideration by the membership at the general meeting that
immediately precedes the meeting.
C. In each election, the candidate for election must have an absolute majority of the votes cast.
If this majority is lacking, a new vote shall be held between the two candidates with the most votes.
I. Impeachment or Suspension
The Executive Council shall have the power to impeach or suspend members for good
and justifiable reason.
A. Members may be impeached or suspended by a majority vote of the Executive Council. Written notice of the
consideration of such action must be given the affected member two weeks prior to the meeting of the Council at
which such action will be considered. The member being considered for impeachment or suspension shall have the
right to a hearing before the Executive Council, prior to rendering a decision.
B. No student who is on university probation, either academic or disciplinary, may continue membership; probation
shall be considered automatic cause for impeachment or suspension.
I. Constitutional Amendments
Constitutional amendments shall be consistent with the goals and objectives stated in the mission statement.
A. The Constitution may be amended after the Executive Council has looked at carrying out these amendments. The
Council shall be chaired by the Vice President and have no less than two other members serving on this committee.
Amendments can then be presented to the full Executive Council for voting. If a majority of the executive board votes
in favor of the amendments, they then go to a vote by the general board. Such amendments may be voted on and
adopted at any meeting. All changes will take effect immediately, unless the Executive Council sets a later date for
amendments to go into effect. Any and all changes are required to take effect within thirty days of the vote.
B. The Constitution also may be amended by written petition by at least five members and subsequent approval by a
majority of members voting.
I. Relationship of The Film Society to Central Michigan University
Central Michigan University does not assume any legal or financial responsibility for this organization.
I. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall coincide with the official academic year as determined and set by appropriate university authority
and thus its length and beginning and ending dates will vary slightly from year to year.
I. Disbursement of Funds
In the event that this organization disbands and/or ceases to exist, all allocated funds will go to the housing
department, there known as the Department of Broadcast and Cinematic Arts.
Originated January 2002
By Angel Gamboa, President
& Eli Harris, Vice President