December 6, 2008 - Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club

December 6, 2008
The Board of Directors of Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club Condominium Association, Inc. held
their regular meeting at 9:00 AM on Saturday December 6, 2008 at the offices of the Association.
President Norm Breen called the meeting to order. Secretary Carol Vaneman took role call and declared a
Directors present were:
Phase I Don Trefry, Marilyn Helman, Maurice Brown
Phase II Norm Breen, Don Coker
Phase III Bob Ford, Harry Balance, Wendy Crothers
Phase IV Bob Mericle, Bob Wheeler, Carol Vaneman
Director Richard Harman (Phase II) was absent. A number of owners were present at the meeting.
A motion by Carol Vaneman, seconded by Bob Mericle, to accept the October 18, 2008 minutes for the
Board of Directors was seconded and passed unanimously.
Officers’ Reports
President. Norm Breen said the Manager’s employment contract has been complete. It will be emailed
with the proposed resolution to the Board for review and for a vote on it’s acceptance. Discussion of the
results will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Mr. Breen said he and Treasurer Coker approved a $5700 expenditure for an emergency repair to the
eaves on building 20. See attached photograph. A motion by Bob Ford, seconded by Don Coker, to
approve the $5700 expenditure passed unanimously.
A motion by Don Coker, seconded by Wendy Crothers, to approve a $75 cash Christmas gift for all the
Summerhouse employees, with the Association and SRI paying for their respective employees, passed
Mr. Breen announced the following Committee and Chairperson appointments for 2009:
 Finance and Planning. Bob Wheeler. This will combine the Finance and Long Range Planning
 Architectural. Harry Balance and Dick Harman
 Landscape. Garry Vaneman and Marilyn Helman
 By-laws and Documents. Keith Jones
 Insurance. Bob Mericle
Vice President. Bob Ford. No report
Treasurer. Don Coker. See attached Treasurer and financial reports. A motion by Don Coker, seconded
by Bob Wheeler, to accept the financial statements ending 11/30/08 passed unanimously. At Mr. Coker’s
recommendation, a motion by Bob Ford, seconded by Don Coker, to officially extend a thank you from
the Board to Marie Moore, Eileen Redbud, Sandy-----, and Keith Jones for their dedicated work with the
Summerhouse finances passed unanimously. Mr. Breen asked Mr. Jones to extend the Board’s thanks to
Marie, Eileen and Sandy. Mr. Coker discussed the accounts opened in three new banks to comply with
FDIC limit protection. The rate of return also increased by about 2% per account. Mr. Coker said
$183,000 of Phase IV Reserve money would be moved from a Bank of America account to another bank
to increase the rate of return. This action was approved at the October 18, 2008 meeting (see Finance
Committee Report). The 2009 reserve contributions and electronic calculations were discussed. The
reserve increases are per month per unit: Phase I- $16, Phase II- $18, Phase III- $18 and Phase IV- $21.
Mr. Coker said he expects the Finance Committee to become more active in calculating and in making
recommendations in the future reserve proposals.
A motion by Don Coker, seconded by Bob Ford, to approve the 2009 budget as submitted passed
Secretary. Carol Vaneman. No report.
General Manager. Keith Jones. See attached Manager’s report.
Mr. Jones introduced the Collins memorandum regarding the electrical problem in building 10. See
attached. Mr. Jones said Mr. Geiger, the Summerhouse attorney, concluded that owners own the meters
and wiring to the individual units. The results of the building 10 electrical box inspection will be
discussed at the February meeting.
Rental Report. Keith Jones reported there would be no increase in the 2010 winter rates. The successful
SRI promotions and discounts will continue. Bob Mericle will chair a new marketing committee that will
study ways to increase occupancy. $100,000 SRI funds were moved from Bank of America to SunTrust
Bank to comply with FDIC limits. SRI is looking at moving additional funds.
Committee Reports
Landscape. Garry Vaneman reported that plantings were completed at both entrances, the dumpster areas
were repaired and the mulch nearly completed.
Architectural/Structural. Harry Balance. See attached. Mr. Breen asked Mr. Jones to get some estimates
for the concrete work repair of the basketball court area.
Bylaws/Documents. Bob Wheeler said the new Board members would be receiving a copy of the book
“Condominium Concepts”.
The 2001-2008 resolutions were reviewed. See attached. The resolutions are contained in a book in the
office and are posted on the Summerhouse Website.
Mr. Wheeler introduced the revised Document of Understanding. See attached. A motion by Mr.
Wheeler, seconded by Bob Mericle, to accept the Document of Understanding passed. Voting ‘yes’ were
Don Trefry, Marilyn Helman, Maurice Brown, Norm Breen, Don Coker, Harry Balance, Wendy Crothers,
Bob Mericle, and Bob Wheeler. Voting ‘no’ were Bob Ford and Carol Vaneman. A motion by Bob
Wheeler, seconded by Bob Ford, to have the Finance Committee study the Document of Understanding
and to make recommendations for consistency of wording passed unanimously.
Finance Committee. Bob Ford presented a verbal report as outgoing Chairperson. He reported the
committee studied bank ratings prior to the Summerhouse funds being moved. He congratulated Mr.
Coker for a job well done moving the funds.
Planning/Finance Committee. Bob Wheeler. See attached.
Old Business
Fire Alarms/Emergency Lighting. See GM report.
Comcast proposal. Mr. Breen reported that Comcast agreed to allow Mr. Geiger, the Summerhouse
attorney, to re-write the contract. Mr. Breen hopes to have the proposal completed by the year’s end.
Document of Understanding will be kept in the Policies and Procedure Manuals for both organizations
and will eliminate the need for an annual rental lease between SRI and the Association. See the
Bylaws/Document committee report. This will be finalized at the February meeting.
Bank accounts and FDIC limits. See Treasurer and Finance Committees reports.
New Business
Collins Letter-was discussed during GM report.
Insurance Update. See GM report.
Action Items
Board attendance/Absenteeism. Bob Ford studied this issue. The Board agreed no action is necessary.
Investigate insurance premium change with fire safety installation. Mr. Mericle reported he has been in
communication with our insurance agent and the Summerhouse homeowners could expect a small savings
on their homeowners’ insurance premium after the fire safety project is completed. A motion by Don
Coker, seconded by Carol Vaneman, to become a member of C.A.L.L. passed unanimously.
Investigate second condo law attorney. Mr. Breen is continuing to research this item.
Move reserve money. Completed. See Treasurer’s report.
Establish a new Safety Reserve fund. Completed.
GM contract. See the President’s report. Mr. Ford also recognized the members of the committee for a
job well done.
Investigate wireless fire alarm availability. See GM report. Completed.
Investigate tennis/racquetball court lighting. Mr. Jones will have bids available at the February meeting.
Review resolutions passed during the past year. Completed during the Bylaws/Documents report.
Morgan letter. See attached letter. Mr. Jones reported that the exterior work on building 20 has been
contracted. After an investigation, Mr. Jones said the water intrusion was a window problem, an owner’s
responsibility, and recommended the Association not reimburse the requested expenses. The Board
agreed with Mr. Jones recommendation.
Collins letter. See GM report.
Nipper letter. See attached. Mr. Jones reported on the incident and recommended Mr. Nipper not be
reimbursed for the window. The Board agreed with the recommendation.
Mr. Breen asked Mr. Jones to include in the next newsletter the information that access is needed to all
the condos for the fire alarm installation.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 21, 2009 at 9:00 AM. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30
Action Items for the General Manager
 When completed place Document of Understanding in P&P manuals for SRI and the Association.
 Structural engineer report-roof building #1.
 Upgrade tennis court and racquetball court lighting.
 Cash Christmas gifts to employees.
 Thanks to Marie, Eileen and Sandy.
 Result of electrical box inspection building 10.
 Estimates for concrete work at basketball area.
 Fire alarm/emergency lighting continued.
 Become member of C.A.L.L.
 Place in newsletter that access is needed to condos for fire alarm installation.
Other Action Items
 GM contract
 B. Mericle investigating insurance premium change with installation of fire safety.
 Mr. Breen to search for a second condo law attorney.
 Finance committee to study Document of Understanding for consistency.
 Comcast proposal.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Vaneman, Secretary