Staff Appreciation Chair’s Report Hurlbutt PTO 2009-2010 What is a PTO Staff Appreciation Chairs: The Chairpersons shall be responsible for all staff appreciation events, whether monthly or annually. Staff Appreciation’s Role: Currently, the Hurlbutt PTO only organizes a one-day event, Staff Appreciation Day, which is held annually during the first or second week of May (need to coordinate with WIS; cannot be on same day). Nationally, this week is recognized as Staff Appreciation Week. Next year’s date is coordinated in early June with both the Main Office staff & the WIS’ Staff Appreciation Chair(s), so as not to conflict with each other. If you do it the same day, then you will have a harder time getting volunteers, as a lot of parents have kids in both Hurlbutt & WIS. As well, Peter’s Market volunteers platters of sandwiches for each school, so it’s easier for them to separate the events. Once the date has been selected, reserve the South House Cafeteria & the Faculty Lounge for the AFTERNOON BEFORE and the DAY OF by completing a Building Usage Form. This form also indicates time, date, and type of set up required. It is necessary for the set up to occur the afternoon BEFORE the day, since the flower and food activity begins so early in the morning. In June the Staff Appreciation Day vases (& all table cloths) are given to the newly elected Staff Appreciation Chair(s). There are about 100 vases that are stored in the faculty lounge, until Staff Appreciation Day. If you find that all the vases haven’t been returned, email the staff requesting them to be returned to the Faculty Lounge. (FYI--In April, if you find that you still need extras, there are vases in the basement of the Board of Education building.) We found more than enough in the staff lounge. Count them, if you need more ask parents to volunteer to bring them in by putting a notice in the Blast newsletter. You will also need to retrieve the cloth table cloths for the round tables and the vinyl table cloths for the food tables from the previous Chair(s). Lauren Rosenberg has them. In August, prior to the Room Parent Orientation, provide the Grade Coordinator Chair with a sign up sheet for the “Back to School Nights” to be circulated in the classrooms for volunteers. After the last “Back to School Night,” collect the completed forms. These will either be provided to you in your folder or from the Grade Coordinator Chair. If there are any classes missing, follow up with the Room Parents. Collect a form from each class, regardless of whether or not it has been completed. Obtain this email distribution list from the Grade Coordinator Chair. In March, email the Room Parents who still have open volunteer slots on their completed sign up sheets. Have them solicit volunteers from their classrooms for the remaining open volunteer slots. The 2 required Lunch/Recess Volunteers are the most important ones to get filled. Someone needs to be appointed to monitor the switching of classes between the playground and cafeteria. With the completed forms, create a volunteer spreadsheet to track the volunteers from each class; sorting by job or by food they are brining. This was helpful because you can see where your needs are and where you can place people who volunteer at the last minute. It also helped if people canceled or needed to change what they were bringing. Getting these sheets filled in for each class requires some organization on your part-divide the list by grade and follow up with room parents to get every slot completed if possible. Also, in March, an updated Staff Appreciation Chair’s Report is given to the current PTO President, via email, to pass to the new, elected Staff Appreciation Chair(s). April is a very busy planning month for Staff Appreciation Day. Contact Jim Magee at Peter’s Market to see if he will donate food. In the past it has been 4 Six-Foot subs (two American, one Italian, and one Veggie sub) or 150 Wraps, which were cut into 1/3. Have the food delivered by 10:30 am, if possible or pick it up. (He is extremely accommodating!!) You also get food donations from HES parents. In addition, inform Jim of the date, so he can stock a sufficient amount and a wide variety of flowers. Many parents purchase their flowers at his market. Begin placing Staff Appreciation Day articles in the weekly blast and the monthly Scoop. Remind parents about the upcoming Staff Appreciation Day and describe the tradition of sending children to school with the flowers for the Staff (4-5 flowers per student). Make sure to send reminders 1 week before, as well as the day before. You need to purchase paper goods or get them donated: 200 large plates, 200 small plates, 300 cups, and 400 napkins. If you need to replenish the utensils, then purchase a box each of forks, knives, and spoons (500 of each) from Costco or BJ’s. Decide on table arrangement pieces for each of the 4 round tables. It can be as simple as balloons or plants/flowers in pleasingly designed flower pots. We made extra vases with flowers and used these as centerpieces. You will need to obtain the following staff lists: 1) Hurlbutt Staff List from the Main Office, 2) List of all Bus Drivers & other staff from the Bus Garage, and 3) Staff List from the Board of Education. Check to see if there are any staff out on leave for any reason & who the replacement is. Be sure to include the cafeteria staff. You will use these lists to determine how many vases, rolls of cellophane, and ribbon you will need. The Board of Education and each staff member at Hurlbutt will receive their flowers in vases. Each member of the Bus Garage staff will receive their flowers in cellophane. FYI--Hurlbutt split the responsibility of providing flowers for the bus garage and the Board of Education with WIS. For distance reasons, Hurlbutt did the flowers for the Bus Garage and WIS did the flowers for the Board of Education. Staff Invites: Previously this was done with paper invitations, this year we used Evite and it worked great. We would recommend Evite going forward. Laurie Eagle can send the Evite to the staff. The invitations should be distributed two weeks before the Staff Appreciation Day. If you are going to use paper invitations, give the invitations to the Main Office and they will distribute them via the teacher’s mailboxes. One week prior to the event, place reminder flyers to purchase flowers for Staff Appreciation Day on the front doors to the school (with front office permission), as well as Peter’s Market (with Jim Magee’s permission). Tie ribbons around the vases and label them for distribution. You can use bamboo skewers inside the vases or tie tags around the vases, which included the staff name & location to make delivery easier, once the vases are filled with flowers. Contact the PTO Hospitality Chair about using the PTO Coffee maker for the Staff Appreciation Day. Coffee is appreciated/expected by the staff. We also brought another coffee urn to have enough coffee. If you need an extra urn, ask Hillary Koyner. Also, make sure whoever volunteers to bring coffee brings it the day before –it takes a while to make coffee. Send out email reminders to those who have volunteered. Remind arrangers to bring in scissors or plant clippers to clip the stems. Ask the front office to place brooms in each of the flower arranging stations. Choose friends to help you in the flower arranging stations. There were 3 stations set up inside the South House Cafeteria (South House, East House, and North House) for the flower arrangements. If needed, flowers can be moved from one station to another. Have the greeters arrive at 8:20 am. Also, if you have a wagon to bring the flowers to the bus depot that helps. Everyone who volunteers to help arrange flowers should bring scissors as well. Place newspaper under the vases. Bring the vases to the arranging stations and fill them with water. For filling the vases, an assembly line process was used. A few people unwrapped and clipped the ends of the flowers, placing them on the table. Others would walk down the table and collect an entire bouquet in their hands to place them in a vase. Before any vases were delivered, they were checked to make sure they were all even and look great. (approx. 24 stems per vase) All the extra flowers were brought to the South House Cafeteria. We put stickers for each teacher on the vases, if you prefer you can put a notecard but we found the stickers easier to work with and they looked really nice. Volunteers need to cut the cellophane for the bouquets. Pre-cut the ribbons for these bouquets and staple the name tags to each. These bouquets are loaded into 1 or 2 cars and driven down to the bus garage. Choose someone to be in the Faculty Lounge at the beginning, to collect and setup the food as it comes in. Discuss food drop off procedures with the volunteer in the Faculty Lounge (i.e. placement of food, putting as much as possible in the refrigerators, as possible). Label the food tables with the type of item (i.e. salads, veggie platter, fruit platter, beverages, desserts) in order to simplify the food drop off for the volunteers. Also, clear out as much room in the fridge as possible. Give this person a walkie-talkie. Post the volunteer spreadsheets in the front office on a poster board to help people know where they are to go. Once the flowers are collected, assembled, and distributed (and cleaned up!!), assist those in the Faculty Lounge. Set up the Faculty Lounge with the table cloths, the centerpieces, and the paper goods. We set the faculty lounge as follows: one table, to the left of the entrance, for all beverages-soda, water, coffee, seltzer. Along the side row we set up the salad bar and prepared salads. The back tables were for sandwiches and one table was for dessert. Make sure the food and drinks are replenished and look appetizing. Make sure the round tables are clean and ready for new arrivals to sit down and enjoy their lunch. Use saran wrap to wrap up the leftovers for people to take home. Label with a sign that says, “Please Take.” The teachers really appreciate this. After the Staff Appreciation Day event, write Thank You notes to Peter’s Market and one that thanks everyone, which is to be published in the Scoop and in the Weston Forum. Write notes to “our” extra volunteers & purchase small gifts for: the custodians, Laurie Eagle, and Mary Lou Dunn, who are very helpful! Send an email reminder to the teachers to return their vases when they have finished enjoying their flowers. Submit expenses to the Treasurer. OPTIONAL: Create a “You’ve Got Mail” board, which incorporated photos of each staff member and e-mails sent from students and their families. This is hung outside the Faculty Lounge and EVERYONE loves it. It is a lot of work, but well worth it, if you have the time. In May/June, you train the new, elected Staff Appreciation Chair(s). Suggestions: None to report. TIMELINE June Transition with previous PTO Staff Appreciation Chair(s) Work with the Main Office staff & the WIS’s Staff Appreciation Chair(s) to determine next year’s date Reserve the South House Cafeteria & the Faculty Lounge for the AFTERNOON BEFORE and the DAY OF by completing a Building Usage Form Attend new board General meeting August Provide the Grade Coordinator Chair with a sign up sheet for the “Back to School Nights” September Collect sign up sheets from each classroom (whether it is blank or filled out) March Email the Room Parents who turned in incomplete sheets and have them solicit volunteers from their classrooms for the remaining open volunteer slots With the completed forms, create a volunteer spreadsheet to track the volunteers from each class; sorting by job or by food they are brining The 2 required Lunch/Recess Volunteers are the most important ones to get filled. Someone needs to be appointed to monitor the switching of classes between the playground and cafeteria Update Staff Appreciation Chair’s Report and submit to current PTO President April Contact Jim Magee at Peter’s Market to see if he will donate food. In the past it has been 4 Six-Foot subs (two American, one Italian, and one Veggie sub) or 150 Wraps, which were cut into 1/3. Have the food delivered by 10:30 am, if possible or pick up. We collected gift cards from Stop and Shop, Caraluzzi’s and Costco-this allowed us to purchase materials in advance and extra of things (ie. Serving pieces) Inform Jim Magee of the date Purchase paper goods: 200 large plates, 200 small plates, 300 cups, and 400 napkins. If you need to replenish the utensils, then purchase a box each of forks, knives, and spoons (500 of each) from Costco or BJ’s Obtain the following staff lists: 1) Hurlbutt Staff List from the Main Office, 2) List of all Bus Drivers & other staff from the Bus Garage, and 3) Staff List from the Board of Education Prepare and send Staff Invites (again, we used Evite or you can use paper invitations) Begin placing Staff Appreciation Day articles in the weekly blast and the monthly Scoop (make sure to send reminders 1 week before, as well as the day before) Place flower reminder flyer at Market, 1 week prior, as well as the school front doors May Contact the PTO Hospitality Chair about using the PTO Coffee maker for the Staff Appreciation Day Tie ribbons around the vases and label them for distribution Send out email reminders to those who have volunteered. Reminding arrangers to bring in scissors or plant clippers to clip the stems Ask the front office to place brooms in each of the flower arranging stations Staff the flower stations and the Faculty Lounge Bring the flowers to the arranging stations and fill the vases with water Collect, assemble & distribute the flowers Clean up the flower arranging stations Set-up the Faculty Lounge Get the ice for the beverages Wrap up the leftovers for people to take home and label with a sign that says, “Please Take” Purchase small gifts for custodians, Laurie Eagle & Mary Lou Dunn; write thank you note to Scoop; and write note to Weston Forum (don’t forget to include Jim Magee) Send an email reminder to the teachers to return their vases when they have finished enjoying their flowers Submit expenses to the Treasurer OPTIONAL: Create a “You’ve Got Mail” board Transition with the newly elected PTO Staff Appreciation Chair(s) Turn over the 80 vases that are stored at your house, until Staff Appreciation Day