WATER AND HOW TO TAKE CARE OF IT based on M. Abdul Fatah Santoso “Seminar Fikih Air” Jogyakarta, 2013 Seminars have been held by Muhammadiyah regarding environment, such as: - Nature Conservation - The obligation to feed pets - Water and how to take care of it - etc Content • Introduction •Islamic Appreciation about Water •Relationship between Human and Water • tambahin ya daftar isinya Introduction 1/2 •Water is one of the most important natural resources in people's lives. •The population growth rate is inversely proportional to the availability of water has led to a water crisis. •Water crisis has demonstrated the necessity of human awareness efforts about the importance of water and its maintenance. Introduction 2/2 •Religious approaches turned out to be effective for environmental awareness, especially in Muslim countries, where Islam was known as one of the strengths of both political and social. Islamic Appreciation about Water • In the Holly Qur’an, water: mâ’ (ماء, the word ‘water’in Arabicand AlQur’an is including water from the rain ain/`uyûn (عين, jamaknya عيونmeans spring water bahr ( بحر, means the ocean) anhâr (أنهار, jamak نهر, means rivers yanâbi`u (ينابيع, jamak ينبوع, means water sources. Islam Appreciation of Water (1) water as the origin of all organisms (Q.S. al-Anbiyâ’/21: 30)( Q.S Al-furq n / 25: 54 ) ( Q.S. Al-Nur r / 24: 45 ). (2) water as the basic necessities of living creatures to survive; Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 22, Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 60, (3) water as a means of soil conservation (nourish dry/arid); Q.S. al-Nahl/16: 10-11 • (4) water as a means of purification and health; Q.S. Al- Maidah/5:6, Q.S. Al-Anfal, H.R. Ibn Ahmad no. 2517, H.R. Ibn Majjah no. 3053 • (5) water (in the form of rivers, lakes and the sea) as land for transport and habitat to many living creatures; Q.S. Al-Baqarah/2:164, Q.S. Luqman/31:31 • (6) water as a symbol of paradise, let, and the grace of God in the life hereafter (akhirat) Q.S. Muhammad/47:15, Q.S. AlGayiyah/88: 11-12