Current Education Handbook - Treasurers` Association of Virginia

The Certification Program advances the professionalism of local government officials and their
staffs and is administered by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service and the School of
Continuing and Professional Studies, University of Virginia, under the auspices of the
Treasurers’ Association of Virginia.
This handbook gives complete information on the professional Certification Program for local
government treasurers that began in January 1989 and was revised in June 1997, August 2000,
August 2003, and March 2005, with the latest revision in May 2010. The latest changes are
effective November 16, 2010. Information is also provided on the Career Development
Program for treasurers adopted at the 2000 session of the General Assembly. This program
was amended on November 27, 2001 and January 22, 2002. It is administered by the State
Compensation Board.
The Office Accreditation Program, which was approved at the TAV annual meeting in Bristol,
Virginia, in June 2000, is included.
The Certification Program for deputy treasurers is presented in a separate handbook and
includes the Career Development Program for deputy treasurers as adopted by the 2004
General Assembly. The funding for the Career Development Program was approved beginning
with fiscal year 2006. It is administered by the State Compensation Board.
General guidelines are provided for the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States
and Canada’s (APTUSC) certification program for Certified Municipal Finance Administrators
(CMFA). This program is administered by the University of Virginia for APTUSC.
General guidelines are provided for the Virginia Government Finance Officers’ Association
(VGFOA) certification program for Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO). This program is
administered by the Radford University for VGFOA.
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Table of Contents
Purpose of the Program
Page 3
Designation of Professional Titles
Page 3
Administration of the Program
Page 3
Page 4
General Rules & Eligibility for Certification
Page 6
Requirements for Initial Certification
Page 6
A. Mandatory Courses
Exam Retakes
Page 7
Course Exemptions
Page 7
B. Continuing Education
Elective Courses
Requirements for Re-Certification
Annual Requirements
Failure to Meet Annual Requirements
Failure to Meet 4 year Period Requirements
Continuing Education Point Options
Page 7
Page 8
Page 8
Page 10
Page 10
Page 10
Page 11
Page 11
Standards for Judging Education Programs
Page 14
Presentation of Professional Designation Certificates
Page 15
Application Deadline & Fees
Page 15
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I. Purpose of the Program
The Certification Program is designed to advance the professionalism of the local governmental
treasurer and his/her staff in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Local government finance, like
other professions, requires special study, knowledge, and skills.
The constituency that is served by the treasurer and his/her staff deserves a high level of
professional competence. This Certification Program is designed (a) to set forth regulations and
standards that recognize professional attainment, and (b) to meet and update those standards.
The Certification Program will:
Assure the public of the basic knowledge and competency of the local treasurer
Assure the local treasurer of reasonable professional recognition
Assure professional advancement and acknowledgement of the competency of the local
treasurer by his colleagues in the field of municipal finance.
When properly implemented, the Certification Program will lead to acceptance as finance
professionals by the public, the business community, the academic society, and the field of
municipal finance.
II. Designation of Professional Titles
A professional Certification Program is hereby established. Treasurers completing the
Certification Program shall be designated as Master Governmental Treasurer, MGT.
III. Administration of the Program
The Certification Program shall be administered by the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper
Center for Public Service and the University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies
under the auspices of the Treasurers’ Association of Virginia.
The Association, in conjunction with the Center, shall prescribe the standards treasurers in
Virginia must meet in order to be recognized as Master Governmental Treasurer.
All records of the Certification Program shall be kept at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public
Service at the University of Virginia. All correspondence dealing with the Certification Program
should be directed to the designated Center staff member.
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The Center shall also be the official record keeper, responsible for maintaining accurate,
updated records for use by the membership of the association. The records will remain the
property of the Association.
The Certification Review Committee is a standing minor committee consisting of three (3)
members appointed by the President of the Association. The Committee is responsible for
reviewing and approving all applications for certification and re-certification, and for hearing
appeals of decisions on certification and re-certification.
IV. Definitions
As used in this set of regulations and standards, unless the context clearly shows otherwise,
these terms or phrases have the following meanings:
Application Form:
A form to be completed and sent to the Center once the participant has met the
requirements to be certified or re-certified
Treasurers’ Association of Virginia, also referred to as TAV
Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia
Certification Year:
Period from November 16 to November 15 of the following year
Chief Deputy and any other employee designated as a Deputy by their Treasurer; must
have been duly sworn by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the locality
Elective Courses:
Include, but are not limited to TAV elective courses shown in full on page 8, other new
TAV courses as developed, as well as approved VGFOA and Commissioner of the
Revenue courses
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Enrollment Form:
A form to be completed and sent to the Center in order to begin participating in the
Certification Program
The following liaison positions are given like recognition as minor committees: National
& State Associations Liaison (e.g. APTUSC, NACCTFO, VALECO, VACo, VML, VGFOA,
Commissioners of the Revenue Association of Virginia), State Government Liaison (e.g.
Auditor of Public Accounts, Compensation Board, Department of Taxation, DMV, State
Treasurer, Office of the Attorney General)
Major Committees:
Annual Conference, Public Relations, Education Oversight, Curriculum, Continuing
Education, Futures, Accreditation, Innovations & Technology, and Legislative
Mandatory Courses:
Courses required to be taken and examination passed in order to partially meet the full
requirements of initial certification. Please see mandatory course listing (Section VI,
Part A).
Minor Committees:
Auditing, Certification Review, Career Development Audit, Awards, Constitution and Bylaws, Directory, Ethics, Membership, Nominating, Resolutions, Statistical Abstract,
Retired Treasurers, and Town Treasurers Committees
Member in Good Standing:
A member is considered to be “in good standing” if Association membership dues are
kept current annually and there have been no material findings from a complaint
reviewed by the Ethics Committee
Officer Class
Allows current serving Officers to receive CE credit for their time serving the Association
in fulfilling the duties of office. Rewarded during the service year only.
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Related Fields:
Accounting, finance, banking, legal administration, government, political science, public
administration, and/or business administration
City, county, or town treasurer, or director of finance in those localities where the
director is charged with the same duties as a treasurer and where the director of finance
believes in the principles set forth in the Constitution of the Treasurers’ Association of
Virginia, Article II: Objects and Definitions
V. General Rules & Minimum Criteria for Certification in order to qualify for
certification and to maintain certified status, treasurers must meet the following minimum
Be an elected or appointed official
Must have been a member of the Association for at least two years prior to the time of
application for certification and remain a member in good standing
Must believe in and practice the Code of Ethics of the Association
Enroll in the program by submitting a completed enrollment form to the Center and
paying the $75.00 enrollment fee
Once the educational requirements in Section VI have been met, must submit a
completed certification application form to the Center and pay the remaining
certification fee
VI. Requirements for Initial Certification
In addition to meeting the general rules and minimum criteria for certification in Section V,
treasurers must meet the following educational requirements:
Earn 70 points/credits from Parts A and B of this section
All 8 mandatory courses must be completed (includes taking and passing the exam)
November 15 is the cut-off date to meet the initial certification requirements in any given year.
There is no time limit to achieve initial certification. Participants may take as long as necessary
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to complete the initial certification requirements. The points earned for certification, as
outlined in Parts A and B, below can only be earned beginning July 1, 1988.
On November 15 of each year, the Center generates a list of those treasurers who meet the
certification requirements. The Certification Review Committee is responsible for reviewing
and approving each application for initial certification. Treasurers approved by the Certification
Review Committee are considered certified as of November 15 of that year. After approval by
the Committee, the list of certified treasurers will be released to the membership. Appeals
concerning decisions of the Certification Review Committee must be made to the Committee
within fifteen business days of publication of the list of certified treasurers.
Part A – Mandatory Courses
Auditing & Internal Controls
Banking & Cash Management
Delinquent Collections
Investment Management
Intermediate Governmental Accounting
Lawful Employment
Roles & Responsibilities of the Treasurer
Treasurers will earn 4 continuing education points for each mandatory class completed. Once
all 8 classes have been taken and passed, the treasurer will have earned 32 points towards the
70 points necessary for initial certification.
Exam Retakes
If a participant fails an exam, he/she may retake the exam once at no additional charge. If
failed a second time, the participant must retake the course. After the initial course
attendance, the registration fee for the same course will be set to cover the cost of meals and
updated course materials only.
Course Exemptions
There are no course exemptions at this time.
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Part B-Continuing Education
Treasurers will earn the remaining points needed to reach a minimum of 70 points required for
Certification by attending TAV conferences and meetings, TAV elective courses, affiliated
associations’ classes, and events and other approved training.
TAV Conferences and Meetings
Members may earn continuing education points by attending the following:
Treasurers’ Association Annual Conference [7 to 9 points]
Annual Continuing Education Conference [6 to 8 points]
Spring & Fall District Meetings [5 to 7 points]
Other conferences approved by the Certification Review Committee
TAV Elective courses:
Elective courses are typically 1 point per course hour unless otherwise indicated.
Advanced Cash Management
Advanced Governmental Accounting
Business Ethics
Community Planning
Customer Service
Effective Leadership
General Technology
Introductory Governmental Accounting
Issuing Debt and Debt Management
Spanish for Government Officials
Other new courses as developed
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The Curriculum Committee has approved most VGFOA and Commissioner of the Revenue
courses as electives; however, the participant should verify with the Center if a class is not on
this list.
Members may earn continuing education points by attending the following:
1. Compensation Board’s New Officer Training [8 to 12 points]
2. Other Compensation Board Sponsored Training [4 to 8 points]
For credit to be awarded for the following meetings, a copy of the agenda and proof of
attendance must be submitted to the Center. Examples of proof of attendance would be a signin roster supplied by the sponsoring organization or a certificate of attendance.
1. Regional district meetings (e.g. NOVA, Tidewater, Southwest Virginia
Clerks & Treasurers’ Association [Varies]
2. VALECO annual meeting [1 point]
3. VGFOA, GFOA, APTUSC, or NACCTFO annual, state, province, or
regional conferences [Varies]
4. Other meetings approved by the Certification Review Committee
The participant should verify with the Center that the following will qualify for credit before
taking the class. Proof of attendance will be required before credit will be granted.
1. Class in the field of money management-1 point per credit hour
2. Class in the area of social and interpersonal concerns-1/2 point per
credit hour
3. Class in the field of computers and software-3 point maximum per
4. Other training offering CPE credits
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Initial Certification – upgrade from Deputy to Treasurer
In order for a Master Government Deputy Treasurer to upgrade to a Master Government
Treasurer they must become an appointed or elected Treasurer and take and pass the exams
for all missing required mandatory courses as well as earn an additional thirty five (35) points.
VII. Re-Certification
The re-certification process takes place over a 4-year period with annual continuing education
requirements. Annual requirements must be met by November 15 of the year.
On November 15 of each year, the Center generates a list of those treasurers who meet the
annual and 4 year re-certification requirements. The Certification Review Committee is
responsible for reviewing and approving each application for re-certification. Treasurers who
are approved by the Certification Review Committee are considered certified as of November
15 of that year. After approval by the Committee, the list of certified treasurers will be released
to the membership. Appeals concerning decisions of the Certification Review Committee must
be made to the Committee within fifteen (15) business days of publication of the list of certified
Treasurers seeking re-certification are required to achieve a 4-year period cumulative
continuing education point’s total of eighty (80) or above. At least 50% of all period required
points for re-certification must come from TAV sponsored programs.
Participants are also required to meet cumulative minimum requirements for continuing
education points each year while working toward re-certification. The point levels are
established on a tiered basis. Points earned over the minimum tier for each year will carry over
to help the participant meet the following year’s requirements:
Year 1
12 continuing education points
Year 2
24 continuing education points (cumulative between years 1 & 2)
Year 3
40 continuing education points (cumulative between years 1, 2, & 3)
Year 4
80 continuing education points (cumulative for all 4 years)
Participants are allowed to roll over accumulated points in excess of the 4 year re-certification
requirement from one re-certification period to the next up to twenty (20) points (25% of the 4year requirement). For example, if a treasurer has earned 90 points at the end of the 4 year recertification period, ten (10) points will be carried over to the next re-certification period.
Please note, no points are allowed for rollover from initial certification.
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Failure to meet the annual requirements
If a participant does not earn the required minimum number of points for a given year, he/she
will be “suspended” from certified status and may lose career development funding as a result.
In order to be reinstated, the participant will need to reach the next tier of points by November
15 of the next year. For example, if a treasurer has not earned twelve (12) points by November
15 of Year 1, he/she would be suspended from certified status. In order to be reinstated, the
treasurer would need to have earned twenty four (24) points by November 15 of Year 2.
Failure to meet the requirements at the end of the 4-year period – “rolling
window” reinstatement procedure
If the participant fails to meet the continuing education point’s requirement at the end of the 4year period, he/she will be suspended from certified status and may lose career development
funding as a result. The participant will then be subject to a “rolling window” reinstatement
procedure. The 4-year re-certification window will automatically become the last 4 years. As of
November 15 of the next year, the participant’s points for the current year and the 3 years prior
will be reviewed. If the participant meets the re-certification requirements at that time, he/she
will be considered re-certified and will begin the process of re-certifying again from the
beginning. If the participant does not meet the re-certification requirements, the rolling
window would then be shifted to the next year, and again, points for the then current year and
the previous 3 years will be reviewed.
Please note: Once Career Development funding has been lost as a result of certification
suspension, it will not be automatically reinstated. The treasurer will be placed back in the
queue to receive funding as it comes available.
Continuing Education Point Options
TAV/VGFOA/Compensation Board Courses
All courses are typically 12 points or 1 point per credit hour unless otherwise posted.
Please remember that exams are required for initial certification and for all online courses.
Exams are not required when taken for re-certification however, you will receive 1 additional
point for taking the exam and 1 more additional point for passing the exam.
Current serving Officers of the Association qualify for the Officers Class and receive six (6) CE
credits toward recertification for the year they are serving.
Classes can be retaken for credit as long as 4 years has lapsed between enrollments.
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Education Points
CE points
with Exam
CE Points plus
Passing Grade
Advanced Cash Management
Advanced Governmental Accounting
Auditing & Internal Controls
Banking & cash Management
Business Ethics (on line only)
Cash Management (prior to 2010)*
Community Planning
Customer Service
Delinquent Collections
Effective Media Relations
General Technology
Intermediate Governmental Accounting
Introductory Governmental Accounting
Investment Management
Issuing Debt and Debt Management
Lawful Employment
Roles & Responsibilities of the Treasurer
Spanish for Government Officials
VA Government & Law
TAV Officer Class - President, President Elect,
1st VP, 2nd VP, Treasurer, Secretary
TAV/VGFOA/Comp Board Courses
*Cash Management was split into two courses in 2010: Banking and Investments.
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TAV Conferences and Meetings
Members may earn continuing education points by attending the following:
1. Treasurers’ Association Annual Conference [7 to 9 points]
2. Annual Continuing Education Conference [6 to 8 points]
3. Spring & Fall District Meetings [5 to 7 points]
4. Other conferences approved by the Certification Review Committee
Members may earn continuing education points by attending the following:
1. Compensation Board’s New Officer Training [8 to 12 points]
2. Other Compensation Board Sponsored Training [4 to 8 points]
For credit to be awarded for the following meetings, a copy of the agenda and proof of
attendance must be submitted to the Center. Examples of proof of attendance would be a signin roster supplied by the sponsoring organization or a certificate of attendance.
1. Regional district meetings (e.g. NOVA, Tidewater, Southwest Virginia
Clerks & Treasurers’ Association [Varies]
2. VALECO annual meeting [1 point]
3. VGFOA, GFOA, APTUSC, or NACCTFO annual, state, province, or
regional conferences [Varies]
4. Other meetings approved by the Certification Review Committee
College and University Courses in the following concentrations:
1. Management
2. Accounting
3. Public Administration
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All others may be submitted to the Curriculum Committee Chairperson for approval.
The participant should verify with the Center that the following will qualify for credit before
taking the class. Proof of attendance will be required before credit will be granted.
1. Class in the field of money management-1 point per credit hour
2. Class in the area of social and interpersonal concerns-1/2 point per
credit hour
3. Class in the field of computers and software-3 point maximum per
4. Other training which offers CPE credits
VIII. Standards For Judging Education Programs
The following guidelines must be met for continuing education credit to be recognized:
1. Educational programs should be supervised by an accredited institution of higher
learning or by a government agency. Programs offering CEUs should also be approved
by an accredited university or college.
2. Attendance at class sessions is required of all students enrolled. Attendance rosters
and/or similar forms shall be used for keeping accurate attendance records. No credit
for attendance will be given for a certain activity unless the session is attended in its
3. The contact hours (number of clock hours spent in instruction) shall be distributed over
the major curriculum areas as follows:
a. At least 50% of the hours should be in public finance administration, including
governmental accounting, investing, budgeting or duties related to the
Treasurer’s Office.
b. The remaining hours, if any, should be in areas of social and interpersonal
concerns, such as:
Written and oral communications
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Personnel management, including individual motivation & work
Human relations
Office programming & management
Community & public relations
Personal growth & development of the treasurer
The treasurer in the government environment
Ethics in government
IX. Presentation of Professional Designation Certificates
Once the treasurer has met all of the requirements for certification or re-certification, an
appropriate certificate shall be presented to him/her from the Association and the Center.
Certificates for initial certification will be presented at the Spring District Meeting the following
year. Certificates for re-certification will be mailed to the qualified recipients following
approval of the list by the Certification Review Committee.
X. Application Deadline & Fees
Applications for certification must be received at the Center by November 15 to ensure
adequate time for review by the Certification Review Committee.
Initial Certification
Original amount due
Less: Deposit at enrollment
Net amount due at certification
- 75.00
Amount due at certification
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