1289419542 - Student Organizations

Revised and Amended October 21, 2010
The men of Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity, in accordance with all
rules and regulations set forth by the National Constitution of Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran
Fraternity, do hereby declare the following to be our constitution.
In accordance with the parameters set forth in Article III, Section 2 of the National Constitution of
Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity, hereafter referred to as the National Constitution,
this organization shall be known as the Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran
Fraternity, hereafter referred to singly and collectively as Epsilon Chapter.
Epsilon Chapter shall consist of all associated and initiated members of Epsilon Chapter who are
registered, undergraduate students of Iowa State University, hereafter referred to as the University.
The men of Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi will abide by Iowa State University rules and
regulations, state and federal laws .
Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity
Epsilon Chapter Constitution
In accordance with the objectives of Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity, hereafter referred to
singly and collectively as the Fraternity, Epsilon Chapter shall do everything within their power to
abide by these ideals, as cited below from Article I of the National Constitution:
The objective of this Fraternity shall be to promote an organization of communicant Lutheran men who
recognize that the life rooted with Christ in God is the only true goal of human existence and who
therefore foster, encourage, and inspire activities and relationships which promote this end.
Such activities and relationships are:
A) Those which shall assist in the development of faithful and energetic Christian leaders within
the Church. Specifically, such activities and relationships include private and group study;
attendance and active participation in a Lutheran Church; attendance and active participation in
a Lutheran student organization and the fullest utilization of the pastoral advisor so that a
wholesome Christian atmosphere constantly pervades the Fraternity home.
B) Those which shall assist in the development of highly respected, well-adjusted, informed,
socially acceptable gentlemen. Specifically, such activities and relationships include a well
ordered home environment that ensures wholesome surroundings; attainment of high scholastic
standing through good habits of study and industry; emphasis on a sterling code of moral and
ethical values; stress on the teaching and need for good manners; furtherance of cooperation
through athletic competitions and instilment of the ideals of selflessness through group living.
As the house-holding corporation of the Epsilon Chapter house, located at 223 Lynn Avenue,
Ames, Iowa, the Ames Alumni Chapter of Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity, hereafter
referred to singly and collectively as the Alumni Chapter, shall be recognized as our affiliated
alumni chapter.
Former undergraduate members of Epsilon Chapter in good standing with the Active Chapter, as
defined in Article IV, Section 4 of this constitution, and with the University; and any honorary
members of the Fraternity, as defined in Article VII, Section 5 of the National Constitution; may
become affiliated with any alumni chapter of the Fraternity by a majority vote of the members of
said alumni chapter, a quorum being present, per Article V, Section 2 of the National Constitution.
Active members of Epsilon Chapter shall not be eligible to affiliate themselves with the Alumni
Chapter until they have reached graduation or have left the University in good standing.
The General Assembly shall be the supreme legislative body of Epsilon Chapter and shall have the
power to enact statutes for the regulation of this chapter, except when in conflict with the National
Constitution, the University, or the Interfraternity Council, hereafter referred to as IFC. The
General Assembly shall consist of all associated and active members of Epsilon Chapter. The
Active chapter shall be defined as all initiated members of Epsilon Chapter.
The Executive Board shall, between meetings of the General Assembly, make decisions regarding
the affairs of this chapter in accordance with the policies established by the National Constitution,
the University, IFC, and this constitution and by-laws. The Executive Board shall consist of the
President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Recording Secretary, the
Treasurer, and the Recruitment Chairs. An open invitation shall be extended to the Immediate
Past President and the Scholarship Chairman to attend the meetings of this board as non-voting
The Executive Board of Epsilon Chapter shall serve as the judicial body of Epsilon Chapter.
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Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity
Epsilon Chapter Constitution
Active members of Epsilon Chapter in good standing with the Active Chapter shall have one vote
in the General Assembly. Associate members in good standing shall have one vote on financial
matters only. A member shall be in good standing with the Active Chapter in the event that:
A) He has paid his dues for the current semester.
B) He has attended at least two (2) of the last three (3) meetings.
The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Scholarship
Chair, Social Chair(s), Assistant Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Interfraternity Council
Representative, Commissary and Philanthropy Chair(s) shall be elected for terms of one semester.
The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of one year running from May to April. Two
Recruitment Chairs shall be elected for a term of one year with one running from January to
December and one running from May to April. Each officer should be elected by a majority vote
of the General Assembly.
The Executive Board shall propose to the General Assembly a slate of candidates to fill the
appointed offices by the first meeting of each semester. These appointed offices are Song Chair,
Chaplain, Athletic Chair, Historian(s), Parents’ Club, Alumni Relations, Computer Chair(s),
Webmaster, and National Council Representative.
Any active member who has obtained a semester GPA of 2.40 is eligible to hold an elected office
in the following semester. Any member, active or associate, who has obtained a semester GPA of
2.25 is eligible to hold an appointed office in the following semester.
There is no restriction on the number of terms of office a member may serve.
The officers, elected and appointed, shall be subject to recall and shall resign upon a three-fourths
(3/4) vote of the Executive Board or upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the General Assembly.
10. The General Assembly shall meet weekly at a time and place set by the Executive Board and
specifically upon the call of the President. Quorum shall be set from in-house Active members
11. In the case of the resignation of any officer, the General Assembly may elect a qualified member
to fill the position by a majority vote. In the interim, the President may see fit to appoint a
member to fill the position until the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Membership in Epsilon Chapter shall be limited to associate members, active members, and
honorary members as defined in Article VII, Section 1 of the National Constitution.
Prospective members shall be granted associate membership upon being sponsored by two (2)
active members and with the support of the recruitment chairs.
Associate members shall be elected to active membership by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the
active chapter provided that:
A) They fulfill all requirements for initiation as stated in Article VII, Section 3 of the National
B) They obtain a semester GPA of 2.25 in the preceding semester.
C) They successfully complete the associate membership program.
D) They actively participate in the three S’s.
Members may be deactivated or disassociated for performing actions that are in severe violation of
the rules and regulations of the University, Chapter, and Fraternity or any conduct which is
unbecoming of a member of Beta Sigma Psi.
Associate members may be disassociated by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the active chapter.
Associate membership status automatically ends at the conclusions of their second semester,
pending a vote of the active body, per Article VII, Section 4 of the National Constitution, and the
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Beta Sigma Psi National Lutheran Fraternity
Epsilon Chapter Constitution
associate member automatically becomes eligible for initiation or disassociation, provided that the
associate member has completed all requirements for initiation as stated in Article VII, Section 3
of the National Constitution. Such action must be taken before the third semester resumes.
Active members may be deactivated by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the active chapter, per
Article VII, Section 6 of the National Constitution.
This constitution may be amended by a proposal of such change by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of
the Active Chapter.
Any amendments to this constitution that are changes to references to outside documents (i.e. the
National Constitution, etc.) may be made without vote.
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