LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 3/21/07 9:00AM-10:00AM NASW-AZ CHAPTER OFFICE MEETING CALLED BY Scott Church TYPE OF MEETING Leadership Committee Meeting FACILITATOR Scott Church NOTE TAKER Cheryl Morning TIMEKEEPER Scott Church ATTENDEES Leslie Leninnger, Scott Church, Carol Strambaugh, Sandra Ealy, Cheryl Morning Agenda topics 10 MIN DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS Contact information Exchange of cell phone numbers for contact. Phillip Carl not at Social Work PRN accepted another position until settled in new position would not be able to attend meetings. Donna not able to make Wed. meetings, Joy preferred Fri. Encourage others to conference call in to attend leadership meeting. Leslie informed she would be going on sabbatical from ASU in July. Carol concerned of members not responding to emails from her. Agreed email for leadership activities will come from Scott or Cheryl. 3 weeks prior to leadership events agreed was good time to inform NASW community. Scott in Dallas next week and will send out information on 4/2/07. Leslie cell 602-516-2605 Scott cell 602-206-0232 Sandra cell 602-300-0092 Carol cell 480-770-7082 Cheryl cell 602-359-3300 ACTION ITEMS Leadership circle events to be sent out minimum 3 weeks prior Leadership events sent to NASW community by someone different CONCLUSIONS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Scott 4/2/07 Scott and Cheryl ongoing LEADERSHIP CIRCLE LOCATION/PARKING 10 MIN DISCUSSION SCOTT Tamara Rounds confirmed ASU downtown for leadership circle place secured. Parking will be validated. Next leadership circle 4/18/07 9:00-11:00am information to sign up and get there on web. Discussed possibility of doing brochure for Leadership events. Last time did extra marketing piece by email. Committee will try to do same technique again this year. Carol will update member list to inform past participants of upcoming events. Leadership Circle location secure for April. Email marketing to resume ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Update member list information Carol 4/2/07 15 MIN ARTICLES FOR NEXT CIRCLE AND FUTURE TOPICS CAROL AND SCOTT DISCUSSION Article for next leadership circle. Members like idea of contributing one question to article. Scott can continue to locate articles for discussion at leadership circles. Want to go in new direction with article topic? July retreat can look at baby-boomers leaving agencies and their successors type articles. Scott concerned about some of his chosen articles being interesting to Social Workers. Discussed goals and mission of circles and its focus with leadership aspirations of Social Workers. Scott will pick the article for leadership circle this week. CONCLUSIONS Agreed Scott will continue to select article and committee will select questions for circles ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Scott to select article for April Leadership circle Scott 4/2/07 15 MIN DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS LEADERSHIP CIRCLE FACILITATION/ GENERAL REFRESHMENTS Questions on facilitation of circles. Saundra like idea gives people opportunity to connect to different styles and ability to see how information and ideas are translated. Scott thinks can give dimension of what circle can grow into. Leslie has a prior engagement this next circle and can share with someone that day to facilitate. Sandra agreed to do with Leslie next circle. Refreshments for circle discussed: water, coffee. Purchased food on ASU campus any issues? Sandra will bring muffins, Scott will bring water, and Cheryl brings napkins. Form for CEU hours discussed for pre-approval. Sandra to complete for next circle. Rotation of facilitation during Leadership Circles Volunteer refreshments for circle events ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Sandra and Leslie to facilitate April circle Sandra and Leslie 4/18/07 Assignments of refreshments for circle Sandra, Scott, Cheryl 4/18/07 10 MIN DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS NEW TOPICS: BREAKOUT SESSION AT TUCSON CAROL CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT Conference is one day this year Oct 18, 2007 at Hilton Eaves in Tucson. Keynote speaker doing 3hrs on Cultural competence, award function for state award winners. Conference is by invitation. Committee has opportunity to do breakout session at conference using “Good Break”. There will be 4-5 breakout sessions total and estimated 200 participants. Breakouts about 90min. Task- to schedule meeting to plan breakout at leadership retreat. July 20-21 Leadership retreat. Designed for committee chairs and leaders to attend. New year July 1. Committee members get some reimbursement. Social Work initiative and awareness of pride and decreasing numbers of Social Workers are focus issues of initiative. Discuss/plan breakout at leadership retreat ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE none OBSERVERS None DEADLINE RESOURCE PERSONS None SPECIAL NOTES none