Codes of Conduct - Bishop Sutton Tennis Club

Legal status
Bishop Sutton Tennis Club is a registered charity No 1097418. The trustees of the
charity are the members of the executive committee.
The Club is governed by its constitution, which can only be altered at a General
Meeting. A copy of the constitution appears on this website.
The Club is run by an executive committee, which currently meets monthly.
Committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Names of current
officers, committee members and trustees are shown on the notice board.
The subscription year runs from 1st March to 28th February. Rates of subscription for
the different categories of membership are reviewed by the committee each year, and
the current rate is shown on membership application forms and on the website. New
members joining after 1st September need only pay half the subscription until renewal.
Renewal subscriptions are due on 1st March and until paid you may not use the Club’s
facilities. Anyone not renewing within 6 weeks of that date will cease to be a member.
An up-to-date list of members and their telephone numbers is available from the
Membership Secretary.
Family membership permits unrestricted use of the Club facilities to husband and
wife (or partner) and any of their children who fall into the Junior membership category.
Single membership permits unrestricted use of the Club's facilities to the named
member. It does not cover a partner or the member's children.
Junior membership covers persons under the age of 18 on 1st January and students
under 25, who are in full time education. Juniors playing without a senior member after
6.30pm must be prepared to give way to a senior member, even though they may
have booked a court.
Corporate membership is available on request for groups of 5 or more adult
employees of the same firm or group, with a slightly reduced fee payable.
Concessionary rates of subscription are available to the disabled, persons on low
income and others with unusual circumstances. Any application for a concession
should be made to the Membership Secretary.
Joining fees
A joining fee is payable when first applying for Single or Family (but not Junior)
membership. Members moving between different categories of membership, including
Juniors within Family Membership progressing to Single Membership, do not have to
pay the joining fee.
Former members who rejoin after a lapse of less than two years pay a reduced rejoining fee. If the lapse in membership is longer, a new joining fee is payable.
Court bookings
The club has five full-size courts, plus the mini-court with practice wall. Members may
book Courts 1, 2, 3 and 5 all courts by entering their name on the pre-dated booking
forms on the main notice board in the clubhouse. Court 4 is available on a ‘turn up and
play’ basis, except in certain circumstances. The rules regarding court usage and
booking will be found on the notice board next to the booking forms.
If a booked court is not used within 15 minutes of the booked start time, the booking
shall be forfeited and other members are free to use the court. Please remember to
cancel a court booking if you are not going to use it.
Members may bring guests to play on the Club courts on the following conditions:
1. Only 1 guest per member.
2. The guest must play on the same court as the member.
3. The same guest is limited to 4 visits per year, whoever signs him or her in.
4. A Visitors' Book is provided in the Clubhouse (attached to the main notice
board), in which host members must enter the names of themselves and guests
and pay the appropriate fee (currently £5 adult, £1 under 18) by leaving it in the
honesty box in the kitchen cupboard or giving it to a committee member.
5. Members may not bring guests to play when one or more of the courts is
reserved for matches, coaching, Club sessions or maintenance and they are asked
to avoid peak times and when floodlighting is required.
6. Host members are responsible for their guests whilst on Club property.
Keys to the courts
One free key per membership (ie, one only for a family) will be supplied on first joining
and must be returned when membership ceases. Additional keys may be obtained
from the Membership Secretary on payment of £5.
Courts 1, 2, 3 and 5 are floodlit. Members wishing to use the floodlights will find the
switches on the left handside immediately as you enter the clubhouse. If no one else
wants to use the floodlights after you have finished, please turn them off. However,
once turned off they should not be turned on again for 15 minutes as this could
seriously damage the lights as they will not have had sufficient time to cool down if restarted within 15 minutes of being turned off. At our neighbours’ request the lights on
Court 3 are not used in the summer months, mid-May to mid-September. Due to
planning restrictions the floodlights are on a time switch and will go out at 10pm. If this
happens, a courtesy light on each court will shine for a few minutes to light the path
back to the Clubhouse.
No additional charge is made at the present time for using the floodlights but this policy
is kept under review and a charge may be reintroduced if electricity costs escalate.
Club session
Club night is currently on Tuesday evenings from 8-10pm when all adult players are
welcome to come and play (there is no charge for these sessions and balls are
provided free).
Court hire by non-members
Courts are available for hire at off peak times by organisations, groups or visitors on a
daily or hourly basis and application should be made to an officer of the Club.
Tennis coaching
The Club maintains permanent arrangements with qualified professional coaches and
coaching is available for all ages and all standards. Individual coaching is available to
members, who should make their own arrangements with one of the coaches. Names
and contact numbers of coaches may be found on the notice board.
League matches
The Club is affiliated to the Lawn Tennis Association and has men’s, ladies' and
veterans’ teams, which compete in local leagues, summer and winter, organised by
Avon LTA. There are also junior and mini teams at various age groups. Details of
teams, results and league tables are shown in the clubhouse.
Members wishing to be considered for league matches should complete the
appropriate part of the form accompanying the membership application form on joining
the club or advise the team captain concerned (details of captains are available on the
main notice board).
Club tournaments
A knock-out tournament (best of 3 sets) is arranged each year for adult and junior
members, with interim rounds being played between May and August. Finals Day is in
early September, which is one of the top Club social events of the year. Partners for
doubles are drawn by ballot, thus making the competition more open.
Entries must be made by 1st April by completing the appropriate form, which is sent out
with the Membership Renewal Form. A small entrance fee is charged to cover the cost
of prizes and engraving of trophies.
There are also junior tournaments held several times a year and the Browning Over
55s competition; these are one-day events.
There is a very active junior section covering all ages from 4 upwards. Regular
coaching sessions are held on Saturdays and after school on term-time weekdays.
Coaching courses are arranged in school holidays and at other times. Minis have their
own sessions on Friday evenings and Saturdays, and are able to use to special minicourts. Club tournaments are arranged and there is also an opportunity to play in
external tournaments and league matches at various age groups. Details may be
found on the Junior Notice Board in the Clubhouse.
Entrance to the clubhouse is by use of a blue, electronic fob. These are available from
the Membership Secretary on a £5 deposit basis, to be refunded if membership is not
renewed and the fob is returned.
Materials for making tea and coffee are available in the kitchen cupboard in the
Clubhouse and are replenished regularly. Please feel free to make use of these and
leave the appropriate money in the box provided.
Members are asked to leave the kitchen as they would like to find it, ensuring
dishwasher is filled and emptied as necessary and that surfaces are left clean. There
are bins for general rubbish and also for recyclable cans and plastic.
First aid
A basic first aid kit is provided attached to the wall above the long counter. If you use
up any of the contents please leave a note so that it can be replaced. For further
information see the Emergency Operating Procedures section below.
Showers are available for members to use.
Fire extinguisher
There is a fire extinguisher in the kitchen on the outside wall above the sink.
As a matter of common sense, do not leave valuables in or outside the Clubhouse and
remember to keep your car locked while it is in the car park. Cyclists should leave
their bicycles in the special racks adjacent to the Clubhouse and should provide their
own locks and chains.
Lost property
A surprising number of articles are left at the Club - many never claimed. There is a
plastic crate in the Clubhouse under the kitchen counter in which lost property is kept.
Unclaimed lost property is taken to a charity shop twice a year.
The Club has Liability Insurance as well as fire and damage cover to the Clubhouse,
its contents, hut, courts, floodlights and fencing. The Club does not insure against
theft or personal accident. Members, guests and visitors are therefore warned that
they leave their valuables and make use of the Club facilities entirely at their own risk.
Used balls and rackets
Before throwing out your old tennis balls, why not offer them to the coaches? It is very
likely that they can be used a few times more for junior practice. When you buy a new
racket, consider whether your old racket might be appreciated by someone else before
throwing it out.
Communication with members
Information and notices to members are conveyed via the club website, emails and
notices displayed at the clubhouse. If you have any suggestions or would like to help
with an aspect of running the club, do please contact the committee who would love to
hear from you.
Social events
Social and fund raising events are held during the year. Not only do these provide an
enjoyable opportunity for old and new members to meet but they also raise valuable
income for the Club. Members are encouraged to support such events. Offers of help
always gratefully received by the committee.
Wimbledon tickets
The Club is allocated a number of pairs of Wimbledon tickets each year and a ballot
for these is held during April/May. To qualify for entry in the ballot a member must
have paid his/her subscription for that year, hold British Tennis Membership (BTM)
affiliated to Bishop Sutton Tennis Club and attend the ballot in person. BTM can be
obtained by visiting
Fair Play Policy
It is the policy of Bishop Sutton Tennis Club to ensure that members, parents of
juniors, visitors and coaches support and promote fair play at all times. Players are
expected not only to play the game according to the rules, but also to approach it in
the right spirit and to co-operate with and respect fellow participants and coaches. The
aim is for all players to enjoy the game, improve their skills and, whatever the result,
feel better for having taken part.
Codes of Conduct
Membership of the Club confers both rights and responsibilities and everyone is
requested and expected to abide by this Code of Conduct:
 Treat opponents and partners with respect both on and off court.
 Be gracious in victory and generous in defeat.
 Control your temper; avoid swearing and behaviour, language and remarks of a
discriminatory nature or which may otherwise cause offence.
 If disagreement arises over a line call, remember that the persons on whose side the
ball lands has the final decision. If you wish to query your opponents’ call, do so
politely and, if they agree, play a let.
 Be punctual, whether involved in a match, competition, coaching, training session or
social game amongst friends.
 Do not leave coaching or training sessions without advising the coach or organiser.
 Introduce yourself and extend a welcome to new members, visitors and members of
opposing teams.
 Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself.
 Be prepared to sweep leaves and debris off the court before playing. Don’t just
move on to another court and leave the task to others.
 Do not take food and drink (other than water) on to the courts.
 Under no circumstances drop chewing gum on the courts.
 Only participants are permitted on the courts whilst play is in progress and play
should be suspended if someone enters the court and not resumed until the person
 Observe normal court etiquette by:
 Wearing appropriate tennis footwear and attire when playing.
 Returning balls promptly and sensibly to neighbouring courts.
 Refraining from encroaching on a nearby court to recover a ball, while play is
in progress.
 Not walking behind the server when play is taking place.
 Using the correct gate for your court and not taking a short cut over another
 Ensuring that your partner is supplied with balls, when he or she is serving and
does not have to search for them.
 Not hitting a ball at an opponent in a reckless or dangerous manner.
 Shaking hands at the end of the match and thanking your fellow players.
 Not leaving kit, measuring stick, chairs or litter on the court after completion of
 Unhooking the net, locking the court gates and turning off the floodlights on
completion of play at night.
 Look after your own equipment, clothing and property.
 Respect and take care of Club property and that of other members and visitors.
 At no time play or participate in any Club activity while under the influence of alcohol
or drugs.
 Having booked a court and found you are unable to play, delete the booking as soon
as possible so that others may book the court.
 When bringing guests, adhere to the rules regarding how often and when they may
come, enter the appropriate details in the Visitors’ Book and leave the correct money
in the envelope at the back.
 Help to keep the Clubhouse tidy by putting litter in the bin and washing up and
putting away crockery. Similarly, help keep the grounds and courts tidy by picking up
litter - even if it’s not yours.
 Remember to pay for tea and coffee consumed.
 Read the Notice Boards regularly and familiarise yourself with Policy statements.
 If you are the last to leave the Club, ensure that the taps are turned off fully,
Clubhouse lights and floodlights extinguished, heating is turned off, windows and
doors shut and the padlocks on the gates snapped shut.
 Support Club events that take place on and off the courts.
 Be prepared to volunteer for working parties, consider serving on the Club
Committee and think of helping with social or junior events.
 Finally, don’t just ask “What can the Club do for me?” ask “What can I do for the
 Whilst encouraging a family atmosphere, we ask that young children and animals be
supervised at all times, so as not to spoil the enjoyment of others.
 For their own safety, do not let young children go on to the courts, play in the car
park or follow a ball into the road.
 Although there is a roadside pavement to the club, parents should think carefully
before allowing young children to walk or cycle to and from the Club and in any event
should not allow a young child to make the journey alone.
 Parents should turn up on time to collect children after coaching or playing and not
leave them waiting round at the Club.
First aid
The First Aid kit is located in the box fixed to the wall above the main counter and
marked ‘FIRST AID CASE’.
Contacting the emergency services
If no one on site has a mobile phone, the nearest telephone box is located outside of
the Post Office and Spar shop in Bishop Sutton, 200 metres west (turn right out of the
entrance) along the main road.
Telephone procedure
Ring ‘999’.
Keep calm and speak clearly.
Give your name and state the emergency service required.
Provide your mobile telephone number if you are using one.
Give the full name and address of the Club as follows:
“Bishop Sutton Tennis Club, Adjoining The Redlands, Wick Road, Bishop
Sutton, BS39 5TW.”
The control room for Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade may not know where the Club
is located so these directions can be given to aid location:
“The Club is situated on the north side of the A368 about 120 metres east of
Bishop Sutton.”
Give location, time and details of the incident or accident.
State number injured, their condition and any treatment administered.
Arrange for someone to meet the ambulance in the car park.
Injury procedure
Minor injury (e.g. small cut, graze, bruise, sprain, sting)
a) Take appropriate First Aid action.
b) Make provision for the injured person to rest or continue as appropriate.
c) Ensure that the injured person is able to get home without assistance or
arrange a lift or collection.
d) Record details of the incident in the Accident/Incident Book (to be found
under the First Aid box) or on an Injury/Incident Report form (under the
kitchen counter) and leave it there for later inclusion in the Accident/Incident
Major Injury or collapse
a) Enquire if there is a doctor on site.
b) Arrange for the sick or injured person to be taken to hospital (Royal United
Hospital, Bath or Bristol Royal Infirmary) or ring for an ambulance. Use
discretion as to whether to administer First Aid.
c) Make the person comfortable, keep them warm and ensure someone stays
with him/her.
d) Telephone their next of kin.
Record details of the incident in the Accident/Incident Book underneath the
First Aid Box.
Fire procedure
There is a fire extinguisher in the kitchen on the outside wall above the sink.
Only if the fire can be quickly extinguished with minimal risk should you attempt to do
Keep a clear head and do not panic.
Raise the alarm and ensure that no one is left in the building as you leave.
If possible and it is safe to do so, turn the electricity off at the mains in the meter
cupboard by the main entrance before you leave.
Leave by the nearest safe exit (main entrance or kitchen door) and shut the doors
behind you.
Do not delay evacuation by collecting belongings.
Call the Fire Brigade.
Do not re-enter the building or allow anyone else to do so until the Fire Officer in
charge authorises.
Record details of the incident on any available paper for later inclusion in the
Accident/Incident Book.
Break-in or theft
If you are the first on the scene and subsequently leave, write a note, to indicate what
action has been taken and leave it in a prominent place to avoid several people
reporting the same incident.
If you consider the incident is serious call the police on 101 and in addition call one of
the Club Officers, whose telephone numbers are on the Notice Board.
If the perpetrator or perpetrators are still on the premises do not place yourself at risk
of being injured in attempting to apprehend them. You should not use undue force in
restraining them or damage their clothing in the attempt, as you could be liable to an
assault charge. Try to ascertain the name, address and age of the perpetrators and
make a mental note of their physical descriptions.
Record details of the incident in the Accident/Incident Book (by First Aid Box).
Whether or not the incident involves calling the emergency services, please inform one
of the Club Officers as soon as possible.
Should an actual or alleged assault take place an officer, committee member, or other
responsible person on site should be called and take charge. First Aid should be
applied if necessary.
The incident should be investigated to ascertain the background factors leading to the
assault and witnesses sought. If deemed necessary the Police and Ambulance
Services should be called.
Record details of the incident in the Accident/Incident Book (by First Aid Box).
Drug or alcohol abuse
Persons found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol should be escorted off the
site by the most senior officer, committee member or other responsible persons
present. Remember that you have a duty of care, within reason, to ensure that the
person concerned does not attempt to drive or risks being struck by a vehicle in the
Members should seek on the spot assistance to avoid placing themselves at risk when
facing violent, disruptive or threatening behaviour and the Police should be called.
Where the person is unconscious or appears in a serious state, the Ambulance service
should be called. In such cases the attention of the ambulance personnel should be
drawn to any discarded drugs or packaging as it may help to provide the appropriate
Record details of the incident in the Accident/Incident Book (by First Aid Box).