Chairperson: Bob Wemyss, SNH Present: Bob Wemyss (SNH), John Cunningham (CnES), Martin Scott (RSPB), Carol Mair (WIFT), Neil Macleod (CnES), Martin Malcolm (NHS), Sara Bartram (NHS), Norman Macdonald (WIE), Helen Mackenzie Apologies: Malcolm MacPhail (Scottish Water), David Macleod (CnES), Cath Morrison (WIE), Simon Scott (WIFT), Frank Rennie (UHI), Scott Connor (TEAS), Mary Harman (SNH) In Attendance: None Item Decision/Note 1 Minute of meeting of 5 October 2006 The minute of the meeting of 5 October 2006 was approved as read. 2 Matters arising from the meeting of 5 October 2006 There were no matters arising not already listed in the Agenda. 3 Sustainability Themes and Indicators Bob Wemyss presented the latest draft of Sustainability Indicators and Themes and invited agreement. Since the last meeting, Bob Wemyss had collected a large amount of baseline data. The various Indicators now required targets to be assigned to them and it was agreed that the relevant agencies should supply any existing targets before the Indicators are passed to the relevant Forums for the production of the remaining targets. It was felt that the Indicators should be prioritised in terms of areas where the Community Planning Partnership wanted to make progress. Derek McKim had suggested a wider set of Community Planning Partnership Indicators which the SEF should take notice of and Bob Wemyss undertook to speak to Derek about this. 1 Action Who? When? Bob Wemyss to distribute agreed Indicators to service agencies to allow existing targets to be assigned. Bob Wemyss ASAP Bob Wemyss to speak to Derek McKim regarding wider Community Planning Indicators. Item Decision/Note Action Who? When? 4 Green Living Leaflet Mary Harman had produced an illustrated draft of the ‘Green Living’ leaflet which was circulated for comment. It was felt that there was maybe too much text within the leaflet and that each section should be restricted to two or three bullet points. The feasibility of taking repeated outdoor walks in the Western Isles climate was questioned and it was felt that there should be some indoor alternative to this to reflect local circumstances. An interactive element should be incorporated, for example a formula for calculating your own carbon footprint and tickboxes for the main measures. It was important that lead agencies for each area approved the content of the leaflet, for example TIG, CnES Transport, CnES Waste Aware etc. Mary Harman to revise leaflet in the following areas: alternatives to outdoor walks; reduced number of bullet points for each section; inclusion of an interactive element; tickboxes against main measures; and, approval by lead agencies. Mary Harman For next meeting 5 Community Appraisal Project Helen Mackenzie referred to proposals by the Community Planning Partnership’s Community Engagement Action Team to carry out a new Community Appraisal exercise throughout the Western Isles. The previous Appraisals, from the 1990’s, lacked commonality and could not easily be compared in key areas. The current exercise will be led by Community Planning Partners and will ensure that the resulting data will be useable for service planning. The SEF should consider appropriate, non-service, questions, asking itself the test questions: What would the results tell you?; and, What would you do with the results? Members to give some thought to environmental questions for inclusion in upcoming Community Appraisal exercise. Feedback to Helen Mackenzie. All members ASAP 2 6 Item Decision/Note Action Who? When? State of the Environment Report, 2007 John Cunningham referred to proposals by Western Isles Development Trust’s Environment Committee to carry out an Environmental Audit of the Western Isles. The Trust had been established to negotiate community benefit for the entire Western Isles from any renewables scheme that might come to the islands. The Environmental Audit would identify areas where mitigation might be required to reduce the impact of the proposed schemes. The Audit was also designed to identify areas where changing human activity in the environment and climate change were threatening existing environmental systems. The SEF had a duty to facilitate the refreshment of the 1995 State of the Environment Report and it was felt that WIDT should be supported in dealing with the environmental aspects of the work, leaving the social and economic updates to others. John Cunningham to feedback to Western Isles Development Trust in the following terms: the term ‘declining human activity’ should be changed to ‘changes in human activity’; and, explicit reference to the potential use of the document as a basis for local SEA assessments should be made. John Cunningham ASAP Donald A Macleod (Integration Manager, New Community Schools) to be invited to next meeting. Diane Macleod For next meeting John Cunningham ASAP It was felt that the completed Audit report might be a valuable resource for local agencies requiring to SEA their policies and plans. 7 Projects Helen Mackenzie referred to two previous projects that had been ‘sponsored’ by the SEF – Sandwick Garden Project and Sgoil na Loch Sustainability Project. Schools appeared to be a very fertile area for developing a sustainability ethos and it was agreed to invite Donald A Macleod, Integration Manager from the Comhairle’s Education Department, to the next meeting of the SEF to hear about initiatives currently underway in island schools. No promotion of the SEF’s sponsoring role to be undertaken at this time. It was agreed that the SEF’s project support role be not promoted in the meantime. 8 Membership of SEF John Cunningham was asked to circulate a list of the current membership of the SEF to ensure that representation on the group was sufficiently wide. 3 Current membership list to be circulated. Item Decision/Note Action Who? When? 9 AOCB Derek McKim had submitted a Consultation Document regarding the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the 2007 – 2013 European Regional Development Fund programme. It was agreed that little could be done given that the consultation period had closed but it was felt that the SEF should have an ongoing role in commenting on applications to the Fund and on the general development of the local programme. It was pointed out that the Assessment of the programme was strictly environmental and that social and economic factors were not to be considered. These other factors could be critical in the Western Isles where the windfarm debate was finely balanced on the tension between environmental impact and socioeconomic benefit. Bob Wemyss to speak to Derek McKim regarding an ongoing role for the SEF in assessing local ERDF projects between 2007 and 2011. Bob Wemyss ASAP 10 Date of next meeting It was agreed that the next meeting should include teleconferencing facilities for SEF members in the Southern Isles and that it should take place in the Western Isles Enterprise Board Room. A proposed date would be circulated in due course. Organise next meeting in WIE Boardroom with teleconference facilities for Uist members. Diane Macleod For next meeting 4