Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching, Learning and Quality Committee 20.04.15 Enclosure J PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY: SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE 2015-16 Action Plans are the University process for documenting, monitoring and evaluating the quality of the learning opportunities at University, School, programme and module levels. They address the maintenance of academic standards, engagement with students regarding the quality of their experiences, and for assessing progress against the University’s strategic ambitions. Plans should focus on enhancement, highlighting areas of particularly effective practices which others may wish to note, and document developments that address pedagogical, disciplinary, and (where appropriate) sector/industrial/professional initiatives, policy and practice. Actions should be mapped into the appropriate Sections, rows 1-7 as in previous years. To enhance transparency the TLSE criteria are mapped onto this template: Section Teaching, Learning & Student Experience Goals (TLSE) Section 1, 2,3 2,3,4,6 4 Goal 1: High quality programmes and curricula Goal 2: Inspiring learning opportunities Goal 3: Flexible learning & digital literacy Goal 4: Student development 1 2 3 2,3,4 5 6 7 Student Engagement and Feedback (SEF) (including NSS/SPQ/PTES/PRES results, KIS and DLHE data) Curriculum Development Teaching Assessment and Feedback Student Learning Experience including personal development, employability and academic support Organisation and Management Learning Resources Overall Satisfaction Each Section should include actions against TLSE and SEF. Section 3 for example includes actions addressing “Assessment and Feedback” as per SEF and “Goal 2: Inspiring Learning Opportunities” as per TLSE. References to the maintenance of academic standards should primarily appear within the Module and Programme Action Plans for which the School is responsible, but where action is required to address any concerns regarding academic standards, these should be recorded in School plans. Action plans can include additional Sections which map against other internal (e.g. School and Faculty strategic plans) and/or external (e.g. government policy, professional accreditation) drivers as appropriate. School: ……………………………………… Faculty: …………………………………………........ Head of School:………………………………………. Action Plan Completed by………………………………………………………………………….. 1 Date ………………………………….……….. Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching, Learning and Quality Committee 20.04.15 Enclosure J Sections 1. Progress on initiatives, enhancement & actions planned for 2014-15 as set out in previous Action Plan (Please copy from column 3 of the 2014-15 action plan.) 2. Academic standards, progress and impacts of enhancements, initiatives and actions in 2014-15 (University and School Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Priorities. Internal and external drivers eg QAA Code, PSRB engagements, national initiatives, external examiners reports, pass, progression and attainment statistics, DLHE, student satisfaction surveys, faculty and School committee minutes. This list of evidence is not exhaustive) Section 1. TLSE Goal 1 SEF - Curriculum Development Section 2. TLSE Goals 2 & 3 SEF -Teaching Section 3. TLSE Goals 2 & 3 SEF Assessment and Feedback Section 4. TLSE Goals 2- 4 SEF- Student Learning Experience Section 5. SEF-Organisation and Management 2 3. Planned initiatives, enhancements and actions for 2015-2016 (Please include milestones, completion dates, and name of implementation lead) Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching, Learning and Quality Committee 20.04.15 Enclosure J Section 6. TLSE Goal 3 SEF - Learning Resources Section 7. TLSE Goals 1- 4 SEF - Overall Satisfaction Section 8: Other(as specified) APPENDIX School Action Plans should also include: The list of programmes (UG, PGT, Professional PGR) with student numbers for which the School is responsible. For programmes offered in partnerships, the partner(s) should be identified and the date when the partnership agreement is due for renewal. A list of programmes that have been approved, re-approved, suspended or withdrawn that occurred during the previous academic year. Where the title of a programme has changed, the previous programme title should be specified. Engagements with professional, regulatory or statutory bodies with outcomes that occurred during the previous academic year, and expected date of next visit. 3