Lucy Macleod (Chair)
Norma Skinner
Munro Gold
Brian Chaplin
Malcolm Smith
Alasdair Nicholson
Alison Clark
Harry Miller
Public Health, NHS Western Isles
Sustainable Communities, CnES
Sustainable Communities, CnES
Health Promotion, NHS Western Isles
Social Work, CnES
Voluntary Action Lewis
Community Health Manager, NHS Western Isles
Sustainable Communities, CnES
Murdo Gray
Maria Mackay
Gillian Morrison
Dave Matheson
Technical Services, CnES
Joint Future,
Western Isles Enterprise
Lews Castle College
Matters Arising
Men’s Health Bid – The bid was unsuccessful in the first round of funding. However,
the Scottish Executive has asked for further detail and for the bid to be resubmitted.
There is no indication of a date when the group will hear whether the bid has been
Community Wellbeing Strategy/JHIP – It has been circulated to all agencies involved
within the Community Planning Partnership. No comments were received.
Accountability Structures - A paper was distributed to the group for discussion. It
was agreed that all comments be returned by Friday 30th July 2004. If there are any
comments received, accountability structures will be placed as an agenda item for
the next meeting otherwise the paper will be taken as agreed by the Forum.
Community Health and Well-being Profile – Lucy highlighted the Western Isles
Community Profile, which has been published by Health Scotland. NHS Health
Scotland are willing to do a presentation on the report to relevant agencies within the
Western Isles. Lucy Macleod agreed to liaise with them on this.
Older People’s Strategy
Malcolm Smith presented a paper discussing the development of a strategy
regarding the health and wellbeing of older people. The strategy is being developed
within the Joint Future framework. The need for service user representation was
discussed and for a "healthcheck" on new policies to ensure that they do not
discriminate against or have an adverse impact on services for older people. It was
agreed that the Forum would be kept informed, and offer support and direction to
the development of the strategy.
Community Planning Guidance
The guidance document was discussed. The group were informed that Derek
McKim intends to use this guidance as a framework for restructuring the Community
Planning structures in the Western Isles. The group agreed to ensure
communication was maintained with Derek McKim throughout this process.
Community Regeneration Fund
The Scottish Executive have announced that the Western Isles has been allocated
indicative funding of £338,000 for 2005/06, dependent on a regeneration outcome
agreement. Derek McKim has requested all the Community Planning Forum Chairs
to a meeting on the 5th August 2004 to discuss this funding.
It was agreed that the subgroup directed to take forward the SIP proposal would be
in a strong position to support the development of a regeneration outcome
agreement for this funding with additional membership. Lucy Macleod agreed to
represent this view at the meeting on the 5th August.
Mun Gold informed the forum that BNSF had a future year's funding from the
Scottish Executive, which was not included within the regeneration fund package.
Alasdair Nicholson suggested that funding of this nature within an ROA could be
used to match fund European funds, and that this should be examined.
Community Wellbeing Plan/JHIP
Amendments to actions under community transport, regarding disabled access were
It was agreed that a final draft of the Community Wellbeing strategy would be
circulated to all members for final comment before going for printing. All comments
to be received back to either Lucy Macleod or Norma Skinner by Monday 16th August
It was agreed that all responses required for the completion of the action plan be
returned to Norma Skinner by Friday 27th August.
The forum agreed that the Community Wellbeing Strategy be printed by the
Comhairle print room.
Norma Skinner informed the group that very few action team chairpersons had
provided information regarding their group for inclusion in a newsletter, despite
repeated requests for information. It was therefore agreed by the forum to postpone
plans to develop a newsletter.
Children’s Services
Malcolm Smith asked that this item be deferred until a future meeting.
Smoking Consultation
Norma Skinner informed the group, that the Community Planning Partnership had
agreed at their last meeting to circulate the smoking consultation within their own
organisations, but not to send a response from the Partnership.
The Forum therefore agreed to examine the responses sent back from the Statutory
Agencies and also to offer the Voluntary Sector the opportunity to put forward a
response for sanction by the forum.
Community Safety – Community Safety under review by the Scottish Executive.
Scott Ballintyne (expert advisor to the Minister for Justice) met with the Western Isles
Community Safety Partnership regarding potential changes. It is likely that
Community Safety Partnerships will in future be required to focus on a maximum of
2-3 local priorities.
Anti-social Behaviour – Community Safety Partnership are at present trying to coordinate activity within the Western Isles regarding the development of an Anti-social
Behaviour Strategy.
Choose Life – The Service Level Agreement between Voluntary Action Lewis and
the Community Planning Partnership has now been signed.
Forum Membership – Harry Miller agreed to speak to Citizen’s Advice Bureau to
request again their membership on the forum.
Date of Next Meeting
24th August 2004
Western Isles Enterprise Board Room
2 –4pm
Oct 5th
Nov 17th