BISHOP SUTTON TENNIS CLUB MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING Held at The Redlands At 7pm on Wednesday 10 January 2007 PRESENT Chris Rylance (Chairman), Mark Taber, Toni Warren, Chris Keast, Harry Connell, John Watson, Barbara Mabbutt, Ron Grew, Matt Thompson, Alison Letts APOLOGIES Sylv Willcox, Angela King MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record. FINANCIAL REPORT Mark circulated an income and expenditure account to 31 12.06 to all members and reported that the final accounts should be finished within the next week. Revenue is higher than forecast due to life donations received during the year. The transfer of £9550 into the sinking fund should cover the courts and floodlights costs for 2007, but there will be none to put towards the clubhouse fund. Taking into account the major expenditure on the floodlights this year, however, this was understandable. Mark forecast there should be about £5000 surplus each year which can be put towards the clubhouse fund. Mark asked the committee for suggestions of any possible items of expenditure to budget for in 2007. Harry commented that court 3 has been flooding badly, and Mark added that court 5 needed moss cleaning and possibly repainting. John Watson mentioned the corner of court 1 built up with water and mud, and Harry offered to make a wooden broom which players could use to brush the mud off. Harry agreed to contact a company to come and look at all three courts, including annual deep brush of courts 1 & 2, and report back. He also produced price lists for nets and wooden benches which were given to Chris and Mark. He has spoken to Down to Earth, who are happy to continue the gardening work next year, and Harry is satisfied with their work. They predicted a small increase in their rates by approx. 34% but will confirm this when the contracts are renewed in April. Mark proposed that the membership subscriptions should stay the same for 2007/8, and this was unanimously agreed. Membership is falling slightly each year, and although this is not a major cause for concern, it was agreed that there is a need for a marketing drive this year to keep the subscriptions up around 700. Chris felt that the mini members are the best prospect for potential members, and suggested that a copy of the newsletter and membership package could also be sent to them at the end of the month. This was agreed. John Watson asked whether the committee felt that the joining fee might put new members off joining the club, and whether this could be reduced or withdrawn. There were varying views around the table, and Chris felt that this should be discussed at greater length at a future meeting. TENNIS DEVELOPMENT Ron reported that no-one appears to be keen to take on the job of secretary for BANES development group. Chris has written to Barry Tugwood expressing his concern over the continuation of the Primary Prospects scheme, and what help the club will receive from BANES in 2007. The scheme has generated a lot of new younger players and the club is keen to build on the relationships built up within the primary schools, and also local secondary schools to maintain the profile of a community club. If BANES are not prepared to fund the coaching time Matt has spent in the schools, the club will need to make a decision how to continue. Chris Keast suggested Matt providing after school coaching at the schools, with children paying a minimal fee to the club. Once a reply has been received from BANES the committee will discuss the matter further. Chris Rylance put forward the idea of the club paying for a performance coach to work with the league teams, especially the 1st teams, to help them stay at the level they have achieved so far. Chris Keast felt that this would be an impossible task for the men’s 1 st team as the main players are never able to play together to train. He felt that Duncan Grew would fit the team’s coaching needs well when he is back in the country, but Chris R pointed out that this would not be until after the start of the league matches. It was the general opinion that some structured coaching would be beneficial on Tuesday night men’s practice, however, and Matt agreed to take on this role. Chris Keast told the committee that he is going to enter a men’s team in the National League. Chris Rylance confirmed that the club has entered a ladies 3 rd team in the Avon Summer League. After a mailshot within the club, Carol King has received some favourable responses and is hopeful that she can build a team up for the season. Sylv Willcox is not intending stand again for the committee, and Matt has agreed to become the Child Protection Officer for the club. He is looking at the Clubmark documentation with Chris Rylance with a view to updating and extending the club’s records to fall in line with the relevant policies used by that and the LTA. He will then produce an information booklet which will be on display in the clubhouse for members to consult. In the winter league the 1st team in Division 2 have won four and lost two matches. The 2 nd team in Division 4 have won four and lost one match, and the veterans in Division 2 have won two and lost one match. The open play night for beginners and new members will start on Monday 22 January from 6.30-8.15 p.m. Adult coaching resumed on Thursday 11 January and is still very well supported. The ladies’ first team are starting pre-league coaching sessions again with Jason. JUNIOR REPORT The junior winter league has been slow to get under way, due to adverse weather and some teams pulling out of the leagues. The Christmas party on 20 December was a very successful night yet again, with an excellent turnout despite the freezing foggy conditions. Two presentations were made on the night; Tom Pate was presented with the Good Sportsman award by Chris Rylance, and Dan Gordon was presented with the new award for the Most Improved Junior by Gilly Horsford who donated the beautiful trophy. Ron gave thanks to everyone who helped and attended on such a cold night. COURTS, GROUNDS AND CLUBHOUSE Harry told that the courts are in reasonable condition considering the current wet weather. Harry had looked at the different types of heating to suit the clubhouse needs, and produced some literature on plinth heaters, which he felt would be most suitable. These are set into the wall, therefore are unable to be stolen, and have timer switches so that heating cannot be left on accidentally. He felt two heaters would be sufficient. John commented that the clubhouse painting had come to a halt for the moment, and that it was unlikely that much more would be done until the spring. Chris suggested that the club pays for a decorator to come and finish off the internal work. This was agreed by all, and John would contact Roger Dando in the first instance. Barbara knew of another handyman if Roger had no-one available. The meeting was unable to continue due to a lack of time, and was postponed until 23 January. COMMITTEE & MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE The content of the draft proposal for the future management structure of the club was discussed at length, and some elements were examined in detail. In a post meeting review involving all present it was agreed that the text of the third section, “Skeleton”, would be accepted as the model that the club would follow to build the next committee and its support groups, and recruitment for the next Committee would follow those guidelines. Chris also suggested that future management could consider limiting the durations of committee appointments, and building in a succession system for key roles. Mark stated his own strong personal reservations about continuing in office unless such a structure was implemented. A list was drawn up of those members willing to stand again. Chris Rylance confirmed that he will not stand as Chairman, and that he was in the process of sending letters to several prospective members asking for help generally on the committee. Brian Pate has stated an interest in becoming chairman, but did not feel he had the time to step straight into the role. Chris stated he did not think it fair that he should stay on the committee in any role, but would be happy to help the new chairman over the first few months off the committee. Harry offered to act as chair, or help run the committee meetings, either on his own or jointly with John Watson, as a temporary measure until there was someone to fill the post. All those willing to stand were duly proposed and seconded as follows: Committee Member Treasurer Mark Taber Secretary Toni Warren Chris Keast Ron Grew John Watson Harry Connell Barbara Mabbutt Matt Thompson Proposed by Chris Rylance Seconded by John Watson Chris Keast Chris Rylance Barbara Mabbutt Matt Thompson Toni Warren Chris Keast Harry Connell Chris Keast Harry Connell John Watson Harry Connell Barbara Mabbutt Ron Grew Harry Connell Alison Letts stated that she would be standing down as the nominated trustee, and that Angela King would be taking over. DEVELOPMENT POLICY & PLAN The contents of the draft development policy and plan were discussed, and an example was analysed in detail. In a post meeting review involving all present it was agreed that the text of the first Sections of the document would be accepted by the Committee as the Club’s Development Policy 2007. The 4th Section, “Development Plan – Action” would be accepted as a framework from which the next postAGM committee would refine a set of updated targets and actions. AGM ARRANGEMENTS The AGM has been agreed for 14th March 2007 at 7.30 p.m. All committee members agreed to arrive early to help set out chairs and move any necessary furniture. Barbara agreed to get the wine, and Toni and Ron agreed to hand this out on the night. It was hoped that Alison would draw up the attendees list and make the Wimbledon draw again, but Toni would contact her to confirm this. Toni would also contact Sylv to ask her to give the clubhouse an extra clean prior to the AGM. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Chris had initiated a meeting with Chris Revill and Marc Higgins of BANES Sports Active Team, predominantly to attempt to revive the Primary Prospects (PP) system, blocked at present by lack of organisation and funding. Mark Taber was also present. They confirmed that the Primary Prospects scheme will be happening again, as soon as someone is employed to organise it. They also told of the Schools Partnership scheme, which is run as part of the school curriculum and covers many sports. Chris is keen to explore a similar PP system to apply to Chew Valley School . Many children already belong to the club, but many more don’t. Chris has spoken to Charlotte Foley at Chew Valley School, who has proved to be very helpful and positive. Chris will liaise with Ron and agree a time to meet Charlotte and progress the situation. Harry has spoken to Mr Bailey of Bailey & Co., and he is coming to look the items mentioned in the Courts & Grounds report above. Harry raised the issue of plinth heaters, and it was agreed that Harry would get quotes and discuss these with Mark. Chris reported on an item of AOB from the previous meeting about a member bringing a visitor who was not paying the visitor fees. Alison had spoken to the member and the visitor had written a letter of apology and included back payment due. Next committee meeting Wednesday 11 April at The Redlands at 7.00 p.m.