Section B -

doc 035 I
rb bertomeu , S.L.
Section B
APRIL - 2001
Dossier rb
Section B
1 - INTRODUCTION ............................................................................
“rb bertomeu” PRODUCTS
AND THEIR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS ....................................
“rb bertomeu”
ADDITIVES FOR HEAVY FUEL OIL ...........................................
“rb bertomeu”
ADDITIVES FOR DIESEL OIL ....................................................
“rb bertomeu”
CLEANING PRODUCTS ................................................................
rb bertomeu S.L. SERVICES
.............................................. 23
7 - AVAILABLE TECHNICAL INFORMATION ..............................
“rb bertomeu” ADDITIVES
......... 28
Dossier rb
Section B
The documentation contained in this dossier gives an overview of the products and services offered by rb
bertomeu, S.L. in the field of combustion, on the utilisation of liquid fossil fuels in diesel engines
(especially in Co-generation plants) and burners installed in steam boilers and drying furnaces.
We specialise in the optimisation of combustion , with the clear objective of achieving an ecological
improvement and an important saving in energy and maintenance costs in all type of facilities and
vehicles, and we been homologated by the engine manufacturer DEUTZ - Engine.
Heavy Fuel oil and Diesel oil have their specific characteristics , invariable and derived from their own nature
, and , our purpose is to prepare them so which they will be taken best advantage of and with minimum
problems in any type of combustion installation , helping to obtain the maximum energy efficiency of the
equipment and to decrease operating costs.
Our field of operation covers the following areas :
Design and manufacture of additives for liquid fuels.
Technical Service of combustion analysis .
Auxiliary Services and Products for the maintenance and cleaning of combustion facilities
Our work in the industrial area is not limited exclusively to the simple addition of products to the fuel, but
also offers, at the request of our clients and in close collaboration with them, a global management of the
combustion through Total Service of Addition , where the results obtained are checked and, in each case, the
additive dose, necessary to obtain the best results, is defined.
In the present dossier , the types and the characteristics of our additives for heavy Fuel oil and Diesel oil ,
as well as those of the auxiliary maintenance and cleaning products, are detailed. The specific problems
which our additives and auxiliary products solve are shown, as well as some of the quantified benefits which
can be expected through their regular use which, as is indicated in the presentation letter , are located in the
following main points :
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Section B
Reduction of fuel consumption
per energy unit produced, in engines as
well as in boilers.
Reduction of breakdown and maintenance costs
due to corrosion
and cleanliness, above all in valves , turbochargers and heat exchangers.
Reduction of sludge (in the case of heavy fuel
Increment of Annual Service Factor, due to the reduction of shutdowns
oil) and removal costs.
by breackdowns and cleanings and increment of the TBO value.
We also offer an overview on the Technical Services which we carry out in the industrial area , especially
those of analysis of combustion gases in co-generation plants as well as in boilers and furnaces , of control
of corrosion and encrustation in engines , of supply of addition equipment of our additive , etc.
Finally , in the final chapters the available technical documentation on this theme is listed , which can be
supplied on demand, and some client reference letters of on the satisfactory use of our products and services
are attached, as well as the homologation letter from DEUTZ.
For more data about our fuel oil and diesel oil additives and also about our maintenance and cleaning
auxiliary products , see Section C of this rb Dossier . Also all Safety data sheets are available in the Section
Dossier rb
Section B
“rb bertomeu”
(Dose : 0,25 - 0,5 L for Tm of Fuel oil )
Additive beco F
Fuel oil Nº 1 BIA , Nº 1 and Nº 2 for all type of applications.
Fluidifier. Saves fuel and reduces unburned fuel. Decants the water.
Reduces sludge. Reduces carbon build up in burners.
Additive beco Mg
Fuel oil Nº 1 BIA , Nº 1 and Nº 2 for all type of applications.
Reduces corrosion and residual encrustation in valves and engine turbos
and in heat exchangers of boilers. Keeps the boiler pipes clean and
conserves the exchange rate, optimising energetic efficiency.
Additive beco F1/ASF
Fuel oil Nº 1 BIA , Nº 1 and Nº 2 for diesel engines. Total action:
Save fuel and reduces unburned fuel. Decants the water. Reduces
sludge and opening frequency of the purifiers. Reduces corrosion and
encrustation in valves, turbos and exhaust circuit gases.
Additive beco F1-Ship
Fuel oil Nº 1 BIA , Nº 1 and Nº 2 for diesel engines. Special
NONFLAMMABLE. Total action: Save fuel and reduces unburned
fuel. Decants the water. Reduces sludge and opening frequency of the
purifiers. Reduces corrosion and encrustation in valves, turbos and
exhaust circuit gases.
Additive beco F2/A
Fuel oil Nº 1 BIA , Nº 1 and Nº 2 for Boilers and Furnaces.
Total action : Save fuel and reduces unburned. Decants the water.
Reduces sludge and keeps the filters clean. Avoids carbon build up in
burners. Reduces corrosion and encrustation in boiler chambers and
heat exchangers. Keeps the boiler pipes clean and conserves the
exchange rate, optimising energetic efficiency.
(Dose : 0,5 - 1 L for each 2.000 L of Diesel oil )
Additive beco DA
For Automotive engines. Saves fuel and reduces pollution. Decants
the water. Reduce breakdowns and maintains the performance qualities
of the engine at maximum level.
Additive beco DC
For Co-generation, Marine and Machinery engines. Saves fuel and
reduces pollution. Decants the water. Reduces breakdowns. Reduces
corrosion and encrustation in valves and turbos.
Dossier rb
Section B
Additive beco DC-Ship For Diesel engines. Special NONFLAMMABLE .
Action anticorrosion for valves and turbos reinforced.
Saves fuel and reduces pollution. Decants the water. Reduces
Additive beco BF
For Boilers and Furnaces. Saves fuel and reduces pollution. Avoids
carbon build up in burners. Reduces corrosion and encrustation in heat
exchangers. Keeps the pipes clean and optimises the energy efficiency
of the boilers.
Antifreeze for all type of Diesel oil .Reduces the temperature of
bewax OB
of the filter and of solidification of the Diesel oil , depending on the dose
the type of Diesel oil (Summer / Winter / Heating ).
See application tables on Technical Characteristics sheet.
Cleaner belim F
ECObelim Cooler
Recovery agent
belod R
belim CAL
Cleanings of filters, purifiers and metal pieces in contact with fuel oil
, bitumens , tars and asphalt derivatives . Very useful for cleaning oil
bath air filters in co-generation plants.
Cleanings of air coolers with strongly encrusted grease and powder
residues. It is used diluted in water (5-10% ECObelim and 95-90%
Fluidifier of heavy fuel oil sludge, which can then be used as fuel
when mixed with new heavy fuel oil.
De-encrustant to eliminate external calcareous encrustation in
refrigeration towers with industrial water. It is used diluted in water
(10 -20% belim CAL and 90-80% water).
Safety Data Sheets available for all products . (see Section D of rb Dossier)
For technical data , see “General Cataloghe of Products”. (Section C of rb Dossier)
Analysis of exhaust gases from co-generation plant engines
Analysis of gases from boilers and furnaces
Checking of encrustation and corrosions in valves and exhaust circuit gases in co-generation plants
Adjustment of combustion in boilers and furnaces , to improve the energy efficiency of the system
Industrial installations for adding additive to the fuel oil
General technical consultancy on combustion process
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Section B
3 - ACTIONS AND BENEFITS OF “rb bertomeu”
The “rb bertomeu” additives for heavy fuel oil should be added to the fuel storage tank to obtain all the
benefits which are expected of the treatment . In this way, the fuel is prepared for use in the corresponding
combustion equipment and to obtain the maximum efficiency .
The addition must take place , in industrial facilities , at the moment of unloading the fuel into the storage
tank via a which injects it into the unloading line . This guarantees a perfect homogenisation of the fuel
additive mixture with the fuel oil from the beginning. In facilities where there is no metering pump, we can
supply it after making a study and in agreement with the plant manager.
Only when it is to obtain partial benefits , mainly related to corrosion reduction , it is possible which some of
the additives will be injected and metered in the fuel oil feed line of the combustion equipment or to the daily
consumption tank. Each case must be analysed, taking into account the benefits which are desired from the
ACTIONS OF “rb bertomeu” ADDITIVES FOR Fuel oil
The immediate actions of “rb bertomeu” additives for heavy Fuel oil in the storage tanks of the fuel are the
following :
1- De-emulsion and separation of the water present in the fuel oil . This water must be
removed from the tank through periodic drainage. In this way part of the sodium present in
the fuel oil is eliminated , as well as its corrosive effects during combustion. Also , being
the water eliminated , it does not damage the injectors nor is power lost in its vaporisation
during combustion.
2- The hydrocarbons in suspension , solids or semi solids , of high molecular weight and are
always present in the heavy fuel oil , they are disintegrated, dispersed and maintained
in homogeneous suspension , avoiding the separation of organic sludge in the tank.
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Section B
This avoids the sludge building up in the tanks , the loss of fuel material, the cumbersome
operations of tank cleaning and the costly withdrawal of sludge by specialised contractors.
3- The degradation due to the action of the time and temperature (polymerisation) , which is
normally the cause of the appearance and separation of more and more sludge in the heavy
fuel oil tanks, this is also avoided with our additive treatment to the storage tanks.
The improvement actions of “rb bertomeu” additives for heavy Fuel oil, in the engines and burners of
boilers or furnaces , are the following when the treated fuel oil is used and consumed in the corresponding
1- The fuel oil circuits, are maintained cleaner for long time periods due to the lower
quantity of sludge, including purifiers and filters. In the case of Co-generation Plants ,
according to the experience of our clients , the opening times of the purifiers can be
delayed to the maximum permitted by the program and the automatic filters (which
operate opening against pressure) remain almost without being opened due to the lower
quantity of sludge.
2- The combustion improves due to the presence of surfactants which
improve the
atomisation of the fuel and consequently its mixture with the combustion air. Due to this ,
there are no unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases , therefore improving the
energy efficiency. In the case of diesel engines , this is especially important as the
combustion time is limited , while in the case of boiler burners , the effect of the
additive permits operation with least excess of air over the theoretic necessary and
obtains some gases at greater temperature , which raises the rate of heat exchange and
the Energetic Efficiency of the boiler in the steam generation.
When burning fuel oil , a fuel with a large quantity of metal impurities, the “rb
bertomeu” additive instigates the formation of non-corrosive compounds with a high
fusion point , avoiding the presence of low fusion point sodium vanadates, which are
mainly responsible for corrosion in exhaust valves , turbo-compressors and other hot
parts of the engines , the heat exchangers of the boilers , etc. and also of the formation
of residual encrustation in these elements.
Especially corrosives (due to its low fusion point : around 350ºC) are the sodium
vanadates with V2O5/Na2O molar ratio = 3 , although other compounds with higher or
lower molar ratio have fusion temperatures between 400º and 650ºC and can be also
dangerous in some points of the engine where theses temperatures are reached.
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Section B
That action of fixing of heavy metals , is also translated in a decrease of the oxidation of
SO2 to SO3 (formed from Sulphur in the fuel oil) , by minimising its catalytic action on
the reaction ; as consequence , the appearance of sulphuric acid condensation when the
combustion gases cool reduces and with this the cold corrosion.
The corrosion which appears in the turbo-compressors is produced , normally , over a
longer time period than in the exhaust valves of the engines. Through years of
experimentation in Co-generation plants, reliable data is being obtaining which indicates
which the regular use of
“rb bertomeu” additives notably increases the life of the
turbo-compressors and reduces their cleaning necessities, run-time cleaning (by water
injection , steam , dry milled vegetal shell , etc.) , as well as in-depth cleaning of the
dismantled equipment. This reduction of cleaning also means an important increase of the
annual production of power due to the decrease in down time of dismantling and
rebuilding turbos and to the minus time operating at reduced power , as is customary when
cleaning is done during run time.
BENEFITS OF “rb bertomeu” ADDITIVES FOR Fuel oil
As a consequence of the itemised actions we have mentioned , which are promoted by
“rb bertomeu”
additives for heavy Fuel oil, during the period of storage of the fuel in the storage tanks and during its
combustion in the engines or burners , series of economic benefits are obtained which , in the case of cogeneration plants equipped with Diesel engines, we have managed to determine experimentally and cooperating with our clients . The data most relevant , though not all of it , is shown below :
1- The sludge formation is reduced , depending on the type on fuel oil , by between
50% and 95%. Data on this reduction in sludge formation can be verified in any one of
the existing co-generation plants in Spain which are using our additives for fuel oil. In
each installation avoidable costs can be calculated the in function of the system of
removal of existing sludge . The cost saving can become very high if the withdrawal of
the sludge is carried out by a specialised company.
2- The specific fuel consumption to produce a unit of power is reduced by a minimum
of 1. 5 % in a engine, compared with the same plant using or not using our treatment.
This reduction is basically promoted by the better combustion of fuel and the lower fuel
loses through the sludges. In several checks carried out over a period of more than a
year in a co-generation plant equipped with 2 diesel engines , the consumption
Dossier rb
Section B
reduction obtained was 1.56 % of fuel , equivalent to 34.06 kcal/kWh , taking into
account the calorific power of the fuel . In the lion's share of the cases , the saving
procured by this concept is already equal or superior to the cost of the additive , leaving
the other benefits as additional gain. One must emphasise which this saving was
detected in a Plant with engines in excellent working condition. (See “Trials of fuel
oil additive done in the co-generation plant of XXXX , S.A.” . Section H of
An aditional fuel saving of 0.9 – 1.2 % is obtained due to lower erosion of the
injection equipment. This erosion, when appear, can produce increase of fuel
consumption higher than 3% , according to the information of several engine makers.
The fuel saving in steam boilers can be set at 2-8 % or more , due to the fact which the
lesser thickness of deposited residues and the greater ease of removal of these, this favours
the conservation of the rate of heat exchange and therefore optimises Energy Efficiency. In
the following table the level of energy loss is observed in function of the thickness of the
dirt encrusted in the pipes of the boilers :
heat loss
in pipes (mm thickness)
Increase consumption
fuel %
8 / 12
2 / 2.5
12 / 24
2,5 / 4.5
20 / 48
4 / 8.5
3- The savings in cost of exhaust valve maintenance in the engines , calculated from the
numerous data obtained checking several plants equipped with diesel engines, are the
new valves
Saving of 69 % with respect to
normal replacement level
new valve basket
: Saving of 88 % with respect
to normal replacement level
reconditioned valve basket:
Saving of 85 % with
respect to normal replacement level.
The TBO (time between overhaul) , has been increased to 100% of its
normal value , for logistical reasons of the plants, without maintenance
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Section B
4- The savings and benefits gained from the improvements in the conservation of
turbo-compressors , calculated from the data supplied by Co-generation plants which
have worked for sufficient time with heavy fuel oil without additives before using “rb
bertomeu” additives, are established in the following approximate ranges (currently the
checks are continuing to determine statistic security with greater accuracy , in several
engines of our clients) :
New turbos
: estimated minimum saving of 25 %
with respect to normal replacement level.
: estimated minimum saving of 50 %
with respect to normal level of maintenance repairs
Down time
for repairs
: Minimum increase of 25% of the
interval between necessary maintenance stoppages.
Down time
for cleaning
: Minimum decrease of 25-50% with
respect to normal level of stoppages for cleanliness, including the
time of operation at reduced power for
run time cleaning.
Increase of TBO for cleaning to 100 % of its normal
This list does not include other real benefits which are to more difficult to quantify, though they have been
detected in practice by our clients , in Co-generation plants as in Boilers and Furnaces and
countersigned in their reference letters (See Reference letters in Section F of rb Dossier). As an example
we have the following :
Reduction expenses in cleaning of the fuel installation (lines , filters , purifiers, etc.).
Greater run continuity by removal of carbon build up in burners , obstructions and
cleaning of the combustion installation.
Reduction of cleaning necessities , in time and frequency , of the heat exchangers of the
Increase of the total Service Factor of the installation by decrease of maintenance and
cleaning stoppages.
Dossier rb
Section B
Reduction of the emission of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned fuel in the combustion
exhaust gases.
The “rb bertomeu” additives for diesel oil should be added to the fuel storage tank to obtain all the benefits
are expected of the treatment . In this way, the fuel is prepared for use in the corresponding
combustion equipment and to obtain the maximum efficiency .
The addition must take place , in industrial facilities , at the moment of unloading the fuel into the storage
tank via a which injects it into the unloading line . This guarantees a perfect homogenisation of the fuel
additive mixture with the fuel from the beginning. In facilities where there is no metering pump, we can
supply the additive after making a study and in agreement with the plant manager. In the case of mobile
equipment (cars , trucks , machinery , etc.) , in which the addition of the diesel oil is carried out directly into
the fuel tank of the vehicle , it must be added before refilling to achieve a good mixture. This includes the
addition of antifreeze .
In industrial facilities it is possible that some of the additives will be added and metered in the feed line of the
diesel oil to the combustion equipment or to the day tank. Each case must be analysed separately, taking into
account the aims which are desired by the addition to the fuel, if the additive is put in the line the effects of
the separation of water and sludge in the storage tank are lost. In the case of antifreeze additive, this must be
always added to the tank, as is logical and evident, since it makes no sense to treat diesel oil which is about to
be injected into combustion equipment.
Dossier rb
Section B
ACTIONS OF THE “rb bertomeu” ADDITIVES FOR Diesel oil
The immediate actions of the “rb bertomeu” additives for Diesel oil in the fuel storage tanks or in the fuel
tanks of the vehicles are the following :
1- De-emulsion and separation of the water present in the diesel oil. In storage tanks this
water can be removed from the tank through periodic drainage, directly or through a pump,
while in vehicles , boilers or facilities with in line filter and centrifugal separator it is
eliminated systematically when the diesel oil is taken to the point of consumption. In this
way , the water , being eliminated, does not damage the injectors or cause lost energy or
power due to its vaporisation during the combustion of the diesel oil in the engine , furnace
, etc. Also , the sodium present in the water is eliminated , as well as its corrosive effects
during combustion , although in very low quantities.
2- The quality loss , oxidation processes which by polymerisation (due to the action of the
time , temperature and the presence of small quantities of water) allow the formation of
rubbers and which normally is the cause of the appearance of sludge, also is avoided with
our treatment of addition to the general storage tank or to the fuel tank of the vehicle.
The improvement actions of the “rb bertomeu” additives for Diesel oil, in engines and burners of boilers or
furnaces , when the fuel is used in the plants or corresponding vehicles, are the following:
1- The fuel filters stay clean of rubbers and resins , stopping solely solid impurities (not
fuel) which the diesel oil could accidentally contain. This reduces, considerably , the need
to change or clean filters as well as the temporary pressure loss in injection.
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Section B
2- The fuel injectors , in the case of the diesel engines , do not seize up because of the
action of tiny drops water , as this has already been decanted by the action of the
additive and separated through the adequate mechanism (pumping , centrifugal separator,
etc.), neither are they obstructed due to the action of rubbers and resins whose
formation and presence has been avoided by action of the additive in the fuel tank. This
results in a greater duration of the injectors and a better pulverisation of the fuel, avoiding
the typical seizures and injector droplet leaks or injection at very low pressure.
3- The head of the burners , where the diesel oil is pulverised and mixed with the air in the
case of furnaces or boilers , stay free of adhered carbonous residues (absence of carbon
build up) , achieving a constant pulverisation, a uniform flame and avoiding , in a similar
way to the injectors , the typical droplet leaks or injection at very low pressure , which
cause unburned fuel.
4- In the case of diesel engines as in burners , the combustion improves due to the
presence of surfactants which optimise the atomisation of the fuel and consequently its
mixture with the combustion air. This, combined with the prior actions of cleaning
injectors and heads of pulverisation, insures a perfect and continuous combustion. Due
to this the level of CO in the exhaust gases is reduced and they are no unburned
hydrocarbons in these gases , improving the energy efficiency and producing a fuel saving
to achieve the same energy or to develop the same power. In the case of diesel engines ,
this is especially important as the combustion time is limited , while in the case of boiler
burners , the effect of the additive permits operation with least excess of air over the
theoretic necessary and obtains some gases at greater temperature , which raises the rate
of heat exchange and the Energetic Efficiency of the boiler in the steam generation (or
hot water in domestic boilers).
In the case of engines, the carbonous residues from the combustion are eliminated.
These residues , when there is no detergent action of the additive, are deposited partially in
the exhaust valves , hindering a good closure and generating a power loss. This is
especially important in the engines of vehicles and mobile machinery, which are submitted
to constantly changing work loads. Through the action of the additive , the valves stay
clean and the engine always develops the power which is demanded of it.
In the case of boilers the residual encrustation on the surface of the exchange pipes is
reduced, which stay clean longer, maintaining the rate of heat interchange and optimising
the Energy Efficiency.
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Section B
6- If Diesel oil contains many less impurities than heavy fuel oil, there is no doubt that some
types of diesel oil , above all the less refined , intended for use in industrial facilities , ship
engines, etc. , contain important quantities of Sulphur, which during combustion is oxidised
and transformed into SO2 and SO3. The greater the content in Sulphur , the greater the
corrosion by acid in cold zones of the installation. On the other hand , some diesel can
contain small quantities of metals which can form corrosive salts on combustion . The
presence of Mg in the additive hinders the formation of corrosive salts and minimises
the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 ( and the possibility of sulphuric acid condensation)
minimising future corrosions in hot and cold zones of the engine and exhaust gases circuit.
Diesel oil
As a consequence of these actions, which are promoted by the “rb bertomeu” additives during the period of
storage of the diesel oil in the storage tanks and during its combustion in the engines or burners , a series from
economic benefits are obtained of which the most important is the fuel saving :
1- In installations with fixed Diesel engines, cogeneration or ships , where the engines are
submitted to a methodical maintenance process, the fuel consumption to produce a
power unit is reduced by a minimum of 1.5 % upon comparing the same plant or
installation using or not using our treatment. In the majority of the cases , the saving is
already equal or superior to the cost of the additive , leaving the other benefits obtained as
additional gain.
2- In automotive or machinery engine, where normally the checks and maintenance are not
so important as in the prior case, the saving in fuel is superior to 2-3 % , even reaching
5 % , or yet more , in very dirty engines or those lacking maintenance. This greater
percentage of saving or consumption reduction is easily understandable in this case,
because the improvement of combustion is added to greater use of the generated power due
to the better condition of the exhaust valves which are generally inspected less in
comparison with the large engines.
3- In installations of hot air generation for production of steam or hot water , equipped
with burners , the fuel saving , or consumption reduction to achieve the same capability
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Section B
of generation of steam or hot water, should be measured by adding the improvements
owing to an optimum combustion to the better heat transmission in the interchangers
because of the absence of adhered residues. Both effects , achieved through the action of
the additive , can represent a global diesel oil saving of 5 - 8% to achieve the same
energy production, with a minimum saving of 2-3% considering an new installation with
the exchanger absolutely clean. Which means , in these types of facilities, the diesel oil is
burnt better and furthermore , the heat generated in the combustion is taken better
advantage of. Here is the energy loss table in function of the degree of dirt accrued in the
pipes of the boilers:
in pipes (mm. thickness)
heat loss
Increased fuel
consumption %
8 / 12
2 / 2.5
12 / 24
2,5 / 4.5
20 / 48
4 / 8.5
Other real benefits , detected in practice , are the following:
Reduction of the pollutant emissions of CO and unburned hydrocarbons through the
exhaust gases of engines or boilers.
Reduction of maintenance costs, in repairs and replacement of corroded parts (valves , turbos ,
conduits of exhaust gases, etc.).
Reduction of cleaning costs of the diesel oil installation (filters , fuel tanks , etc.).
Greater run time due to removal of obstructions , carbon build up and cleaning of the
combustion installation.
Reduction of cleaning necessities , in time and frequency , of the heat interchangers of the
Increase of the Service Factor of the fixed facilities, by decrease of maintenance and cleaning
Increase in available power in non-static engines (automotive and mobile machinery) , by
greater use of the developed power.
“rb bertomeu” MAINTENANCE AND
Dossier rb
Section B
We will concern ourselves with the specific products of industrial cleaning, since the advantages and benefits
which the fuel oil sludge recovery agent belod R provides is evident and linked to its use as fuel and to the
decrease of the costs of sludge withdrawal, aspects already commented on in chapter 3. We would just like to
emphasise here that when a lot of sludge has accumulated in the heavy fuel oil storage tanks, due to a lack of
regular additive treatment, a high calorific capability has been immobilised which at the same time is
reducing the capability of fuel oil storage. In this case , the solution is the withdrawal of the sludge by a
specialised company, or the gradual integration of the sludge into the normal fuel oil consumed in a plant
which has a burner (boiler , furnace ,....), with the aid of our recovery agent belod R. The choice between
both possibilities is a simple question of economy which must be solved in each case.
belim F
It is designed to clean parts and equipment which have fuel oil residues, tars , etc. (see characteristics sheet) .
In our document “Industrial applications of the Cleaner belim F” it is explained , amongst other things,
the application experience developed with the product to carry out washes of the oil bath air filters which are
used in cogeneration plants with diesel engines.
This type of filters is difficult to clean and with our product and the adequate
technique , described in the cited document , a satisfactory cleaning can be done
without total disassembly of the filter, with the consequent time and labour saving .
To facilitate the cleaning of filters, plates of purifiers and small parts in general ,
we have designed a useful basket (see “Industrial applications of the Cleaner
belim F”) where the pieces are cleaned by dipping and the non-soluble dirt is
deposited in the bottom, whereof it can be separated by decantation. This container
, very useful for cleaning with total use of the cleaner not consumed
saving) , can be supplied on demand together with the Cleaner belim F .
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Section B
ECObelim Cooler
Specially designed for the cleaning of air coolers in general , to whose interchange plates remain adhered
solid and fat residues (contents still in the air after going through the corresponding filter).
The flow of air to the industrial combustion system, especially if it is an engine (e.g. in a co-generation plant),
is a very important parameter which should be maintained as close as possible to the optimum design value to
achieve the maximum efficiency of the equipment.
The dirt encrusted in the air coolers feeding the combustion causes a gradual decrease of the circulating air
flow by increasing the loss of pressure, which generates the necessity of periodic cleaning of the coolers.
This is especially important in co-generation plants with engines, whether Diesel oil or Gas fuel. At this point
, our Cleaner ECObelim Cooler provides the following clear advantages :
Its ease of use , efficiency , harmlessness and low cost favour more frequent
cleaning, which maintains the optimum air flow for longer. Especially in co-
generation plants with engines, where the quantity of available air is more critical
than in other type of plants , the use of our cleaner permits the programming of
cleaning of the air coolers taking advantage any plant stoppage (maintenance ,
weekend , etc.), without having to wait for the equipment to show a great load loss
which is caused by lack of air.
The cleaner ECObelim Cooler does not generate toxic residues for the
environment , as opposed to existing cleaners on the market, which
components which
require removal and treatment by an authorised company,
something which carries with it an important additional cost .
The residual liquids generated in the cleaning, can be sent to the purifier of the
installation without separation from the remainder sent for purification.
The cleaner ECObelim Cooler eliminates the disadvantages from the use of other
highly caustic cleaning agents , which in the short and medium term produce
Non corrosive
corrosion somewhere in the cooler.
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Section B
De-encrustant belim CAL
Specially designed for the cleaning of the exterior parts of the coils or exchange plates of the refrigeration
towers with industrial water. On the surface of the exchanger a crust of calcium salts builds up from the water
used as cooling agent . This crust gradually reduces the exchange rate of the cooler and, therefore, its
efficiency , which without doubt affects the efficiency and performance of the equipment. This equipment
has to be cooled to a temperature specified by the manufacturer, the loss of cooling generates the necessity of
periodic cleaning, which tends be awkward due to the typical inaccessibility of the coils or plates in this type
of operations.
The use of the de-encrustant belim CAL provides a series of benefits which we show below :
Its ease of use , efficiency , harmlessness and low cost favour more frequent
cleaning, which maintains the optimum exchange coefficient for longer.
The cleaner de-encrustant belim CAL, as opposed to other more aggressive
cleaning/de-encrustants, is formulated to obtain acidity levels in the wash waters
which ensures the removal of the calcium salts without producing corrosion in
the components of the cooler . Thanks to this controlled acidity and to the specific
corrosion inhibitors which the product contains, the equipment can be cleaned with
the necessary frequency (determined in each case by the hardness of the available
water and the service factor of the cooler) to guarantee at all times
operation of the cooler .
By not containing toxic products , upon finishing the cleaning operation , the
resulting liquid only has to be neutralised chemically with lime, or similar, to
eliminate the residual acidity.
6 - rb
bertomeu S.L.
Dossier rb
Section B
At the request of our clients, in industry, we offer a series of services designed to help with the
dosage of our products and the control of some of the operating parameters in the plants where fuel is used
with our additives; such as, analysis of combustion gases, valve inspections, fuel quality control, etc. All these
services are contained in our Total Additive Service whose aims are detailed in our technical document ,
Paper, which is included in the Section G of rb Dossier.
Below we briefly show the extent of our more relevant services and at the end of the chapter we
annex some examples of controls carried out and of control norms. Fully norms are included in Section E of
rb Dossier.
These controls were carried out in cogeneration plants , though some of them could also be applied to
other types of installation if necessary. For more information , see our document “The Total Additive
Service of the fuel oil in co-generation plants with diesel engines” .
As more important controls, included within the general control of an installation , we can stress the
following :
Quality Control of the fuel and of the real dosage of additive. This allows a followup of the quality of fuel received , to evaluate the working of the fuel purifiers , to
control the level of additive used and to analyse the hypothetical anomalies of
operation of the plant which could be related to the fuel.
Comparative control of encrustation and corrosion in the exhaust gases circuit,
mainly exhaust valves and turbos of the engines. This is carried out co-operatively
with the maintenance team , taking advantage the programmed inspections .
Generally , this type of control is carried out with regard to anomalous corrosion
situations or heavy encrustation, and to compare with greater precision the results
obtained upon initiating the addition of our products. If it is necessary and the
encrustation is anomalous , a chemical analysis is carried out to identify the cause.
Photographic reports of the exhaust valves . collected in dossiers, where the type of
corrosion found in the valves is appraised with greater accuracy identified by their
position in the engine.
Dossier rb
Section B
Compiling of a general Control Dossier, where the data of specific monthly
consumption in the plant (always data given by our clients) are noted, as well as the
results of the analysis of the fuel, results of the valve inspections , residue analysis ,
relevant incidences , etc. The Dossier is updated monthly and is sent to the
corresponding plant.
The gases emitted by an industrial combustion installation should be analysed with relative frequency ,
from the point of view of the operation of the installation ( optimum parameters , power , energy efficiency ,
etc.) , as well as compliance with the legal requirements in pollution issues .
Our company has portable appliances for specific measurements , equipped with sensors to determine the
most important parameters, which can carry out measurements in chimneys or corresponding conduits and
with the timing required in each case , generally monthly or bimonthly .
In relation to the administrative control of the pollution issues , those which can carry fines or force the
closure of the installation , we can help through specific measurements so the plant knows its regular emission
level before being tested by the Administration through the corresponding Department.
The customary given parameters in the emitted gases are :
% O2
% CO 2
Excess air
Temperature and Pressure
mg/Nm3 of CO
mg/Nm3 of NO
mg/Nm3 of NO 2
mg/Nm3 of NOx
mg/Nm3 of SO 2 max. , determined by calculation from
the sulphur analysis of the fuel, because of the low reliability
of the instant measurement with electrochemical sensors.
The data are always referred to the content of legal O2 in the emitted gases, depending on the existing
legislation in each governmental area for the analysis of combustion installations.
Dossier rb
Section B
To ease the addition of additive to the fuel in industrial facilities , we offer equipment and norms to install
a reliable, and to easy to operate, system which guarantees the correct addition of the additive . (See Section
E of rb Dossier)
The supply , if the client is interested (not having the equipment), is the following :
Storage tank for the additive , with the regulatory safety containment plan.
Additive dosage pump
Installation and connection plan with indication of the necessary and optional valves.
Electrical installation and suggested interlocks.
Dossier rb
Section B
Here is the technical information available related to the products and services of
rb bertomeu S.L. .
It has been compiled by our Technical Department based on experimental data collected from various
industrial plants:
Heavy Fuel oil and its corrosive effects in industrial combustion.
Residue encrustation in steam boilers.
Trials of additives in a cogeneration plant.
Information about the use of additives in a co-generation plant
Report ‘Total Additive Service’ ( Co-generation Fair of Madrid , February - 99).
Industrial applications of the cleaner belim F
Actions of the additives beco DA and beco DC on the water condensate in diesel
oil storage tanks.
Dossiers on the analysis of gases emitted from co-generation and steam boiler
Dossiers on the inspection of exhaust valves in co-generation plant engines.
A study of the current cost-effectiveness of the use of additives in cogeneration
plants with diesel engines.
Norm for control of Fuel oil quality.
Norm for installation of Additive dose equipment.
Summary of Spanish Legislation about pollutant emissions in gas
For more information see Sections G and H of rb Dossier
The diesel engine manufacturer DEUTZ , has homologated our additive “rb bertomeu” beco F1/ASF ,
after carrying out exhaustive checks in Co-generation Plants equipped with their engines . The corresponding
homologation letter is on the following pages.
Dossier rb
Section B