BRIDPORT ART SOCIETY NEWSLETTER – APRIL 2014 Committee for 2014/15: President: Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Treasurer: Secretary: Exhibition Organisers: Publicity Officer: Committee: Clive Groves Ann Martin Joan Dyson Denise Revy Sonia Rose Clive Baynes and Keith Groves Elise Miles Eileen Dearden, Phillippa Grier, Celia McKew, Allen Rose, John Stevens Jan Lemon and Ann Walker Letter from the Chairman First of all I would like to thank you all for all your support over the past year. I hope that you will enjoy the new programme, and support the demonstrators and the workshops that have been booked. You will see among the paperwork that Sonia has sent you that we are going to try and raise some money, at the Annual Exhibition, to support one of the charities, ‘The Flag’ that is raising money to help the victims of the Somerset Flooding. If you have any questions regarding this please give me a ring or email. Please also try to support the new team who are organising the Exhibitions, this is the first time they have done this, so let’s make it a good experience for them. Finally enjoy your painting, have a wonderful summer! Warm Wishes, Ann AGM Due to unforeseen circumstances we were locked out of our usual meeting place at the St John Ambulance Hall and had to relocate rapidly to the Tiger Inn. In a very cosy meeting of about 50 members Ann Martin apologised for the change of venue and welcomed everyone to the 57th AGM. Ann reported that in 2013 we had three very successful exhibitions and thanked Val and her team for their hard work and success. Val Corgan and Marnie Shaw are retiring from the committee this year and Ann presented them with a bouquet of flowers and a plant for their gardens as appreciation of the time and work they have put in. Denise Revy will take over as Treasurer and Clive Baynes and Keith Groves will share the task of Exhibition Organiser. John Marlow Memorial Annual Competition: As there was not enough room at The Tiger to display all the pictures, it was decided to ask members to bring them along to the next evening meeting on 24th April - Oils with Ray Gray. Billie Wilcox has kindly offered to come along again to do the judging. The theme of course is still ‘Spring’. Treasurer: Denise Revy our new Treasurer distributed an account sheet of the audited finances to everyone present. As we have had another successful year and we still hold a healthy financial reserve the membership fees will remain the same for 2014-15 at £14.00. Graham Rees has been our Auditor for many years but now feels it is time to stand down, so if anyone out there knows of someone willing and able to take on this annual task (he/she does not have to be a member), please let Ann Martin know on 01305 871185. New Members: Current membership is approximately 150. Welcome to the following members who have joined since the last Newsletter: Mrs Joan Brooks, Mrs Jacqueline Walker, Mr John Walker, Patricia Baybutt, Judy Warran, Mrs Nora Roberts, Mrs Olwen Barrington, Val Rivers and Mr Harry Berry. Late Subscriptions: Subscriptions for 2014-15 (£14 for Members and £7 for Associate Members) are due by 31st March 2014. Please send your subscription (if not already paid) to the Treasurer as soon as possible, addressed to: Mrs Denise Revy, Francis House, 151 Victoria Grove, Bridport DT6 3AG Members are reminded that fully paid-up membership is a requirement for entry to the Society’s Exhibitions. If a member’s subscription has not been received by 31st May the member will be deemed to have resigned from the Society and her/his name will be removed from the membership database. Exhibitions Please note there are one or two time changes from that printed in the last Newsletter, these are underlined in bold. 1 West Bay,Salt House - Easter – Open from Friday 18th April to Tuesday 22nd April Entry Forms to Eileen Dearden by: Hand in: Collection 2 Tuesday 1st April Thursday 17th April 12 to 1..00 pm Tuesday 22nd April 4.30 – 5.30 pm Bridport Art Centre,Allsop Gallery – Annual Exhibition – Open from Wednesday 23rd July to Saturday 2nd August (Sunday and Monday Closed) Entry Forms to Eileen Dearden by: Tuesday 8thh July Hand in: Sunday 20th July 12.00 – 1.30 pm Preview Tuesday 22nd July 7.00 – 9.00 pm Collection: Saturday 2nd August 4.30 – 5.30 pm Exhibition Rules and Entry Forms for this exhibition are enclosed with this mailing 3 West Bay,Salt House – August Bank Holiday Open from Saturday 23rd August to Wednesday 27th August Entry Forms to Eileen Dearden by: Tuesday 12th August Hand in: Friday 22 August 12.00 – 1.00 Collection: Wednesday 27th August 7.30 – 8.30 pm. Exhibition Rules and Entry Forms for this exhibition are enclosed with this mailing. We have changed the collection time for the West Bay August exhibition to 7.30 – 8.30 as the Craft Market outside the Salt House on Wednesday 27th August does not finish until 7 pm. As we have introduced the 4” x 4” tiles again this year it was decided to sell these with a mount. We have acquired some double and single mounts and they will be sold with the tiles for £10 (single) and £12 (double), of which £7.00 will be paid to the artist, minus commission. Also, please do not forget to put your name and the title on the BACK At Collection Denise will pay out in cash for small amounts, rather than send out small cheque payments. Last year we mentioned that some pictures were very underpriced and so it was agreed at the last committee meeting to have a minimum price of £40.00 for hung artwork. This is will apply particularly to the Annual Exhibition at the Allsop Gallery, but of course lower priced work can be entered as a Folio. Programme and Workshops Ann Martin has organised a full programme of events for 2014-15 with five workshops planned. A generic form with the five workshops on is enclosed.. If you plan to attend any of these, please return the form with your details as soon as possible. No money is required at this stage, but if you book you are committed to pay. Workshops : TUESDAY 20 May 2014 Marilyn Allis – Watercolour TUESDAY 24 June 2014 Lynda White – Collage and Mixed Media THURSDAY 18 September 2014 – John Meaker at his studio in Abbotsbury. En Plein Air SATURDAY 25 October 2014 Robin Gray – Mixed Media TUESDAY 17 February 2015 Jo Hamilton –Knife Painting Flooding Appeal ‘The Flag’ The Flag is raising money to help victims of the Somerset Flooding. One of our Committee members is a volunteer for the above Charity and has asked the Society if we would like to make a donation to help our neighbours. For the Annual Exhibition we thought it a good idea to put out a folio stand dedicated to the Charity and are therefore hoping that members may make a donation of a folio or print to include in this. If you do have a picture(s) to donate, then please indicate on the entry form, but of course you do not pay an entry fee. Date of Next Meeting at St John Ambulance Hall Painting in Oils with Ray Gray on 24th April 2014 at 7.30 pm. Don’t forget to bring your picture for the John Marlow Memorial Prize, Subject : SPRING. SR/8.4.14 Enclosures: Entry Forms and Rules for Annual Exhibition (3) Entry Forms and Rules for West Bay, August Exhibition (3) Workshop Form (2) Programme for 2014-5 Invitation to Preview Membership Card (if paid)