HINGHAM SURGERY PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Minutes Of The Meeting Held On Tuesday, 12th August 2014 At Hingham Surgery At 4pm. Present: Eileen Davis (Chair), Jan Southgate, Malcolm Southgate, Corah Carney, Frank Davis, Ann Denman, David Trollope, Sue Bell, Linda Langridge, Jace Halstead (staff), Nicola Cogman (staff). 1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES Eileen Davis, Chair, welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Derek Ullmann and Geoffrey Young. 2. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th June 2014 were reviewed and agreed. 3. MATTERS ARISING & UPDATES a) Carer’s Group: Ann reported that the Carer’s Support Group continue to meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Surgery. 5/6 Carers are attending. The group is still going well and the Carers find it useful. Ann thanked Sue Bell for her help with the group. b) Step out for Health Walks: Linda is now leading on the health walks which are held on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Between 7-14 walkers had attended the last few walks. 1 walker had links with the WEA (Workers Educational Association) and had offered to speak to the PPG. Linda to get her contact details and Corah to make contact. Linda queried the dates of the walks in October. Eileen confirmed they would be 7th and 21st (last walk for the year). Jace confirmed that these dates were on the leaflets. Ann said that it had been suggested to her that there should be 2 walk leaders; one at the front and one at the rear of the walk. Eileen suggested that perhaps a regular walker could take the role of the rear person if there was only one volunteer available. 4. HEALTH PROMOTION TOPICS Suggestions for future boards: STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) Promote the well-being service Dementia (and the recent Vitamin D link) Donor card awareness Self-examination (male and female) Jace thought all these subjects were appropriate if done tastefully. A discussion followed in which Frank felt that on the boards, ‘less is more’ and the boards aim to serve more as a memory jogger and raise awareness of issues. All agreed and David congratulated Frank on the quality of the boards he had done previously. 5. TREASURER’S REPORT Jan reported that it had been a very good 2 months again for fund-raising. £82 had been made from book sales in the last month alone. Jan thanked Derek for all his hard work in keeping the books up to date. Lots of books had been donated and it was important to keep a good turnover. Page 1 Donations this month were £125.50. The total raised at present towards the blood pressure machine was £1,289.00. The visual thermometer is working well as patients can see the total rising and have been talking about it. 6. UPDATE FROM THE PRACTICE a) Jace told that in June and July, the practice had registered 330 new patients from Watton. The team had worked extremely hard to achieve this and because of this team work, the practice had coped with the extra volume. The next meeting for the surrounding practices involved in the deregistration of Watton pts was on 21st August. Several PPG members fed back positive comments they had heard from new pts who were very satisfied with the care they had received from Hingham during this process. Jace said that some new pts were upset at having to change practices but Hingham had tried to reassure them that they will continue to be looked after. Eileen thanked the practice on behalf of the PPG for all their hard work and support to the new pts. b) The card payment machine is now up and running. c) A small extension is planned for two further consulting / treatment rooms. Planning permission has been granted and work should start soon. d) Health Promotion Afternoon – Jace proposed that a health promotion afternoon be held on Wednesday 24th September, 2-4pm. The Surgery will arrange the event with the PPG. It would be an opportunity for pts to come and meet the PPG. Jace suggested that posters from previous PPG health promotion campaigns could be displayed around the surgery and the Nursing Team could follow up with blood pressures and smoking cessation advice. Pts would be able to see the online services available to them. Teas & coffees would also be available. All agreed that this would be a good event and an opportunity to meet pts. This event will be promoted via posters and flyers. PPG to liaise with surgery. 7. AGM The next PPG meeting will be the AGM. This will be held on Tuesday 7th October at 7pm. The election of Officers need to be considered. 8. Any Other Business David Trollope said he was disappointed that the PPG had received no response whatsoever in regard to the correspondence concerning the de-registration of Watton pts and lack of consultation with pts and PPGs. No one had even acknowledged the letter sent, including George Freeman MP and SNCCG. All agreed that this was very disappointing. Jace said she would mention this to the CCG. 9. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 7th October (AGM), 7pm. 2014 dates: Tues 9th Dec. Page 2