HINGHAM SURGERY PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Minutes Of The Meeting Held On Tuesday, 11th February 2014 At Hingham Surgery At 2pm. Present: Eileen Davis, Corah Carney, Frank Davis, Ann Denman, Malcolm Southgate, Jan Southgate, Linda Langridge, Sue Bell, Derek Ullmann, Geoffrey Young, Jace Halstead (Staff), Dr Shaun Conway (Staff). 1. Welcome & Apologies Eileen Davis, Chair, welcomed members to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Iris Keyes, Judy Trollope, David Trollope, Nicola Cogman (Staff). Eileen told the meeting that Jack Dawson had resigned from the PPG due to ill-health. PPG members wished him well and ED to send a card. 2. Minutes Of The Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting on 10th December 2013 were reviewed and agreed. 3. Matters Arising a) Carers Group: Ann reported that the Carer’s Support Group is going well and continue to meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Surgery. About 8 people attend and they seem to find it very helpful to meet up with other Carers. Ann asked if any PPG member would be willing to assist with the group as an extra person would be helpful. Geoffrey and Sue both volunteered and will liaise with Ann. b) Fundraising Proposals: Eileen told the group of the recent fundraising activities. i) ii) iii) iv) There is now a ‘thermometer’ showing the current funds raised towards the patient selftesting blood pressure machine. Funds currently stand at £250 towards the target of £2,000. There are new bookshelves in the front porch. Thanks were given to Frank Davis for making these. There are now CDs also for sale at £1 each. (Derek is happy to maintain the books and the shelves). The cards for sale by Ken Miller are now also on display. Orders can be placed in the box which will be checked regularly. Page 1 4. NHS England Eileen showed the PPG a leaflet that has been delivered to each household from NHS England informing patients about their data. Jace explained that anonymised data would be extracted from the Surgery every month by the NHS which will be used for health planning and research. Patients can opt out if they wish via the Surgery web-site or via a form which is available from the Surgery. The Surgery advise that patients should read the leaflet and make their own decision. A small discussion followed on an article that had been in the press recently about how insurance companies could potentially use this data for their own benefits. Dr Conway said this would technically be possible as date of births and postcodes would be part of the data supplied but in reality, would be illegal to take data for something other than is intended. He reiterated that patients were free to make their own choice. 5. Health Promotion Boards a) Eileen said that the health promotion boards about weight management were now being displayed in the Nurses waiting area. Jace told that Alex had made some cards and there is a link to a web-site that offers a 12-week supported programme for weight loss. b) It was suggested that March would be a good time to run a smoking cessation campaign as it is National No Smoking Day in March. Dr Conway and Jace told that the smoking cessation services at Hingham Surgery were: o o o 6. Level 1 – Advice from Nurse / GP Level 2 – Appointment with Practice Nurse Deborah who is a Smoking Advisor and can prescribe patches and offer continued support etc Level 3 – Referral to a Smoking Advisor (in Norwich). Update From The Practice a) Dr Conway told the PPG that the Surgery was planning to recruit another GP in the near future to replace Dr Young who will be retiring. They were reviewing all possibilities as it was proving difficult to recruit a suitable person and there was a national shortage of GPs, especially in London, Cornwall and Norfolk. b) Jace told the group that the current DNA (did not attend) rate was 80 – 100 appointments per month. This is a problem and is causing concern. The Surgery is going to try texting people, firstly to confirm their appointment and then to remind them of their appointment the day before. They are now in the process of collecting patients’ mobile phone numbers. Page 2 8. Any other business a) Eileen showed the group the new Stepping Out for Health poster. The walks will restart again in May and any help in leading the walks would be gratefully received. Posters will be displayed around the village at the beginning of April. b) The group were updated by Ann on the Hingham Good Neighbour Scheme. Jace agreed to display a poster in the Surgery. c) Frank asked members to think about how the PPG could recruit new people. It would be good to recruit young members. Eileen said that volunteering is popular now on CVs with young people, especially when they participated in such things like the Duke of Edinburgh schemes. It was also suggested that perhaps advertising specific activities, such as toy washing may attract some people who would not otherwise consider being on a formal group or committee. Notices for new recruits will be placed in the parish magazine and around the village. 9. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8th April 2014 at 6.00pm 2014 dates: Tues 10th June, Tuesday 12th August, Tues 7th Oct (AGM), Tues 9th Dec. Page 3