THE SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST THE KING NOVEMBER 22, 2015 ST. ANN’S REMEMBERS THE FOLLOWING FOR ALL SOUL’S DAY WHO PASSED AWAY DURING THE LAST TWELVE MONTHS: Helen Collins Stella Redmerski Louise Murphy Charles Colombo, Sr. Elizabeth Smith Eleanor Frarer John Maloney Francesco Bonmartini Rita Mulrooney Joan Murphy Emory Champney John Trzuskowski Anne Abbiss Thomas Wolhar, Jr. Rosemary Heron Russell McBride Earl Crowley Thomas E. Miller James Goebel Helen Setting Francis Meredith Rosaline Oliver Susan Poillon Thanksgiving Food Drive - St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus and Parish Outreach will be accepting your donations of canned goods and non-perishable food Saturday, November 21; Sunday, November 22; and Thanksgiving Day, November 26 at all Masses. Food will be donated to St. Paul’s Food Closet who serve the needy twelve months a year. The winter months are especially demanding. Please remember those less fortunate as you give thanks for blessings received this year. Thank you. St. Ann’s Children’s Choir – 2015 6abc Dunkin Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade !!!!!!!! We are proud to announce that our St. Ann’s Children’s Choir has been invited to sing in the parade. Twenty three of our students will be performing on the VIP stage located on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Here’s a little peek at their Performance Schedule: 10am – participating in the Dionne Warwick World Record Sing Along 10:53am – featured in a song medley from “The Wiz” as backup singers and dangers to Sisaundra Lewis (last season’s finalist on Blake Sheldon’s team on “The Voice” 11:46am - performing in the Grand Finale. We are so proud of their commitment and talent! They have been working so hard to make sure all of the choreography and music that was sent from the producers at 6abc is “performance ready”. Tune in Thanksgiving Day and watch their magic unfold! MARK THE DATE!!! St. Ann’s Christmas Concert – You are cordially invited to the 2015 St. Ann’s Christmas Concert on Sunday December 13th at 2pm. The concert will feature the St. Ann’s Adult Choir, St. Ann’s Children’s choir, a classical guitarist, and something new – audience sing-alongs with all the Christmas favorites! There will be a reception to follow in the school Social Hall. This is a free concert – please come out to St. Ann’s and get in the Christmas spirit. Christmas Giving Tree - will be set up Saturday November 28th in the church sanctuary. Tags on the tree represent gift request for families visited by our St. Vincent de Paul Society throughout 2015. If you take a tag, please return the wrapped gift no later than Sunday December 13th. In order to ensure safe delivery of the gifts, please make sure you attach the tag to the outside of the gift and leave the gifts either under tree or inside the rectory. For more info, contact Katie O’Connor at Thank you! Congratulations to our children who met Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and went to confession for the first time last Tuesday evening, November 17th. Knights of Columbus Christmas Card Sale - The Knights are selling Christmas cards after each mass on Sundays until the cards are sold out. Please help Keep Christ in Christmas!!! 2nd Collection this week is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. 302ann1 ATTENTION LECTORS – The 2016 workbooks are in and can be picked up in the sacristy. Saturday November 21 8:00 A.M. Intention of Paul Prince 5:00 P.M. Judge Allan N. Cooper Sunday November 22 7:30 A.M. Parishioners 9:30 A.M. Joseph Conaty 11:30 A.M. Timothy Ryan Monday November 23 6:30 A.M. Intention of Connie Winner-Varone 8:00 A.M. Joseph Mance Tuesday November 24 6:30 A.M. John Paul Sheridan 8:00 A.M. Charles H. McKinney Wednesday November 25 6:30 A.M. James M. Foy 8:00 A.M. All Souls Thursday November 26 Thanksgiving Day 9:00 A.M. Intention of Fr. Mink Friday November 27 9:00 A.M. All Souls Saturday November 28 8:00 A.M. Henry, John & Jimmy Mauk 5:00 P.M. All Souls Sunday November 29 7:30 A.M. Parishioners 9:30 A.M. Helen Setting 11:30 A.M. All Souls Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish. The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can also call Chris at 668-1819 or Nan at 656-8438. ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Ackerman at or 384-7513. Snow Removal Help – St. Ann’s is looking for able bodied individuals to be available on an “on call” basis to help with the snow removal on our sidewalks and steps around the Church and School. Compensation will be on an hourly basis. If you are interested, please contact Joe Marge at the Rectory office at 654-5519. Thank you. 2016 Calendars and Advent/Christmas Folders will be available after masses next weekend, November 28/29. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – December 5th from 9am-11am in the St. Ann’s School Social Hall. This event is open to school and prep families. Limited tickets available. For more info, contact the Rectory at 654-5519. Decorating the Church for Christmas – St. Ann’s is looking for volunteers to adorn our church. The dates needed are Sunday, December 20th after the 11:30am mass and Wednesday, December 23rd after the 8am mass. If you can help, please contact the rectory at 654-5519. Thank you! Religious Vocations – Today the book of Revelation tells us that “Jesus Christ is the faithful witness.” By virtue of our baptism, each of us is called to be a faithful witness to the wonderful things our God has done for women and men. Are you being called to give witness as a religious or as a priest? Are you willing? Let’s talk. Contact Fr. David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious vocations at or 573-3113. GIVE THE GIFT OF A MALVERN RETREAT FOR CHRISTMAS – The annual Archbishop Fitzmaurice Group weekend retreat for the men of the Diocese of Wilmington is April 20 through May 1, 2016 at beautiful St. Joseph’s in the Hills, Malvern, PA. In these times of frantic activity, when the pace of life can be almost too much to bear, a quiet peaceful and spiritually fulfilling retreat could make a wonderful Christmas gift for a father, husband, brother or son. For more information, please visit the website at or call Dave O’Connor at (302)764-7149. BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – Look at the patrons listed on the back on the bulletin. It’s because of their support that we can provide this bulletin at no cost to our parish. Please visit these businesses and tell them where you saw their ad! Diocesan Vocations Guild – Help the guild encourage and support vocations to the priesthood, religious life and the diaconate. The Guild is raffling off a woodcut of The Good Shepherd by Sister Mary Grace Thul, OP at their annual Christmas dinner for priests/seminarians on January 10, 2016. Info at 302 ann2 Advent begins next weekend Lights of Love Ceremony – St. Francis Hospital on Tuesday December 8th, 2015. Mass at noon in the hospital chapel. The celebrant is Rev. Leonard Klein with the tree lighting and display of names in the hospital lobby immediately following. By making a donation of $5.00 per name, your loved ones, living or deceased, will be honored by the lights on the tree and their names placed on a scroll in the hospital lobby until January 9, 2016. To participate, please send names and donations to Mrs. Jean DesJardins, 726 Loveville Road, #22, Hockessin Delaware 19707. Checks should be payable to the Junior Board of St. Francis Hospital. The deadline is Tuesday December 1st, 2015. Information Nights for the Deacon Formation Program – The Diocese of Wilmington welcomes applications for a new class of Permanent Deacons that will begin formation in June 2016. The fiveyear preparation program consists of human, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation. Spiritual formation programs are held one Saturday a month during the initial year of discernment. Academic formation beginning with the second year, takes place one weekend a month from September to June. Applications must be 60 or younger when the program begins. Minimum ordination age is 35. Applicants must demonstrate a zeal for service to God’s people; experience in some volunteer parish or diocesan ministry is preferred. The following is the scheduled information night in our area: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 – Church of the Holy Child, 2500 Naamans Road, Wilmington, Delaware (Parish Activities Center). The session is from 7pm-8:30pm. Wives of interested married men are invited and strongly encouraged to attend. The session will discuss the role of the permanent deacon, qualifications for admission, and the formation process. For further info and registration, contact the Office for Deacons at 5732390. St. John/Holy Angels Lottery Calendar – Need an idea for Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers? Purchase a lottery calendar with 90 chances to win. Only 1000 calendars will be sold. Calendars are $20 each and can be bought until December 31. Winning numbers are based on the Delaware State Play 3 night drawing from January 1 through March 31. For more information you can email the office at or call 731-2219. Advent Retreat – The Prophets of Advent – Saturday December 5th from 8am-Noon for St. Joseph on the Brandywine’s Annual Advent retreat. The day will begin with mass at 8am followed by a continental breakfast before the retreat proper begins at 9am. There will also be the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation. Walkins are welcome, however if possible, please register no later than Wednesday December 2nd with Michelle Hogan at or 622-8878. Are you missing out on an opportunity to donate to St. Ann’s? Many employers generously offer matching gifts for your contributions or volunteer time to St. Ann’s parish. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to support your parish at no cost to you! Check with your employer to see if this is available. Thank you to some of the companies that have matched donations for their employees to our church: Boeing, Verizon, RBC Wealth Foundation, JP Morgan Chase, NYSE Euronext Foundation and PJM Interconnection. FAITH ENVIRONMENT-SAFE ENVIRONMENT – Did you know that in 2003 in response to the United States Conference of Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children, the Diocese developed a safe environment program entitled For the Sake of Gods’ Children? The Bishop, all priests, deacons, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters and all lay employees and volunteers participate in the program to assure that a comprehensive safe environment exists in our parishes, schools and institutions. For more info, go to and click on For The Sake of God’s Children. Coming Up: 11/24 9:15am School Mass 11/24 8:30am Grandparents & Special Friends Day – School Noon dismissal for Thanksgiving Holiday – No Aftercare 11/26 School/Rectory Closed 11/27 School/Rectory Closed 11/28 Basketball tournament 11/29 Basketball tournament 11/30 7pm Finance Council Thanksgiving Day Mass and the Friday after Thanksgiving (November 26/27) will be at 9am. 302ann3