Summary of phone conversation with Ann Dizaidon, University

Summary of phone conversation with Ann Dzaidon, University
Registrar, Tuesday, 6/10/2003
Registrar Records Retention information can
be found @
Registrar Records Retention Policy does not address what specific
student materials should be maintained. In general faculty is advised
to maintain all materials related to course grades and graded
assignments. Burden of proof in the grade appeal process is shared by
the student and the faculty.
UWF Student Handbook
pages 52-53 details the process of appeal for grade change. In short,
a student may appeal within 3 months of the end of the semester.
The Registrar Office recommends that faculty maintain student records
for grade appeal up to 6 months after close of semester.
An appeal that is not resolved between an individual faculty and
student “moves up the chain” to the College academic standards
committee. Each college determines its own academic standards for
the student grade appeal process.