Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances At Sea Official Title: Council Decision 86/85/EEC establishing a Community information system for the control and reduction of pollution caused by the spillage of hydrocarbons and other harmful substances at sea or in major inland waters (OJ L 77, 22.3.86), as amended by Council Decision 88/346/EEC (OJ L 158, 25.6.88) TAIEX Ref. No.: 165 1 Summary of Main Aims and Provisions The Decision aims to establish a Community Information System to make available to Member States data which are required for the control and reduction of pollution caused by the spillage of large quantities of hydrocarbons or other hazardous substances at sea or in major inland waters. The services of the Commission are in a unique position to co-ordinate and disseminate information to the Member States who are themselves responsible for responding to pollution incidents. 2 Principal Obligations of Member States 2.1 Planning Appoint the competent authority or authorities responsible for collecting and forwarding the information referred to in Article 1 (2) to the Commission and for receiving during the dissemination stage a copy of all the information in the system from the Commission (Art. 2 and 3). The information required from the Member States includes: 2.2 a list of national and joint plans for combating pollution by hydrocarbons; an inventory of the resources available; a guide on the characteristics of hydrocarbons present in the Member State; and an inventory of resources for combating pollution caused by harmful substances other than hydrocarbons. Reporting Forward to the Commission the information required. Update the information in January of each year (Art. 2). Notify the Commission at the earliest opportunity of substantial changes relating to such information (Art. 2). 2.3 Additional Legal Instruments ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation Decisions 86/85/EEC and 88/346/EEC 17 Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances at Sea A proposal for a Council Decision setting up a Community framework for co-operation in the field of accidental marine pollution (COM(98) 769 Final) is under consideration and is currently expected to come into force in January 2000. This needs to be taken in consideration when programming implementation of this decision. The proposed Council Decision will repeal the current one when it comes into force. Implementation of this Decision should also be undertaken bearing in mind Council Decision 88/686/EEC on the Advisory Committee on Pollution caused by Harmful substances discharged at sea (ACPH). The Committee is responsible, among other things for facilitating the collection of existing information and experience related to the control and reduction of pollution caused by oil and other harmful substances released at sea. 3 Implementation 3.1 Key Tasks The key tasks associated with the implementation of the current and proposed Decision (as it relates to the Community information system) are summarised in the checklist below. These tasks are arranged in chronological order wherever possible and are grouped under key subheadings. COMMUNITY INFORMATION SYSTEM ON POLLUTION BY HARMFUL SUBSTANCES AT SEA – KEY IMPLEMENTATION TASKS 1 Planning 1.1 Establish or designate the competent authority to be responsible for implementing the decision. 2 Reporting 2.1 Establish a reporting system to ensure that the data required under the decision are collected by the competent authority from the public and private sector. 2.2 Submit the information required under Article 1 of the decision and the Annexes to the Commission (current Council Decision). 2.3 Update the information annually and forward this to the Commission (current Council Decision). 2.4 Notify the Commission as soon as possible of any changes relating to such information (current Council Decision). 2.5 Prepare the National Home Page for the Internet database and update it as soon as changes occur or at least annually every January (proposed Council Decision). 2.6 Provide information on operational emergency management to the Commission for incorporation into the Community operational loose-leaf booklet and notify the Commission at the earliest opportunity of any changes related to the information (proposed Council Decision). 3.2 Phasing considerations This Council Decision will be repealed on the entry into force of the proposed Council Decision setting up a Community framework for co-operation in the field of accidental marine pollution (COM(98) 769 Final). The proposed Council Decision is currently expected to come into force in 2000. Consequently Candidate Countries need to focus on implementing the provisions of the new Council Decision. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation Decisions 86/85/EEC and 88/346/EEC 18 Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances at Sea 4 Implementation Guidance The idea for a Community Information System on marine pollution was developed following a number of pollution incidents in the late 1970s. The creation of the Community Information System was established by Council Decision 86/85/EEC, and was subsequently amended (Council Decision 88/346/EEC) to apply to major inland waterways, in particular to international waterways. In this way the Commission provides a role in co-ordinating and disseminating information to Member States for use in combating pollution at sea. Member States still bear the responsibility for responding to pollution events. The Community Information System exists as a document which is subdivided into three parts: Part I - Resources of Response. This contains operational information designed to permit expert advice and spillage response equipment to be located quickly and easily. Part II - Background Data. This contains information about the physical and chemical properties of various oil types and a concise description of the available knowledge concerning the biological effects of oil spills. Part III - Information Sources. This section deals with databases and models in use in Member States and provides a comprehensive summary of selected publications and a bibliography. The need to have an easily updatable source of information has prompted the move to modernise and simplify the Community Information System as described in the proposed Council Decision (COM (98) 769 Final). The revised Community Information System will have two components: an Internet site with a Community Home Page containing general background information and National Home Pages which will include data on the national intervention resources available; a printed document in the form of a Community operational loose-leaf booklet containing information on emergency management in each Member States. In addition to the revised Community information system, the proposed Council Decision also aims to establish a three-year rolling plan to implement individual actions under the framework for coordination. The maximum percentage of the Community contribution and total amount ceiling (when relevant) are set in Annex II for each type of individual actions considered. These can be actions in training and information, actions for improving techniques and methods of response and rehabilitation (pilot projects), support and information actions and mobilisation of expertise. Individual actions will selected on the following criteria: contribution to providing information and preparing those responsible for, and involved in, dealing with accidental marine pollution and operational spills; contribution to improving techniques and methods of response and rehabilitation after emergencies; and contribution to providing operational support, by mobilising experts mainly belonging to the Community Task Force, in emergency situations to Member States and to disseminating experience from such situations among Member States. The Community Task Force is a group of experts from the Member States who are called on to provide practical assistance in case of accidental marine pollution. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation Decisions 86/85/EEC and 88/346/EEC 19 Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances at Sea A number of general observations and suggestions for implementing the existing and proposed Council Decisions (as they refer to the Community Information System) are presented below. Planning Under the proposed Council Decision, the Commission will open a web site for the purpose of accessing the Community Information System together with a Community page, while each Member State will be responsible for preparing its own Home Page and material for the Community operational booklet. The competent authority responsible for implementing the Council Decision in a Member State is a government body with responsibility for controlling marine pollution at sea. There may be one or more such bodies within a country, and it could be necessary to appoint several bodies as the competent authorities which will need to liaise with the other bodies and private sector. The competent authority for the implementation of this Council Decision is also represented on the Advisory Committee on Pollution caused by oil and other Harmful substances discharged sea (ACPH) - see Council Decision 86/85/EEC. Data Collection Article 1(2) and Annexes I, II, III, and IV of the Council Decision detail the data to be included in the Community Information System as follows: national and joint plans for combating pollution, including brief descriptions of the content of plans and the authorities responsible for them; an inventory of resources available for combating pollution at sea by hydrocarbons; a compendium of hydrocarbon properties and their impacts on marine fauna and flora, as well as methods of treatment and end uses of recovered hydrocarbons; an inventory of resources for intervention in the event of a spillage at sea of harmful substances other than hydrocarbons; and an inventory of resources available to the competent authorities of the Member States in the event of spillage in inland waters, and, particularly, in international waterways. Under the proposed Council Decision, a Member State will have to provide the following information on its National Home Page: a concise view of national structures and of the links between national authorities in the field of accidental marine pollution; an inventory of the main means for emergency response and clean-up from public and private sectors; the location of stockpiles of equipment; and the conditions for offering assistance to other Member States. Reporting Under both the existing and proposed Council Decisions, Member States have to update the information relating to their country as soon as (significant) changes occur, or annually. In the past, Member States have failed to update the Community Information System with such ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation Decisions 86/85/EEC and 88/346/EEC 20 Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances at Sea regularity for a variety of reasons, for example lack of feedback from affected parties, difficulties in obtaining information from the private sector, and lack of administrative resources. In previous years the Commission has appointed consultants to collect information from the private sector. 5 In order to be able to update the Community Information System, the competent authority will have to set up a system for collating information during the year from a wide range of parties in the public and private sectors. Costs The costs to Member States of implementing this Decision relate to the initial period of data collection and periodic revision of information for the database. The initial data collection may require a relatively short input by staff at the competent authority to collect information held by government bodies. However the collection of information from private organisations is more time consuming. Maintaining the information and reporting annually to the Commission should involve a relatively small amount of resources to be allocated to this task, albeit on an ongoing basis. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handbook on the Implementation of EC Environmental Legislation Decisions 86/85/EEC and 88/346/EEC 21 Community Information System on Pollution by Harmful Substances at Sea