Energy Conservation Simple Steps

Generously supported Marathon Oil Corporation
Energy Conservation Simple Steps
How to Conserve Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels will be a part of our lives for generations to come. These energy sources can be conserved by using
renewable sources and by reducing the amount of energy that we use. There are unlimited ways to conserve
energy – some are more effective than others. Below are the first and best steps to conserve.
Transportation best solutions
Reduce all travel that is not self generated - walk or bike
Use public transportation Take a bus. Buses use about 1/5 of the energy of cars.
Keep the tires on your car fully inflated which could increase your gas mileage by 3%
and make your tires last longer.
Do not idle. your car. If you will be sitting still for more than 10 seconds, turn off the engine.
Reduce air travel. Air travel puts more toxins in the air at higher altitudes which can damage the
air and ozone layer more than at ground level.
Electricity best solutions
Set home thermostat a degree higher for air conditioning and a degree lower for heating.
Use ceiling fans. Although they do not actually lower the temperature, they make you feel
cooler due to the interaction with the skin.
Change your air conditioner and heater filters regularly.
Turn off and unplug everything possible. 10% of the electricity used in homes is used by
appliances and communications devices when they are turned off. Use power strips that can cut
electricity to many devices at once.
Download whatever possible such as music and articles instead of making copies or purchasing a
CD or DVD.
Water simplest solutions
Use WaterSense appliances.
Fix water leaks as soon as possible.
Wash full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
Take showers instead of baths and spend less time in the shower.
Drink tap water and use reusable containers. Bottled water is less regulated than tap water.
Outside, use native plants that do not require as much water.
use wastewater whenever possible to water the yard.
Wood Simple Solutions
Think before using paper:
Use both sides of paper.
Use fewer paper napkins.
Buy post consumer recycled paper which is made from used paper. Pre-consumer recycled
paper is made of wood scraps and trimmings.
Buy products with as little packaging as possible.
When checking out at a store, use in the order below:
No bag – whenever possible don’t use a bag.
A reuseable bag from home
Paper or plastic bags? You decide.
While implementing the Simple Steps to reduce your personal carbon footprint, be thinking about efforts that
could be considered by your family, group and community. What obstacles might be encountered?