WATER CONSERVATION RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ____________ SUPPORTING WATER CONSERVATION. WHEREAS, water being a finite resource; and WHEREAS, water being a necessary resource for the health and well being of the citizens of ________________; and WHEREAS, to insure that water is utilized in a frugal beneficial manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ___________, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: _________ recommends that the customers of the water system use the following measures to conserve water inside the home or business. Fix leaking faucets, water lines and toilets. Install low-flow toilets and shower heads. Take showers instead of baths. Baths usually require more water than showering. Limit your shower to five minutes or shorter. Wash only full loads of laundry. Use the dish washer with full loads only. Hand washing dishes usually use more water than a dishwasher. Refrigerate a bottle of water instead of letting a faucet flow until the water runs cold. Do not let the water run when brushing teeth or shaving. As appliances break replace them with water and energy efficient appliances. SECTION 2: _________ recommends that the customers of the water system use the following measures to conserve water outside the home or business. During dry spells cut back annuals and perennials. Mulch helps retain moisture. Adjust your mower to a higher setting and mow more frequently. Loner grass blades provide shade and help retain moisture. Don’t fertilize when you can’t water. Avoid walking on grass during drought. Aerate your lawn. Collect runoff water from rain events or air conditioners to water plants. SECTION 3: Business and industrial users are encouraged to conserve water during their course of business. SECTION 4: The city of __________________ will strive to educate the systems customers about water resources and conservation through a public education and awareness program. SECTION 5: Attachment A, is a list of web sites which provide additional water conservation information.