micro-CHP, fuel cells, microgeneration Krzysztof KLOBUT*, Jari IHONEN, Jussi IKÄHEIMO Overview of micro-scale CHP technologies for distributed generation in the residential sector Cogeneration (combined heat and power, CHP) systems have the ability to produce both electricity and useful thermal energy from a single energy carrier, for example natural gas. Several manufacturers have developed, or are developing, small-scale CHP products aiming for residential applications. Such CHP systems can be based on: fuel cells, internal combustion engines, external combustion Stirling engines and micro-turbines. The commercial viability of cogeneration plants for residential scale buildings has yet to be gained. Also the true potential for residential cogeneration energy and emissions savings is yet to be firmly established. This paper provides a review of various cogeneration technologies suitable for residential applications and discusses their features. INTRODUCTION Cogeneration systems in the residential sector have the ability to produce both useful thermal energy and electricity from a single source of fuel such as natural gas. They can have several benefits compared to traditional solutions, such as increased reliability of power supply. As residential scale cogeneration technologies are just entering the market with heavy subsides, the potential for residential cogeneration energy and emissions savings is yet to be firmly established. Technologies available and under development for residential applications can be grouped according to the size into single-family (<10 kWel) and multifamily (10–30 kWel) applications, commercial (5–100 kWel) and institutional cogeneration (20–100 kWel) systems. Such CHP systems can be based on: fuel cells, internal combustion engines, external combustion Stirling engines and micro-turbines (Figure 1). The use of cogeneration plant for residential scale buildings has yet to become commercially viable though several manufacturers have developed products or are developing products suitable for residential scale use. Thermal storage provides an __________ * VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. opportunity to store the heat from micro-CHP units, thus decoupling the unit dispatch from heat demand and providing economical benefits [8]. However, the applicability of thermal storage (hot water tank) is limited to applications in which there is sufficient space available. 80 SOFC-/MCFC - gas turbine 60 efficiencyel combined process SOFC / MCFC steam inject. gas turbine diesel-engine PAFC 40 PEFC gas engine gas turbine SOFC 20 micro gas turbine 0 1 10 100 1.000 10.000 100.000 capacity [kW] sources: Bohn, Siemens-Westinghouse, Thyssengas, Ruhrgas, EnRef. Frankfurt, Sydkraft, SulzerHexis Figure 1. Electrical efficiency performance of different technologies as a function of capacity [1]. FUEL CELL (FC) BASED SYSTEMS A fuel cell converts the chemical energy of a fuel and oxygen continuously into electrical energy. Typically, the fuel is hydrogen. Thus, the energy incorporated in the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to water will be transformed into electrical energy. Fuel cells can be categorised according to the electrolyte material and, correspondingly, the required operating temperatures into low, medium and high temperature applications. Table 1 lists the main characteristics of the main fuel cell types. The performance of fuel cell systems is a function of the type of fuel cell and its capacity. The optimization of electrical efficiency and performance characteristics of fuel cell systems poses an engineering challenge because fuel cell systems are a combination of chemical, electrochemical, and electronic subsystems. Selected performance data for fuel cell systems are presented in the Table 2. The cost distribution between different subsystems varies significantly depending on the source. Based on the study by Directed Technologies, Inc the system level components, excluding the stack and heat exchangers, are not strongly dependent on the system size [3]. This indicates that system cost per kW may be significantly larger in 1 kW systems compared to 10 kW systems. Table 1. Types of fuel cells and main characteristics (updated after [6]). Electrolyte AFC KOH Temperature Ion 60-90 oC OH- system, el PEFC Proton conducting membrane 60-90 oC H+ 30-42 % DMFC Proton conducting membrane 55-65oC H+ PAFC Phosphoric acid MCFC Carbonate melt SOFC Y stabilised ZrO2 200 oC H+ 38-42 % 800 – 1000 oC O230-55 % (w/ GT> 60%) 47-50 % 650 oC CO3250-55 % (w/ ST > 55%) n.a. CHP CHP, CC CHP, CC (natural gas) system, el 38-50 % (hydrogen) Favoured application Space, military, portable Mobile, portable, CHP 2 – 200 Mobile, portable n.a. 200 – 2 – 100 000 100 000 First Subsidised Commercial Small series Subsidised Subsidised commercial commercial production commercial commercial production production (200 kWel) production production ST: Steam turbine; GT: Gas turbine; CHP: Combined Heat and Power Production; AFC: Alkaline Electrolyte Fuel Cell; PEFC: Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell; DMFC: Direct Methanol Fuel Cell; PAFC: Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell; MCFC: Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell; SOFC: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell; n.a. not available Power range [kWel] Status 50 – 10 000 Table 2. Performance characteristics of fuel cell based cogeneration systems [5]. Performance Characteristics System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 System 5 Fuel Cell Type PEMFC PEMFC PAFC SOFC MCFC 10 200 200 100 250 30 % 35 % 36 % 45 % 43 % Fuel Input kW 29 586 557 234 586 Operating Temperature [oC] 70 70 200 950 650 Nominal Electricity Capacity [kW] Electrical Efficiency [%], HHV Cogeneration Characteristics Heat Output [kW] 12 211 217 56 128 Total Overall Efficiency [%], HHV 68 % 72 % 75 % 70 % 65 % Power / Heat Ratio 0.77 0.95 0.92 1.79 1.95 53.6 % 65.0 % 70.3 % 65.6 % 59.5 % Effective Electrical Efficiency [%], HHV HHV = Higher Heating Value Actual cost data from Japan also indicates that cost targets for 1 kW systems may be difficult to reach if fuel cell systems cannot be simplified [8]. Table 3. Known sale prices for fuel cell micro-CHP systems [8]. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE (ICE) BASED COGENERATION SYSTEMS Diesel engines are primarily used for large-scale cogeneration, although they can also be used for small-scale cogeneration. These engines are mainly four-stroke direct injection engines fitted with a turbo-charger and intercooler. Diesel engines run on diesel fuel or heavy oil, or they can be set up to operate on a dual fuel mode that burns primarily natural gas with a small amount of diesel pilot fuel. Cooling systems for diesel engines are more complex in comparison to the cooling systems of spark ignition engines and temperature are often lower, usually 85oC maximum, thus limiting the heat recovery potential. Efficiency: Reciprocating internal combustion engines have mechanical efficiencies that range from 25–30%. The overall efficiency in cogeneration mode reaches approximately 80–85 (% HVV). Part-load performance: The percentage of fuel energy input used in producing mechanical work, which results in electrical generation, remains fairly constant until 75% of full load, and thereafter starts decreasing. The amount of useful heat derived from a cogeneration system increases as the efficiency of electric power delivered decreases. Costs: Generally, reciprocating internal combustion based cogeneration systems less than 500 kW in size cost between 800 and 3,020 $/kW (630 and 2,370 €/kW), with higher cost for smaller cogeneration systems. Estimated capital costs indicate that the cost per unit capacity decreases with increasing engine size. [4] STIRLING ENGINE BASED COGENERATION SYSTEMS Stirling engine differs from internal combustion engine by the fact that cylinder is closed and combustion process takes place outside of it. Piston is moved by pressure changes due to heating and cooling of working gas. Stirling engines operate smoothly, resulting in lower vibration, noise level and emissions than reciprocating internal combustion engines. Also, the external combustion process allows the use of a large variety of fuels and longer fuel retention times in the combustion chamber compared to internal combustion engines. As a result, the control, and hence the efficiency of combustion is higher. Efficiency and part-load performance: It is expected that while the full load efficiency can be 35–50%, the efficiency at 50% load can be expected to be in the 34– 39% range. Since the technology is still in the development phase, there is no statistical data for the reliability and availability of Stirling engines. However, it is expected that the reliability of Stirling engines will be comparable to that of diesel engines. Costs: Presently, the investment cost for the unit is still about twice as high as an internal combustion engine driven cogeneration unit of the same capacity, although it is more economical when considering the maintenance costs of Stirling engines, i.e. 0.013 $/kWh (0.010 €/kWh) as compared with $0.018 $/kWh (0.014€/kWh) of internal combustion engine driven cogeneration systems. [4] SUMMARY Properties of different small CHP generation systems are compared by means of spider graphs in the following figures. Different features of the systems are valued using a scale from 0 (worst) to 5 (best). Costs Kustannukset Stirling-moottorit Polttokennot Hyötysuhde Efficiency 5 Hyötysuhde Efficiency 5 4 Lifetime Elinikä Costs Kustannukset 3 2 2 1 Noise Melu 4 3 0 1 Size Koko Emissions Päästöt Fuel Polttoaine Lifetime Elinikä Melu Noise 0 Polttoaine Fuel Power Control Tehonsäätö Figure 2. Features of Stirling engines (left) and fuel cells (right). [7] Size Koko Päästöt Emissions Tehonsäätö Power Control In Table 4 estimation is given regarding how well different technologies fit different types of buildings in terms of application as distributed energy generation systems. Table 4. Estimated technical applicability of different technologies to different buildings [7]. Building type Gas and diesel engines Gas turbines Stirling engines Fuel cells Single-family house - -- ++ ++ Attached row house + - ++ ++ Apartment house + - + + Office building + - - + Hotel, spa, etc. ++ + - + Greenhouse ++ + -- + Small industry: workshop, sawmill etc. ++ ++ -- + District heating ++ + -- + Fitting category: -- very poor - poor + good ++ excellent REFERENCES 1. Birnbaum K., Weinmann O. (2003) Fuel cell energy supply system and the residential market. IEA / Advanced Fuel Cells / ANNEX XII Stationary fuel cells, Subtask I. Report, October 2003. 2. Hawkes A., Staffell I., Brett D., Brandon N. (2009). 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