Regis Jesuit Parent Club Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

Regis Jesuit Parent Club – Boys Division
Monthly Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2010
Prayer: Lynne Ferguson said the opening prayer
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm in the BD Main Office
Conference room
Attendance: Lynne Ferguson, Barb Ingalls, Colleen Courtois, Amy Plank, Kim Higgins,
Heather Nemechek, Jim Gmelich, Stephanie Fisher, Larry Finch, Theresa Jones and Alex
Debever, a visitor. Kelly Reardon arrived at 1:30pm; Fr. Steele at 2pm
Absent: Kelly Doherty
Minutes: The September 1, 2010 minutes were approved as presented.
Father Steele – President’s Report
The students are wonderful with Great Spirit.
Traffic patterns and parking meeting was held with the City of Aurora-pursuing a
3 way stop at the GD entrance. The City of Aurora is not in favor of this but is
requesting that we consider roundabouts.
Men’s Club had a very successful “burgers and brats” event before the 1st home
football game. They also volunteered for Boys and Girls Hope and maintenance
on the houses and landscaping.
JVLA-Jesuit Virtual Learning Academy-a program (out of Omaha) that have online courses and trying to network among Jesuit high schools and offer courses
that may not be available in “all” Jesuit High Schools, for instance languages,
such as Chinese. Jeff Housman met with faculty to become part of this program
for our next academic year.
Jim Gmelich – Principal’s Report
Faculty meeting was held today to discuss the goals of the committees to the
Regis Community;
Raider Review has a new format and Adam Dawkins is leading this charge and
moving to an online publication;
World Languages & World Cultures schedule was handed out and is co-divisional
2 Kairos events have happened in the last month. 1 Kairos is going on this week
with a homecoming Friday night.
2 Sophomore retreats have occurred in the last month
Spirit week and homecoming went well;
Faculty and staff retreat was held at Ponderosa on 9/24/10
BD silent retreat for seniors was last week
RJHS-Homelessness plunge retreat: The Regis Community is reading 1 book; 1
community and the GD is required to read the Soloist. There is a 1 night
homelessness experience and it will start at 6pm and be in 2 homeless shelters.
The kids will be broken into small groups and will be given money and go to the
shelters, sleep outside and come back to Regis the next day and have a debriefing.
This will occur October 19th and there is a late start on 10/20 and this will be the
night out.
Kelly Reardon/Kelly Doherty – Director of Student Activities/Athletics Director Report
Kelly Reardon reported that homecoming went well.
October 19th homelessness project is being formulated and all BD classes are
being invited.
The season of giving will begin 11/15/10 and end mid-December. A goal of 500
gifts is being sought and will be explained on 11/8 in an open assembly.
September 20, 2010 is homecoming week and the football game/dance is
September 24, 2010-no school is the day of the dance or football game.
Lynne Ferguson – BD Parent Club President’s Report
September 1, 2010 minutes were approved, with revisions.
Lynne thanked us for the contribution to Rugby in Russ’s name
Heather Nemechek – President Elect’s Report
Back to School night went well. The people there (100 parents) were interested in
socializing and mostly were freshman parents. Teresa had $1600 worth of grocery
card sales. A discussion ensued regarding whether we continue Back to School
night and what its purpose truly serves. If it’s a “social” activity then Barb raised
the issue as to whether we could add a “volunteerism” purpose and also market
“sign ups” for Parent Club activities. It was determined that Back to School night
will continue and expand the opportunity for volunteering and also consider
placement of the Grocery Card table in the front foyer on the way out. We will
address the “updating of Back to School Night” by April, 2011.
Meeting to discuss status of Rudy Brada: Tournament will go on as planned.
Co-Chaired by President Elects of both divisions. Lori & Tony Naes will
continue to help. Dave Kail (Alumni Relations) will put together committee to
obtain sponsors. Some volunteers on board and need lots more. Majority of work
to be done after first of year.
Allocation Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 20, 2010. Have 3 requests so far with
all others due by Friday, Oct. 8. The Committee is in place. Need one more
Parent At Large, anyone interested from Parent Club Board? Kelly is working on
the student council students for attendance. Stephanie Fischer will be the
additional parent volunteer.
Homecoming BBQ made $381 profit. We will discuss in further detail at Nov.
meeting when Connie Wood will attend. She has said she will Chair again next
year! Connie Wood is actively seeking a GD co-chair and this will be pursued for
next year’s BBQ. We need to discuss dropping the price again and also better
marketing the activity to students.
Colleen Courtois – VP Major Projects Report
Cindy McNamara is in the process of scheduling regular hours; Patty Donagon is
shadowing Cindy to transition to chairman. Cindy did purchase the Quick Book
point of sale piece software at $1,045 from Office Max. She is still working on
integrating the software and doing well with sales. Colleen will report back to
Lynne with “regular hours” for publishing on the website.
First Friday Mass has Jane Whitley as the Chair and Jane has this under controlshe would like another volunteer for November and also more volunteers for
December and January. Teresa suggested that Jane buy a King Soopers card to
use for purchase of the donuts and milk. Ongoing discussion needs to continue on
the purchase of a Grocery card.
Melissa Mount is the chair for Faculty/Staff Birthday recognition. Teresa also
suggested a King Soopers card to purchase food, cards, et al for these days.
Open House Chair is Maria Pinedo. Maria met with Noah today and will begin to
plan this event next week. She has enough volunteers and this should be a
successful event.
Steph Fisher – VP Athletics Report
Stephanie met with Darla Vierra and Kelly Doherty to transfer VP-Athletics
responsibilities. Nothing is similar to last year as we have a “winning” football
team this year.
56 cases of soda sold out in the 2nd week of football. Over 4000 bottles of soda;
30 boxes of popcorn; 1800 dogs and brats in the 4 weeks of home games. Home
soccer game is tomorrow and concessions need to be operated and Stephanie will
handle the volunteers.
Ken Shaw will be sought out to get freshman parents to do concessions for
Barb Ingalls – Volunteer Coordinator Report
Barb has updated the Volunteer Handbook and will put together a committee to
update it and present it to the Board. Kim Higgins, Lynne Ferguson and Barb
Ingalls will be on the committee.
All chairmen are on board for the BD Parent Club activities
Kim Higgins– Secretary’s Report
September minutes were approved, with revisions by the Board
Updates to the website are as follows and will be communicated to the
Melissa’s email address was updated to:
The old activities will be moved to the bottom of the website as they occur.
Theresa Jones – VP Grocery Cards Report
Profit FY to date $2,648.45, which is $488.04 more than last year.
Total recharge profit this FY $1,444.22
Checking account balance as of today $29,607.89
Over $5000 in Freshman Card recharges in September.
Does anyone on the board recall any talk about the existence of a waiver for ACH
participants to sign? The waiver would release Regis from liability if the cards are
lost or stolen in the mail. ACH procedures refer to this waiver but I was not able
to find the document in any of the files or materials I received from Ann Marie. I
talked with Ann Marie she thought that the waiver existed but she could not find a
copy either. Procedures say that in the past, emails from participants stating it is
“o.k. to mail their cards” had been accepted. We had 9 new families join the
ACH program this month. Since I could not find a waiver form, I had each family
send me an email.
Can we look into adding a link to the Grocery Card information under “Support
RJ” or another drop down menu on the Regis Website homepage that will link to
our homepage? This was added by the webmaster.
Larry Finch – Treasurer’s Report
Larry presented the “new” format of the financial report. Larry took us through
the report and explained what we were looking at. We run a 20% profit in the
Raidershop and all agreed that the format was an improvement.
Cash Summary report-Larry consolidated the booster clubs’ funds into the general
fund cash of the Parent club.
Fall Allocation allotment is $40,000