BOARD OF EDUCATION - Beal City Schools

Monday, September 15, 2014 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by President, Denise McBride. Present: Denise
McBride, Bob Pasch, Kari Rojas, Curt Gottschalk, Jane Finnerty Ron Neyer and Rod Cole.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Rod Cole read Board Goal #1.
Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Bob Pasch to approve the agenda with no additions or
deletions. Motion carried 7/0.
Recognition of Guests: Ali Goodhall from Yeo & Yeo
Ali Goodhall from Yeo & Yeo presented the 2013-2014 Audit.
Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Jane Finnerty to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of
August 18, 2014 as presented. Motion carried 7/0.
Bill Chilman reminded the Board of the School Equity Caucus Newsletters that he shared
throughout the month and passed around a flier and a magazine.
Curt Gottschalk reported for the District School Improvement Committee. They were given a
school budget update. They also reviewed the Annual Report. Jeff Jackson is reviewing the ACT test
scores and both the elementary and secondary are working on test preparation. They were given updates
from both the ESIT and SSIT.
Jason Wolf reported that the start of the year has gone very well. The PTA is working on a
playground project. Participation in the PTA has increased. The new gym class/library arrangements are
working great. Jason, Marci and Rod Cole have found a popcorn oil that can be used to make popcorn on
Rod Cole thanked Bob Wheeler & First Bank for their donation of 10,000 popcorn bags.
Jason Wolf also reported that Kelly Deters is the full time temporary teacher that will replace
Rachel Leff-Ewing during her leave of absence. She is working out great.
Jason McDonald reported that he was kept busy at the beginning of the school year with locker
problems and a well problem. The locker problems have been taken care of and the motor in the well
needed to be replaced. That has been completed and everything is up and running. We received a
resignation from Dan Endres for bus driving. We are in search of bus driver and custodial subs. Repairs
are scheduled for work that needs to be done to the track surface.
Jeff Jackson reported that he and Cindi Gigowski will be attending a meeting regarding the
Morey Talent Show. They will find out what this year’s requirements are the Talent Show. We have
received 11 applications for the English Teaching position. The ACT scores are now available and we
did very well.
Julie Freeze has numerous contracts that need Board signatures. She asked to speak to Jane
Finnerty and Denise McBride after the meeting about a sick bank request.
Joe Judge reported that the school year is off to a good start. Over the summer the computers in
the BST Lab were replaced and quite a few teacher work stations were also replaced. A video
surveillance system has been installed at the sports complex. Joe is looking into purchasing Chrome
books for a couple computer carts. We are also working on adding boosters to expand the wireless
internet within the building.
Bill Chilman thanked the staff for their hard work in getting the school year off to a great start.
So far this school year we have had a good working relationship with the BCEA. Bill will be here all this
week but will be gone Wednesday – Friday of next week to a Superintendent Fall Conference. Bill
updated the Board on changes that may need to be made to the homecoming parade route due to the road
closure at the corner of Winn and Beal City Rd.
Denise McBride read the financial report.
Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Ron Neyer, to approve the General Fund payments of
$273,617.30, Hot Lunch payments of $54.45, Capital Projects/General Fund payments of $147,156.76,
Athletic Fund payments of $2,963.18. Motion carried 7/0.
Bill reminded the Board of the election on November 4, 2014.
Bill will be in contact with MASB about a Board Workshop on October 13th or October 27th.
Bill handed out a new flier for the Beal City Education Foundation. He gave an update on the
Homecoming Fundraiser Event.
Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Rod Cole to approve the Tribal Grant Applications as
presented. Motion carried 7/0.
Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Rod Cole to accept Brenda Rau’s teacher resignation as
presented. Motion carried 7/0.
Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Bob Pasch to accept Dan Endres’ bus driver resignation as
presented. Motion carried 7/0.
Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Kari Rojas to accept Marylyn Gross’ resignation as presented.
Motion carried 7/0.
Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Rod Cole to approve that 2013-2014 Audit as presented.
Motion carried 7/0.
Bill reported that Jeff Bruggema is being recommended for hire through PCMI as the 7 th Grade
Boys Basketball Coach.
Bill Chilman gave the Annual Report.
Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Curt Gottschalk to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Roll call vote.
Motion carried 7/0.
Recording Secretary
Carrie Bleise
Denise McBride, President
Kari Rojas, Secretary