DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY UNIFORM PERMITTING NOTICE TO LANDOWNER, REQUIREMENTS AND AFFIDAVIT Dear Applicant: If your application involves land and you don't own all of the land that is the subject of your Tier I, II or III permit application, you must notify the owner(s). [See Title 27A of the Oklahoma Statutes, §2-14-101, et seq.] Rule OAC 252:4-7-13(b): Applicants shall certify by affidavit that they own the real property, have a current lease or easement which is given to accomplish the permitted purpose or have provided legal notice to the landowner. If the landowner notice applies to your application, you can use the form at the bottom of this page as your notice. Please note that you MUST fill out and return the Affidavit on page 2 even if you don't have to give any landowner notice. Any questions? Please call the DEQ program which is processing your permit. Thank you from the DEQ. NOTICE TO LANDOWNER OF FILING Dear Landowner: (Name)________________________________________: (Applicant Name) ____________________ has filed an application with the Department of Environmental Quality for the following permit/certification/registration, _____________________________________, for (Name))__________________________ facility. This application involves the land owned by you located at: Address (Street/City): Legal Description Signed: Date_________________ Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AFFIDAVIT ABOUT NOTICE TO LANDOWNER* I, as the applicant or an authorized representative of the applicant, hereby certify that notice to the landowner(s) about the application described below: __________IS NOT REQUIRED because: _______ My application does not involve any land. _______ My application involves only land owned by me (or the applicant business). A.__________IS REQUIRED because the land is owned by someone other than myself or the applicant business AND I HAVE NOTIFIED the landowner(s) by: _______ actual notice for which I have a signed and dated receipt; _______ service by sheriff or private process server for which I have an affidavit; _______ service by certified mail restricted delivery for which I have a signed return receipt; or _______ legal publication, for which I have an affidavit of publication from the newspaper, because the landowners could not be located through due diligence. B.__________IS REQUIRED BUT INSTEAD of notice to the landowner(s), I notified the lessor or administrator or executor of the land by the method checked above. (Briefly explain here.) IF THE APPLICANT DOES NOT OWN THE LAND, MY/ITS RIGHT TO USE THIS LAND is by: _____ lease. _____ easement. _____ (Other) ___________________________________________________. _______________ Signature of Applicant or Applicant's Authorized RepresentativePosition Name of Applicant (If Different from Signature Name) _______________ Date Signed APPLICATION INFORMATION (Please circle one) Type: Air Quality Hazardous Waste Solid Waste UIC Water Quality Radiation Name of Permit Requested:___________________________________________________ Application Tier: _____I (if known) _____II _____III Permit No. ______________________ (if known, or previous number) Name & Address of Facility:__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ *Complete and return to the DEQ program processing your permit. Page 2