Table 1 Yeast strains Strain name FY23 FY86 Ulp1 shuffle ulp2 Smt3 shuffle strain Nmd3 shuffle strain RS453a xpo1-LMB sensitive Xpo1-LMB resistant pse1-1 Genotype MATa, ura3, trp1, leu2 Origin derived fro S288C derived fro S288C MATa his3 leu2 lys2 ura3 ulp1::kanMX4 (ARS/CEN pURA3-ULP1) this study MATa his3 leu2 lys2 ura3 ulp2::kanMX4 Euroscarf MATa his3 leu2 lys2 ura3 smt3::kanMX4 (ARS/CEN pURA3-SMT3) this study MATa his3 leu2 lys2 ura3 nmd3::kanMX4 (ARS/CEN pURA3-NMD3) ref. 13 MATa, ade2, leu2, ura3, his3, trp1 ref. 29 MATa leu2 his3 trp1 ura3 xpo1::KAN (ARS/CEN ref. 23 HIS3pDCCRM1T539C) MATa leu2 his3 trp1 ura3 xpo1::KANr (ARS/CEN HIS3pDC-CRM1) ref. 23 MATa leu2∆2 his3 trp1∆63 ura3-52 ref. 32 Table 2 Plasmids and constructions Plasmid Ulp1-GFP Ulp1N-GFP Ulp1N(1-150)-GFP Smt3-GFP Ulp2-GFP Arc1-GFP Ulp1C-GFP-Arc1 Ulp1C-GFP-NES cc-Ulp1C-GFP Ulp1C-GFP-Nsp1C Ulp1C-GFP-Nup42 Ulp1C-GFP-Nup60 nmd3NES-GFP-Ulp1N Construction details N-terminal GFP fusion, amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 1- 403 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 1- 150 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, Smt3 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, Ulp2 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, Arc1 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP Ulp1C amplified as PstI/PstI and ligated into PstI digested Ulp1CGFP-Arc1 N-terminal GFP fusion, Ulp1C amplified as PstI/XhoI, PKI-NES amplified with a specific primer set, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 320-612 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP Nsp1C amplified as PstI/PstI and ligated into PstI digested Ulp1CGFP Nup42 amplified as PstI/PstI and ligated into PstI digested Ulp1CGFP Nup60 amplified as NsiI/NsiI and ligated into PstI digested Ulp1CGFP N-domain of Ulp1 was amplified as BamHI/BamHI and ligated into nmd3NES-GFP nmd3NES-GFP-cc Ulp1-ProtA Ulp1N-ProtA pGAL1::Ulp1C-GFP pGAL1::Ulp1C-GFP-Nsp1C pGAL1::Ulp1C-GFP-NLS pRS316-Smt3 pRS316-Ulp1 Ulp1N(1-150)-ProtA cc region of Ulp1 was amplified as BamHI/BamHI and ligated into nmd3NES-GFP N-terminal fusion, Ulp1 amplified as XmaI/XhoI and ligated into pRS315NOP1::ProtA digested with XmaI/SalI N-terminal fusion, residues 1 - 403 of Ulp1 amplified as XmaI/XhoI and ligated into pRS315NOP1::ProtA digested with XmaI/SalI/XhoI Ulp1C-GFP amplified as BamHI/NarI, ligated into YEP351GAL Ulp1C-GFP-NSP1C amplified as BamHI/NarI, ligated into YEP351GAL Ulp1C-GFP-NLS amplified as BamHI/NarI, ligated into YEP351GAL Smt3 +/-200 bp upstream and downstream amplified as BamHI/HindIII, ligated into pRS316 Ulp1 +/-200 bp upstream and downstream amplified as BamHI/HindIII, ligated into pRS316 N-terminal fusion, residues 1 – 150 of Ulp1 amplified as NdeI/XhoI and ligated into pRS315NOP1::ProtA digested with NdeI /SalI Ulp1N(150-621)-ProtA Ulp1N(1-100)-GFP Ulp1N(1-150)-ccUlp1C -GFP Ulp1(150-621)-GFP pGAL1::Ulp1C-GFP-Arc1 YCpGAL-YRB4N N-terminal fusion, residues 150-621of Ulp1 amplified as NdeI/XhoI and ligated into pRS315NOP1::ProtA digested with NdeI /SalI N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 1- 100 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 1- 150 amplified as PstI/ PstI, ligated into PstI digested cc-Ulp1C-GFP N-terminal GFP fusion, residues 150-621 amplified as PstI/XhoI, ligated into pRS315-NOP1::GFP Ulp1C-GFP-Arc1 amplified as BamHI/NarI, ligated into YEP351GAL ref. 21 Supplementary information Fig. 1. Levels of Ulp1-GFP are not altered upon ovexpression of Yrb4N or in the pse1-1 strain when shifted to restrictive temperature. Strains containing pGAL and pGAL::Yrb4N were grown in raffinose-containing medium to an OD600 nm of 0.5 before Yrb4N expression was induced by addition of 2% galactose. The same amount of cells corresponding to OD600 nm of 10 was used to prepare whole lysates after the cells were harvested upon induction for 0, 1 and 4 hr. The pse1-1 temperature-sensitive mutant strain was grown at 23°C and shifted for 3 hr to 37°C. Equivalent volumes of whole cell lysates were separated on SDS-PAGE and analysed by Coomassie staining. Lanes 1,3 and 5 depict whole cell lysates derived from the pGAL strain prepared at 0, 1 and 4 hrs. Lanes 2, 4, 6 depict whole cell lysates derived from the YRB4N strain prepared at 0, 1 and 4 hrs. Lanes 7 and 8 depict whole cell lysates of pse1-1 strain at 23 and shifted to 37C for 3 hr. Levels of Ulp1-GFP were examined by Western blot using anti-GFP antibodies.