MABLETHORPE AND SUTTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Held on 19 April 2010 Present: Cllr B Dobbs (in the Chair) Cllrs Mrs I Daw Mrs M Morgan E Rolls A Howard P Jackson Miss H Parkhurst S Pratley Mrs M Rolls Mrs J Taylor Mrs J Cooper (Town Clerk) 1 member of the public 123. APOLOGIES Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Cllr G Parkhurst (personal) and C Tebbutt (work) and it was proposed, seconded and Resolved: that these reasons be accepted. 124. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr S Pratley declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00409/10, as a member of the Playing Fields Association. Cllr Mrs I Daw declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00409/10, as a member of the Playing Fields Association. Cllr Mrs J Taylor declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00568/10, as the objectors are known to her. Cllr A Howard declared a personal interest in Minutes 127 and 128 as a member of East Lindsey District Council; Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00409/10, as a member of the Playing Fields Association and Ref. N/110/00433/10, as the applicants are fellow members of MASCOT ; Ref. N/110/00356/10 as the neighbours are known to him. Cllr P Jackson declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref N/110/00409/10, as a member of the Playing Fields Association. Cllr Mrs M Rolls declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00356/10, as applicants are neighbours on Crabtree Lane. Cllr E Rolls declared a personal interest in Minute 128, Ref. N/110/00356/10, as applicants are neighbours on Crabtree Lane. 1 125. MINUTES – 8 MARCH 2010 It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2010 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 126. CLERK’S REPORT AND UPDATE The Clerk advised that East Lindsey District Council were looking to change the way Town and Parish Councils were consulted on charity street collections. It was intended to request a turn around of 7 days by delegation to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman of the relevant committee. This would mean an amendment to Standing Orders. The Clerk had asked for this in writing, along with ELDC’s current policy of only allowing one collection per organisation per year, and this will be discussed at a relevant committee. The Clerk had received confirmation that ELDC Enforcement was aware of breaches of conditions imposed on planning permission for 27 Victoria Road. It was agreed that the Clerk writes to request all conditions be monitored for compliance. 127. ELDC PLANNING DECISIONS N/110/00260/10 Tudor Lodge, Trusthorpe – conversion of 4 flats to 2 houses. Conditionally approved (access, turning area and 3 parking spaces to be completed prior to any occupation). Town Council approved. N/110/00205/10 The Beck, Quebec Road, Mablethorpe – extensions. Conditionally approved (timber cladding to match principal cladding; foul and surface water to be collected and discharged into existing systems). Town Council supported. N/110/00188/10 Banners on High Street, Mablethorpe – conditionally approved (standard advertising condition relating to length of approval 10.3.15., need to obtain owner’s permission; not to endanger persons using the highway; not to obscure security / surveillance equipment; visual amenity). Town Council supported. (Note: The Clerk has pointed out error in location name spelling) N/110/00065/10 Towervans Caravan Park, Seaholme Road, Mablethorpe – outline erection of a shop. Conditionally approved (reserved matters application to be made within 3 years (details); approval of Local Planning Authority needed for external materials; sewage and surface water disposal; site levels, floor levels; retail floor area not to exceed 183 sq metres (93 sq 2 metres convenience goods, 93 sq metres comparison goods); comparison goods limited to caravan and beach accessories; reserved matters to show provision for deliveries; development in accordance with flood risk) Town Council objected. (Note: the Clerk pointed out errors in calculation of floor space and duplication of a condition.) N/110/02376/09 Notices: N/110/00553/09 N/110/01668/09 27 Victoria Road, Mablethorpe –retention of 3 condensing units. Refused (unacceptable harm to residential amenities due to noise). Town Council no comment. Lawful Use Certificate for 69E Victoria Road, Mablethorpe – Gone to appeal by public enquiry on 11 May 2010 at Tedder Hall. 2 houses off Marian Avenue, Mablethorpe – gone to appeal by written representations. 128. PLANNING APPLICATIONS It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: That in accordance with Schedule 16 of the Local Government Act 1972, observations on the following planning applications be submitted to East Lindsey District Council. N/110/00409/10 Erection of boundary palisade fencing to a height of 1.9 metres – Mablethorpe Air Training Corps, Sherwood Road. That this application be supported subject to a maximum height of 1.8 metres; the colour to be more in keeping with the area and no spikes on the top. N/110/00433/10 Extension and alterations to food store including extension to car park area on site of existing dwelling to be demolished, as amendments to N/110/02314/09 – Lidl Store, Stanley Avenue, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported in principle subject to proposed car parking area being re-designed to remove spaces adjacent neighbouring property and that area being soft landscaped (to remove potential light/noise disturbance from parked vehicles); that any lighting be designed so as not to spill onto adjacent properties; that the loss of this dwelling be considered as a loss to housing stock and when other applications received for a dwelling in Mablethorpe are received, this loss be allowed to be replaced to bring housing numbers back up; that consideration be given to an “in and out” situation for vehicles to relieve pressure on existing access and the road junction at Stanley Avenue. 3 N/110/00356/10 Erection of a holiday bungalow as an amendment to N/172/00319/03 – Plot 2 Hawthorn Farm, Crabtree Lane, Sutton-on-Sea. That this application be supported subject to condition restricting for holiday use only. N/110/00584/10 Alterations to provide roller shutter curtains – 38/42 High Street, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported. N/110/00587/10 Extension and alterations to include provision of new shop front 38/42 High Street, Mablethorpe. That this application be supported subject to condition to ensure no trading on forecourt. N/110/00568/10 Erection of detached agricultural barn – Ings Lane, Sutton-onSea. That objection be made – open countryside, against Policy DC2, no other buildings in the area. 129. STREET COLLECTIONS It was proposed, seconded and Resolved: to support the application for a street collection permit for R.A.F. Association on 29 August 2010 in Mablethorpe and Sutton-on-Sea. 130. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications. The meeting closed at 8.00 p.m. and was followed by an informal meeting with Stuart Davy and Mark Edwards of East Lindsey District Council. The member of the public left the meeting. 4