香港特別行政區政府 民航處 Civil Aviation Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region APPLICATION FOR VALIDATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE (VSTC) 1. Applicant’s Reference 1.1 Your Reference 2. Applicant Address and Contact Data 2.1 Applicant Data 2.1.1 Name and Address Registered Company Name Registration Number of the Organisation and Issuing Authority Registered Address 2.1.2 Contact Person Title Mr Mrs Ms Mr Mrs Ms Name Job Title Phone/Fax Email 2.2 Financial Data ( 2.2.1 Name and Address Same as Field 2.1. Go to Field 3 ) Company Name Address 2.2.2 Contact Person Title Name Job Title Phone/Fax Email CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Page 1 of 7 3. Identification of Activity 3.1 Change to existing Hong Kong Supplemental Type Certificate (HK STC) Yes 3.2 Change to approved parts of Flight Manual (FM) Yes 3.3 Change to Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) Yes HK STC. No. _________________________ Revision No. ___________________________ No Document ref. No. _____________________ No Document ref. No. ___________________ No 4. Product Identification 4.1 Applicability Hong Kong Type Certificate No. Original Type Certificate No. Type Certificate Holder Model(s) Eligible Aircraft Serial No. 4.2 Prototype Aircraft Information Registered Owner / Operator Registration Mark Manufacturer’s Serial No. Intended Aircraft Input Date Location of Aircraft Input 4.3 Certification Basis Original HKCAD Certification Basis for the aircraft Proposed airworthiness code e.g. CS-25, Amendment 10 Certification Review Items / Issue Papers. 5. Original Approval CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Page 2 of 7 5.1 Issuing Authority 5.2 CAA Contact Person 5.3 CAA Request Reference 5.4 STC No. 5.5 Revision/Amendment No. 5.6 Issue Date 6. Description 6.1 Title 6.2 Description 6.3 Affected Areas (including manuals) 6.4 PSCP / CP Document No. 6.5 Compliance Summary Document No. 7. Demonstration of Eligibility 7.1 Design Organisation Approval or equivalent Issuing Authority: Type of Approval: Approval No.: CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Page 3 of 7 8. Fee Information A deposit of HK$15,000 is required for each application. Applicant for approval of STC will be charged in accordance with Hong Kong Air Navigation (Fees) Regulations (CAP. 448 sub. leg. D), Schedule, paragraph 9. In the case of withdrawal of the application, or other cases of interruption, the working hours already spent will be recovered. CAD will also recover specific costs and, if applicable, transport costs outside Hong Kong. CAD will return prepaid deposit to the applicant/financially responsible company after deducting all expenditure used on the issuance of the approval. If the prepaid deposit is not sufficient to cover the approval fee, the applicant shall pay the outstanding balance prior to issuance of a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). 9. Applicant’s Declaration I confirm that all information provided in this application form is correct and complete. I agree to pay the fees levied by the Hong Kong SAR Government in respect of the issuance of a Supplemental Type Certificate. I am submitting this application form, together with the following applicable documents: a copy of the Business Registration Certificate for Field 2.1.1 the deposit of application fee, Cheque /Bank Draft No. _________________ for Field 8 financial responsibility statement by third party, letter ref. No. _______________ for Field 2.2 the owner/operator’s acknowledgement letter for Field 4.2 a copy of STC issued by other CAA referenced in Field 5 a copy of all data/documents referenced in Fields 6.4 and 6.5 a copy of all data/documents referenced on the STC a copy of Design Organisation Approval Name Position in Company Signature Date (DD/MM/YYYY) This application should be sent to: Flight Standards & Airworthiness Division Civil Aviation Department Civil Aviation Department Headquarters 1 Tung Fai Road, Hong Kong International Airport Lantau, Hong Kong Attention: Senior Airworthiness Officer (Certification) Email: CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Page 4 of 7 Supplemental Information and Completion Instructions for the Application for Validation of Supplemental Type Certificate (VSTC) The use of this form is to enable CAD to process applications without undue delay. This section provides you with any additional instructions and requirements necessary to complete the Application for Validation of Supplemental Type Certificate (VSTC). The individual field of the application form may be varied in size to allow entry of all required information. Please complete all Fields of the form clearly and legibly. Field Name Supplemental Information and Completion Instructions 1.1 Your Reference Provide a unique internal reference number to this application. This reference will be used as an identifier of your application in all communication, e.g. demand note(s), acceptance letter, by CAD. Provide the name of the company and the address as they appear on the Business Registration Certificate (or equivalent National Companies Registration Office for organisations located outside Hong Kong). First time applicants need to submit a copy of the company’s Business Registration Certificate or similar legal document stating name together with the application. If applicable, an additional translation of this document (done by an authorised translator, signed and stamped) should be submitted. 2.1.1 Name and Address In case the applicant is not a company but a natural person, please enter the full name as it appears in the ID Card or Passport and enter the address of registry. A copy of the person’s ID Card or Passport needs to be provided with the first application. 2.1.2 Contact Person 2.2.1 Financial Address Field 2.2.2 Contact Person Field 3 Identification of Activity Field 4.1 Applicability Field 4.2 Prototype Aircraft Information CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Self-explanatory. Provide the (company) name and address specified in this section which will be printed on the CAD demand note(s). A (company) name deviating from the one entered in section 2.1.1 can only be accepted by CAD upon justified request. A written statement, signed and stamped, from the legal entity (third party) which is taking financial responsibility to pay the charges is to be submitted together with the application. Provide the name and contact details of the person that will be contacted for all issues connected with the CAD acknowledgement of receipt letter /demand note(s). Self-explanatory. Self-explanatory. Self-explanatory. Page 5 of 7 Field 4.3 Certification Basis Identify the original HKCAD certification basis for the aircraft as recorded in Type Certificate Data Sheet in field 4.1. Identify the applicable airworthiness code proposed to be used for CAD certification. For example: CS-25 Amendment 10. Field 5.1 Issuing Authority Field 5.2 CAA Contact Field 5.3 CAA Request Reference Field 5.4 STC No. Field 5.5 Revision/Amendment No. Field 5.6 Issue Date Field 6.1 Title Field 6.2 Description Field 6.3 Affected Areas Field 6.4 PSCP / CP Field 6.5 Compliance Summary Document CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Provide a list of all Certification Review Items (CRI) or Issue Papers (IP). Provide the name of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that issues the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). Provide name, position, telephone no., fax no., e-mail address and mailing address of the person from the CAA that issues the STC. Provide the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) reference for VSTC. For example: EASA request project number 0010020011 or FAA letter dated 2 January 2013 Self-explanatory. Provide the STC revision /amendment number. Provide the issue date of the STC. Provide a title of the design change not exceeding 40 characters. Provide a brief description of the design change. Identify all parts of the type design and the approved manuals affected by the design change, and the certification specifications and environmental protection requirements with which the change has been designed. Self- explanatory. Submit this application form together with a copy of Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP)/Certification Programme (CP) which addresses the identification and planning of the certification activities necessary for the grant of the STC. See Field 9. Self- explanatory. Submit this application form together with a copy of compliance summary document which lists out all compliance summary statements or compliance reports for affected certification basis, such as flammability report, stress analysis etc. See Field 9. Page 6 of 7 Field 7.1 Design Organisation Approval or equivalent Provide the name of the approval issuing authority. Provide the type of Design Organisation Approval or equivalent. For example: EASA Design Organisation Approval (DOA) or FAA Organisation Designation Approval (ODA) Submit this application form together with a copy of Approval of Design Organisation. See Field 9. Field 8 Fee Information Provide the approval number of the organisation. A deposit of HK$15,000 is required for each application. Payment may be made by: 1. crossed cheque in Hong Kong Dollars (HK$) payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region”; or 2. bank draft in Hong Kong Dollars (HK$) in favour of “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” and drawn on bank located in Hong Kong. Field 9 Applicant’s Declaration CAD Form 33A DCA 539 (12/2015) Self-explanatory. Page 7 of 7