SCHOOL CHILD PROTECTION CHECKLIST SCHOOL CHILD PROTECTION CHECKLIST CORE CHILD PROTECTION SELF REVIEW Please cross reference to the ACPC Child Protection Procedures for Brighton & Hove, Dfes Safeguarding Children in Education September 2004 and What To Do If you Think a Child is Being Abused Standard/Criteria Question 1. School has Child Protection Policy which is ACPC compliant a) Does the School Child Protection Policy make reference to the ACPC procedures? b) Does the School Child Protection Policy follow ACPC recommendations? c) Does the school review the Child Protection Policy annually? d) Are parents made aware of the school’s child protection policy? Is the standard met? YES 2. School has a named designated teacher a) Who is the named designated teacher for child protection? _____________________________ b) Is the name of the designated teacher for child protection known to all staff? Is their name submitted annually to the LEA? NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How is the child protection policy monitored and evaluated? How is the LEA involved in developing/ reviewing the child protection policy? How do you ensure coverage in case of absence? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question Is the standard met? 3. Designated teacher has received Child Protection training within the last 2 years a) Has the designated teacher for child protection received training for designated teachers within the last 2 years? b) Has the deputy designated teacher for child protection (in case of absence) received training? c) Is a central training record/attendance certificate kept? 4. Some Governing Bodies have found it helpful to have a lead child protection governor a) Is there a lead governor for child protection? What is their name? ___________________________ b) Is the name of the governor for child protection known to all governors and staff? c) Is their name submitted annually to the LEA? How will their role be monitored and evaluated? 5. Training for governors on child protection a) Has a member of the Governing Body received child protection training? b) If the Governing Body has a lead governor for child protection, have they received training within the last 2 years? c) Is a training record/attendance certificate kept? How has the training been disseminated to other governors? YES NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How has the training been disseminated to staff in school? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question Is the standard met? 6. School supports or facilitates appropriate child protection training for all staff a) Have all staff in the school received child protection update training this year? b) Does the school have a central record of child protection training delivered to all staff? 7. Attendance at multi disciplinary ACPC training a) Have key staff attended ACPC multi disciplinary training? b) Is a central school record kept of this training? Is the training disseminated to staff? a) Is there a policy for safe recruitment? b) Is the policy available for inspection? c) Is the policy compatible with LEA procedures? d) Is the policy monitored annually for effectiveness e) Does the policy include volunteers? How is the safe recruitment policy monitored and reviewed? YES 8. School has a safe recruitment policy NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How is the effectiveness of the training monitored and evaluated? How is the effectiveness of the training monitored and evaluated? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question 9. Training on safe recruitment procedures (Bichard Inquiry recommendations 16,17 and 18) a) Have the headteacher and school governors received training on how to ensure that interviews to appoint staff reflect the importance of safeguarding children? b) Are there procedures in school to review the school’s selection and recruitment arrangements? c) When were the arrangements last reviewed? d) Is a copy of the findings available? e) Are they effective? Is the standard met? YES 10. School includes Child Protection and safeguarding within all staff induction programmes a) Does staff induction include child protection? b) Are supply staff and other volunteers informed about child protection? c) Is a central record maintained of attendance at child protection training as part of induction? d) Is induction recorded on individual staff training records? NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school From a date no interview panel to appoint staff working in schools should be convened without at least one member being properly trained. The relevant inspection bodies should as part of their inspection review the existence and effectiveness of a school’s selection and recruitment arrangements. How is the effectiveness of the child protection induction training reviewed? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question 11. School has clear policy for managing allegations against staff a) Is there a policy for managing allegations against staff? b) Is the policy known/given to all staff? c) Is it compliant with ACPC procedures? d) Is it monitored annually for effectiveness? Is the standard met? YES Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How is the policy monitored and reviewed? Follow up action/ recommendation Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How is the policy monitored and reviewed? Follow up action/ recommendation NO WIDER SAFEGUARDING SCHOOL SELF REVIEW Standard/Criteria Question 12. School “Whistleblowing” Policy a) Is there a policy in place for whistle blowing? b) Are staff aware of this policy? c) Is the policy monitored annually for effectiveness? Is the standard met? YES NO Standard/Criteria Question 13. School Attendance policy is protective and promotes and safeguards the welfare of pupils a) The policy includes first day contact? b) Vulnerable pupils such as Looked After Children (LAC) or Child Protection Register (CPR) are identified and monitored? c) Education Welfare Service (EWS) are alerted to migratory, missing or removed children? d) Are there procedures to identify and respond to post registration truancy? a) Anti bullying guidance is in place? b) The guidance identifies vulnerable or minority groups? c) There are procedures in place for managing and reporting incidents? d) Preventative strategies are used? Is the standard met? YES 14. Anti Bullying Guidance promotes and safeguards pupils and takes account of minority groups and issues NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How are staff made aware of the importance of monitoring attendance to safeguard children? How are the results of anti bullying surveys used to improve practice? 15. Behaviour and discipline policy a) Is there a behaviour and discipline policy in place? b) Is the policy cross-referenced with child protection? c) Is the policy monitored and reviewed annually? How does the monitoring and review of incidents inform and improve child protection practice? 16. Physical Contact and Restraint a) Is there a policy on physical contact and restraint? b) Is the policy cross referenced to child protection and safe practice? c) Is it monitored and reviewed annually How does the monitoring and review of restraint inform and improve child protection practice? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question Is the standard met? 17. Equal Opportunities and diversity guidance a) Does the Child Protection Policy recognise that the welfare principle is paramount and that child abuse occurs in all cultures, ethnic groups and social strata? 18. Special Education Needs (SEN) Policy a) Does the SEN policy recognise that children with special needs are more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation? How does the monitoring and review of SEN inform and improve child protection practice? 19. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Policy a) Does the PSHE policy include opportunities to discuss child protection? How does the PSHE curriculum help to safeguard children? 20. Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) Policy a) Does the SRE Policy contain guidance on confidentiality and dealing with under age sexual activity and disclosure? How is the SRE and confidentiality policy monitored and evaluated? 21. School visits policy/procedure a) Does the school visits policy/procedure b) link to child protection? c) Are there child protection referral routes for off site visits? How can you use the review of a school visit to improve and develop child protection procedures? YES NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school How does the monitoring and review of equal opportunities inform and improve child protection practice? Follow up action/ recommendation Standard/Criteria Question 22. Administration of medicines and first aid policy a) Is there a procedure for the administration of medicines and first aid? b) Is the procedure regularly reviewed? c) Is it compliant with LEA, DOH and DfES policy? 23. Use of images of children policy a) Does the school have a system/procedure for the use of images of children? b) Is the procedure regularly reviewed? Is the standard met? YES NO Comments Quality Assurance questions to be actioned by the school What are the back up systems should the first aider not be present? How are parents/carers informed about the procedure? How is the procedure reinforced at school events? Follow up action/ recommendation