HSE HSEP0919 - Stormwater and Sewerage Management Table of Content 1 2 3 4 5 6 OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................ 2 PROCESS DETAIL................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 New Systems 2 2.2 Existing Systems 2 2.3 Planning for Management of Stormwater Systems 2 2.4 Carrying Out Management 3 2.5 Permits Requirements 4 2.6 Statutory Requirement 4 2.7 Evaluate Present Situation 4 2.8 Planning for Management of Sewage Treatment Plants and Septic Systems 5 2.9 Carrying Out Management 6 2.10 Maintenance 6 2.11 Decommissioning 6 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................ 6 DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................... 7 RELATED DOCUMENTS & RESOURCES ............................................................................... 7 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................. 7 Hydro Tasmania Document Owner(s): OH&S Manager; Environment Manager Approver: Manager – Sustainability and Safety Revision 4 Revision Date: 9th May 2012 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision 1 Revision: 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 OBJECTIVES This procedure describe the management of Hydro Tasmania’s stormwater systems, sewage treatment plants and septic tanks. Many of Hydro Tasmania’s sites are remote from council reticulated sewage and stormwater services. This means that the organisation must take responsibility for management of its own sewage and stormwater. This procedure aims to guide and assist with that management. The procedure covers all management of stormwater for which Hydro Tasmania is responsible. This includes sewage treatment plants, septic tanks and aerated waste water treatment systems (AWTS). 2 PROCESS DETAIL Description STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 2.1 New The need or otherwise for a stormwater system is assessed Systems as part of the environmental impact assessment as described in HSEP0301 - Hazard Identification and Risk Management . The assessment must include consideration of the following: (a) council requirements, (b) potential contaminants (e.g. oil, fuel, chemicals or silt), and (c) adverse effects of erosion, flooding or physical damage to structures. 2.2 Existing If a stormwater system exists, the relevant manager must Systems assess any planned changes to the site to ensure that any impact on the stormwater system is taken into account. If system changes are needed, they are designed in accordance with findings (e.g., council sewer, stormwater) per council and operational requirements. 2.3 Planning A standard process must be in place for maintenance, for Management monitoring, inspection and verification of stormwater of Stormwater systems. Systems 2.3.1 Triggers A site specific management plan for a stormwater system for a Specific must be developed within six months of either of the Management Plan following events in relation to that system, where such a management plan will assist in preventing or correcting the event: Procedure Responsibility Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager 1. Occurrence of an environmental incident with a severity rating of minor or higher; or 2. Noting of a major non-conformance. A site specific management plan must also be developed if, Page 2 of 7 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision Procedure 2.3.2 Planning Considerations Revision: 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 Description in the opinion of the Environmental Operations Manager, the system poses a risk of moderate or higher (HSEP0301 Hazard Identification and Risk Management) and a management plan would assist in ameliorating that risk. Any management plan that is developed must follow the process set out in HSEP0301 - Hazard Identification and Risk Management , where appropriate, and should also consider the following: a) Ensure that the person/s performing work on the system have appropriate levels of training and competency. b) Ensure necessary internal and external authorisations are obtained (e.g Permit or Authority to Work, Council Planning or Building permits, and Specialised Work Control Systems such as Confined Space permits. For external permits, refer HSEP0201 - Legal and Other Requirements). c) Include planning considerations "checklists" as necessary for the operation of the system (e.g. maintenance, monitoring, inspections). d) Detail nature of materials or substances likely to be encountered at the site (e.g. oils, sediment, sewage), to allow for proper consideration of handling, and emergency preparedness. e) Include a safety plan as necessary. f) Ensure clean-up provision in place. g) Plan for maintenance, monitoring, inspection and verification requirements. h) Waste management. i) Validation. j) Requirements for records as evidence. k) Any other items considered relevant. Responsibility Environmental Operations Manager The layout and design of the system must be appropriately recorded on site plans and associated documentation. Any emergency plans for stormwater systems must be prepared in accordance with HSEP1201 - Emergency Management. 2.4 Carrying Out Management 2.4.1 General The person responsible for managing the stormwater Requirement system must take such steps as are practicable or reasonable to prevent or minimise environmental harm or environmental nuisance caused, or likely to be caused, by Environmental Operations Manager Page 3 of 7 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision Procedure 2.4.2 Where a Plan Exists 2.4.3 Where There is no Existing Plan Revision: 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 Description that activity. Any existing instruction or plan relating to a particular system is to be complied with. Where there is no existing management plan for the stormwater system, the standard maintenance, monitoring, inspection and verification processes are to be followed. 2.4.4 Waste Waste management is to be carried out in accordance with Management Procedure HSEP0914 - Resource Use and Waste Management. 2.4.5 Record On the basis of the operation being performed, and any Requirements statutory or regulatory requirements, the type of records necessary are defined, and who is responsible for initiating and completing them. These instructions are included as part of the standard maintenance, monitoring, inspection and verification processes. Records required may include: a) The amount of contaminants removed. b) The type of contaminants removed. c) When inspections have been carried out. d) When maintenance or a change to the system has been made. 2.4.6 After The The persons responsible for inspections, maintenance and Work Is monitoring will ensure verifications that have been specified Completed in Work Instructions, Procedures, or Plans have been satisfactorily completed, and required records are filed in the appropriate location. SEWERAGE MANAGEMENT 2.5 Permits External permit requirements for sewerage systems, Requirements including sewage treatment plants and septic tanks, must be met, in accordance with Procedure HSEP0201- Legal and Other Requirements. 2.6 Statutory All reasonable and practical measures must be used to Requirement reduce the incidence and effect of overflows from sewerage systems. 2.7 Evaluate The acceptability or otherwise of present sewage treatment Present plants or septic systems is assessed as part of HSEF0301.1 Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan (EIA EMP) Situation form, with consideration of any relevant regulations, standards, or codes, including AS/NZS 1547:2000 On-site Domestic wastewater Management. Responsibility Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Page 4 of 7 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision Revision: 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 Description 2.8 Planning for Management of Sewage Treatment Plants and Septic Systems 2.8.1 Generic A standard process must be in place for maintenance, Management monitoring, inspection and verification of sewage treatment plants and septic systems. Processes must be in accordance with local government requirements and permit conditions and should include, but are not limited to, the following monitoring and response planning as relevant: Procedure 2.8.2 Triggers for a Specific Management Plan Responsibility Environmental Operations Manager 1. outfall monitoring (for septic systems, this should include inspection of the effluent soakage drain from the tank to ensure that there is no liquid on the surface) 2. annual inspections of septic systems 3. bacterial monitoring of adjacent stormwater systems to check for leakage 4. monitoring of system inputs against legal requirements 5. monitoring of odour, vegetation control, earthwork stability, maintenance of access restrictions and other as appropriate 6. (for septic systems) monitoring and maintenance of any attached trickle filter feed systems or disinfection systems. 7. plan for fast response to loss of flow 8. maintaining appropriate records of maintenance, monitoring, inspection and verification, including waste management activities such as pumping, in accordance with Procedure HSEP0801- Document and Records Management. A site specific management plan for a sewage treatment Environmental plant or septic system must be developed within six months Operations of either of the following events in relation to that system, Manager where such a management plan will assist in preventing or correcting the event: 1. Occurrence of an environmental incident with a severity rating of minor or higher; or 2. Noting of a major non-conformance. A site specific management plan must also be developed if, in the opinion of the Environmental Operations Manager, the system poses a risk of moderate or higher (HSEP0301 – Hazard Identification and Risk Management) and a management plan would assist in ameliorating that risk. Page 5 of 7 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision Revision: 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 Description 2.9 Carrying Out Management 2.10 Maintena If the septic system becomes fully loaded and is not nce functioning properly, it is pumped out. Australian Standard AS1547:2000 recommends pumping out at 3 – 5 year intervals or when scum and sludge occupies 2/3 of the volume of the tank. This is based on normal domestic usage rates. Septic tanks attached to facilities such as power stations may have very low usage rates and will require less frequent pump outs. Otherwise, maintenance is performed as situations that need such action occur. Procedure Aerated systems are maintained at regular intervals as required. 2.11 Decommissioning 2.11.1 Sewage Plans are formulated for decommissioning of sewage Treatment Plants treatment plants when the need arises. 2.11.2 Septic Tanks Options should conform to local council requirements. These may be: a) Pump out and remove tank entirely (preferred option). b) Pump out, remove lid and fill the tank with sand, crushed rock, or soil. c) Pump out and fill the tank with cement slurry (only practical for small tanks). Responsibility Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Environmental Operations Manager Rehabilitate the area in conformance with the required land use. Advise local Council of the change made to the drainage system. 3 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Competency requirements Persons involved in developing generic management processes and specific management plans must have an understanding of relevant Australian Standards and local government requirements. Page 6 of 7 HSEP0919 – Stormwater and Sewerage Management HSE Revision: 4 CAUTION: Printed document is uncontrolled - Make sure you are using the current revision 4 Print Date: 06/02/2016 DEFINITIONS INSPECTION Planned site observations of the physical components of the system. MAINTENANCE Planned activities that ensure the ongoing performance of the stormwater system. MONITORING (in relation to Stormwater) Recording the amount of contaminants that are removed from the physical system, e.g. vegetation, silt etc. MONITORING (in relation to Sewerage Systems) The testing of the outfalls, etc STORMWATER SYSTEM The means of physically collecting, diverting and managing stormwater. Precipitation runoff from human-made buildings and structures, particularly where there is a high risk of contamination of runoff. A system of sewers. Sewage disposal whether by septic tank, AWTS or sewer system The exit point from the system. STORMWATER SEWERAGE SYSTEM OUTFALL 5 RELATED DOCUMENTS & RESOURCES HSEP0301 - Hazard Identification and Risk Management HSEF0301.1 - Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan (EIA EMP) form Procedure Outputs: 6 Documented generic management processes Maintenance records Specific management plans as required REVISION HISTORY Revision number 1 Revision date Detailed revision description Reviewed by Approved by 12 Dec 2005 replaces procedures EM-M14 Sewerage Management and EM-P09 Stormwater Management Environment and Sustainability Manager 2 18 February 2008 Updated roles and responsibilities based on Hydro Tasmania Environmental Plan June 2007- June 2010 Business Sustainability Manager 3 10 April 2011 Updated to reflect new organizational structure as well as incorporating Momentum Energy into the Scope of the ESMS Sustainability and Safety Manager 4 9th May 2012 Converted to HSE system template B. Lunstedt Sustainability and Safety Manager Page 7 of 7