Environment Agency

(Official user only)
Pre-consent reference no.
PRE-CONSENT APPLICATION FORM in accordance with Article 14(1) of
Regulation EC 1013/2006 (“the Regulation”)
Please read through the guidance notes
before you fill in the form.
Please write your answers clearly in the
spaces provided on the form.
Who may apply for pre-consent status
The Environment Agency may issue preconsent to those recovery facilities operating
under its jurisdiction.
The person entitled to submit an application
for pre-consent recovery status must be
either the permit holder or a duly authorised
person on behalf of the permit holder for the
facility where the waste recovery operation
takes place.
Completion and submission
Applications must be submitted in writing
using the form. Completed applications must
be submitted to the Environment Agency:
Or alternatively:
International Waste Shipments Team
Environment Agency
Richard Fairclough House
Knutsford Road
What information is required
The following information must be provided
within the application form –
1. Applicant details – Insert company
name and the company’s registration
number, address and contact details.
2. Recovery facility details – Insert details
of the address and contact details of the
recovery facility where the pre- consent
operation(s) will be carried out. If the
application is for a renewal or
modification, provide the existing preconsent reference number.
3. Wastes applied for under pre-consent
List details of waste types to be accepted
for recovery under pre-consent: the
Basel/OECD codes (where applicable),
EWC codes and quantity/yr.
4. Recovery operations applied for under
pre-consent – Identify which recovery
operations apply to the pre-consent: the
recovery code, the technology employed
and the environmental permit(s) to which
it relates.
5. Signature, date and designation –
Make sure the document is signed and
dated by the permit holder for the
recovery site or someone who is
authorised to do so on his behalf. State
the position held by the signatory in the
Further information deemed relevant to the
application may be submitted as an annex.
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(Official user only)
Pre-consent reference no.
Assessment of the application
All applications received will be assigned a
unique reference number which will be
notified to you in writing. Following receipt of
your application an initial assessment will be
carried out to determine whether it is
complete for processing. Incomplete
applications will be returned for amendment.
You should receive our decision in writing
normally within 2 months of the date of
receipt of a complete application.
Pre-consent Certificates
Approval of the pre-consent will be confirmed
in writing by issue of a signed Certificate. The
pre-consent will be valid for up to 10 years
from the date of issue, unless revoked before
the pre-consent expires.
All pre-consents issued are reported annually
through DEFRA’s hazardous waste division
to the European Commission who will publish
the details of your facility and pre-consent on
its website.
Renewal or Modification of pre-consent
Applications to renew or modify an existing
pre-consent issued under the above
Regulation must be submitted to the
Environment Agency in writing using the
application form and providing the preconsent reference number in section 2.
Assessment of the application to renew or
modify the pre-consent will take place in the
same manner, and within the same time
scales, as an application for the original issue
of a pre-consent.
The Data Protection Act 1998
We, the Environment Agency, will process
the information you provide so that we can
deal with your application, make sure you
keep to the conditions of the licence, permit
or registration and process renewals.
We may also process or release the
information to:
 offer you documents or services
relating to environmental matters;
 consult the public, public
organisations and other
organisations (for example, the
Health and Safety Executive, local
authorities, the emergency services,
the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs) on
environmental issues;
 carry out research and development
work on environmental issues;
 prevent anyone from breaking
environmental law, investigate cases
where environmental law may have
been broken, and take any action
that is needed;
 assess whether customers are
satisfied with our service and to
improve our service; and
 respond to requests for information
under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 (if the
Data Protection Act allows).
We may pass the information on to our
agents or representatives to do these things
for us.
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(Official user only)
Pre-consent reference no.
1. Name of applicant
Company Name:
Registration No:
Contact person:
2. Recovery facility
Existing pre-consent reference no. (If applicable):
Contact person:
3. Wastes applied for under pre-consent
Waste description
(Tonnes or m3)
Total quantity/yr
4. Recovery operations applied for under pre-consent
Recovery Description of
technology employed
Issue date
5. Signed:
Expiry date
(If applicable)
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